CELL 6131-41 Embryology Lab, Spring 2014 Friday 1–1:50 PM, Richardson 104 Instructor: Dr. Manjong Han, 4011 Stern Hall, 865-5582, mhan@tulane.edu Office hour: By appointment Course Description: Master students who take CELL 6130 Embryology will also research and give a PowerPoint lecture on a specific birth defect in human development. Topics must be focused on the human embryological malformation. Presentations may include background (history), causes (genetic or environmental), symptoms, epidemiology, possible treatment, and prognosis. Presentation format: 20 minute presentation and 10 minute discussion. In addition, each student will prepare 6 exam questions (with answers) that can be reasonably answered based on the content of the presentation. Selected questions will be included the final lecture exam. The lectures will be presented during the last 8 class meetings (February 14th to April 11th). Students will be assigned date for their presentation according to the alphabetical order of last names. Please send topic, abstract, and bibliography (no more than 1 page) by January 31st via email to Dr. Han. Final version of PowerPoint files and exam questions must be turned in to Dr. Han 1 week before the presentation date. Grading: Presentation is worth 100 points 50 pts: Presentation – organization, topic/approach, knowledge demonstrated, quality of images (graphics) and data, and delivery – assessed by all audiences 30 pts: 6 questions about your presentation suitable for inclusion into the final exam, answers included 20 pts: attendance, punctuality, and class participation Presentation Schedule: 1/17 Introduction & Overview 1/24, 1/ 31, 2/7 No Class Meeting 1/31 Deadline for topic, abstract, and bibliography 2/14 Presentation 1 2/21 Presentation 2 2/28 Presentation 3 3/7 Spring Break ( No Class) 3/14 Presentation 4 3/21 Presentation 5 3/28 Presentation 6 4/4 Presentation 7 4/11 Presentation 8 Possible topics: Sacrococcygeal teratoma Greig Cephalopolysyndactyly Syndrome Patau syndrome Pallister-Hall Syndrome Edwards syndrome Nail Patella Syndrome Down syndrome Holt-Oram Syndrome Klinefelter syndrome Hand-Foot-Genital Syndrome Jacobs syndrome Treacher-Collins Syndrome Turner syndrome Frontonasal Dysplasia Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Cleft lip and cleft palate Angelman Syndrome (Happy Puppet Syndrome) Anotia or Microtia Prader-Willi Syndrome Omphalocele or Gastroschisis Caudal Dysplasia or Caudal Dysgenesis Hirschsprung Disease (Sirenomelia) Imperforate Anus (Anal Atresia) Microcephaly Respiratory Distress Syndrome Hydrocephaly Cystic Fibrosis Congenital Heart Defect Diaphragmatic Hernias Collodion Baby Renal Agenesis Psoriasis Polycystic Kidney Complete Androgen Insensitivity Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome Hyperdontia Hermaphroditism Cleidocranial Dysplasia Cryptorchidism Craniosynostosis Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Hypospadias Amelia