Publications for Arlie Loughnan 2016 High Court: History and Counter-History: 25 Years of Writing for the High Court. Sydney Law Review, 37(4), 567-593. Loughnan, A. (2016). 'Dangerousness', 'Abnormality', and the Detention of the Forensic Mentally Ill (Forthcoming). In Christopher Michaelsen (Eds.), Comparative Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Preventive Detention. United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. Loughnan, A. (2015). Burdens of war service create a strong case for a veterans' court. The Conversation. <a href=" r-service-create-a-strong-case-for-a-veterans-cou rt-40758">[More Information]</a> Loughnan, A. (2016). Asking (Different) Responsibility Questions: Responsibility and Non-Responsibility in Criminal Law (Forthcoming). Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice. Crofts, T., Loughnan, A. (2015). Criminalisation and Criminal Responsibility in Australia. Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press. Publications for Arlie Loughnan Loughnan, A. (2016). Between Fairness and 'Dangerousness': Reforming the Law on Unfitness to Plead (Forthcoming). Criminal Law Review, VI, 449-464. Loughnan, A. (2016). Criminal Law in Context (Forthcoming). In Kris Gledhill, Ben Livings (Eds.), The Teaching of Criminal Law: Pedagogical imperatives. United Kingdom: Routledge. Loughnan, A. (2016). Historicizing Criminal Responsibility. In Chad Flanders, Zachary Hoskins (Eds.), The New Philosophy of Criminal Law, (pp. 133-151). London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc. Loughnan, A. (2016). Rethinking M'Naughten (Forthcoming). In Henry Mares, Ian Williams, Phil Handler (Eds.), Landmark Cases in Criminal Law. United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. Loughnan, A. (2016). The Significance of Criminal Responsibility. 5th National University of Singapore (NUS)-Sydney Law Symposium 2016: Law, Values and Reason, Singapore: Presentation. 2015 Loughnan, A. (2015). "Society Owes Them Much": Veteran Defendants and Criminal Responsibility in Australia in the Twentieth Century. Critical Analysis of Law, 2(1), 106-134. <a href=" article/view/22517">[More Information]</a> Burns, K., Loughnan, A., Lunney, M., Willis, S. (2015). Australia: a land of plenty (of legislative regimes). In Matthew Dyson (Eds.), Comparing Tort and Crime: Learning from across and within Legal Systems, (pp. 367-415). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. <a href=" 6285.011">[More Information]</a> Loughnan, A., McCrystal, S. (2015). Before the Loughnan, A. (2015). From Carpetbag to Crucible: Reconceptualising Diminished Responsibility Manslaughter. In Ben Livings, Alan Reed, Nicola Wake (Eds.), Mental Condition Defences and the Criminal Justice System: Perspectives from Law and Medicine, (pp. 339-364). Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Loughnan, A. (2015). Gerard Baden-Clay and the high bar for prosecution. The Drum. <a href=" ughnan-gerard-baden-clay-and-the-high-bar-forprosecution/7013034">[More Information]</a> Loughnan, A. (2015). How the insanity defence against a murder charge works. The Conversation. <a href=" ity-defence-against-a-murder-charge-works-5018 8">[More Information]</a> Loughnan, A. (2015). In Accordance with Modern Notions: Criminal Responsibility at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. In Thomas Crofts, Arlie Loughnan (Eds.), Criminalisation and Criminal Responsibility in Australia, (pp. 157-175). Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press. Crofts, T., Loughnan, A. (2015). Introduction: Criminalisation and Criminal Responsibility in Australia. In Thomas Crofts, Arlie Loughnan (Eds.), Criminalisation and Criminal Responsibility in Australia, (pp. 1-9). Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press. Loughnan, A. (2015). Rethinking M'Naughten. Landmark Cases in Criminal Law Conference 2015: Cambridge University, Cambridge, England: Presentation. 2014 Loughnan, A. (2014). 'Society owes them much': 'Veteran Defendants' and Criminal Responsibility in Australia in the Twentieth Century. New Historical Jurisprudence and Historical Analysis of Law Workshop 2014: Critical Analysis of Law (CAL), Toronto, ON, Canada: Presentation. Publications for Arlie Loughnan Loughnan, A., Ward, T. (2014). Emergent Authority and Expert Knowledge: Psychiatry and Criminal Responsibilty in the UK. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 37(1), 25-36. <a href=" 2">[More Information]</a> Loughnan, A. (2014). Genes made me do it: genetics, responsibility and criminal law. The Conversation. <a href=" e-do-it-genetics-responsibility-and-criminal-law27395">[More Information]</a> Oosterhuis, H., Loughnan, A. (2014). Introduction - Madness and crime: Historical perspectives on forensic psychiatry. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 37(1), 1-16. <a href=" 4">[More Information]</a> Loughnan, A., Wake, N. (2014). Of Blurred Boundaries and Prior Fault: Insanity, Automatism and Intoxication. In Alan Reed, Michael Bohlander, Nicola Wake, Emma Smith (Eds.), General Defences in Criminal Law: Domestic and Comparative Perspectives, (pp. 113-132). Farnham, United Kingdom: Ashgate. Crofts, T., Loughnan, A. (2014). Provocation, NSW Style: Reform of the Defence of Provocation in NSW. Criminal Law Review, 2014 (2), 109-125. Loughnan, A. (2014). The Future of the Law of Homicide: The Role of Diminished Responsibility Manslaughter. Third Annual Robina Conference 2014: The Future of Criminal Law, Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Law School. <a href=" s/future-criminal-law-working-papers/">[More Information]</a> 2013 Loughnan, A. (2013). A Discussion Paper considering the operation of Part 8A of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA), July 2013, (pp. 1 - 147). Adelaide, Australia: Attorney-General's Department, Government of South Australia. Loughnan, A., Selchow, S. (2013). Preventive Detention Beyond the Law:The Need to Ask Socio-Political Questions. In Patrick Keyzer (Eds.), Preventive Detention: Asking the Fundamental Questions, (pp. 261-285). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Intersentia Publishing Ltd. Crofts, T., Loughnan, A. (2013). Provocation: The good, the bad and the ugly. Criminal Law Journal, 37(1), 23-37. Loughnan, A. (2013). Reading the Old Bailey Proceedings. Australia and New Zealand Law and History E-Journal, 2013, 1-14. Loughnan, A. (2013). Reforming the Criminal Law on Mental Incapacity. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 25(2), 703-710. Loughnan, A. (2013). The Expertise of Non-Experts: Knowledges of Intoxication in Criminal Law. In J. Herring, C. Regan, D. Weinberg and P. Withington (Eds.), Intoxication and Society: Problematic Pleasures of Drugs and and Alcohol, (pp. 52-68). Bassingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Anthony, T., Crofts, P., Crofts, T., Gray, S., Loughnan, A., Naylor, B. (2013). Waller & Williams Criminal Law Text and Cases - 12th Edition. Australia: LexisNexis. 2012 Loughnan, A. (2012). Anders Breivik is guilty: the fine line between bad and mad. The Conversation. <a href=" -is-guilty-the-fine-line-between-bad-and-mad-90 68">[More Information]</a> Buchanan, P., Loughnan, A., Grunstein, R. (2012). Inappropriate Situational Sleepiness and the Law. Sleep Medicine Clinics, 7(2), 353-363. <a href=" 14">[More Information]</a> Loughnan, A. (2012). Manifest Madness: Mental Incapacity in Criminal Law. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Loughnan, A. (2012). Mental Incapacity Doctrines in Criminal Law. New Criminal Law Review, 15(1), 1-31. <a href=" ">[More Information]</a> Crofts, T., Loughnan, A. (2012), Submission No. 29: Inquiry into Partial Defence of Provocation. <a href=" rlment/committee.nsf/0/1baf4c377f126d30ca257 a620025a24b/$FILE/0029%20A_Professor%20T homas%20Crofts%20and%20Dr%20Arlie%20L oughnan.pdf">[More Information]</a> Hamer, D., Anthony, T., Biber, K., Crofts, P., Dennis, I., Douglas, H., Eburn, M., Edmond, G., Farrar, S., Hopkins, A., Kumar, M., Loughnan, A., Mitchell, T., et al (2012), Submission on Exposure Draft: Evidence Amendment (Evidence of Silence) Bill 2012. Loughnan, A. (2012). The 'Strange' Case of the Infanticide Doctrine. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 32(4), 685-711. <a href="">[M Publications for Arlie Loughnan ore Information]</a> 2011 Loughnan, A. (2011). 'In a Kind of Mad Way': A Historical Perspective on Evidence and Proof of Mental Incapacity. Melbourne University Law Review, 35(3), 1049-1070. 2010 Loughnan, A. (2010). Drink Spiking and Rock Throwing: The Creation and Construction of Criminal Offences in the Current Era. Alternative Law Journal, 35(1), 18-21. Loughnan, A. (2010). Understanding the Criminal Trial: A Response to HL Ho. Sydney Law Review, 32(3), 533-547. 2009 Loughnan, A. (2009). The Legislation We Had to Have? The Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009 (NSW). Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 20(3), 457-465. Loughnan, A., Shackel, R. (2009). The Travails of Postgraduate Research in Law. Legal Education Review, 19(1), 99-132. 2007 Loughnan, A. (2007). 'Manifest Madness': Towards A New Understanding of the Insanity Defence. The Modern Law Review, 70(3), 379-401. 2005 Loughnan, A. (2005). Lay Truth: The Role of Lay Understandings of Mental Illness in Mental Incapacity Defences. Criminal Justice Matters, 12(2005), 00-00.