NCA Self-Study Steering Committee Notes of April 27, 2006 104 KC Present: James Bachmeier, Chick Blue, Rob Franciosi, Catherine Frerichs, Carol Griffin, Julie Guevara (chair), Bart Merkle, James Moyer, Jane Toot Agenda: 1. Minutes: Minutes of April 17, 2006 were approved as presented. 2. Chair report: A letter of invitation to Josh Hilbrand, Student Senate Representative, will be sent. It is anticipated that Josh will join the Committee meetings in the Fall. Self-study website: . - Committee names and addresses are on the website. - If any member of the Committee is contacted by the Press, please refer them to Julie who will refer to Matt McLogan. - There will be a link to the Higher Learning Commission with all the Criterion listed. - Becky Beechler will inform the Committee when the website goes live. Julie visited with the AP executive committee. Julie reported that on May 11, Jane will address the meeting of the COTA. Resource Room: - James Moyer’s office is going mostly paperless and some of the items will be sent to 106 STU to file. - Materials for resource room – make copy and send to Chick 3. Criterion 4 - Acquisition It was suggested that Paul Reitemeier would be a good person to have on the Criterion 4 subcommittee. 1 Criterion 4A 4 Core Components ADMINISTRATION Development $ STAFF COT Development Cmte STUDENTS Student Scholarship Day Scholarship Center FTLC – target COTS McNair Scholars Commitment FTLC workshops & attendance R&D money Diversity R&D Conference $ Academic programs/policy Sabbaticals Development of BOT Grant writing workshops Strategic plan – values statement Workload Tuition program – staff & dependents Advance degree for AP Policy support/ commitment to new majors/degrees Evidence – minutes IT workshops Charter Schools Library BOT Philanthropy Center – Dottie Johnson Attendance at meetings FACULTY Development $ →→→ IRB Dissemination of work Coordination/integration of curriculum/co-curr activities, programs – speakers, plays, outside classroom Grants on the Grand Faculty awards – OTA/Dist Contribution/Niemeyer Padnos Int’l Grants IT/FTLC Technology Fair GV review Faculty retreats Significant change since 1999 Doctoral studies stipend Modeling behavior – alumnus Administrative development/professional Dissemination of external and internal information Library Dean Distance employees – MA level Padnos Int’l/Fulbrights Exchanges of faculty and staff and cot # of people from international exchange Student Senate $ for development Course designations – x99→→resources Community Service Learning Center Service learning Reorganization Priority – Library Bldg Student awards for scholarship & service Graduate assistants Gen Ed program (must complete – contact Val Holmes – re: service learning) Grants Office Graduate Dean AWRI scholarships Competitive scholarships Ongoing evaluations at all levels Intellectual properties (attaches to faculty) Innovations committee GV Research Corp Media – TV/Radio broadcast area Other campuses Success rate on MCATS Admissions to graduate schools Placement office statistics Assessment plans and reports Alumni Institute Grand Forum Chaquata (sp??) Forums – Art Ed/ Hauenstein 2 - Ongoing evaluations on all levels – self-development evaluations for APs, COTs, Faculty and Administration. Rob and Carol should plan to meet with the Academic and Student Affairs (ASA) Subcommittee and also interview one board member not on the ASA subcommittee. Surveys to obtain information Survey to Deans – list significant changes in college since 1999 It is anticipated that there will be 30-50 pages written per Criterion. (Miami of Ohio, McPherson and Missouri are good self-study models) Criterion 4B The General Education Assessment Plan covers this information. Carol will send to Rob. Involved General Education/Graduate Council/Student Affairs and greater expectations. Criterion 4C – Technology - Review of General Education program and curricula – units/program majors, strategic and assessment plans/reports. - Service units – strategic and assessment plans/reports assessing knowledge, skills and institution-wide assessment measures o CLA o SALIS o CSS - IRB - Technology Fair – special projects – Technology (Academic Computing added 2 positions) - Blackboard - Banner - Promote service and service learning – GVSU value - Placement Office - Professional certification exams - GRE scores - COE subject area exams - How do we integrate new knowledge/thought into curriculum? - Electronic UCC submission system - Prospectus/final plans (ed specialist degree) – group working on streamlining process - How many new majors/degree levels since 1999? - International students/faculty - Distinction between 4B and 4C o 4B is more focused on General Education o 4C is more focused on professional programs - promote social responsibility – co-curricular - Padnos International Center – added resources 3 - College of Interdisciplinary Studies – concept of… **Subcommittees will be established for each Criterion. 4. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. The next meeting will be on Monday, May 22, 8:30-10:30 a.m., 1024 MAK. Agenda will be the continuation of Criterion 4 discussion. 4