Vice President for Human Resources May 10, 2014 MEMORANDUM TO: Shirley C. Willihnganz Executive Vice President & University Provost FR: Sam Connally Vice President for Human Resources RE: HR Progress Report for FY 2013-14 I am pleased to provide the enclosed HR unit director reports – for Employment & Compensation, Benefits Administration, HR Administration, and Staff Development & Employee Relations – together with additional outcomes highlighted in this transmittal letter, to summarize Human Resources’ accomplishments during FY 2013-14. Human Resources Directors have completed (or will complete by June 30, 2014) 12 out of 12 (or 100%) of the tactical goals we agreed last year would guide HR efforts for FY 2013-14. You included six HR-related initiatives in the tactical goals for the Office of the Provost, all of which have been or will be completed by June 30. [Note: This is a record for HR-related goals to be reflected in the Tactical Goals of the Office of the Provost.] These include: Evaluation of the demographic impact of the Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP) on women and persons of color (which disclosed moderate impact on women and minorities in the Professional & Administrative category; but no adverse impact among Administrator, Faculty, or Classified Staff employees) and the identification of appropriate strategies to foster the recruitment of women and minorities in affected classes of work to maintain diversity at UofL. Development and implementation of Cardinal Kudos – an on-line, email based recognition program that permits any University employee to send a note of thanks or appreciation for exceptional work or customer service excellence to any other employee – to provide an informal, but official mechanism to recognize faculty and staff excellence. Development and implementation of Total Compensation Statements for regular status employees showing annual salary, University-sponsored benefits (such as retirement, health, life, and LTD insurance) as a dollar amount and percent of salary, and statutory benefits (such as FICA, Workers Comp, and Unemployment Comp) as a dollar amount and percent of salary. The purpose of a total comp statement is to highlight the economic value of employee benefits, in addition to base salary to promote greater recognition of the value of working at UofL. 1980 Arthur Street ▪ University of Louisville ▪ Louisville, KY 40208-2770 PH: 502.852.6258 FX: 502.852.5665 WEB: Development and implementation of the University’s Living Wage Program to increase minimum staff salaries from $8.67 to $11.00 per hour from 2014 through 2017, to enable UofL staff employees to meet the necessities of daily living without Federal subsistence allowances such as food stamps or Aid to Families with Dependent Children. UofL was the first public KY institution of higher education to formally adopt a living wage program that will be indexed in future years to appropriate benchmarks to ensure UofL employees earn a living wage in the Louisville/Metro area. The Louisville Courier-Journal commended UofL for its initiative in an editorial and cited UofL as an example other area businesses and institutional should emulate. Support to the Provost’s Faculty Salary Market Evaluation Study during FY 2013-14, to evaluate market competitiveness for tenured and tenure-track faculty by academic discipline and rank within discipline – as a successor study to the 2012-2014 Faculty Salary Equity Study. Development and implementation of the Provost’s Staff Leadership Academy to promote the development leadership and project-planning skills of mid-career professional and administrative staff to strengthen the quality of mid-level University administration and foster internal career progression. In addition to programmatic goals specific to HR, Human Resources staff have been materially engaged this year in supporting the 21st Century Initiative, including: Supporting the effort to develop and implement shared service centers under the auspices of the Financial Health Committee; Supporting the development of salary, benefit, and policy program enhancements under the auspices of the Culture of Excellence Committee; and Fostering work-life balance, professional development, health & wellness, rewards & recognition, and climate improvement strategies under the auspices of the Great Places to Work Initiative. I believe Human Resources has made material contributions to the support the University’s ability to recruit, retain, recognize, and reward top quality faculty and staff. As faculty and staff are the University’s #1 asset, we must make them our #1 priority. HR staff join me in reaffirming our commitment to helping continue to make UofL a great place to work. As always, thank you for your leadership and support as we look for additional ways to align HR services with the University’s teaching, research, and service mission and to help support the University’s 21st Century Initiative and the realization of its 2020 Vision. 2 FY 2013-14 Accomplishments for Employment and Compensation Director: Dennis Finnegan Goal: The goal of Employment and Compensation is to support the President’s vision of recruiting, retaining, recognizing and rewarding top quality staff employees. We are committed to hiring the most qualified staff employees and paying market competitive, internally equitable salaries. Diversity Recruitment Threshold HR Employment Staff implemented the diversity recruitment threshold by which search committees must assess the diversity of applicant pools (and achieve 80% of market availability of women and minorities before proceeding with a search or document specific outreach efforts. Cardinal Kudos In Fall 2013, Cardinal Kudos was launched university-wide after a pilot program in Advancement. Cardinal Kudos is an online tool that Faculty and Staff can utilize to recognize co -workers for outstanding work performed. To date Cardinal Kudos has been used to recognize 366 employees. Total Compensation Statement In March 2014, a Total Compensation Statement was sent out to all regular Faculty, Staff, and Administrators at the university. This statement highlighted not only the employee’s base salary but calculated the employee’s actual benefits and retirement that the university contributes. This statement produced a total compensation figure for the employee and showed them what percentage of benefits makes up that total compensation amount. Staff Salary Competitive Analysis The Compensation Team is finalizing a Staff Salary Competitive Analysis. We have matched 80% of the job codes at the University for this Project. Preliminary macro-numbers show that the university’s Staff salaries are more competitive than expected. The next steps, before June 30 , are to identify the least competitive job codes, develop a strategy to make them more competitive, and then design and deliver a long term strategy to meet the President’s 2020 goal of having all Staff salaries at 100% of Market. Faculty Salary Competitive Analysis The Compensation Team provided support to the Provost’s Faculty Salary Market Evaluation committee during FY 2013-14, to evaluate market competitiveness for tenured and tenure-track faculty by academic discipline and rank within discipline – as a successor study to the 2012-2014 Faculty Salary Equity Study. 3 FY 2013-14 Accomplishments for Benefits Administration Director: Dana Hummel Goal: The goal of Benefits Administration is to provide customer service excellence to faculty and staff in relation to employee benefits. We assist employees in accessing, understanding, and maximizing the value obtained from the university’s benefit programs. We provide comprehensive and competitive benefits for faculty and staff in order to provide indiv idual choice and flexibility while recognizing the diverse needs of our employee population. Health Plan The University selected Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield to serve as the third party administrator for the University health plan, effective January 1, 2013 in a “competitive negotiation” RFP process led by Dr. David Dunn, EVP for Health Affairs. The competitive negotiation process yielded net annual savings to the UofL health plan of $1.5 million over the three-year term of the contract, enabling the University to avoid general premium increases for employees. We implemented the 1st year of a planned 3-year phase out of Cardinal Care by increasing premiums in this plan by $40.00 per month. Long Term Disability We conducted an open enrollment for Long Term Disability Insurance and adopted automatic enrollment for the supplemental LTD benefit for eligible faculty and staff with an option to opt out. Enrollment included 1030 individuals, with 37 opt-outs. This initiative will provide welldeserved, highly economical, but often-overlooked financial security for eligible employees. Benefits Administration for VSIP Conducted benefit transition meetings as 1:1 meetings or group meetings for over 200 VSIP participants. Partnered with HR Administration, Payroll, and benefit vendors for the administrative processing of all VSIP participants. Affordable Care Act We managed 2013-14 changes associated with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and submitted 1st of three years of PCORI fees in July 2013. During Open Enrollment, provided employees with information and details regarding Health Insurance Exchanges and how the university’s health plan coverage exceeds new federal “affordability” guidelines. 4 FY 2013-14 Accomplishments for Human Resources Administration Director: Lisa London Goal: The goal of HR Administration is to provide policy review, interpretation and implementation for the campus community; ensure timely & accurate processing of personnel transactions; and maintain appropriate internal financial controls. Community Service Leave Pilot HR Administration worked with the Work-Life Balance Committee of the GPTW initiative, Staff Senate and University leadership to implement a Community Service Leave pilot for 2013. The team established leave administration codes for PeopleSoft and communicated the reporting mechanism for tracking leave to the UBM community. HR Admin continues to review the pilot program in conjunction with the inaugural Provost Staff Leadership Academy class. Salary Administration for VSIP HR Administration helped communicate eligibility for VSIP and collected data on potentially interested employees in early spring of 2013. HR Administration drafted personalized agreements for all interested employees and mailed them to home addresses and subsequently collected and tracked signed agreements for future implementation. HR Administration worked with Benefits to conduct open forums, information sessions, and 1:1 meetings to ensure clear communication and understanding regarding VSIP, retiree benefits, and payment options. Tuition Remission HR Administration assumed responsibility for managing applicant and eligibility processes for tuition remission in 2013, transferring responsibility from the Bursar to HR in Nov 2012. This represents a more effective allocation of responsibility between HR & the Bursar with HR managing the benefit on behalf of employees and the Bursar applying tuition remission to employee accounts. This has proved to be an effective collaboration. Tuition remission transactions for 2013 are summarized below. Tuition Remission Usage Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Grand Total Dependents 439 192 479 1110 Employees 359 184 363 906 Salary Administration Guidelines for Staff Employees Developed draft guidelines to link staff salary increases directly to performance evaluations, subject to Executive Leadership Team review. 5 HR Unit: Staff Development & Employee Relations Director: Mary Elizabeth Miles Goal: The goal of Staff Development & Employee Relations is to enhance the visibility and role of the EEO/AA function; promote more effective employee relations services; foster HR’s role as an “honest broker” in the employee relations function; and develop internal staff development capacity. HR Training Catalog & Newsletter The staff development team maintained its ongoing commitment to professional development by increasing staff development offerings. In collaboration with university partners, 46 workshop topics were offered this year, 31 of which were new. A total of 118 workshops were conducted which included 1,823 participants, representing 2,658 contact hours. A fresh marketing tool, an electronic newsletter, was also developed in an effort to attract new training participants. TRAINING TOTALS Workshops Training Catalog Workshops Department Specific Workshops New Employee Orientation Provost’s Staff Leadership Academy Grand Total 46 11 52 9 118 Customers Served 920 159 722 22 1,823 Classroom Hours 96.5 16.5 31.2 23 167 Contact Hours 1930 239 433 56 2,658 Performance Management System Review In collaboration with the Staff Senate, the performance management system was evaluated by the campus community. Surveys were sent to 2000 staff members and multiple campus forums were held to capture management feedback. Recommendations received resulted in modifications in evaluation form for 2013 review cycle. Provost’s Staff Leadership Academy In collaboration with the GPTW Professional Development Committee, the Provost’s Staff Leadership Academy was developed and launched in September 2013. The inaugural cohort of 22 will complete the program on May 13, 2014. In addition to classroom sessions, program highlights included executive level sponsorship for each participant, individual mentoring by a senior staff member; and group-based capstone projects on topics relevant to the GPTW initiative and creating a culture of excellence at UofL. Title IX Compliance & “Participant’s Guide” to EEO Investigations HR staff developed revised EEO, sexual harassment, discriminatory harassment, and investigation policies in accordance with OCR & Title IX guidelines; and will publish a new “Participants Guide” to EEO investigations as part of our new outreach and educational efforts for FY 2014-15. 6