Publications for Jennifer Hill 2016

Publications for Jennifer Hill
Publications for Jennifer Hill
Hill, J., Dixon, O. (2016). The Protection of
Investors and Compensation for their Losses
(Forthcoming). Global Securities Litigation and
Enforcement. United Kingdom: Cambridge
University Press.
Hill, J. (2015). Images of the shareholder shareholder power and shareholder
powerlessness. In Jennifer Hill, Randall S.
Thomas (Eds.), Research Handbook on
Shareholder Power, (pp. 53-73). Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar Publishing.
Corporate Law Symposium 2015: Hong Kong
University Law School, Hong Kong:
Hill, J. (2015). Shareholder Empowerment.
Critical Issues in Corporate Law Conference
2015: Hong Kong University, Hong Kong:
Hill, J. (2014). Australia's Two Strikes
Experiment: Developments in Corporate
Governance. East Meets West: National Seoul
University/National Taiwan University/Sydney
Law School/Vanderbilt Law School Joint
Conference 2014, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2015). International Perspectives on
Shareholder Power in the Post-Crisis Era.
Herbert Smith Freehills 2015, London, England:
Hill, J. (2014). Evolving directors' duties in the
common law world. In Adolfo Paolini (Eds.),
Research Handbook on Directors' Duties, (pp.
3-43). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward
Elgar Publishing.
Hill, J., Thomas, R. (2015). Introduction. In
Jennifer Hill, Randall S. Thomas (Eds.),
Research Handbook on Shareholder Power, (pp.
1-9). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Hill, J. (2014). Images of the Shareholder Shareholder Power and Shareholder
Powerlessness. Shareholder Power Conference
2014: NUS Law School, Singapore: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2015). Invited Participant and
Co-Author. Corporate Governance in Asia
Textbook Workshop 2015: Hitotsubashi
University, Tokyo, Japan: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2014). Images of the Shareholder - The
Regulatory Implications of Shareholder Power
and Powerlessness. Joint Chinese University of
Hong Kong / Hong Kong University Seminar
2014, Hong Kong: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2015). Invited participant and discussant
- Contractual Governance in the Absence of
Law: By-laws of Norwegian Firms in the Early
20th Century. Global Corporate Governance
Colloquia 2015: Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2015). Invited participant and speaker:
"Future Trends in International Corporate
Governance". Vanderbilt Law School, Nashville,
TN, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2015). Invited participant: "Fiduciary
Law Workshop". J. Reuben Clark School of Law,
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA:
Hill, J. (2015). Invited Participant: Symposium
and Festschrift in Honor of Professor Melvin
Eisenberg. Boalt Hall, University of California
2015, Berkeley, CA, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J., Thomas, R. (2015). Research Handbook
on Shareholder Power. Cheltenham: Edward
Elgar Publishing. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Hill, J. (2015). Research Presentation: New York
University Global Fellows Forum. New York
University Law School 2015, New York, NY,
USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2015). Shareholder Empowerment.
Hill, J., Cooper, G., Dirkis, M., McCracken, S.,
Stumbles, J., Tolhurst, G., Vann, R. (2014).
Regulation and Reforms to Enhance Financial
Stability in the Post-GFC Era - Report for the
Centre for International Finance and Regulation
Hill, J. (2014). Regulation and the Global
Financial Crisis. 2nd
Geneva-Harvard-Renmin-Sydney Conference
2014: Corporate Governance and Corporate
Social Responsibility, Beijing, China:
Hill, J., Dixon, O. (2014). Shareholder Protection
and the Law. Shareholder Protection: Supreme
Court Annual Corporate Law Conference 2014,
Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Hill, J., Dixon, O. (2014). The Protection of
Minority Investors and the Compensation of their
Losses. 2014 Law and Business Seminar
Program: Sydney Law School - 3rd December,
Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2013). Australia: The Architecture of
Corporate Governance. In Andreas M.
Fleckner, Klaus J. Hopt (Eds.), Comparative
Corporate Governance: A Functional and
International Analysis, (pp. 106-155). New
Publications for Jennifer Hill
York: Cambridge University Press.
Hill, J. (2013), CEOs of J.P. Morgan and Rio
Tinto Get Some Bad News in 2013.
Hill, J. (2013). Commentator: Delaware
Directors' Fiduciary Duties: The Focus on
Loyalty, presented by Justice Randy J. Holland,
Delaware Supreme Court. Business Law Council
of Australia Corporations Law Workshop 2013,
Canberra, ACT: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2013). Commentator: Executive
Compensation. Conference on International
Corporate Governance and Public International
Law 2013, Istanbul, Turkey: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2013). Executive Remuneration in the
Post-Crisis Era: Say on Pay and Australia's Two
Strikes Experience. Queen Mary University of
London 2013, London, England: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2013). Images of the Shareholder Shareholder Power and Shareholder
Powerlessness. 16th Annual Law & Business
Conference 2013: Vanderbilt Law School,
Nashville, TN, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2012). Australia, Regulation and the
GFC. University of Wollongong Law School:
Distinguished Professorial Seminar 2012,
Wollongong, NSW: Presentation.
Vella, J., Hill, J. (2012). Banks and the GFC:
Tax or regulation. Joint Oxford Sydney
Conference 2012, Australia: University of
Sydney Law School.
Hill, J. (2012). Centro and the Monitoring Board
- Legal Duties Versus Aspirational Ideals in
Corporate Governance. University of New South
Wales Law Journal, 35(1), 341-359.
Hill, J. (2012). Commentator: Better Governance
of Financial Institutions, presented by Professor
Klaus Hopt, Max Planck Institute, Hamburg.
New Legal Thinking in Financial Regulation
Conference 2012, Cambridge, England, UK:
Hill, J. (2012). Does Regulation Work? The Role
of Regulation and the GFC. Australian
Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Legal
& Enforcement Conference 2012, Sydney, NSW:
Hill, J. (2013). Introduction: Re-Evaluating the
Role of the Board of Directors in the 21st
Century. Corporate Governance Roundtable
2013: The Role of the Board of Directors in the
21st Century, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2012). Executive Compensation.
Vanderbilt/NALSAR/ISB Law and Business
Conference 2012, Hyderabad, India:
Hill, J. (2013). Regulatory Lessons from the
Global Financial Crisis: An Australian
Perspective. University of Ghent Law School
2013, Ghent, Belgium: Presentation.
Hill, J., Thomas, R. (2012). Introduction:
Research Handbook on Executive Pay. In R
Thomas and J Hill (Eds.), Research Handbook
on Executive Pay, (pp. 1-8). Cheltenham, UK:
Edward Elgar Publishing.
Hill, J. (2013). Systemic Risk, Financial Market
Developments and Market Regulatory
Performance: A Legal Literature Review Commissioned Report for the Centre for
International Finance and Regulation (CIFR),
(pp. 2 - 64). Sydney, Australia: The Centre for
International Finance and Regulation.
Hill, J., Jensen, M., Stevens, G. (2012). Offshore
developments, onshore opportunities. Australian
Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
Summer School: Building Resilience in
Turbulent Times 2012, Sydney, NSW:
Hill, J. (2013). Visions of the Shareholder in the
Post-Crisis Era. Max Planck Institute / Sydney
Law School Conference 2013: The Law and
Economics of Taxation, Munich, Germany:
Hill, J. (2012). Regulating executive
remuneration after the global financial crisis:
common law perspectives. In R Thomas and J
Hill (Eds.), Research Handbook on Executive
Pay, (pp. 219-240). Cheltenham, UK: Edward
Elgar Publishing.
Hill, J. (2013). Visions of the Shareholder in the
Post-Crisis Era - Shareholder Power and
Shareholder Powerlessness. University of British
Columbia Law School 2013, Vancouver, BC,
Canada: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2013). Why Did Australia Fare So Well
in the Global Financial Crisis? Ross Parsons
Centre Corporate Law Seminar Series 2013,
Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2013), Why Did Australia Fare So Well
in the Global Financial Crisis?.
Thomas, R., Hill, J. (2012). Research Handbook
on Executive Pay. Cheltenham, UK: Edward
Elgar Publishing. <a
849803960.xml">[More Information]</a>
Hill, J. (2012). Takeovers and Defensive
Mechanisms in Asia. Conference on Commercial
Law Reform in Asia 2012, Sydney, NSW:
Hill, J. (2012). Takeovers and Poison Pills in
Asia. 21st Century Commercial Law Forum:
Twelfth International Symposium 2012:
Publications for Jennifer Hill
Innovative Development of Capital Market and
Deep Reform of Corporate Systems, Beijing,
China: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2012). Taxation, Governance And
Ownership Structures in Europe. 14th Annual
Swedish Network for European Studies in
Economics and Business (SNEE) European
Integration Conference 2012, Molle, Sweden:
Alder, A., Hill, J., Kohler, A., Trowbridge, J.,
Vieillefond, E. (2012). The international
regulatory response. Australian Securities and
Investments Commission (ASIC) Summer School:
Building Resilience in Turbulent Times 2012,
Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Ferran, E., Moloney, N., Hill, J., Coffee, J.
(2012). The Regulatory Aftermath of the Global
Financial Crisis. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press.
Hill, J. (2012). Why Did Australia Fare So Well
In The Global Financial Crisis? In Eilis Ferran,
Niamh Moloney, Jennifer G. Hill, John C.
Coffee, Jr. (Eds.), The Regulatory Aftermath of
the Global Financial Crisis, (pp. 203-300).
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Hill, J. (2012). Why Did Australia Fare So Well
in the Global Financial Crisis? University
College London 2012, London, England:
Hill, J., Austin, R. (2011). Balancing the scales
on Centro. Business Spectator.
Hill, J., Masulis, R., Thomas, R. (2011).
Comparing CEO Employment Contract
Provisions: Differences Between Australia and
the United States. Vanderbilt Law Review, 64(2),
Hill, J. (2011). Corporate Governance: Recent
Developments in Executive Compensation.
International Corporate Governance Panel:
Vanderbilt Law School 2011, Nashville, TN,
USA: Presentation.
Ramsay, I., Hill, J., Farrar, J. (2011). Current
Areas of Research Focus. Corporate Law
Teachers Association Conference 2011,
Brisbane, Qld: Presentation.
Hill, J., Austin, R. (2011). Did Centro's directors
really get off lightly? The Conversation.
Hill, J. (2011). Executive Compensation and
Ethics in a Post-Crisis World. Spring 2011
Symposium: Corporate Governance and
Business Ethics in a Post-Crisis World, Notre
Dame, IN, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2011). Heat may spread to News Corp's
home. The Conversation.
Thomas, R., Firth, M., Hill, J., Masulis, R., Rui,
O. (2011). International Executive
Compensation. An Academic and Practitioners'
Law Conference Addressing Current Issues
Affecting International Business Activity 2011,
Beijing, China: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2011). Introduction: The Takeovers
Panel After 10 Years. In Jennifer G Hill and RP
Austin (Eds.), The Takeovers Panel After 10
Years. Sydney: Ross Parsons Centre of
Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law.
Hill, J. (2011). News Corp's crisis closer to
home. Business Spectator.
Robertson, A., Hill, J. (2011), News Ltd launches
internal inquiry. Television.
Hill, J. (2011). Regulating Executive
Remuneration After the Global Financial Crisis:
Common Law Perspectives. International
Regulatory Responses to the Global Financial
Crisis Series: Ross Parsons Centre Corporate
Law Seminar Series 2011, Sydney, NSW:
Hill, J. (2011). State of Executive Contracts and
Executive Pay. 19th Annual Labour Law
Conference 2011, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Hill, J., Austin, R. (2011). The Takeovers Panel
After 10 Years. Sydney: Ross Parsons Centre of
Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law.
Hill, J., Masulis, R., Thomas, R. (2010),
Comparing CEO Employment Contract
Hill, J., Masulis, R., Thomas, R. (2010).
Comparing CEO Employment Contract
Provisions: Differences between Australia and
the US. Vanderbilt Law Review Symposium on
Executive Remuneration - Executive
Compensation: Rewarding Success or Promoting
Excess 2010, Nashville, TN, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2010). Corporate Governance - National
Report: Australia. The XVIIIth International
Congress of Comparative Law 2010,
Washington, DC, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2010). Enforcement. Financial
Regulation and Supervision in the New Financial
Architecture Conference 2010, Sicily, Italy:
Hill, J. (2010). Negotiating Dichotomies in
Corporate Governance: Comparative Law
Perspectives on Takeovers and Takeover
Defences. National University of Singapore
(NUS)/Sydney Law School Conference2010 Negotiating Dichotomies: Public/Private,
Present/Future, Rights/Responsibilities,
Singapore: Presentation.
Publications for Jennifer Hill
Hill, J. (2010). Recent Developments in
Directors' Duties in the Common Law World.
In M Lubrano di Scorpaniello (Eds.), Corporate
Governance Models and the Liability of
Directors and Managers (Modelli di corporate
governance e responsabilità di amministratori e
manager), (pp. 19-48). Italy: FrancoAngeli.
Times, Sydney, Australia: Supreme Court of
Hill, J. (2009). Professor Berle and the
Unpredictable Shareholder. In Berle's Footsteps:
Symposium to launch the Adolf A Berle, Jr
Center on Corporations, Law and Society 2009,
Seattle, WA, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2010). Regulating Executive
Remuneration in the Post-Financial Crisis Era.
Lectures on Law and Economics: University of
Hamburg 2010, Hamburg, Germany:
Hill, J. (2009). Recent Developments in
Australian and UK Directors' Duties. Corporate
Governance Models and the Liability of
Directors Conference 2009, Benevento, Italy:
Hill, J. (2010). Subverting Shareholder Rights:
Lessons from News Corp's Migration to
Delaware. Corporate Practice Commentator, 52,
Hill, J. (2009). Selective Regulation: Lessons
from the News Corp Waivers. Cambridge
University Law School 2009, Cambridge,
England: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2010). Subverting Shareholder Rights:
Lessons from News Corp.'s Migration to
Delaware. Vanderbilt Law Review, 63(1), 1-51.
Hill, J. (2010). Takeovers, Poison Pills, and
Protectionism in Comparative Corporate
Governance. In Grundmann, S; Haar, B; Merkt,
H; Mulbert, P.O; Wellenho, M. (Eds.),
Festschrift fur Klaus J. Hopt zum 70. Geburtstag
am 24. August 2010, (pp. 795-815). Berlin:
Walter de Gruyter.
Hill, J. (2010). The Rising Tension Between
Shareholder and Director Power in the Common
Law World. Corporate Governance (Oxford): an
international review, 18(4), 344-359. <a
0.00804.x">[More Information]</a>
Hill, J. (2010). Then and Now: Professor Berle
and the Unpredictable Shareholder. Seattle
University Law Review, 33(4), 1005-1023.
Hill, J., Masulis, R., Thomas, R. (2009). A
Comparison of US and Australian Executive
Remuneration Contracts. International Executive
Remuneration Workshop 2009, Cambridge,
England: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2009). Creating the New Financial
System Architecture. Australian Davos
Connection Conference 2009, Hayman Island,
Qld: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2009). Ensuring Ethical Participation in
Markets. Australian Davos Connection
Conference 2009, Hayman Island, Qld:
Hill, J. (2009). New Trends in the Regulation of
Executive Compensation. In Justice RP Austin,
AY Bilski (Eds.), Directors in Troubled Times.
Australia: Ross Parsons Centre of Commercial,
Corporate and Taxation Law.
Hill, J. (2009). New Trends in the Regulation of
Executive Compensation. Directors in Troubled
Hill, J. (2009). Selective Regulation: Lessons
from the News Corp Waivers. Global Law
Workshop: Duke University Law School 2009,
Durham, NC, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2009). Shareholder Activism in an Age
of Institutions. Australian Davos Connection
Conference 2009, Hayman Island, Qld:
Hill, J. (2009). The Art of Waiving: Selective
Regulation in Comparative Corporate
Governance. National University of Singapore
(NUS)/ Sydney Law School Conference 2009,
Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2008). Commentator: The EU
Shareholder Rights Directive. Shareholder
Rights, Shareholder Voting and Corporate
Performance Conference 2008, Sardinia, Italy:
Hill, J. (2008). Contemporary Issues Concerning
Schemes of Arrangement in Australia. Corporate
Restructuring: Theory and Practice 2008,
Beijing, China: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2008). Dialogue with the Regulators.
Hong Kong Corporate Regulators: Hong Kong
Companies Registrar 2008, Hong Kong:
Hill, J. (2008). Evolving 'Rules of the Game' in
Corporate Governance Reform. International
Journal of Corporate Governance, 1(1), 28-48.
Hill, J. (2008). Guest Speaker. Commercial and
Enterprise Laws: National Taiwan University
College of Law 2008, Taipai, Taiwan:
Hill, J. (2008). News Corp's Exodus to Delaware:
Lessons for US and Australian Corporate
Lawyers. Ross Parsons Centre Corporate Law
Seminar Series 2008, Sydney, NSW:
Publications for Jennifer Hill
Hill, J. (2008). Regulatory Show and Tell:
Lessons from International Statutory Regimes.
Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, 33(3),
University of Queensland 2007, Brisbane, Qld:
Hill, J. (2008), Regulatory Show and Tell:
Lessons from International Statutory Regimes.
Hill, J. (2006). Commentator. Sixth Annual
Vanderbilt Law and Business Conference:
Corporate Separateness 2006, Nashville, TN,
USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2008). The Shareholder Empowerment
Debate: Lessons from News Corp's Exodus to
Delaware. University of Hong Kong 2008, Hong
Kong: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2008). The Shareholder Empowerment
Debate: Lessons from News Corp's Exodus to
Delaware. William S. Richardson School of Law,
University of Hawaii 2008, Honolulu, HI, USA:
Hill, J. (2008), The Shifting Balance of Power
Between Shareholders and the Board.
Hill, J. (2008). The Shifting Balance of Power
Between Shareholders and the Board: News
Corp's Exodus from Delaware and Other
Antipodean Tales. Chinese University of Hong
Kong 2008, Hong Kong: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2008). What We Can Learn from Other
Statutory Schemes. The Delaware General
Corporation Law for the 21st Century
Conference 2008, Chester, PA, USA:
Hill, J. (2007). Comparative Corporate
Governance and Russia - Coming full Circle.
Corporate Governance: Policy Perspectives, (pp.
129-146). Hyderabad, India: Amicus Books, The
ICFAI University Press.
Hill, J. (2007). E.On v Acciona, SA and Finanzas
DOS, SA [2007] WL 316874 (SDNY).
Hill, J. (2007). Evolving 'Rules of the Game' in
Corporate Governance Reform. In Justin
O'Brien (Eds.), Private Equity, Corporate
Governance and the Dynamics of Capital Market
Regulation, (pp. 29-54). UK: Imperial College
Hill, J. (2007). Evolving Rules of the Game in
Corporate Governance Reform. The Dynamics of
Capital Market Governance: Evaluating the
Conflicting and Conflating Roles of Compliance,
Regulation, Ethics and Accountability
Conference 2007, Canberra, ACT: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2007). Shareholders versus Managers:
News Corp's Exodus to Delaware and Other
Antipodean Tales. Emory University Law School
2007, Atlanta, GA, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2007). The Shifting Balance of Power
Between Shareholders and Management:
Comparative Corporate Governance
Perspectives. TC Beirne School of Law,
Hill, J. (2006). Corporate Law. New Oxford
Companion to Law.United Kingdom: Oxford
University Press.
Hill, J. (2006). Emerging Tensions in the
Balance of Power Between Management and
Shareholders. University of Adelaide Law School
2006, Adelaide, SA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2006). Regulating Executive
Remuneration: International Developments in the
Post-Scandal Era. European Company Law, 3(2),
Hill, J. (2006). Regulating Executive
Remuneration: International Developments in the
Post-Scandal Era. The ICFAI Journal of
Corporate and Securities Law.
Long, S., Hill, J. (2005), ASIC criticised over
Vizard case. Television.
Hill, J. (2005). Regulatory Responses to Global
Corporate Scandals. Wisconsin International
Law Journal, 23(3), 367-416.
Hill, J. (2005). The Anglo-American Model
Post-Enron. Financial Structure and Corporate
Governance: Comparative Approaches Seminar
2005 - 35th Anniversary of Hong Kong
University Faculty of Law / 5th Anniversary of
Asian Institute of International Finance Law
(AIIFL), Hong Kong: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2005). The Persistent Debate about
Convergence in Comparative Corporate
Governance: Jeffrey N Gordon & Mark J Roe
(eds), Convergence and Persistence in Corporate
Governance (2004). Sydney Law Review, 27,
Hill, J. (2005). The Shifting Balance of Power
Between Shareholders and Managers in
International Regulatory Reform. Economic
Globalization and Corporate Governance:
Wisconsin International Law Journal Annual
Symposium 2005, Madison, WI, USA:
Hill, J. (2005). The Shifting Balance of Power
Between Shareholders and Managers in
International Regulatory Reform. Duke
University Law School 2005, Durham, NC, USA:
Publications for Jennifer Hill
Hill, J. (2004). Comparative Corporate
Governance and Russia - Coming Full Circle.
In Guenther Doeker-Mach & Klaus A. Ziegert
(Eds.), Law and Legal Culture in Comparative
Perspective, (pp. 394-405). Stuttgart, Germany:
Franz Steiner Verlag.
Hill, J. (2004). Comparative Corporate
Governance and Russia - Coming Full Circle.
In G Doeker-Mach, K A Ziegert (Eds.), Alice
Erh-Soon Tay: Lawyer, Scholar, Civil Servant,
(pp. 153-164). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Hill, J. (2004). Corporate Governance.
Australian Federal Court Judges' Workshop
2004, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2004). Corporate Law Economic
Program (Audit Reform and Corporate
Disclosure) Act 2004. Corporations Panel,
Federal Court of Australia 2004, Sydney, NSW:
Hill, J. (2004). Corporate Scandals Across The
Globe: Regulating the Role of the Director. In
G. Ferrarini, K. J. Hopt, J. Winter & E.
Wymeersch (Eds.), Reforming Company and
Takeover Law in Europe, (pp. 225-266). London:
Oxford University Press.
Hill, J., Kumar, M. (2004). Issue Paper 28:
Review of the Evidence Act 1995 (Consultants).
Hill, J. (2003). Corporate Collapse in Australia:
Issues in Comparative Corporate Governance
and Regulation. Heyman Center on Corporate
Governance, Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva
University 2003, New York, NY, USA:
Hill, J. (2003). Corporate Criminal Liability in
Australia: An Evolving Corporate Governance
Technique? Journal of Business Law, 2003 (1).
Hill, J. (2003). Corporate governance and the
role of the employee. In Paul J. Gollan and
Glenn Patmore (Eds.), Partnership At Work: The
Challenge Of Employee Democracy, (pp.
110-121). Australia: Pluto Press.
Hill, J. (2003). Corporate Scandals Across the
Globe: Implications for Corporate Governance. A
Modern Regulatory Framework for Company
and Takeover Law in Europe: Max Planck
Institute Conference 2003, Sicily, Italy:
Hill, J. (2003). Corporate Scandals Across the
Globe: Implications for Corporate Governance.
Duke University Law School 2003, Durham, NC,
USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2003). Corporate Scandals Across the
Globe: Implications for Corporate Governance.
Vanderbilt University Law School 2003,
Nashville, TN, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2002). Back to the Future? Bigshop 2
and Defensive Tactics in Takeovers. Company
and Securities Law Journal, 20(2), 126-140.
Hill, J. (2002). Corporate Criminal Liability as a
Governance Technique. Corporate Crime
Workshop 2002, Melbourne, Vic: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2002). Corporate Criminal Liability in
Australia: An evolving Corporate Governance
Technique? In Low Chee Keong et al (Eds.),
Corporate Governance: An Asia-Pacific critique,
(pp. 519-566). Asia: Sweet & Maxwell.
Hill, J., Yablon, C. (2002). Corporate
Governance and Executive Remuneration Rediscovering managerial positional conflict.
University of New South Wales Law Journal,
25(2), 294-319.
Hill, J., Yablon, C. (2002). Corporate
Governance and Executive Remuneration:
Rediscovering Managerial Positional Conflict.
University of New South Wales Law Journal,
25(2), 294-319.
Hill, J. (2002). Corporate Governance and the
Board of Directors: An Australian Perspective.
Developments in Corporate Governance
Conference 2002, Napoli, Italy: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2002). Introduction: Comparative
Corporate Governance and Takeovers. Sydney
Law Review, 24(3), 319-322.
Hill, J., Riley, J. (2001). Corporate Theory and
the Role of the Employee: A Case Study of
National Textiles. 11th Annual Corporate Law
Teachers Association Conference 2001,
Melbourne, Vic: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2001). The Continuing Legacy of
Sunbeam for Corporate Governance. Chinese
University of Hong Kong 2001, Hong Kong:
Hill, J. (2001). The Transformation of Corporate
Ethics into Risk Management. Keeping Good
Companies, 53, 26.
Hill, J., Kriewaldt, J. (2001). Theory and Practice
in Takeover Law - Further Reflections on
Pinnacle No 8. Company and Securities Law
Journal, 19, 391-396.
Hill, J. (2000). Invited Speaker. International
Research Workshop: Key Centre for Ethics, Law,
Justice and Governance, Griffith University
2000, Brisbane, Qld: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2000). Public Beginnings, Private Ends Should corporate law privilege interests of share
holders? In Fiona Macmillan (Eds.),
Publications for Jennifer Hill
International Corporate Law: Volume 1, (pp.
17-35). Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing.
Hill, J. (2000). Timing Corporate Disclosures to
Maximise Performance-Based Remuneration: A
case of Misaligned Incentives? Wake Forest Law
Review, 35, 83.
Hill, J. (2000). Timing corporate disclosures to
maximize performance; Performance based
remuneration: a case of misaligned incentives?
14th Annual Business Law Symposium on
Executive Compensation (2000), Winston, North
Carolina: Wake Forest Law School.
Shareholders? National Corporate Law
Teachers' Conference 1998, Adelaide, SA:
Hill, J. (1998). Reconceiving the Role of
Shareholders and Employees in Corporate
Governance - Lessons from Sunbeam and the
Australian Waterfront Dispute. Heyman Center
on Corporate Governance, Cardozo School of
Law, Yeshiva University 1998, New York, NY,
USA: Presentation.
Hill, J. (2000). Visions and Revision of the
Shareholder. American Journal of Comparative
Law, 48, 39-79.
Hill, J. (1997). Changes in the Role of the
Shareholder. A Centenary Celebration of
Salomon v Salomon Conference 1997, Auckland,
New Zealand: Presentation.
Hill, J. (1999). Deconstructing Sunbeam Contemporary Issues in Corporate Governance.
University of Cincinnati Law Review, 67(4),
Hill, J. (1996). "What Reward Have Ye?"
Disclosure of Director and Executive
Remuneration in Australia. Company and
Securities Law Journal, 14(4), 232-247.
Hill, J. (1999). Deconstructing Sunbeam Contemporary Issues in Corporate Governance.
Company and Securities Law Journal, 17(5),
Hill, J. (1996). Corporate Groups, Creditor
Protection and Cross Guarantees - Australian
Perspectives. Corporate Practice Commentator,
38, 381-416.
Hill, J. (1999). Deconstructing Sunbeam Contemporary Issues in Corporate Governance.
Developments in Business Entity and Securities
Law: Twelfth Annual University of Cincinnati
Corporate Law Symposium 1999, Cincinnati,
OH, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J., Harmer, R. (1996). Criminal Liability of
Corporations - Australia. In Doelder,
Tiedemann (Eds.), La Criminalisation du
Comportement Collectif [Criminal Liability of
Corporations]. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law
Bird, J., Hill, J. (1999). Regulatory Rooms in
Australian Corporate Law. Brooklyn Journal of
International Law, 25(3), 555-606.
Hill, J. (1998). Changes in the Role of the
Shareholder. In Ross Grantham, Charles
Rickett (Eds.), Corporate Personality in the 20th
Century, (pp. 175-213). United Kingdom: Hart
Hill, J. (1998). Contemporary Governance in
Corporate Law. Research Institute for
Humanities & Social Sciences Visiting Speakers
Series: University of Sydney 1998, Sydney,
NSW: Presentation.
Hill, J., Bird, J. (1998). Corporate Governance:
Australian National Report. Fifteenth
International Congress of Comparative Law
1998, Bristol, England: Presentation.
Hill, J. (1998). Prohibiting Bribery of Foreign
Public Officials - Implications for Corporate
Criminal Liability. Company and Securities Law
Journal, 16(5), 384-388.
Hill, J. (1998). Public Beginnings, Private Ends Should Corporate Law Privilege the Interests of
Hill, J. (1995). At the Frontiers of Labour Law
and Corporate Law: Enterprise Bargaining,
Corporations and Employees. Federal Law
Review, 23(2), 204-225.
Hill, J. (1995). Corporate Groups, Creditor
Protection and Cross Guarantees: Australian
Perspectives. Canadian Business Law Journal,
25(3), 321-356.
Hill, J. (1995). Corporate Theory and the Caltex
Decision. National Corporate Law Teachers
Conference 1995, Melbourne, Vic: Presentation.
Hill, J. (1995). Inspection of Corporate Books
and Documents by Company Directors.
Company and Securities Law Journal, 13(7),
Hill, J. (1995). The Accountability of
Management Under Enterprise Bargaining Law.
In Paul Ronfeldt, Ron McCallum (Eds.),
Enterprise Bargaining: Trade unions and the
law, (pp. 208-236). Australia: Federation Press.
Hill, J. (1995). The Accountability of
Management Under Enterprise Bargaining Law.
Third Annual Labour Law Conference 1995,
Publications for Jennifer Hill
Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Hill, J. (1995). Visions and Revisions of the
Shareholder - Recent Developments in Corporate
Governance and the Implications of Gambotto.
University of Adelaide 1995, Adelaide, SA:
Hill, J. (1994). Corporate Rights and
Accountability - The Privilege against
Self-Incrimination and the Implications of
Environment Protection Authority v Caltex
Refining Co Pty Ltd. Corporate and Business
Law Journal, 7(1), 127-148.
Hill, J., Ramsay, I. (1994). Institutional
Investment in Australia: Theory and Evidence.
In Gordon Walker, Brent Fisse (Eds.), Securities
Regulation in Australia and New Zealand, (pp.
289-312). New Zealand: Oxford University
Hill, J. (1994). Institutional Investors and
Corporate Governance in Australia. In Theodor
Baums, Richard M. Buxbaum, Klaus J. Hopt
(Eds.), Institutional Investors and Corporate
Governance, (pp. 583-607). Germany: Walter de
Hill, J. (1994). Protecting Minority Shareholders
- Some Developments Across Time and
Jurisdictions. Brooklyn Law School 1994, New
York, NY, USA: Presentation.
Hill, J., Harmer, R. (1994). The Criminal
Liability of Enterprises. XIVth International
Congress of Comparative Law 1994, Australia:
Faculty of Law, University of Sydney.
Hill, J. (1994). The Criminal Liability of
Enterprises: Australian National Report.
Fourteenth International Congress of
Comparative Law 1994, Athens, Greece:
Hill, J. (1993). Cross Guarantees - Do They
Work? Institute for International Research (IIR)
Conference 1993, Sydney, NSW / Melbourne,
Vic: Presentation.
Hill, J., Loughlan, P. (1993). Feminism and
Dolls' Houses (Review Essay): The Hidden
Gender of Law by Regina Graycar and Jenny
Morgan, Federation Press, 1990, 464pp, $45,
ISBN 1862870411. Sydney Law Review, 15(3),
Hill, J. (1992). Cross Guarantees in Corporate
Groups. Company and Securities Law Journal,
10(5), 312-317.
Hill, J. (1992). Invited Speaker. International
Workshop on Institutional Investors and
Corporate Governance 1992, Osnabruck,
Germany: Presentation.
Hill, J. (1992). Protecting Minority Shareholders
and Reasonable Expectations. Company and
Securities Law Journal, 10(2), 86-104.
Hill, J. (1992). The Liability of Passive
Directors: Morley v Statewide Tobacco Services
Ltd. Sydney Law Review, 14(4), 504-510.
Hill, J. (1991). The Law of Corporate Groups.
Corporate Control and Accountability
International Workshop 1991, Coventry,
England: Presentation.
Hill, J. (1990). Companies - takeover conditions with respect to redeemable preference
shares as part of offer of acquisition. Australian
Law Journal, 64(4), 221-224.
Hill, J., Kingsford-Smith, D. (1990). Electronic
Funds Transfer and Consumer Protection
(Transfert Electronique de Fonds et Protection du
Consommateur*), Eds, Th. Bourgoignie et M.
Goyens. Pages 1-316. 1990. Storie Scientia.
Journal of Banking and Finance - Law and
Practice, 1(4), 296-298.
Hill, J. (1990). The Juridical Person in Law and
Comparative Law. XIIIth International Congress
of Comparative Law 1990, Australia: University
of Sydney.
Hill, J. (1989). Close Corporations in Australia The Close Corporations Bill 1988. Canadian
Business Law Journal, 15(1), 43-60.
Hill, J. (1987). Companies - inspection by
shareholders of corporate books and documents.
Australian Law Journal, 61(10), 657-659.
Hill, J. (1986). Companies - duties of directors
towards creditors - whether there are such duties
when company is solvent. Australian Law
Journal, 60(9), 525-527.
Hill, J. (1986). Preference Shares. In R.P.
Austin, Richard Vann (Eds.), The Law of Public
Company Finance, (pp. 139-168). Australia:
Lawbook Co.
Hill, J., Carter, J. (1986). Repudiation of Leases:
Further Developments. The Conveyancer and
Property Lawyer, 1986, 262-271.
Hill, J., Carter, J. (1986). Severance, Illegal
Contracts and Company Law. Company and
Securities Law Journal, 4(3), 183-188.