(EDI 632) Teaching Creative and Performing Arts (GTC) Syllabus of Record Catalog Description: Explores theories of creativity and their application in the classroom. It provides students with an opportunity to learn more about developing the creative potential of their students within all disciplines and across all levels of education. Three credits. Unit Mission, Philosophy, Values: Our Mission: “Teaching, Leading and Learning in a Democratic Society” The College of Education prepares candidates who enhance the individual growth of their students while working to establish policies and practices that promote the principles of democratic education. The College articulates this mission as Teaching, Leading, and Learning in a Democratic Society. Philosophy: Student Potential, Ethical Implications Believing that schools function as social and political entities as well as for the growth of individuals, the College of Education prepares teachers and leaders a) to enhance the academic and personal potential of their students b) to evaluate the social and ethical implications of educational policies and practices. Values: “Expertise, Equity, Liberal Education, Social Responsibility” The College of Education values expertise to guide our practice, equity to guide our interactions, liberal education to guide our perspectives, and social responsibility to guide our commitment to democratic education. We value these ideals in our preparation of candidates, our development of faculty, and our relationships with the larger community we serve. Unit and Program Standards: Unit Standards: Michigan Department of Education (MDE), National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Standards for Initial Programs Preparing Teachers: Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC); Council for the Social Foundations of Education (CSFE) Course Standards and Assessments: INTASC Standard #4: The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students” development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. KNOWLEDGE: 4.K.1 The teacher understands the cognitive processes associated with various kinds of learning (e.g. critical and creative thinking, problem structuring and problem solving, invention, memorization and recall) and how these processes can be stimulated. 4.K.3 The teacher knows how to enhance learning through the use of a wide variety of materials as well as human and technological resources (e.g. computers, audiovisual technologies, videotapes and discs, local experts, primary documents and artifacts, texts, reference books, literature, and other print resources). PERFORMANCES: 4.P.1 The teacher carefully evaluates how to achieve learning goals, choosing alternative teaching strategies and materials to achieve different instructional purposes and to meet student needs (e.g. developmental stages, prior knowledge, learning styles, and interests). 4. P.@. The teacher uses multiple teaching and learning strategies to engage students in active learning opportunities that promote the development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance capabilities and that help students assume responsibility for identifying and using learning resources. 4.P.4 The teacher varies his or her role in the instructional process (e.g. instructor, facilitator, coach, audience) in relation to the content and purposes of instruction and the needs of students. Common Course Assessment: Arts Integrated Brain Compatible Lesson Plan Major Topics: Lesson Design Unit Design Brain-based Learning Learning Styles Multiple Intelligences Thinking Skills Cooperative Learning Differentiation Assessment Course Knowledge Base: Armstrong, T. (2004). Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Dunn, R., & Dunn, K. (1999). Teaching elementary students through their individual learning Styles: Practical approaches for grades K-6. Boston, MA: Pearson. Goldberg, M. (2006). Integrating the arts: An approach to teaching and learning in multicultural and multilingual settings. Boston, MA: Pearson. Loomans, D., & Kolberg, K. (2003). The laughing classroom: Everyone’s guide to teaching with humor and play. Canada: Kramer. McCaslin, N. (2006). Creative drama in the classroom and beyond. New York: Pearson. Tomlinson, C., & McTighe, J. (2006). Integrating differentiated instruction + understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.