Publications for Lorraine Smith 2016

Publications for Lorraine Smith
Publications for Lorraine Smith
Foster, J., Smith, L., Usherwood, T., Sawyer, S.,
Reddel, H. (2016). General practitioner-delivered
adherence counseling in asthma: Feasibility and
usefulness of skills, training and support tools.
Journal of Asthma, 53(3), 311-320. <a
1091473">[More Information]</a>
Tsingos-Lucas, C., Bosnic-Anticevich, S.,
Schneider, C., Smith, L. (2016). The Effect of
Reflective Activities on Reflective Thinking
Ability in an Undergraduate Pharmacy
Curriculum. American Journal of
Pharmaceutical Education, 80(4), 1-12. <a
re Information]</a>
Bartimote-Aufflick, K., Bridgeman, A., Walker,
R., Sharma, M., Smith, L. (2016). The study,
evaluation, and improvement of university
student self-efficacy. Studies in Higher
Education, Online first. <a
999319">[More Information]</a>
Bartimote-Aufflick, K., Bridgeman, A., Walker,
R., Sharma, M., Smith, L. (2016). The study,
evaluation, and improvement of university
student self-efficacy. Studies in Higher
Education, , 1-25. <a
999319">[More Information]</a>
Tsingos, C., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Lonie, J.,
Smith, L. (2015). A Model for Assessing
Reflective Practices in Pharmacy Education.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education,
79(8), 1-10. <a
ore Information]</a>
Naik-Panvelkar, P., Saini, B., LeMay, K.,
Emmerton, L., Stewart, K., Burton, D.,
Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Krass, I., Smith, L.,
Armour, C. (2015). A pharmacy asthma service
achieves a change in patient responses from
increased awareness to taking responsibility for
their asthma. International Journal of Pharmacy
Practice, 23(3), 182-191. <a
ore Information]</a>
LeMay, K., Saini, B., Bosnic-Anticevich, S.,
Smith, L., Stewart, K., Emmerton, L., Burton,
D., Krass, I., Armour, C. (2015). An exploration
of clinical interventions provided by pharmacists
within a complex asthma service. Pharmacy
Practice, 13(1), 1-8.
Alrakaf, S., Anderson, C., Coulman, S., John, D.,
Tordoff, J., Sainsbury, E., Rose, G., Smith, L.
(2015). An International Comparison Study of
Pharmacy Students' Achievement Goals and their
Relationship to Assessment Type and Scores.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education,
79(3), 1-8. <a
re Information]</a>
Foster, J., Sawyer, S., Smith, L., Reddel, H.,
Usherwood, T. (2015). Barriers and facilitators
to patient recruitment to a cluster randomized
controlled trial in primary care: lessons for future
trials. BMC Medical Research Methodology,
15(1), 1-9. <a
2-3">[More Information]</a>
Tudball, J., Smith, L., Ryan, K., Williamson, M.,
Manias, E. (2015). Challenges to consumers
travelling with multiple medicines. Journal of
Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, 6(3),
127-132. <a
ore Information]</a>
Tsingos, C., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Smith, L.
(2015). Does a learning style preference for
processing information through reflection impact
on the academic performance of a cohort of
undergraduate pharmacy students? Pharmacy
Education, 15(1), 233-240.
Smith, L., Hill, N., Kokanovic, R. (2015).
Experiences of depression, the role of social
support and its impact on health outcomes.
Journal of Mental Health, 24(6), 342-346. <a
954693">[More Information]</a>
Tsingos, C., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Smith, L.
(2015). Learning styles and approaches: Can
reflective strategies encourage deep learning?
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning,
7(4), 492-504. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Gardner, T., Refshauge, K., McAuley, J.,
Goodall, S., Hubscher, M., Smith, L. (2015).
Patient led goal setting in chronic low back
pain-What goals are important to the patient and
are they aligned to what we measure? Patient
Education and Counseling, 98(8), 1035-1038. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Burton, D., LeMay, K., Saini, B., Smith, L.,
Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Southwell, P., Cooke, J.,
Emmerton, L., Stewart, K., Krass, I., Reddel, H.,
Armour, C. (2015). The reliability and utility of
spirometry performed on people with asthma in
community pharmacies. Journal of Asthma,
52(9), 913-919. <a
Publications for Lorraine Smith
1004684">[More Information]</a>
ore Information]</a>
Tsingos, C., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Smith, L.
(2014). Reflective practice and its implications
for pharmacy education. American Journal of
Pharmaceutical Education, 78(1), 1-10. <a
re Information]</a>
Saleh, A., Abdelmageed, A., Kiersma, M.,
Coulman, S., John, D., Tordoff, J., Anderson, C.,
Noreddin, A., Sainsbury, E., Grenville, R.,
Smith, L. (2014). An international validation
study of two achievement goal measures in a
pharmacy education context. Advances in
Medical Education and Practice, 5, 339-345. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Cheung, M., LeMay, K., Saini, B., Smith, L.
(2014). Does personality influence how people
with asthma manage their condition? Journal of
Asthma, 51(7), 729-736. <a
910220">[More Information]</a>
Alrakaf, S., Sainsbury, E., Smith, L. (2014). First
year Undergraduate Pharmacy Students' and
Academics' views of and Preferences for
Learning and Teaching. A Preliminary
Investigation. Research Journal of Pharmacy
and Technology, 7(2), 161-167.
Alrakaf, S., Sainsbury, E., Rose, G., Smith, L.
(2014). Identifying achievement goals and their
relationship to academic achievement in
undergraduate pharmacy students. American
Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 78(7),
Rowley, J., Scanlon, L., Laing, L., Smith, L.,
Treleaven, L. (2014). Improving professional
learning and teaching through the development
of a quality process. Journal of Education and
Training, 1(1), 83-104. <a
More Information]</a>
Kong, M., Armour, C., LeMay, K., Smith, L.
(2014). Information needs of people with asthma.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice,
22(3), 178-185. <a
ore Information]</a>
Foster, J., Usherwood, T., Smith, L., Sawyer, S.,
Xuan, W., Rand, C., Reddel, H. (2014). Inhaler
reminders improve adherence with controller
treatment in primary care patients with asthma.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
134(6), 1260-1268. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Alrakaf, S., Sainsbury, E., Rose, G., Smith, L.
(2014). Investigating the relationship between
pharmacy students' achievement goal
orientations and preferred teacher qualities.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education,
78(7), 1-6. <a
Smith, L., Brown, L., Saini, B., Seeto, C. (2014).
Strategies for the management of intermittent
allergic rhinitis: an Australian study. Health
Expectations, 17(2), 154-163. <a
1.00746.x">[More Information]</a>
Porteous, T., Wyke, S., Smith, S., Bond, C.,
Francis, J., Lee, A., Lowrie, R., Scotland, G.,
Sheikh, A., Thomas, M., Smith, L. (2013). 'Help
for Hay Fever', a goal-focused intervention for
people with intermittent allergic rhinitis,
delivered in Scottish community pharmacies:
study protocol for a pilot cluster randomized
controlled trial. Trials, 14, 1-10. <a
17">[More Information]</a>
Smith, L., Brown, L., Bundy, A., Ronaldson, S.,
McKenzie, H., Lewis, P., Bosnic-Anticevich, S.
(2013). A Learning and Teaching Resource on
Patient Self-Management of Chronic Pain.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education,
77(2), 1-9. <a
&list_uids=23518902">[More Information]</a>
Armour, C., Reddel, H., LeMay, K., Saini, B.,
Smith, L., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Song, C.,
Alles, M., Burton, D., Emmerton, L., Krass, I., et
al (2013). Feasibility and Effectiveness of an
Evidence-Based Asthma Service in Australian
Community Pharmacies: A Pragmatic Cluster
Randomized Trial. Journal of Asthma, 50(3),
302-309. <a
754463">[More Information]</a>
Waller, D., Johnston, C., Molyneaux, L.,
Brown-Singh, L., Hatherly, K., Smith, L.,
Overland, J. (2013). Glycemic Control and
Blood Glucose Monitoring Over Time in a
Sample of Young Australians With Type 1
Diabetes: The role of personality. Diabetes Care,
36(10), 2968-2973. <a
ore Information]</a>
Gardner, T., Refshauge, K., McAuley, J.,
Goodall, R., Goodall, S., Huebscher, M., Smith,
L. (2013). Patient centred care in chronic low
back pain - feasibility and efficacy. APA
Conference 2013 'New Moves', Melbourne:
Publications for Lorraine Smith
Australian Physiotherapy Association.
Kong, M., Armour, C., LeMay, K., Smith, L.
(2013). People with asthma in Australia: their
internet use. Australian Pharmacist, 32(1),
Smith, L., Alles, C., LeMay, K., Reddel, H.,
Saini, B., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Emmerton, L.,
Stewart, K., Burton, D., Krass, I., Armour, C.
(2013). The contribution of goal specificity to
goal achievement in collaborative goal setting for
the management of asthma. Research in Social
and Administrative Pharmacy, 9(6), 918-929. <a
2.002">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, K., Smith, L., Alexander, J. (2013). When
baby's chronic illness and disability interfere
with breastfeeding: Women's emotional
adjustment. Midwifery, 29(7), 794-800. <a
011">[More Information]</a>
Emmerton, L., Smith, L., LeMay, K., Krass, I.,
Saini, B., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Reddel, H.,
Burton, D., Stewart, K., Armour, C. (2012).
Experiences of community pharmacists involved
in the delivery of a specialist asthma service in
Australia. BMC Health Services Research, 12(1),
1-10. <a
64">[More Information]</a>
Foster, J., Smith, L., Bosnic-Anticevich, S.,
Usherwood, T., Sawyer, S., Rand, C., Reddel, H.
(2012). Identifying patient-specific beliefs and
behaviours for conversations about adherence in
asthma. Internal Medicine Journal, 42(6),
e136-e144. <a
1.02541.x">[More Information]</a>
Foster, J., Smith, L., Usherwood, T., Sawyer, S.,
Rand, C., Reddel, H. (2012). The Reliability and
Patient Acceptability of the SmartTrack Device:
A New Electronic Monitor and Reminder Device
for Metered Dose Inhalers. Journal of Asthma,
49(6), 657-662. <a
684253">[More Information]</a>
Hatherly, K., Smith, L., Overland, J., Johnston,
C., Brown-Singh, L. (2011). Application of
Australian clinical management guidelines: The
current state of play in a sample of young people
living with Type 1 diabetes in the state of New
South Wales and the Australian Capital
Territory. Diabetes Research and Clinical
Practice, 93(3), 379-384. <a
.017">[More Information]</a>
Saini, B., LeMay, K., Emmerton, L., Krass, I.,
Smith, L., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Stewart, K.,
Burton, D., Armour, C. (2011). Asthma disease
management-Australian pharmacists'
interventions improve patients' asthma
knowledge and this is sustained. Patient
Education and Counseling, 83(3), 295-302. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Krass, I., Mitchell, B., Song, C., Stewart, K.,
Peterson, G., Hughes, J., Smith, L., White, L.,
Armour, C. (2011). Diabetes Medication
Assistance Service Stage 1: impact and
sustainability of glycaemic and lipids control in
patients with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetic
Medicine, 28(8), 987-993. <a
1.03296.x">[More Information]</a>
Mitchell, B., Armour, C., Lee, M., Song, C.,
Stewart, K., Peterson, G., Hughes, J., Smith, L.,
Krass, I. (2011). Diabetes Medication Assistance
Service: The pharmacist's role in supporting
patient self-management of type 2 diabetes
(T2DM) in Australia. Patient Education and
Counseling, 83(3), 288-294. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Hatherly, K., Smith, L., Overland, J., Johnston,
C., Brown-Singh, L., Waller, D., Taylor, S.
(2011). Glycemic control and type 1 diabetes: the
differential impact of model of care and income.
Pediatric Diabetes, 12(2), 115-119. <a
0.00670.x">[More Information]</a>
Ovchinikova, L., Smith, L., Bosnic-Anticevich,
S. (2011). Inhaler Technique Maintenance:
Gaining an Understanding from the Patient's
Perspective. Journal of Asthma, 48(6), 616-624.
580032">[More Information]</a>
Locock, L., Smith, L. (2011). Personal benefit, or
benefiting others? Deciding whether to take part
in clinical trials. Clinical Trials, 8(1), 85-93. <a
257">[More Information]</a>
Locock, L., Smith, L. (2011). Personal
experiences of taking part in clinical trials - A
qualitative study. Patient Education and
Counseling, 84(3), 303-309. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Saini, B., Krass, I., Smith, L., Bosnic-Anticevich,
S., Armour, C. (2011). Role of community
pharmacists in asthma - Australian research
highlighting pathways for future primary care
models. The Australasian Medical Journal, 4(4),
190-200. <a
Publications for Lorraine Smith
>[More Information]</a>
Smith, L., Nguyen, T., Seeto, C., Saini, B.,
Brown, L. (2011). The role of non-clinicians in a
goal setting model for the management of
allergic rhinitis in community pharmacy settings.
Patient Education and Counseling, 85(2),
e26-e32. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Armour, C., LeMay, K., Saini, B., Reddel, H.,
Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Smith, L., Burton, D.,
Song, C., Alles, M., Stewart, K., Krass, I., et al
(2011). Using the Community Pharmacy to
Identify Patients at Risk of Poor Asthma Control
and Factors which Contribute to this Poor
Control. Journal of Asthma, 48(9), 914-922. <a
615431">[More Information]</a>
Smith, L., Krass, I., Sainsbury, E., Rose, G.
(2010). Pharmacy students' approaches to
learning in undergraduate and graduate entry
programs. American Journal of Pharmaceutical
Education, 74(6), 1-6. <a
&list_uids=21045948">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, G., Hanrahan, J., Krass, I., Sainsbury, E.,
Smith, L. (2009). Best Practices Assessment to
Guide Curricular Change in a Bachelor of
Pharmacy Program. American Journal of
Pharmaceutical Education, 73(1), 1-8.
Hatherly, K., Overland, J., Smith, L., Taylor, S.,
Johnston, C. (2009). Providing optimal service
delivery for children and adolescents with type 1
diabetes: A systematic review. Practical
Diabetes, 26(4), 154-159. <a
e Information]</a>
Ryan, G., Bonanno, H., Krass, I., Scouller, K.,
Smith, L. (2009). Undergraduate and
Postgraduate Pharmacy Students Perceptions of
Plagiarism and Academic Honesty. American
Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 73(6),
Armour, C., Smith, L., Krass, I. (2008).
Community pharmacy, disease state
management, and adherence to medication - A
review. Disease Management and Health
Outcomes, 16(4), 245-254. <a
6040-00005">[More Information]</a>
Kahawati, C., Smith, L., Armour, C. (2008).
Goal setting by people with asthma - what do
they want? Australian Pharmacist, 27(8),
O'Connor, J., Seeto, C., Saini, B.,
Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Krass, I., Armour, C.,
Smith, L. (2008). Healthcare professional versus
patient goal setting in intermittent allergic
rhinitis. Patient Education and Counseling,
70(1), 111-117. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Aslani, P., Barnett, S., Cumming, S., Dunn, S.,
Nisbet, G., Shaw, T., Smith, L., Thistlethwaite, J.
(2008). Implementation and evaluation of a
"teamwork in health" module. 15th International
Social Pharmacy Workshop.
Smith, L., Hatherly, K. (2008). Management of
type 1 diabetes. Australian Journal of Pharmacy,
89(1063), 81-83.
Scouller, K., Bonanno, H., Smith, L., Krass, I.
(2008). Student experience and tertiary
expectations: factors predicting academic literacy
amongst first-year pharmacy students. Studies in
Higher Education, 33(2), 167-178. <a
6047">[More Information]</a>
Gordois, A., Armour, C., Brillant, M.,
Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Burton, D., Emmerton,
L., Krass, I., Saini, B., Smith, L., Stewart, K.
(2007). Cost-effectiveness analysis of a
pharmacy asthma care program in Australia.
Disease Management and Health Outcomes,
15(6), 387-396.
Armour, C., Bosnic-Anticevich, S.,
Smith-Brillant, M., Burton, D., Emmerton, L.,
Krass, I., Saini, B., Smith, L., Stewart, K. (2007).
Pharmacy Asthma Care Program (PACP)
improves outcomes for patients in the
community. Thorax, 62(6), 496-502. <a
&list_uids=17251316">[More Information]</a>
Smith, L., Saini, B., Krass, I., Chen, T.,
Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Sainsbury, E. (2007).
Pharmacy students' approaches to learning in an
Australian university. American Journal of
Pharmaceutical Education, 71(6), 120-1-120-8.
&list_uids=19503704">[More Information]</a>
Smith, L., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Mitchell, B.,
Saini, B., Krass, I., Armour, C. (2007). Treating
asthma with a self-management model of illness
behaviour in an Australian community pharmacy
setting. Social Science and Medicine, 64(7),
Publications for Lorraine Smith
1501-1511. <a
&list_uids=17202024">[More Information]</a>
Burton, D., Simpson, M., Wettenhall, J., Armour,
C., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Saini, B., Krass, I.,
Smith, L., Smith, L., Smith-Brillant, M., et al
(2006). Acceptability and utility of spirometry
measurement in the pharmacy asthma care
program. 2006 Annual Scientific Meetings, The
Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand
& The Australian and New Zealand Society of
Respiratory Science, Western Australia: Asian
Pacific Society of Respirology.
Saini, B., Smith, L., Armour, C., Krass, I. (2006).
An educational intervention to train community
pharmacists in providing specialized asthma
care. American Journal of Pharmaceutical
Education, 70(5), Article 118-1-118-10. <a
&list_uids=17149447">[More Information]</a>
Armour, C., Bosnic-Anticevich, S.,
Smith-Brillant, M., Burton, D., Emmerton, L.,
Gordois, A., Krass, I., Saini, B., Smith, L.,
Stewart, K. (2006). Asthma service delivered in
community pharmacy provides positive clinical
and humanistic outcomes and is cost-effective.
14th International Social Pharmacy Workshop,
London, England: Pharmaceutical Press.
Saini, B., Smith, L., Armour, C., Krass, I. (2006).
Development and evaluation of an educational
intervention to facilitate community pharmacists
to provide specialised asthma care. 14th
International Social Pharmacy Workshop,
London, England: Pharmaceutical Press.
Saini, B., Smith-Brillant, M., Filipovska, J.,
Gelgor, L., Mitchell, B., Rose, G., Smith, L.
(2006). Factors influencing Australian
community pharmacists' willingness to
participate in research projects- an exploratory
study. International Journal of Pharmacy
Practice, 14(3), 179-188.
Smith, L., Armour, C., Mitchell, B., Saini, B.,
Krass, I., Bosnic-Anticevich, S. (2006).
Pharmacists facilitating patient self-management
practices: an Australian community pharmacy
asthma self-management programme. 14th
International Social Pharmacy Workshop,
London, England: Pharmaceutical Press.
Armour, C., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Saini, B.,
Krass, I., Smith, L., Smith-Brillant, M., Burton,
D., Simpson, M., Wettenhall, J., Emmerton, L.,
et al (2006). Pharmacists improving health care
for asthma. 2006 Annual Scientific Meetings, The
Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand
& The Australian and New Zealand Society of
Respiratory Science, Western Australia: Asian
Pacific Society of Respirology.
Smith, L., Sinclair, K. (2005). Empirical
Evidence For Multiple Goals: A Gender-Based,
Senior High School Student Perspective.
Australian Journal of Educational and
Developmental Psychology, 5(2005), 55-70.
Smith, L. (2004). Changes In Student Motivation
Over The Final Year Of High School. Journal of
Educational Enquiry, 5(2), 64-85.
Allnutt, S., Smith, L., Overland, J. (2002).
Augmentation and induction of low risk women
at 37 to 40 weeks gestation using artificial
oxytocin compared with other methods: a study
of maternal and neonatal outcomes. Birth Issues,
11(4), 101-105.
Smith, L., Allnutt, S., Overland, J. (2002).
Augmentation of low risk women at 37 to 40
weeks gestation using artificial oxytocin: a study
of maternal and neonatal outcomes. Third
College of Health Sciences Research
Conference: From Cell to Society 3, : British
Medical Journal Publishing Group.
Smith, L., Krass, I. (2002). Responding to
changes in pharmacy practice. Synergy, , 9-10.
Smith, L., Sinclair, K., Chapman, E. (2002).
Students' goals, self-efficacy, self-handicapping,
and negative affective responses: an Australian
senior school student study. Contemporary
Educational Psychology, 27(3), 471-485. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Smith, L., Sinclair, K., Chapman, E. (2002). The
application of a goal theory model of
achievement motivation in the context of the
NSW HSC. Australian Association for Research
in Education International Education Research
Conference, Brisbane: Australian Association for
Research in Education (AARE).
Smith, L., Krass, I. (2001). Responding to
changes in Pharmacy practice: A collaboration
between Nursing and Pharmacy in developing
social Pharmacy curriculum. College of Health
Sciences Ed-Health 2001, uk: World Scientific