Electromagnetic waves Physics 114 7/24/2016 Lecture X 1 Concepts • • • • • EM waves – frequency and wave length EM spectrum Antennas Radio Amplitude and frequency modulations 7/24/2016 Lecture X 2 Maxwell’s equations in vacuum • No charges, no currents EdA 0 closed surface BdA 0 closed surface • Changing magnetic field creates electric field • Changing electric field creates magnetic field 7/24/2016 d B Edl dt closed path d E B d l 0 0 dt closed path Lecture X 3 EM wave EB E v Bv v E y E0 sin( kx t ) k 2f f v Bz B0 sin( kx t ) vx v E/Bv 1 0 0 7/24/2016 2 k 1 8.85 10 124 10 7 3.0 108 m / s The speed of light!! Lecture X 4 EM spectrum f c f • c – speed of light (m/s) • f – frequency (Hz=1/s) – wavelength (m) 7/24/2016 Lecture X 5 Waves Matter • Propagating oscillation = wave. • Waves transport energy and information, but do not transport matter. • Examples: 7/24/2016 Wave Lecture X – – – – Ocean waves Sound Light Radio waves 6 Waves • Wavelength – • Period T • Frequency f=1/T 7/24/2016 • Wave velocity: v=/T=f The only equation that you need to remember about waves. • Wave velocity is NOT the same as particle velocity of the medium Lecture X 7 Transverse and longitudinal waves • In transverse wave the velocity of particles of the medium is perpendicular to the velocity of wave. • In EM wave electric field is perpendicular to the wave velocity and so is the magnetic field. Thus EM wave is a transverse wave. Matter Wave 7/24/2016 Lecture X 8 Transverse and longitudinal waves • In longitudinal wave the velocity of particles of the medium is parallel (or anti-parallel) to the wave velocity. • Example of longitudinal wave is sound. Wave Matter 7/24/2016 Lecture X 9 Description of waves • • • • • • w2f – cyclic frequency, k=2/ –wave vector D=D0sin(kx-wt+d), dphase at t=0, x=0 Riding the wave kx-wt+dconst kx-wt=c x=c/k+(w/k)t = x0+vt Thus, wave velocity v=w/k=2f/ (2/)f /T D=D0sin(kx-wt) – wave is moving in +x direction D=D0sin(kx+wt) – wave is moving in -x direction 7/24/2016 Lecture X 10 Energy in EM wave • EM waves transport energy 1 1 2 2 • Energy density: u 0E B 1 1 2 2 0 E0 B0 2 20 20 2 B0 E0 / c • Poynting vector (energy transported by EM wave per unit time per unit area) 1 S 0 EB • Average energy per unit time per unit area S 7/24/2016 Lecture X 1 0 Erms Brms 11 Average intensity • Displacement D follows harmonic oscillation: D D0 sin( t ) • Intensity (brightness for light) I is proportional to electric field squared I D 2 I I 0 sin 2 (t ) • Average over time (one period of oscillation) I: T T 1 1 2 2 I I 0 sin (t )dt I 0 sin (t )dt T 0 T 0 1 I0 2 2 7/24/2016 2 I0 1 1 2 0 sin xdx I 0 2 2 0 (1 cos 2 x)dx 2 Lecture X 12 Energy transported by waves • Intensity of oscillation I (energy per unit area/ per sec) is proportional to amplitude squared D2 • 3D wave (from energy conservation): D12 4r12= D22 4r22 D1/D2=r2/r1 • Amplitude of the wave is inversely proportional to the distance to the source: 7/24/2016 Lecture X 1 D r 13 Radiation from an AC antenna • Changing electric field creates magnetic field • Changing magnetic field creates electric field • Change propagates with a finite velocity • Electromagnetic wave – proof of unification 7/24/2016 Lecture X 14 Transmission and reception • Antennas are used to transmit and to receive EM waves • Rod antennas – transmit and receive E component E || to rod • Loop antennas – B component (use induction) B loop 7/24/2016 Lecture X 15 Modulations • Amplitude modulation (AM) • Frequency modulation (FM) 7/24/2016 Lecture X 16 Interference of waves • When two or more waves pass through the same region of space, we say that they interfere. • Principle of superposition (fancy word for sum of waves): the resultant displacement is the algebraic sum of individual displacements created by these waves. 7/24/2016 Lecture X 17 Constructive and destructive interference in phase Constructive out of phase Destructive not in phase Partially destructive A 2A 7/24/2016 <A 0 Lecture X 18