Publications for Nicholas Glozier 2016

Publications for Nicholas Glozier
Publications for Nicholas Glozier
Brouwers, E., Mathijssen, J., Van Bortel, T.,
Knifton, L., Wahlbeck, K., Van Audenhove, C.,
Kadri, N., Chang, C., Goud, B., Glozier, N., et al
(2016). Discrimination in the workplace,
reported by people with major depressive
disorder: A cross-sectional study in 35 countries.
BMJ Open, 6(2), 1-8. <a
09961">[More Information]</a>
Christensen, H., Batterham, P., Gosling, J.,
Ritterband, L., Griffiths, K., Thorndike, F.,
Glozier, N., O'Dea, B., Hickie, I., Mackinnon, A.
(2016). Effectiveness of an online insomnia
program (SHUTi) for prevention of depressive
episodes (the GoodNight Study): a randomised
controlled trial. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3(4),
333-341. <a
00536-2">[More Information]</a>
Xu, Y., Hackett, M., Carter, G., Loo, C., Galvez,
V., Glozier, N., Glue, P., Lapidus, K., McGirr,
A., Somogyi, A., Rodgers, A., et al (2016).
Effects of Low-Dose and Very Low-Dose
Ketamine among Patients with Major
Depression: A Systematic Review and
Meta-Analysis. International Journal of
Neuropsychopharmacology, 19(4), 1-15. <a
More Information]</a>
Agampodi, T., Agampodi, S., Glozier, N.,
Siribaddana, S. (2016). Exploring beyond norms:
social capital of pregnant women in Sri Lanka as
a factor influencing health. SpringerPlus, 5(1),
1-7. <a
3-2">[More Information]</a>
Thilakanathan, D., Calvo, R., Chen, S., Nepal,
S., Glozier, N. (2016). Facilitating Secure
Sharing of Personal Health Data in the Cloud.
JMIR Medical Informatics, 4(2), 1-18. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Sivertsen, B., Glozier, N., Harvey, A., Hysing,
M. (2015). Academic performance in adolescents
with delayed sleep phase. Sleep Medicine, 16(9),
1084-1090. <a
11">[More Information]</a>
Biddle, D., Robillard, R., Hermens, D., Hickie,
I., Glozier, N. (2015). Accuracy of self-reported
sleep parameters compared with actigraphy in
young people with mental ill-health. Sleep
Health, 1, 214-220. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Robillard, R., Hermens, D., Naismith, S., White,
D., Rogers, N., Ip, T., Mullin, S., Alvares, G.,
Guastella, A., Smith, K., Whitwell, B., Southan,
J., Glozier, N., Scott, E., Hickie, I., et al (2015).
Ambulatory sleep-wake patterns and variability
in young people with emerging mental disorders.
Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 40(1),
28-37. <a
ore Information]</a>
Scott, E., Hermens, D., White, D., Naismith, S.,
GeHue, J., Whitwell, B., Glozier, N., Hickie, I.
(2015). Body mass, cardiovascular risk and
metabolic characteristics of young persons
presenting for mental healthcare in Sydney,
Australia. BMJ Open, 5(3), 1-8. <a
07066">[More Information]</a>
Masi, A., Quintana, D., Glozier, N., Lloyd, A.,
Hickie, I., Guastella, A. (2015). Cytokine
aberrations in autism spectrum disorder: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. Molecular
Psychiatry, 20(4), 440-446. <a
More Information]</a>
Purcell, R., Jorm, A., Hickie, I., Yung, A.,
Pantelis, C., Aminger, G., Glozier, N., Killackey,
E., Phillips, L., Wood, S., Scott, E., Hermens, D.,
Guastella, A., Kenyon, A., Nichles, A.,
Zmicerevska, N., et al (2015). Demographic and
clinical characteristics of young people seeking
help at youth mental health services: baseline
findings of the Transitions Study. Early
Intervention in Psychiatry, 9(6), 487-497. <a
re Information]</a>
Martiniuk, A., Chen, H., Glozier, N., Patton, G.,
Senserrick, T., Williamson, A., Woodward, M.,
Ivers, R. (2015). High alcohol use a strong and
significant risk factor for repetitive self-harm in
female and male youth: A prospective cohort
study. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol
Abuse, 41(5), 465-473. <a
1062023">[More Information]</a>
Madden, R., Glozier, N., Fortune, E., Dyson, M.,
Gilroy, J., Bundy, A., Llewellyn, G.,
Salvador-Carulla, L., Lukersmith, S., Mpofu, E.,
Madden, R. (2015). In Search of an Integrative
Measure of Functioning. International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health,
12(6), 5815-5832. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Agampodi, S., Agampodi, S., Glozier, N.,
Siribaddana, S. (2015). Measurement of social
Publications for Nicholas Glozier
capital in relation to health in low and middle
income countries (LMIC): A systematic review.
Social Science and Medicine, 128, 95-104. <a
.01.005">[More Information]</a>
Masi, A., Lampit, A., Glozier, N., Hickie, I.,
Guastella, A. (2015). Predictors of placebo
response in pharmacological and dietary
supplement treatment trials in pediatric autism
disorder: a meta-analysis. Translational
Psychiatry, 5, 1-9. <a
More Information]</a>
Hoyos, C., Glozier, N., Marshall, N. (2015).
Recent Evidence on Worldwide Trends on Sleep
Duration. Current Sleep Medicine Reports, 1(4),
195-204. <a
4-x">[More Information]</a>
Howlin, P., Arciuli, J., Begeer, S., Brock, J.,
Clarke, K., Costley, D., Di Rita, P., Falkmer, T.,
Glozier, N., Gray, K., Guastella, A., Horstead,
S., Rice, L., Stancliffe, R., West, S., Yam, C.,
Einfeld, S. (2015). Research on adults with
autism spectrum disorder: Roundtable report.
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental
Disability, 40(5), 388-393. <a
1064343">[More Information]</a>
Purcell, R., Harrigan, S., Glozier, N., Amminger,
P., Yung, A. (2015). Self reported rates of
criminal offending and victimization in young
people at-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia
Research, 166(1), 3. <a
024">[More Information]</a>
Morris, B., Thorndike, F., Ritterband, L.,
Glozier, N., Dunn, J., Chambers, S. (2015). Sleep
disturbance in cancer patients and caregivers
who contact telephone-based help services.
Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(4), 1113-1120. <a
8-y">[More Information]</a>
Cockayne, N., Christensen, H., Griffiths, K.,
Naismith, S., Hickie, I., Thorndike, F.,
Ritterband, L., Glozier, N. (2015). The Sleep Or
Mood Novel Adjunctive therapy (SOMNA) trial:
a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
evaluating an internet-delivered cognitive
behavioural therapy program for insomnia on
outcomes of standard treatment for depression in
men. BMC Psychiatry, 15(1), 16. <a
7-x">[More Information]</a>
Purcell, R., Jorm, A., Hickie, I., Yung, A.,
Pantelis, C., Amminger, G., Glozier, N.,
Killackey, E., Phillips, L., Wood, S., Scott, E.,
Kenyon, A., Nichles, A., Zmicerevska, N.,
Hermens, D., Guastella, A., et al (2015).
Transitions Study of predictors of illness
progression in young people with mental ill
health: study methodology. Early Intervention in
Psychiatry, 9(1), 38-47. <a
re Information]</a>
O'Dea, B., Glozier, N., Purcell, R., McGorry, P.,
Scott, J., Feilds, K., Hermens, D., Buchanan, J.,
Scott, E., Yung, A., Guastella, A., Hickie, I., et al
(2014). A cross-sectional exploration of the
clinical characteristics of disengaged (NEET)
young people in primary mental healthcare. BMJ
Open, 4(12), 1-8. <a
06378">[More Information]</a>
Wynne-Jones, G., Cowen, J., Jordan, J., Uthman,
O., Main, C., Glozier, N., van der Windt, D.
(2014). Absence from work and return to work in
people with back pain: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Occupational and Environmental
Medicine, 71(6), 448-456. <a
571">[More Information]</a>
Madden, R., Scarf, C., Tawaki, S., Goikavi, S.,
Faasala, C., Pala, G., Taloafiri, E., Gargett, A.,
Glozier, N., Lukersmith, S., Hartley, S.,
Llewellyn, G., et al (2014). Collaboration,
communication and information: The Disability
Action Plan. In Andrew Robertson and Rupert
Jones-Parry (Eds.), Commonwealth Health
Partnerships 2014, (pp. 107-111). Cambridge:
Nexus Strategic Partnerships.
Glozier, N., O'Dea, B., McGorry, P., Pantelis, C.,
Amminger, G., Hermens, D., Purcell, R., Scott,
E., Hickie, I. (2014). Delayed sleep onset in
depressed young people. BMC Psychiatry, 14,
1-9. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Abimbola, S., Martiniuk, A., Hackett, M.,
Glozier, N., Mohamed, A., Anderson, C. (2014).
Early predictors of remission in newly diagnosed
epilepsy: a systematic approach to reviewing
prognostic factor studies. Neurological Research,
36(1), 1-12. <a
000000257">[More Information]</a>
Cheung, J., Bartlett, D., Armour, C., Glozier, N.,
Saini, B. (2014). Insomnia patients' help-seeking
experiences. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 12(2),
106-122. <a
764529">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Nicholas Glozier
Sivertsen, B., Pallesen, S., Glozier, N., Bjorvatn,
B., Salo, P., Tell, G., Ursin, R., Overland, S.
(2014). Midlife insomnia and subsequent
mortality: the Hordaland health study. BMC
Public Health, 14, 1-10. <a
20">[More Information]</a>
Q., Hackett, M. (2013). Are rehabilitation
services following stroke accessed equitably in
Australia?: findings from the psychosocial
outcomes in stroke (POISE) cohort study. BMC
Public Health, 13(1), 1-6. <a
84">[More Information]</a>
Bittoun, R., Barone, M., Mendelsohn, C.,
Elcombe, E., Glozier, N. (2014). Promoting
positive attitudes of tobacco-dependent mental
health patients towards NRT-supported harm
reduction and smoking cessation. Australian and
New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 48(10),
954-956. <a
673">[More Information]</a>
Hickie, I., Scott, J., Hermens, D., Scott, E.,
Naismith, S., Guastella, A., Glozier, N.,
McGorry, P. (2013). Clinical classification in
mental health at the cross-roads: which direction
next? BMC Medicine, 11(1), 1-14. <a
25">[More Information]</a>
Naqvi, H., Wang, D., Glozier, N., Grunstein, R.
(2014). Sleep-disordered breathing and
psychiatric disorders. Current Psychiatry
Reports, 16(12), 1-11. <a
9-z">[More Information]</a>
Hickie, I., Hermens, D., Naismith, S., Guastella,
A., Glozier, N., Scott, J., Scott, E. (2013).
Evaluating differential developmental
trajectories to adolescent-onset mood and
psychotic disorders. BMC Psychiatry, 13(1),
1-11. <a
03">[More Information]</a>
Gosling, J., Glozier, N., Griffiths, K., Ritterband,
L., Thorndike, F., Mackinnon, A., Hehir, K.,
Bennett, A., Bennett, K., Christensen, H. (2014).
The GoodNight study-online CBT for insomnia
for the indicated prevention of depression: study
protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials,
15(1), 1-8. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Lasalvia, A., Zoppei, S., Van Bortel, T., Bonetto,
C., Cristofalo, D., Wahlbeck, K., Bacle, S., Van
Audenhove, C., Van Weeghel, J., Reneses, B., et
al (2013). Global pattern of experienced and
anticipated discrimination reported by people
with major depressive disorder: A cross-sectional
survey. The Lancet, 381(9860), 55-62. <a
61379-8">[More Information]</a>
Gosling, J., Batterham, P., Glozier, N.,
Christensen, H. (2014). The influence of job
stress, social support and health status on
intermittent and chronic sleep disturbance: an
8-year longitudinal analysis. Sleep Medicine,
15(8), 979-985. <a
07">[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N., Christensen, H., Naismith, S.,
Cockayne, N., Donkin, L., Neal, B., Mackinnon,
A., Hickie, I. (2013). Internet-delivered cognitive
behavioural therapy for adults with mild to
moderate depression and high cardiovascular
disease risks: a randomised attention-controlled
trial. PloS One, 8(3), 1-8. <a
9139">[More Information]</a>
Scott, J., Fowler, D., McGorry, P., Birchwood,
M., Killackey, E., Christensen, H., Glozier, N.,
Yung, A., Power, P., Nordentoft, M., Buchanan,
J., Hickie, I., et al (2013). Adolescents and young
adults who are not in employment, education, or
training. BMJ, 347, f5270. <a
re Information]</a>
Hickie, I., Scott, E., Hermens, D., Naismith, S.,
Guastella, A., Kaur, M., Sidis, A., Whitwell, B.,
Glozier, N., Davenport, T., et al (2013).
Applying clinical staging to young people who
present for mental health care. Early Intervention
in Psychiatry, 7(1), 31-43. <a
2.00366.x">[More Information]</a>
Jan, S., Essue, B., Glozier, N., Lindley, R., Li,
Raffaele, C., Feilds, K., Moensted, M., Glozier,
N., Buchanan, J., Rosenberg, S., Young, S.
(2013). Literature Review: Supporting young
people with a mental illness in their transition
from education into the workplace, (pp. 5 - 96).
Sydney, Australia: Business School, University
of Sydney.
Raffaele, C., Fields, K., Moensted, M., Glozier,
N., Buchanan, J., Rosenberg, S., Young, S.
(2013). Literature Review: Supporting Young
People With a Mental Illness in Their Transition
from Education into the Workplace, (pp. 5 - 96).
Sydney, Australia: Workplace Research Centre.
Kalucy, M., Grunstein, R., Lambert, T., Glozier,
N. (2013). Obstructive sleep apnoea and
schizophrenia - A research agenda. Sleep
Medicine Reviews, 17(5), 357-365. <a
Publications for Nicholas Glozier
03">[More Information]</a>
Jones, M., Skidmore, A., Glozier, N., Welch, J.,
Hunter, A., Cullinan, P. (2013). Occupational
egg allergy in an embryological research facility.
Occupational Medicine, 63(5), 348-353. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N., Tofler, G., Colquhoun, D., Bunker,
S., Clarke, D., Hare, D., Hickie, I., Tatoulis, J.,
Thompson, D., Wilson, A., et al (2013).
Psychosocial risk factors for coronary heart
disease. Medical Journal of Australia, 199(3),
1-6. <a
More Information]</a>
I., Hawes, D., Glozier, N., Naismith, S., Scott,
E., Lee, R., Guastella, A. (2013). Social
cognition deficits and psychopathic traits in
young people seeking mental health treatment.
PloS One, 8(7), 1-9. <a
7753">[More Information]</a>
Sumathipala, A., Siribaddana, S., Hotopf, M.,
McGuffin, P., Glozier, N., Ball, H., Kovas, Y.,
Rijsdijk, F., Yatawara, L., Pariante, C., et al
(2013). The sri lankan twin registry: 2012
update. Twin Research and Human Genetics,
16(1), 307-312. <a
More Information]</a>
Donkin, L., Hickie, I., Christensen, H., Naismith,
S., Neal, B., Cockayne, N., Glozier, N. (2013).
Rethinking the dose-response relationship
between usage and outcome in an online
intervention for depression: Randomized
controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet
Research, 15(10), 1-20. <a
e Information]</a>
Colquhoun, D., Bunker, S., Clarke, D., Glozier,
N., Hare, D., Hickie, I., Tatoulis, J., Thompson,
D., Tofler, G., Wilson, A., et al (2013).
Screening, referral and treatment for depression
in patients with coronary heart disease. Medical
Journal of Australia, 198(9), 483-484. <a
More Information]</a>
Madden, R., Glozier, N., Mpofu, E., Llewellyn,
G. (2012). Health, functioning and disability:
how common language and data can enhance
policy making. In Andrew Robertson (Eds.),
Commonwealth Health Partnerships, (pp.
126-129). Cambridge, UK: Nexus Strategic
Harvey, S., Modini, M., Christensen, H., Glozier,
N. (2013). Severe mental illness and work: What
can we do to maximise the employment
opportunities for individuals with psychosis?
Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, 47(5), 421-424. <a
351">[More Information]</a>
Martiniuk, A., Senserrick, T., Lo, S.,
Williamson, A., Du, W., Grunstein, R.,
Woodward, M., Glozier, N., Stevenson, M.,
Norton, R., Ivers, R. (2013). Sleep-Deprived
Young Drivers and the Risk for Crash: The
DRIVE Prospective Cohort Study. JAMA
Pediatrics, 167(7), 647-655. <a
013.1429">[More Information]</a>
Bin, Y., Marshall, N., Glozier, N. (2013).
Sleeping at the limits: the changing prevalence of
short and long sleep durations in 10 Countries.
American Journal of Epidemiology, 177(8),
826-833. <a
ore Information]</a>
van Zwieten, A., Meyer, J., Hermens, D., Hickie,
Zavos, H., Kovacs, Y., Ball, H., Ball, D.,
Siribaddana, S., Glozier, N., Sumathipala, A.,
McGuffin, P., Hotopf, M., Rijsdijk, F. (2012).
Genetic and Environmental Etiology of Nicotine
Use in Sri Lankan Male Twins. Behavior
Genetics, 42(5), 798-807. <a
4-z">[More Information]</a>
Essue, B., Hackett, M., Li, Q., Glozier, N.,
Lindley, R., Jan, S. (2012). How Are Household
Economic Circumstances Affected After a
Stroke?: The Psychosocial Outcomes In StrokE
(POISE) Study. Stroke, 43(11), 3110-3113. <a
12.666453">[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N., Davenport, T., Hickie, I. (2012).
Identification and Management of Depression in
Australian Primary Care and Access to Specialist
Mental Health Care. Psychiatric Services,
63(12), 1247-1251. <a
17">[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N. (2012). Maybe It's Quality Not
Length That Matters. Sleep, 35(3), 314-315. <a
ore Information]</a>
Donkin, L., Glozier, N. (2012). Motivators and
motivations to persist with online psychological
interventions: A qualitative study of treatment
completers. Journal of Medical Internet
Research, 14(3), 1-17. <a
e Information]</a>
Hackett, M., Glozier, N., Jan, S., Lindley, R.
Publications for Nicholas Glozier
(2012). Returning to Paid Employment after
Stroke: The Psychosocial Outcomes In StrokE
(POISE) Cohort Study. PloS One, 7(7), 1-8. <a
1795">[More Information]</a>
Donkin, L., Hickie, I., Christensen, H., Naismith,
S., Neal, B., Cockayne, N., Glozier, N. (2012).
Sampling bias in an internet treatment trial for
depression. Translational Psychiatry, 2, 1-8. <a
More Information]</a>
Bin, Y., Marshall, N., Glozier, N. (2012). Secular
trends in adult sleep duration: A systematic
review. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 16(3), 223-230.
03">[More Information]</a>
Batterham, P., Glozier, N., Christensen, H.
(2012). Sleep disturbance, personality and the
onset of depression and anxiety: Prospective
cohort study. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Psychiatry, 46(11), 1089-1098. <a
997">[More Information]</a>
Mykletun, A., Glozier, N., Henderson, M.,
Overland, S., Wenzel, H., Wessely, S., Hotopf,
M. (2012). Symptoms of anxiety and depression
predict report of whiplash trauma. 16th
Association of European Psychiatrists Congress,
Paris, France: Elsevier Ltd.
Scott, E., Hermens, D., Glozier, N., Naismith, S.,
Guastella, A., Hickie, I. (2012). Targeted
primary care-based mental health services for
young Australians. Medical Journal of Australia,
196(2), 136-140. <a
More Information]</a>
Bin, Y., Marshall, N., Glozier, N. (2012). The
burden of insomnia on individual function and
healthcare consumption in Australia. Australian
and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,
36(5), 462-468. <a
2.00845.x">[More Information]</a>
Paradise, M., Naismith, S., Davenport, T.,
Hickie, I., Glozier, N. (2012). The impact of
gender on early ill-health retirement in people
with heart disease and depression. Australian
and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(3),
249-256. <a
807">[More Information]</a>
Scott, E., Hermens, D., Naismith, S., White, D.,
Whitwell, B., Guastella, A., Glozier, N., Hickie,
I. (2012). Thoughts of death or suicidal ideation
are common in young people aged 12 to 30 years
presenting for mental health care. BMC
Psychiatry, 12(December 2012), 1-6. <a
34">[More Information]</a>
Lee, W., Bindman, J., Ford, T., Glozier, N.,
Moran, P., Stewart, R., Hotopf, M. (2012). Well
controls in case-control studies. Psychological
Medicine, 42(1), 216-217. <a
225X">[More Information]</a>
Kassam, A., Glozier, N., Leese, M., Loughran,
J., Thornicroft, G. (2011). A controlled trial of
mental illness related stigma training for medical
students. BMC Medical Education, 11(1),
51-1-51-10. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Donkin, L., Christensen, H., Naismith, S., Neal,
B., Hickie, I., Glozier, N. (2011). A Systematic
Review of the Impact of Adherence on the
Effectiveness of e-Therapies. Journal of Medical
Internet Research, 13(3), e52-1-e52-12. <a
e Information]</a>
Harvey, S., Glozier, N., Henderson, M., Allaway,
S., Litchfield, P., Holland-Elliott, K., Hotopf, M.
(2011). Depression and work performance: an
ecological study using web-based screening.
Occupational Medicine, 61(3), 209-211. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Overland, S., Knapstad, M., Wilhelmsen, I.,
Mykletun, A., Glozier, N. (2011). Do
gastrointestinal complaints increase the risk for
subsequent medically certified long-term
sickness absence? The HUSK study. BMC
Gastroenterology, 11(88), 1-10. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Madden, R., Glozier, N., Mpofu, E., Llewellyn,
G. (2011). Eligibility, the ICF and the UN
Convention: Australian perspectives. BMC
Public Health, 11(Supplement 4), S6-1-S6-11.
4-S6">[More Information]</a>
Ball, H., Siribaddana, S., Sumathipala, A.,
Kovas, Y., Glozier, N., Rijsdijk, F., McGuffin,
P., Hotopf, M. (2011). Genetic and
Environmental Contributions to the Overlap
Between Psychological, Fatigue and Somatic
Symptoms: A Twin Study in Sri Lanka. Twin
Research and Human Genetics, 14(1), 53-63. <a
More Information]</a>
Rong, Y., Glozier, N., Luscombe, G., Davenport,
T., Huang, Y., Hickie, I. (2011). Improving
Publications for Nicholas Glozier
Knowledge and Attitudes towards
Depression: a controlled trial among Chinese
Ball, H., Sumathipala, A., Siribaddana, S.,
Kovas, Y., Glozier, N., McGuffin, P., Hotopf, M.
(2010). Aetiology of fatigue in Sri Lanka and its
overlap with depression. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 197(2), 106-113. <a
74">[More Information]</a>
medical students. BMC Psychiatry, 11(36), 1-10.
6">[More Information]</a>
Cockayne, N., Glozier, N., Naismith, S.,
Christensen, H., Neal, B., Hickie, I. (2011).
Internet-based treatment for older adults with
depression and co-morbid cardiovascular
disease: protocol for a randomised, double-blind,
placebo controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 11(10),
1-10. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Prince, M., Glozier, N., Sousa, R., Dewey, M.
(2011). Measuring Disability Across Physical,
Mental, and Cognitive Disorders. In Regier, D
A, Narrow, W E, Kuhl, E A, Kupfer, D J (Eds.),
The Conceptual Evolution of DSM-5, (pp.
189-227). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric
Publishing, Inc.
Mykletun, A., Glozier, N., Wenzel, H., Overland,
S., Harvey, S., Wessely, S., Hotopf, M. (2011).
Reverse Causality in the Association Between
Whiplash and Symptoms of Anxiety and
Depression. Spine, 36(17), 1380-1386. <a
1f2f6bb">[More Information]</a>
Bin, Y., Marshall, N., Glozier, N. (2011). Secular
changes in sleep duration among Australian
adults, 1992-2006. Medical Journal of Australia,
195(11/12), 670-672. <a
More Information]</a>
Paradise, M., Glozier, N., Naismith, S.,
Davenport, T., Hickie, I. (2011). Subjective
memory complaints, vascular risk factors and
psychological distress in the middle-aged: a
cross-sectional study. BMC Psychiatry, 11(108),
1-7. <a
08">[More Information]</a>
Kassam, A., Glozier, N., Leese, M., Henderson,
C., Thornicroft, G. (2010). Development and
responsiveness of a scale to measure clinicians'
attitudes to people with mental illness (medical
student version). Acta Psychiatrica
Scandinavica, 122(2), 153-161. <a
0.01562.x">[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N., Large, M. (2010). Does access to
compensation have an impact on recovery
outcomes after injury? Comment. Medical
Journal of Australia, 193(3), 188-189; author
reply 190. <a
&list_uids=20836189">[More Information]</a>
Martiniuk, A., Ivers, R., Glozier, N., Patton, G.,
Senserrick, T., Boufous, S., Lam, L.,
Williamson, A., Stevenson, M., Woodward, M.,
Norton, R. (2010). Does Psychological Distress
Increase the Risk for Motor Vehicle Crashes in
Young People? Findings From the DRIVE
Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 47(5),
488-495. <a
.03.010">[More Information]</a>
Ball, H., Siribaddana, S., Sumathipala, A.,
Kovas, Y., Glozier, N., McGuffin, P., Hotopf, M.
(2010). Environmental exposures and their
genetic or environmental contribution to
depression and fatigue: a twin study in Sri
Lanka. BMC Psychiatry, 10(13), 13-1-13-10. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Madden, R., Gilroy, J., Madden, R., Bundy, A.,
Glozier, N., Manga, R., Clemson, L., Kayess, R.,
Mpofu, E., Einfeld, S., Llewellyn, G., Stancliffe,
R. (2011). Submission to the Productivity
Commission on Disability Care and Support Submission DR942, 11 May 2011, (pp. 1 - 26).
Canberra, Australia: Productivity Commission.
Ball, H., Siribaddana, S., Kovas, Y., Glozier, N.,
McGuffin, P., Sumathipala, A., Hotopf, M.
(2010). Epidemiology and symptomatology of
depression in Sri Lanka: A cross-sectional
population-based survey in Colombo District.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 123(1-3),
188-196. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Hackett, M., Glozier, N., Martiniuk, A., Jan, S.,
Anderson, C. (2011). Sydney epilepsy incidence
study to measure illness consequences: the
SESIMIC observational epilepsy study protocol.
BMC Neurology, 11(3), 1-11. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Harvey, S., Glozier, N., Carlton, O., Mykletun,
A., Henderson, M., Hotopf, M., Holland-Elliott,
K. (2010). Obesity and sickness absence: results
from the CHAP study. Occupational Medicine,
60(5), 362-368. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Publications for Nicholas Glozier
Glozier, N., Martiniuk, A., Patton, G., Ivers, R.,
Li, Q., Hickie, I., Senserrick, T., Woodward, M.,
Norton, R., Stevenson, M. (2010). Short sleep
duration in prevalent and persistent
psychological distress in young adults: the
DRIVE study. Sleep, 33(9), 1139-1145. <a
&list_uids=20857859">[More Information]</a>
Nielssen, O., Glozier, N., Babidge, N., Reutens,
S., Andrews, D., Gerard, A., Malhi, G. (2010).
Suicide attempts by jumping and psychotic
illness. Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, 44(6), 568-573. <a
6086">[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N., Henderson, M., Greenberg, N.,
Overland, S. (2010). Work and Psychiatric
Disorder: an evidence-based approach. In Peter
J Baxter, Tar-Ching Aw, Anne Cockcroft, Paul
Durrington (Eds.), Work and Psychiatric
Disorder: an evidence-based approach, (pp.
833-857). United Kingdom: Edward Arnold
Naismith, S., Glozier, N., Burke, D., Carter, P.,
Scott, E., Hickie, I. (2009). Early intervention in
cognitive decline: Is there a role for multiple
medical or behavioural interventions? Early
Intervention in Psychiatry, 3(1), 19-27. <a
8.00102.x">[More Information]</a>
Wynne-Jones, G., Cowen, J., Jordan, J., van der
Windt, D., Glozier, N., Main, C. (2009).
Evaluating the impact of back, neck and upper
limb pain on work performance and absence: A
systematic review, Final Report: June 2009, (pp.
10 - 235). United Kingdom: .
Ball, H., Sumathipala, A., Siribaddana, S.,
Kovas, Y., Glozier, N., McGuffin, P., Hotopf, M.
(2009). Genetic and environmental contributions
to depression in Sri Lanka. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 195(6), 504-509. <a
29">[More Information]</a>
Mykletun, A., Heradstveit, O., Eriksen, K.,
Glozier, N., Overland, S., Maeland, J.,
Wilhelmsen, I. (2009). Health anxiety and
disability pension award: The HUSK Study.
Psychosomatic Medicine, 71(3), 353-360. <a
19cc772">[More Information]</a>
Large, M., Nielssen, O., Farooq, S., Glozier, N.
(2009). Increasing rates of psychiatric
publication from low-and middle-income
countries. International Journal of Social
Psychiatry, 56(5), 497-506. <a
412">[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N., Batty, L., Holland-Elliott, K. (2009).
Interpretation of medical information acts by UK
occupational physicians. Occupational Medicine,
59(3), 153-158. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N., Grunstein, R. (2009). Losing sleep
over work? Does it matter? Sleep, 32(9),
1115-1116. <a
&list_uids=19750915">[More Information]</a>
Hackett, M., Glozier, N., House, A. (2009).
Moving the ambulance to the top of the cliff:
reducing the burden of depressive symptoms
after stroke. International Journal of Stroke,
4(3), 180-182. <a
9.00280.x">[More Information]</a>
Harris, M., Glozier, N., Ratnavadivel, R.,
Grunstein, R. (2009). Obstructive sleep apnea
and depression. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 13(6),
437-444. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Misra, M., Greenberg, N., Hutchinson, C., Brain,
A., Glozier, N. (2009). Psychological impact
upon London Ambulance Service of the 2005
bombings. Occupational Medicine, 59(6),
428-433. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Hackett, M., Glozier, N., Jan, S., Lindley, R.
(2009). Psychosocial Outcomes in StrokE: the
POISE observational stroke study protocol. BMC
Neurology, 9(24), 24-1-24-12. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Martiniuk, A., Ivers, R., Glozier, N., Patton, G.,
Lam, L., Boufous, S., Senserrick, T.,
Williamson, A., Stevenson, M., Norton, R.
(2009). Self-harm and risk of motor vehicle
crashes among young drivers: findings from the
DRIVE Study. CMAJ, 181(11), 807-812. <a
More Information]</a>
Overland, S., Glozier, N., Sivertsen, R., Stewart,
R., Neckelmann, D., Krokstad, S., Mykletun, A.
(2008). A comparison of insomnia and
depression as predictors of disability pension: the
HUNT Study. Sleep, 31(6), 875-880. <a
&list_uids=18548833">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Nicholas Glozier
Siribaddana, S., Ball, H., Hewage, S., Glozier,
N., Kovas, Y., Dayaratne, D., Sumathipala, A.,
McGuffin, P., Hotopf, M. (2008). Colombo Twin
and Singleton Study (CoTASS): a description of
a population based twin study of mental
disorders in Sri Lanka. BMC Psychiatry, 8, 1-8.
">[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N. (2008). Employment in neurological
disorders: The role of psychiatric comorbidity.
16th Association of European Psychiatrists
Congress, Paris, France: Elsevier Ltd.
Overland, S., Glozier, N., Henderson, M.,
Mæland, J., Hotopf, M., Mykletun, A. (2008).
Health status before, during and after disability
pension award: the Hordaland Health Study
(HUSK). Occupational and Environmental
Medicine, 65(11), 769-773. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Marshall, N., Glozier, N., Grunstein, R. (2008).
Is sleep duration related to obesity? A critical
review of the epidemiological evidence. Sleep
Medicine Reviews, 12(4), 289-298. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Rong, Y., Luscombe, G., Davenport, T., Huang,
Y., Glozier, N., Hickie, I. (2008). Recognition
and treatment of depression: A comparison of
Australian and Chinese medical students. Social
Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 44(8),
636-642. <a
1-5">[More Information]</a>
Marshall, N., Glozier, N., Grunstein, R. (2008).
Reply to Taheri and Thomas: Is sleep duration
associated with obesity-U cannot be serious.
Sleep Medicine Reviews, 12(4). <a
&list_uids=18538598">[More Information]</a>
Sivertsen, R., Overland, S., Glozier, N.,
Bjorvatn, B., Mæland, J., Mykletun, A. (2008).
The effect of OSAS on sick leave and work
disability. European Respiratory Journal, 32(6),
1497-1503. <a
908">[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N., Hackett, M., Parag, V., Anderson,
C., Auckland Regional Community Stroke Study
Group. (2008). The influence of psychiatric
morbidity on return to paid work after stroke in
younger adults: the Auckland Regional
Community Stroke (ARCOS) Study, 2002 to
2003. Stroke: a journal of cerebral circulation,
39(5), 1526-1532. <a
07.503219">[More Information]</a>
Lee, W., Lee, W., Bindman, J., Ford, T., Glozier,
N., Moran, P., Stewart, R., Hotopf, M. (2007).
Bias in psychiatric case-control studies: literature
survey. British Journal of Psychiatry,
190(MAR), 204-209. <a
&list_uids=17329739">[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N., Prince, M. (2007). Psychological
determinants of primary care requests for urgent
outpatient appointments in elective referrals.
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 13(2),
236-241. <a
&list_uids=17378870">[More Information]</a>
Overland, S., Glozier, N., Krokstad, S.,
Mykletun, A. (2007). Undertreatment before the
award of a disability pension for mental illness:
the HUNT Study. Psychiatric Services, 58(11),
1479-1482. <a
79">[More Information]</a>
Mykletun, A., Overland, S., Dahl, A., Krokstad,
S., Bjerkeset, O., Glozier, N., Aaro, L., Prince,
M. (2006). A population-based cohort study of
the effect of common mental disorders on
disability pension awards. American Journal of
Psychiatry, 163(8), 1412-1418. <a
&list_uids=16877655">[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N., Hough, C., Henderson, M.,
Holland-Elliott, K. (2006). Attitudes of nursing
staff towards co-workers returning from
psychiatric and physical illnesses. International
Journal of Social Psychiatry, 52(6), 525-534. <a
&list_uids=17294598">[More Information]</a>
Overland, S., Glozier, N., Mæland, J., Aaro, L.,
Mykletun, A. (2006). Employment status and
perceived health in the Hordaland Health Study
(HUSK). BMC Public Health, 6(219), 1-9. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Mogga, S., Prince, M., Alem, A., Kebede, D.,
Stewart, R., Glozier, N., Hotopf, M. (2006).
Outcome of major depression in Ethiopia:
population-based study. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 189(Sept), 241-246. <a
&list_uids=16946359">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Nicholas Glozier
Sivertsen, B., Overland, S., Neckelmann, D.,
Glozier, N., Krokstad, S., Pallesen, S., Nordhus,
I., Bjorvatn, B., Mykletun, A. (2006). The
long-term effect of insomnia on work disability:
the HUNT-2 historical cohort study. American
Journal of Epidemiology, 163(11), 1018-1024.
&list_uids=16611665">[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N. (2005). Chronic fatigue syndrome:
it's tiring not knowing much--an in-depth review
for occupational health professionals.
Occupational Medicine, 55(1), 10-12. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Henderson, M., Glozier, N., Holland Elliott, K.
(2005). Long term sickness absence. BMJ
(online), 330(7495), 802-803. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Kim, J., Stewart, R., Glozier, N., Prince, M.,
Kim, S., Yang, S., Shin, I., Yoon, J. (2005).
Physical health, depression and cognitive
function as correlates of disability in an older
Korean population. International Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry, 20(2), 160-167. <a
e Information]</a>
Main, C., Glozier, N., Wright, I. (2005). Validity
of the HSE stress tool: An investigation within
four organizations by the Corporate Health and
Performance Group. Occupational Medicine,
55(3), 208-214. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N., Groom, G., Prince, M. (2004).
Patient psychological characteristics have
minimal influence on surgical prioritization.
Psychosomatic Medicine, 66(2), 251-257. <a
&list_uids=15039511">[More Information]</a>
Glozier, N. (2004). The Disability
Discrimination Act 1995 and psychiatry: lessons
from the first seven years. Psychiatric Bulletin,
28, 126-129.