Publications for Mairwen Jones 2016

Publications for Mairwen Jones
Publications for Mairwen Jones
Leonello, A., Jones, M. (2016). Pick a Card, Any
Card: The Relationship Between Anxiety,
Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms and
Decision-Making. Behaviour Change, 33(1),
27-43. <a
ore Information]</a>
Truc, T., Jones, M., Harris, L., Heard, R. (2015).
Correlates of problematic alcohol use in people
living with HIV/AIDS in Ho Chi Minh city,
Vietnam: Findings from a cross-sectional study.
Australasian HIV and AIDS Conference,
Jones, M., Vaccaro, L. (2015). Danger Ideation
Reduction Therapy for Obsessive–Compulsive
Disorder: A Brief Overview. Australian Clinical
Psychologist, 1.
McDonald, L., Jones, M. (2015). The Role of
Danger Expectancies and Disgust in
Obsessive-Compulsive Washing. Journal of
Psychology and Behavioral Science, 3(1),
127-141. <a
[More Information]</a>
Gentle, M., Harris, L., Jones, M. (2014). The
barriers to seeking treatment for
obsessive-compulsive disorder in an Australian
population. Behaviour Change, 31(4), 258-278.
More Information]</a>
Vaccaro, L., Jones, M., Menzies, R., Wootton, B.
(2014). The Effectiveness of Danger Ideation
Reduction Therapy Compared to Exposure and
Response Prevention in the Treatment of
Obsessive-Compulsive Checking: A Randomised
Trial. 28th International Congress of Applied
Petrozzi, M., Leaver, A., Jones, M., Ferreira, P.,
Rubinstein, S., Mackey, M. (2015). Does an
online psychological intervention improve
self-efficacy and disability in people also
receiving Multimodal Manual Therapy for
chronic low back pain compared to Multimodal
Manual Therapy alone? Design of a randomized
controlled trial. Chiropractic & Manual
Therapies, 23(1), 1-8. <a
0-9">[More Information]</a>
Gentle, M., Harris, L., Jones, M. (2014). The
effectiveness of self-administered danger
ideation reduction therapy for a 33-year old
woman with obsessive-compulsive washing: A
case study. 28th International Congress of
Applied Psychology.
Fernandez, A., Black, J., Jones, M., Wilson, L.,
Salvador-Carulla, L., Astell-Burt, T., Black, D.
(2015). Flooding and mental health: a systematic
mapping review. PloS One, 10(4), 1-20. <a
9929">[More Information]</a>
Vaccaro, L., Jones, M., Menzies, R., Wootton, B.
(2014). The treatment of obsessive-compulsive
checking: A randomised trial comparing danger
ideation reduction therapy with exposure and
response prevention. Clinical Psychologist,
18(2), 74-95. <a
e Information]</a>
Mahee, A., Sitharthan, G., Jones, M., Wiley, K.
(2015). Is acculturation a major factor for HIV
related risk taking behaviours among South
Asian immigrant men-who-have-sex-with-men
in Australia? Australasian HIV and AIDS
Conference, Australia.
Mahintorabi, S., Jones, M., Harris, L.,
Zahiroddin, A. (2015). Religious observance and
obsessive compulsive washing among Iranian
women. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and
Related Disorders, 7, 35-42. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Burgdorf, V., Jones, M. (2015). The influence of
situation-specific control beliefs on
obsessive-compulsive phenomena. International
Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 5(5),
McDonald, L., Jones, M. (2014). The Role of
Danger Expectancies and Disgust in
Obsessive-Compulsive Washing. 28th
International Congress of Applied Psychology.
Dermody, N., Jones, M., Cumming, S. (2013).
An Investigation into the Effect of Imagined
Contact on Explicit and Implicit Attitudes
Toward Male Homosexuals. 48th APS Annual
Vaccaro, L., Jones, M. (2013). An investigation
of the quality of life in 50 obsessive-compulsive
checkers. 48th APS Annual Conference.
Gentle, M., Harris, L., Jones, M. (2013). Barriers
to Seeking Treatment for OCD in Australia. 36th
National Conference of the Australian
Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy,
Vaccaro, L., Jones, M., Menzies, R., Wootton, B.
(2013). Dysfunctional beliefs in
Publications for Mairwen Jones
obsessive-compulsive checking and cognitive
change after treatment. 48th APS Annual
Chang, H., Jones, M., Russell, C. (2013).
Exploring attitudes and barriers toward the use of
evidence-based nursing among Nurse Managers
in Taiwanese residential Aged Care facilities.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing: for nursing
care of older adults, 39(2), 36-42. <a
110-02">[More Information]</a>
Medway, M., Jones, M. (2013). Further Evidence
That Repeated Checking Leads to Reduced
Memory Confidence, Vividness and Detail: New
Evidence That Repeated Object Exposure Also
Results in Memory Distrust. Behaviour Change,
30(3), 159-179. <a
More Information]</a>
Mahintorabi, S., Jones, M., Harris, L.,
Zahiroddin, A. (2013). Religion and Obsessive
Compulsive symptom presentation among
Iranian Muslim women. 36th National
Conference of the Australian Association for
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, AACBT.
Medway, M., Jones, M. (2013). The effects of
repeated checking and repeated stimulus use on
memory and meta-memory in
obsessive-compulsive checking. 48th APS
Annual Conference.
Dermody, N., Jones, M., Cumming, S. (2013).
The Failure of Imagined Contact in Reducing
Explicit and Implicit Out-Group Prejudice
Toward Male Homosexuals. Current
Psychology, 32(3), 261-274. <a
2-5">[More Information]</a>
Schofield, T., Hepworth, J., Jones, M., Schofield,
E. (2012). Aliens, Borders and Social Citizens:
Health and Community Services for Trafficked
Women. TASA, Emerging and Enduring
Inequalities, Australia: University of
Vaccaro, L., Wootton, B., Jones, M., Menzies, R.
(2012). Danger ideation reduction in ocd
a pilot study. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Psychiatry, 43(Suppl 1), A55-A63. <a
0083">[More Information]</a>
Schofield, T., Hepworth, J., Jones, M.,
Schofield-Georgeson, E. (2012). Health and
community services for trafficked women: A
exploratory study of policy and practice.
Australian Journal of Social Issues, 46(4),
Harris, L., Jones, M. (2012). Prospective
Memory and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Checking. ACAP 5th Annual Conference: Mind
over matter in Mental Health - Implications for
professional training and professional practice.
Jones, M., Wootton, B., Vaccaro, L. (2012). The
Efficacy of Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy
for an 86-Year Old Man with a 63-Year History
of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - A Case
Study. International Conference on Applied
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences.
Jones, M., Wootton, B., Vaccaro, L. (2012). The
efficacy of danger ideation reduction therapy for
an 86-year old man with a 63-year history of
obsessive-compulsive disorder - A case study.
International Journal of Psychology and
Behavioural Sciences, 1, 1-7.
Jones, M., Wootton, B., Vaccaro, L. (2012). The
efficacy of exposure and response prevention for
geriatric obsessive compulsive disorder: A
clinical case illustration. Case Reports in
Psychiatry, 2012, 1-5. <a
More Information]</a>
Jones, M., Harris, L., Vaccaro, L. (2012). The
Efficacy of Self-Administered Danger Ideation
Reduction Therapy for a 50-year Old Woman
with a 20 Year History of Obsessive-Compulsive
Disorder: A Case Study. International
Conference on Applied Psychology and
Behavioral Sciences.
Jones, M., Harris, L., Vaccaro, L. (2012). The
efficacy of self-administered danger ideation
reduction therapy for a 50-year old woman with
a 20-year history of obsessive-compulsive
disorder: A case study. International Journal of
Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, 1, 8-13.
Jones, M., Wootton, B., Vaccaro, L., Menzies, R.
(2012). The impact of climate change on
obsessive compulsive checking concerns.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, 46(3), 265-270. <a
951">[More Information]</a>
Davey, Z., Jones, M., Harris, L. (2011). A
comparison of eating disorder symptomatology,
role concerns, figure preference and social
comparison between women who have attended
single sex and coeducational schools. Sex Roles,
65(9-10), 751-759. <a
2-3">[More Information]</a>
Einstein, D., St Clare, T., Drobny, J.,
Publications for Mairwen Jones
Krochmalik, A., Jones, M., Menzies, R. (2011).
Effectiveness of Danger ideation reduction
therapy (DIRT) in a typical outpatient clinic:
Results from a randomised controlled trial.
AACBT National conference: CBT across the
Vaccaro, L., Jones, M., Menzies, R., St Clare, T.
(2010). Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy
(DIRT) For Obsessive-Compulsive Checkers: A
Comprehensive Guide to Treatment. Bowen
Hills: Australian Academic Press.
Vaccaro, L., Jones, M., Menzies, R., Wootton, B.
(2010). Danger ideation reduction therapy for
obsessive-compulsive checking: Preliminary
Findings. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 39(4),
293-301. <a
512643">[More Information]</a>
Harris, L., Vaccaro, L., Jones, M., Boots, G.
(2010). Evidence of Impaired Event-based
Prospective Memory in Clinical Obesessive
Checking. 27th International Congress of
Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia: ICAP
(international congress of applied psychology.
Harris, L., Vaccaro, L., Jones, M., Boots, G.
(2010). Evidence of Impaired Event-Based
Prospective Memory in Clinical
Obsessive-Compulsive Checking. Behaviour
Change, 27(2), 84-92. <a
More Information]</a>
Vaccaro, L., Jones, M., Menzies, R., Wootton, B.
(2010). Exploring the nature of obsessive
compulsive checking. 27th International
Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne,
Australia: ICAP (international congress of
applied psychology.
Chang, H., Russell, C., Jones, M. (2010).
Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in
Taiwanese Nursing Homes: Attitudes and
Perceived Barriers and Facilitators. Journal of
Gerontological Nursing: for nursing care of
older adults, 36(1), 41-48. <a
204-04">[More Information]</a>
Wootton, B., Vaccaro, L., Jones, M., Menzies, R.
(2010). Successful treatment of an 80-year old
man with a 65-year history of
obsessive-compulsive disorder: A case study.
27th International Congress of Applied
Psychology, Melbourne, Australia: ICAP
(international congress of applied psychology.
Madiwale, S., Jones, M., Vaccaro, L. (2010). The
role of anger in obsessive-compulsive checking.
27th International Congress of Applied
Psychology, Melbourne, Australia: ICAP
(international congress of applied psychology.
Harris, L., Jones, M., Carey, C. (2009).
Characteristics of blood-injection-injury fears in
people receiving intravenous chemotherapy.
Current Psychology, 28(2), 124-132. <a
8-z">[More Information]</a>
Vaccaro, L., Wootton, B., Jones, M., Menzies, R.
(2009). Danger Ideation Reduction in OCD
Checkers: A pilot study. Royal Australian and
New Zealand College of Psychiatry Congress Living in Interesting Times, Australia: Sage
Madiwale, S., Jones, M., Vaccaro, L. (2009).
Differences in trait anger between anxious and
non-anxious group. Eighth Australasian
Conference on Personality and Individual
Differences, Australia: ACPID.
Vaccaro, L., Jones, M., Menzies, R., Wootton, B.
(2009). Exploring compulsive checking. The
University fo Sydney Biennial Faculty of Health
Sciences Postgraduate Research Student
Conference 2009 - Emerging Researchers in
Health Sciences, Australia: Faculty of Health
Science, The University of Sydney.
Harkness, E., Harris, L., Jones, M., Vaccaro, L.
(2009). No evidence of attentional bias in
obsessive compulsive checking on the dot probe
paradigm. Behaviour Research and Therapy,
47(5), 437-443. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Vaccaro, L., Wootton, B., Jones, M., Menzies, R.
(2008). Danger Ideation Reduction in OCD
Checkers: A pilot study. 31st Australian
Association for Cognitive and Behaviour
Therapy (AACBT) National Conference,
Australia. <a
0083">[More Information]</a>
Vaccaro, L., Jones, M., Menzies, R., Wootton, B.
(2008). Danger Ideation Reduction in OCD
Checkers: A pilot study. The University of
Sydney Biennial Faculties of Health Research
Conference - From Cell to Society 6 (FCTS6),
Australia: Faculty of Health Science, The
University of Sydney.
Jones, M., Menzies, R., Vaccaro, L. (2008).
Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy (DIRT):
Preliminary findings with three
obsessive-compulsive checkers. The XXIX
International Congress of Psychology, Germany:
ICC Berlin.
St Clare, T., Menzies, R., Jones, M. (2008).
Publications for Mairwen Jones
Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy for
Obsessive-Compulsive Washers. A
comprehensive guide to treatment. Bowen Hills,
QLD: Australian Academic Press.
assessment practice that enhances students'
learning. 2005 Evaluations and Assessment
Conference, Sydney: University of Technology
Covic, T., Jones, M. (2007). Is the essay
resubmission option a formative or a summative
assessment and does it matter as long as the
grades improve? Assessment and Evaluation in
Higher Education, 33(1), 75-85. <a
2928">[More Information]</a>
Weerakoon, P., Jones, M., Pynow, R.,
Kilburn-Watt, E. (2004). Allied Health
Professional Students' Perceived Level Of
Comfort In Clinical Situations That Have Sexual
Connotations. Journal of Allied Health, 33(3),
Krochmalik, A., Jones, M., Menzies, R. (2007).
The acquisition of washing behaviours in
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Behaviour Change, 24(4), 219-230.
Vaccaro, L., Jones, M., Menzies, R. (2007).
Treating compulsive checking with D.I.R.T. The
University of Sydney Biennial Faculty of Health
Sciences Postgraduate Research Student
Conference - Building Communities of Inquiry in
Health Sciences, Australia: Faculty of Health
Science, The University of Sydney.
Jones, M., Weerakoon, P., Pynor, R. (2006). An
investigation of occupational therapy students'
level of comfort towards issues of sexuality in
clinical practice.
Clarke, D., Jones, M., Adamson, B. (2006).
Occupational Stress & Intra-Professional
Workplace Bullying: A Descriptive Study of
Nursing Staff Perceptions. 27th International
conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research
Society (STAR), Ellinika
Jones, M., Krochmalik, A., Menzies, R. (2006).
The Role of Perceived Responsibility and
Disease Expectancy in Obsessive-Compulsive
Washing and Associated Symptom Change
Following Treatment. 27th International
conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research
Society (STAR), Ellinika
Pynor, R., Weerakoon, P., Jones, M. (2005). A
preliminary investigation of physiotherapy
students' attitudes towards issues of sexuality in
clinical practice. Physiotherapy, 91(1), 42-48.
Jones, M., Weerakoon, P., Pynor, R. (2005).
Survey of occupational therapy students'
attitudes towards sexual issues in clinical
practice. Occupational Therapy International,
12(2), 95-106.
Meade (nee Covic), T., Jones, M. (2005). The
usefulness of essay resubmission as an
O'Brien, M., Jones, M., Menzies, R. (2004).
Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy (Dirt) For
Intractable, Adolescent Compulsive Washing: A
Case Study. Behaviour Change, 21(1), 57-65.
Krochmalik, A., Jones, M., Menzies, R., Kirkby,
K. (2004). The Superiority Of Danger Ideation
Reduction Therapy (Dirt) Over Exposure And
Response Prevention (Erp) In Treating
Compulsive Washing. Behaviour Change, 21(4),
Jones, M., Krochmalik, A. (2003).
Obsessive-compulsive washing. In R. G.
Menzies; P. de Silva (Eds.),
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Theory,
Research and Treatment, (pp. 121-137). UK:
John Wiley & Sons.
Krochmalik, A., Jones, M., Menzies, R. (2003).
The nature of obsessive-compulsive washing. 8th
European Congress of Psychology, HOME:
Congress of Psychology.
Krochmalik, A., Jones, M., Menzies, R. (2003).
The superiority of DIRT over ERP in treating
compulsive washing. Australian Association for
Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy 26th National
Conference, Adelaide: Australian Association for
Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy.
Jones, M., Pynor, R., Sullivan, G., Weerakoon,
P. (2002). A study of attitudes toward sexuality
issues among health care students in Australia.
In Elizabeth P. Cramer (Editor) (Eds.),
Addressing Homophobia and Heterosexism on
College Campuses, (pp. 73-86). United States:
Harrington Park Press.
Jones, M., Pynor, R., Sullivan, G., Weerakoon,
P. (2002). A Study of Attitudes Towards
Sexuality Issues Among Health Care Students in
Australia. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 6(3/4),
Weerakoon, P., Jones, M., Pynor, R. (2002).
Allied health professional students' perceived
level of comfort in clinical situations that have
sexual connotations. Research from the ground
Publications for Mairwen Jones
up - a statewide conference to promote the
practice and uptake of research and evaluation
in primary health care, : British Medical Journal
Publishing Group.
Jones, M., Weerakoon, P., Sullivan, G., Pynor,
R. (2002). An Investigation of health care
Students' Attitudes toward Sexual Issues. 2002
Hawaii International Conference on Social
Sciences, : British Medical Journal Publishing
Jones, M., Menzies, R. (2002). Danger ideation
reduction therapy. In Michel Hersen; William
Sledge (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy,
(pp. 615-619). New York, United States:
Academic Press.
Jones, M., Menzies, R., O'Brien, M., Denshire,
E., Crain, L. (2002). Danger Ideation Reduction
Therapy (DIRT): A Novel Approach to the
Treatment of OCD in Children and Adolescents.
Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry. Journal, , 22-28.
Jones, M., Sullivan, G. (2002). Psychiatric
Disorder or Straight Prejudice? The Role of
Education in Overcoming Homophobia. Journal
of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 14(2),
Krochmalik, A., Jones, M., Menzies, R. (2001).
Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy (DIRT) for
treatment-resistant compulsive washing.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39, 897-912.
Howell, S., Leemon, M., Young, L., Jones, M.,
Talley, N., Bytzer, P. (2001). Low
socioeconomic class is a risk factor for upper and
lower gastrointestinal symptoms: a population
based study in 15 000 Australian adults.
Gastroenterology, 49(1), 66-72.
Talley, N., Jones, M., Bytzer, P., Horowitz, M.
(2001). Oral hypoglycaemic drugs and
gastrointestinal symptoms in diabetes mellitus.
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
15(1), 137-142.
Menzies, R., Jones, M., Krochmalik, A.,
Einstein, D., St Clare, T. (2001). The
development of an exposure-free package for
OCD. World Congress of Behavioural and
Cognitive Therapies, : Ads & Adea.
Jones, M., Menzies, R. (2001). The Role of
Associative Learning in the Onset of
Obsessive-Compulsive Washing Rituals. 22nd
International Conference of the Stress and
Anxiety Research Society, : World Scientific