Publications for Kym Sheehan 2015

Publications for Kym Sheehan
Publications for Kym Sheehan
Sheehan, K. (2011). Great Expectations:
Institutional Investors, Executive Remuneration,
and "Say on Pay". In J Hawley, S Kamath and
A Williams (Eds.), Corporate Governance
Failures: The Role of Institutional Investors in
the Global Financial Crisis, (pp. 115-143).
Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Sheehan, K. (2015), Comment on Ontario
Securities Commission Staff Notice 54-701
Regulatory Developments Regarding
Shareholder Democracy Issues.
Sheehan, K. (2015). Robo Advisors.
Sheehan, K. (2013), <i>Submission to the
Australian Securities Exchange and ASX
Corporate Governance Council on the proposed
amendments to the ASX Listing Rules and the
3rd edition of the ASX Corporate Governance
Sheehan, K. (2013), Submission to the Australian
Treasury for the Corporations Legislation
Amendment (Remuneration Disclosures and
Other Measures) Bill 2012.
Sheehan, K. (2012). Profession Health
Programs: Comparative Research Report.
Sheehan, K. (2012). Say on Pay and the Outrage
Constraint. In R Thomas and J Hill (Eds.),
Research Handbook on Executive Pay, (pp.
255-283). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
Sheehan, K. (2012). The 2008 Emergency
Regulation of Short Selling in the United
Kingdom, United States, and Australia. In G
Gregoriou (ed) (Eds.), Handbook of Short
Selling, (pp. 169-179). Waltham/Oxford:
Academic Press.
Sheehan, K. (2012). The Lawyer Inside Me: A
Literature Review.
Sheehan, K. (2012). The Regulation of Executive
Compensation: Greed, Accountability and Say
on Pay. United Kingdom: Edward Elgar
Parker, C., Sheehan, K., Brophy, J. (2011).
<i>Obstacles and opportunities for compliance:
estate agents and conveyancers - A report on the
Trader Study</i>.
Sheehan, K. (2011). Remuneration consultants:
Just friends with benefits? Keeping Good
Companies, 63(9), 518-523.
Sheehan, K. (2011), Submission to the
Department for Business Innovation and Skills
(UK) for 'A Long Term Focus for Corporate
Sheehan, K. (2011), Submission to the
Department for Business Innovation and Skills
(UK) for the Executive Remuneration:
Discussion Paper.
Sheehan, K. (2011), Submission to the
Department for Business Innovation and Skills
(UK) for The Future of Narrative Reporting:
Consulting on a New Reporting Framework.
Sheehan, K. (2011). The influence of proxy
advisers on Australian corporate law reform.
Law and Society Association Annual Meeting
(LSA 2011), San Francisco, CA, USA:
Sheehan, K. (2010), Consultation for the
Financial Reporting Council (UK) on the
Stewardship Code.
Sheehan, K. (2010), <i>Submission to the
Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee
(Australia) on the Executive Remuneration
Issues Paper</i>.
Sheehan, K. (2011), Consultation for the
Australian Treasury on 'The clawback of
executive remuneration where financial
statements are materially misstated: Discussion
Sheehan, K. (2011), Consultation for the
Australian Treasury on the Exposure Draft of the
Corporations Amendment (Improving
Accountability on Executive Remuneration) Bill
2011 (Cth).
Sheehan, K. (2011), Consultative Document for
the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision on
Pillar III Disclosure Requirements for
Sheehan, K. (2009). "Performance" - the difficult
concept in executive compensation. Corporate
Law Teachers Association (CLTA) Annual
Conference 2009, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Sheehan, K. (2009), Consultation for the
Australian Treasury on the Exposure Draft,
Corporations Amendment (Improving
Accountability on Termination Payments) Bill
Sheehan, K. (2009), Consultation for the
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) on Corporate Governance
Publications for Kym Sheehan
and the Financial Crisis.
York, NY, USA: Presentation.
Sheehan, K. (2009). Great expectations:
institutional investors, executive remuneration
and 'say on pay'. <i>Institutional Investors,
Risk/Return and Corporate
Sheehan, K., Fenwick, C. (2007). Seven: The
Corporations Act, Corporate Governance and
Termination Payments to Senior Employees.
Governance Failures: Lessons from the Global
Financial Crisis - Saint Mary's College of
California</i>, Moraga, CA, USA: Presentation.
Sheehan, K. (2009). History never repeats? The
global financial crisis and government policy on
executive remuneration. Law and Change:
Exploring the role of legal research in law
reform and social justice - The Australian
National Postgraduate Law Conference 2009,
Canberra, ACT: Presentation.
Sheehan, K. (2009). Principled Regulatory
Action: the Case of Short-Selling. Corporate
Law Teachers Association (CLTA) Annual
Conference 2009, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Sheehan, K. (2009). Rethinking the role of
institutional investors as executive remuneration
norm entrepreneurs. United Nations Principles
for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) 2nd
Academic Conference 2009, Ottawa, ON,
Canada: Presentation.
Sheehan, K. (2009), Submission to the Financial
Reporting Council (UK) on Reforming
remuneration practices in financial services, CP
Sheehan, K. (2009), Submission to the
Productivity Commission Inquiry into Executive
Remuneration in Australia.
Sheehan, K. (2009). The Regulatory Framework
for Executive Remuneration in Australia. Sydney
Law Review, 31(2), 273-308.
Sheehan, K., Fenwick, C. (2008). Seven: the
Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), corporate
governance and termination payments to senior
employees. Melbourne University Law Review,
32(1), 199-241.
Fenwick, C., Sheehan, K. (2008). Share-based
remuneration and termination payments to
company directors: What are the rules? Company
and Securities Law Journal, 26(2), 71-92.
Sheehan, K. (2007). Executive pay: a model of
the outrage constraint. Oxford University,
Oxford, England: Presentation.
Sheehan, K. (2007). Is the outrage constraint an
effective constraint on executive remuneration?
Evidence from the UK and preliminary results
from Australia. Worldwide Junior Corporate
Scholar Forum - Columbia Law School, New
Fenwick, C., Sheehan, K. (2007). Share-based
Remuneration and Termination Payments to
Company Directors: What are the Rules?.
Sheehan, K. (2006). Is the outrage constraint an
effective constraint on executive remuneration?
Evidence from the UK and preliminary results
from Australia. Corporate Law Teachers
Association Conference 2006, Brisbane:
Corporate Law Teachers Association.
Sheehan, K., Fenwick, C. (2006). Seven, the
Corporations Act, corporate governance
and termination payments to senior employees.
Australian Labour Lawyers Association Annual
Conference 2006, Brisbane, Qld: Presentation.
Sheehan, K. (2005). Outrage + camouflage: the
utility of the managerial power approach in
explaining executive remuneration. Company
and Securities Law Journal, 24(1), 24-40.
Gardiner, R., Sheehan, K. (1994). Improvement
of industry/university course accreditation
procedures and related activities.