Publications for Greg Falk 2016

Publications for Greg Falk
Publications for Greg Falk
ore Information]</a>
Furtado, R., Beasley, W., Mastrocostas, K., Falk,
G. (2015). Oesophageal haematoma
masquerading as cardiac ischaemia. ANZ Journal
of Surgery, 85(10), 790-791. <a
re Information]</a>
Atie, M., Dunn, G., Falk, G. (2016). Chlyous
leak after radical oesophagectomy: Thoracic duct
lymphangiography and embolisation (TDE)-A
case report. International Journal of Surgery
Case Reports, 23, 12-16. <a
02">[More Information]</a>
Furtado, R., Le Page, P., Dunn, G., Falk, G.
(2016). High rate of common bile duct stones
and postoperative abscess following
percutaneous cholecystostomy. Annals of the
Royal College of Surgeons of England, 98(2),
102-106. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Falk, G., Vivian, S. (2016). Laryngopharyngeal
reflux: diagnosis, treatment and latest research.
European Surgery, 48(2), 74-91. <a
5-5">[More Information]</a>
Falk, M., Van Der Wall, H., Falk, G. (2015).
Differences between scintigraphic reflux studies
in gastrointestinal reflux disease and
laryngopharyngeal reflux disease and correlation
with symptoms. Nuclear Medicine
Communications, 36(6), 625-630. <a
00000289">[More Information]</a>
Le Page, P., Furtado, R., Hayward, M., Law, S.,
Tan, A., Vivian, S., Van der Wall, H., Falk, G.
(2015). Durability of giant hiatus hernia repair in
455 patients over 20 years. Annals of the Royal
College of Surgeons of England, 97(3), 188-193.
55925060839">[More Information]</a>
Falk, G. (2015). Early hiatal hernia recurrence
rates. Journal of the American College of
Surgeons, 220(5), 968-968. <a
14.12.021">[More Information]</a>
Falk, G., D'Netto, T. (2015). Hiatal repair to
reduce dysphagia in patients with impaired
oesophageal motility having 360°fundoplication:
the posterior 'sling' repair. European Surgery,
47(6), 346-349. <a
1-7">[More Information]</a>
Furtado, R., D'Netto, T., Hook, H., Falk, G.,
Vivian, S. (2015). Massive hiatus hernia
complicated by jaundice. Journal of Surgical
Case Reports, 7, 1-2. <a
Brown, T., D'Netto, T., Falk, G., Phillips, S.
(2015). Paravertebral Catheter Placement, Under
Direct Vision, for Postthoracotomy Analgesia.
Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and
Percutaneous Techniques, 25(6), e170-e171. <a
0000203">[More Information]</a>
Naoum, C., Puranik, R., Falk, G., Yiannikas, J.,
Kritharides, L. (2015). Postprandial left atrial
filling is impaired in patients with large hiatal
hernia and improves following surgical repair.
International Journal of Cardiology, 182,
291-293. <a
133">[More Information]</a>
Furtado, R., Beasley, W., Falk, G., Joseph, D.
(2015). Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis. Retina,
85(6), 491-492.
Falk, G., Beattie, J., Ing, A., Falk, S., Magee, M.,
Burton, L., Van Der Wall, H. (2015).
Scintigraphy in laryngopharyngeal and
gastroesophageal reflux disease: A definitive
diagnostic test? World Journal of
Gastroenterology, 21(12), 3619-3627. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Falk, G. (2015). Stenting in the Neoadjuvant
Setting. American College of Surgeons. Journal,
D'Netto, T., Falk, G. (2014). A Technique for the
Laparoscopic Repair of Paraoesophageal Hernia
Without Mesh. Journal of Gastrointestinal
Surgery, 18(4), 851-857. <a
7-9">[More Information]</a>
Sivakumaran, Y., Le Page, P., Becerril-Martinez,
G., Beasley, W., Anderson, L., Joseph, D., Falk,
G. (2014). IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis:
the cholangiocarcinoma mimic. ANZ Journal of
Surgery, 84(6), 486-487. <a
re Information]</a>
Naoum, C., Kritharides, L., Thomas, L., Ng, A.,
Ridley, L., Falk, G., Yiannikas, J. (2014).
Modulation of phasic left atrial function and left
ventricular filling in patients with extrinsic left
atrial compression by hiatal hernia. International
Journal of Cardiology, 176(3), 1176-1178. <a
Publications for Greg Falk
249">[More Information]</a>
Furtado, R., Le Page, P., Falk, G. (2013).
'Pantaloon' diaphragmatic hernia masquerading
as a paraoesophageal hiatal hernia. ANZ Journal
of Surgery, 83(12), 994-995. <a
re Information]</a>
Gibson, S., Wong, S., Dixon, A., Falk, G. (2013).
Laparoscopic repair of giant hiatus hernia:
prosthesis is not required for successful outcome.
Surgical Endoscopy, 27(2), 618-623. <a
1-3">[More Information]</a>
Falk, G., Gibson, S., Le Page, P. (2013). Letter to
the editor. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery,
17(8), 1538-1539. <a
1-3">[More Information]</a>
D'Netto, T., Phillips, S., Falk, G. (2012).
Laparoscopic image(s) of pneumothorax in
repair of massive hiatus hernia. ANZ Journal of
Surgery, 82(11), 848-848. <a
2.06266.x">[More Information]</a>
Falk, G., Chan, B., Falk, S. (2012). Primary
repair of giant hiatus hernia is satisfactory
without mesh: early results of a method revisited.
Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced
Surgical Techniques Parts A & B, 22(8),
748-752. <a
[More Information]</a>
Kelty, C., Falk, G. (2011). Anti-reflux surgery
does not remove cancer risk in Barretts
esophagus. Surgical Endoscopy, 25(12),
3948-3498. <a
8-4">[More Information]</a>
Falk, G., Naoum, C., Yiannikas, J. (2011).
Exercise-Induced Left Atrial Compression by a
Hiatus Hernia. Journal of the American College
of Cardiology, 58(14), e27-e27. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Zhu, J., Becerril, G., Marasovic, K., Ing, A.,
Falk, G. (2011). Laparoscopic repair of large
hiatal hernia: impact on dyspnoea. Surgical
Endoscopy: surgical and interventional
techniques, 25(11), 3620-3626. <a
8-0">[More Information]</a>
Naoum, C., Falk, G., Ng, A., Lu, T., Ridley, L.,
Ing, A., Kritharides, L., Yiannikas, J. (2011).
Left atrial compression and the mechanism of
exercise impairment in patients with a large
hiatal hernia. Journal of the American College of
Cardiology, 58(15), 1624-1634. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Phillips, S., Falk, G. (2011). Surgical tension
pneumothorax during laparoscopic repair of
massive hiatus hernia: a different situation
requiring different management. Anaesthesia and
Intensive Care, 39(6), 1120-1123. <a
&list_uids=22165368">[More Information]</a>
Kelty, C., Kennedy, C., Falk, G. (2010). Ratio of
Metastatic Lymph Nodes to Total Number of
Nodes Resected is Prognostic for Survival in
Esophageal Carcinoma. Journal of Thoracic
Oncology, 5(9), 1467-1471. <a
e8f6b1">[More Information]</a>
Smithers, B., Fahey, P., Corish, T., Gotley, D.,
Falk, G., Smith, G., Kiroff, G., Clouston, A.,
Watson, D., Whiteman, D. (2010). Symptoms,
Investigations and Management of Patients with
Cancer of the Oesophagus and
Gastro-Oesophageal Junction in Australia.
Medical Journal of Australia, 193(10), 572-577.
&list_uids=21077812">[More Information]</a>
Martin, D., Church, N., Kennedy, C., Falk, G.
(2008). Does systematic 2-field
lymphadenectomy for esophageal malignancy
offer a survival advantage? Results from 178
consecutive patients. Diseases of the Esophagus,
21(7), 612-618. <a
8.00826.x">[More Information]</a>
Smith, G., Hazebroek, E., Eckstein, R., Berry,
H., Smith, W., Isaacson, J., Falk, G., Martin, C.
(2008). Evaluation of DualMesh for repair of
large hiatus hernia in a porcine model. Surgical
Endoscopy: surgical and interventional
techniques, 22(7), 1625-1631. <a
9-y">[More Information]</a>
Ray, C., Kelty, C., Falk, G. (2008). Laparoscopic
re-operation for splenunculus facilitation by
hookwire localisation. Annals of the Royal
College of Surgeons of England, 90(4), 344-345.
Publications for Greg Falk
&list_uids=18521982">[More Information]</a>
Kelty, C., Falk, G. (2007). The case against mesh
repairs in hiatal surgery. Annals of the Royal
College of Surgeons of England, 89, 479-481.
Leibman, S., Hollinshead, J., Falk, G., Debru, E.,
Dawson, A., Glen, L., Richardson, M. (2005).
Does routine intraoperative cholangiography
prevent bile duct transection? Surgical
Endoscopy: surgical and interventional
techniques, 19(4), 589-593. <a
1-6">[More Information]</a>
Smith, G., Isaacson, J., Draganic, B., Baladas,
H., Falk, G. (2004). Symptomatic And
Radiological Follow-Up After Para-Esophageal
Hernia Repair. Diseases of the Esophagus, 17(4),