Publications for Jennifer Fraser 2016

Publications for Jennifer Fraser
Publications for Jennifer Fraser
Morawska, A., Mitchell, A., Burgess, S., Fraser,
J. (2016). Effects of Triple P parenting
intervention on child health outcomes for
childhood asthma and eczema: Randomised
controlled trial. Behaviour Research and
Therapy, 83, 35-44. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Mitchell, A., Fraser, J., Ramsbotham, J.,
Morawska, A., Yates, P. (2015). Childhood
atopic dermatitis: A cross-sectional study of
relationships between child and parent factors,
atopic dermatitis management, and disease
severity. International Journal of Nursing
Studies, 52(1), 216-228. <a
9.008">[More Information]</a>
Berry, K., Jeon, Y., Foster, K., Fraser, J. (2015).
Extended parenting education in an early
parenting centre: A mixed-methods study.
Journal of Child Health Care, Online First, 1-10.
827">[More Information]</a>
Flemington, T., Waters, D., Fraser, J. (2015).
Maternal involvement and outcomes in nurse
home visiting. Journal of Childrens Services,
10(4), 311-323. <a
06">[More Information]</a>
Mills, J., Wand, T., Fraser, J. (2015). On
self-compassion and self-care in nursing: Selfish
or essential for compassionate care?
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(4),
791-793. <a
0.009">[More Information]</a>
Morawska, A., Calam, R., Fraser, J. (2015).
Parenting interventions for childhood chronic
illness: A review and recommendations for
intervention design and delivery. Journal of
Child Health Care, 19(1), 5-17. <a
664">[More Information]</a>
Scott, D., Walker, S., Fraser, J., Valmuur, K.
(2014). A needle in a haystack: The use of
routinely collected emergency department injury
surveillance data to help identify physical child
abuse. International Journal of Injury Control
and Safety Promotion, 21(3), 227-235. <a
806558">[More Information]</a>
Fraser, J., Stasa, H. (2014). Child rights in
Australia. In Jennifer Fraser, Donna Waters,
Elizabeth Forster, Nicola Brown (Eds.),
Paediatric Nursing in Australia: Principles for
practice, (pp. 29-48). Port Melbourne, Australia:
Cambridge University Press.
Berry, K., Fraser, J. (2014). Do residential
parenting education programs work? Australian
Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 21(9), 41-41.
Fraser, J., Flemington, T., Waters, D., Fowler, C.
(2014). Everybody Needs to Know: Building
capacity to recognise and respond to traumatic
head injuries in a paediatric hospital in Việt
Nam. XXth ISPCAN International Congress on
Child Abuse and Neglect, Nagoya, Japan:
International Society for the Prevention of Child
Abuse and Neglect.
Fraser, J. (2014). Identifying and responding to
child abuse and neglect presentations in a
paediatric emergency department: Safe Children
Vietnam. XXth ISPCAN International Congress
on Child Abuse and Neglect, Nagoya, Japan:
International Society for the Prevention of Child
Abuse and Neglect.
Mitchell, A., Fraser, J. (2014). Management of
atopic dermatitis in children: Evaluation of
parents’ self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and
self-reported task performance using the Child
Eczema Management Questionnaire. Neonatal,
Paediatric and Child Health Nursing, 17(2),
Fraser, J., Smith, L., Taylor, J. (2014). Mental
health and illness in childhood and adolescence.
In Jennifer Fraser, Donna Waters, Elizabeth
Forster, Nicola Brown (Eds.), Paediatric Nursing
in Australia: Principles for practice, (pp.
162-188). Port Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge
University Press.
Fraser, J., Waters, D., Forster, E., Brown, N.
(2014). Paediatric Nursing in Australia:
Principles for practice. Port Melbourne,
Australia: Cambridge University Press.
Fraser, J., Rosina, R. (2014). Psychosocial
development and response to illness. In Jennifer
Fraser, Donna Waters, Elizabeth Forster, Nicola
Brown (Eds.), Paediatric Nursing in Australia:
Principles for practice, (pp. 49-76). Port
Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University
Dunne, C., Fraser, J., Gardner, G. (2014).
Women's perceptions of social support during
labour: Development, reliability and validity of
the Birth Companion Support Questionnaire.
Midwifery, 30(7), 847-852. <a
010">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Jennifer Fraser
van der Ham, J., Berry, K., Hoehn, E., Fraser, J.
(2013). A collaborative approach to perinatal and
infant mental health service delivery in Australia.
Australasian Psychiatry, 21(4), 371-375. <a
302">[More Information]</a>
Fraser, J., Stasa, H. (2013). Practice Integrity:
Advocacy, ethics and legal issues. In M Barnes
and J Rowe (Eds.), Child, Youth and Family
Health: Strengthening communities, (pp. 71-90).
Sydney: Elsevier.
Fraser, J. (2013). Responsible use of child
welfare and administrative datasets to build the
capacity of child abuse and neglect prevention
research internationally. Child Abuse and
Neglect, 37(2-3), 87-89. <a
010">[More Information]</a>
McKenzie, K., Scott, D., Fraser, J., Dunne, M.
(2012). Assessing the concordance of health and
child protection data for 'maltreated' and
'unintentionally injured' children. Injury
Prevention, 18(1), 50-57. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Mitchell, A., Fraser, J. (2011). Parents'
self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and
self-reported task performance when managing
atopic dermatitis in children: Instrument
reliability and validity. International Journal of
Nursing Studies, 48(2011), 215-226. <a
6.008">[More Information]</a>
Saravanan, S., Turrell, G., Johnson, H., Fraser,
J., Patterson, C. (2011). Traditional birth
attendant training and local birthing practices in
India. Evaluation and Program Planning, 34(3),
254-265. <a
011.02.012">[More Information]</a>
Saravanan, S., Turrell, G., Johnson, H., Fraser, J.
(2010). Birthing Practices of Traditional Birth
Attendants in South Asia in the Context of
Training Programmes. Journal of Health
Management, 12(2), 93-121. <a
00201">[More Information]</a>
Fraser, J. (2012). Baby whisperers - knowing
when to stay quiet and when to intervene.
Journal of Child Health Care, 16(3), 209-210. <a
871">[More Information]</a>
Fraser, J., Mathews, B., Walsh, K., Chen, L.,
Dunne, M. (2010). Factors influencing child
abuse and neglect recognition and reporting by
nurses: A multivariate analysis. International
Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(2), 146-153. <a
5.015">[More Information]</a>
Lee, P., Dunne, M., Chou, F., Fraser, J. (2012).
Development of the child abuse and neglect
reporting self-efficacy questionnaire for nurses.
Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, 28,
44-53. <a
32">[More Information]</a>
McKenzie, K., Scott, D., Fraser, J., Dunne, M.
(2010). Quality of Child Abuse Information for
Measurement and Surveillance : Linking
Hospital and Child Welfare Data. 10th World
Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety
Promotion: Safety 2010, United Kingdom: BMJ
Publishing Group.
Saravanan, S., Turrell, G., Johnson, H., Fraser,
J., Patterson, C. (2012). Re-examining
authoritative knowledge in the design and
content of a TBA training in India. Midwifery,
28(1), 120-130. <a
006">[More Information]</a>
Scott, D., McKenzie, K., Fraser, J., Dunne, M.
(2010). Quality of Child Abuse Information in
Emergency Department Injury Surveillance
Records: Linking Hospital and Child Welfare
Data. 18th International Society for Prevention
of Child Abuse and Neglect International
Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect ISPCAN
2010, United States: International Society for
Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.
Seib, C., Daglish, M., Heath, R., Booker, C.,
Reid, C., Fraser, J. (2012). Screening for alcohol
and drug use in pregnancy. Midwifery, 28(6),
760-764. <a
003">[More Information]</a>
McLaughlin, M., Fraser, J., Young, J., Keogh, S.
(2011). Paediatric Nurses' Knowledge and
Attitudes Related to Breastfeeding and the
Hospitalised Infant. Breastfeeding Review, 19(3),
Tones, M., Pillay, H., Fraser, J. (2010). The
influence of demographics and work related
goals on adaptive development for work related
learning amongst private hospital employees.
Contemporary Nurse, 36(1-2), 143-158. <a
&list_uids=21254830">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Jennifer Fraser
Walsh, A., Edwards, H., Fraser, J. (2009).
Attitudes and subjective norms: determinants of
parents' intentions to reduce childhood fever with
medications. Health Education Research, 24(3),
531-545. <a
ore Information]</a>
Walsh, A., Edwards, H., Fraser, J. (2009).
Parents who alternate antipyretics for childhood
fever: are they more fever phobic than those
using mono-therapy. General Practice and
Primary Health Care Research Conference GP
& PHC 2009, Australia: Primary Health Care
Research and Information Service.
Walsh, A., Edwards, H., Fraser, J. (2009).
Predictors of Queensland parents fever
management intentions. General Practice and
Primary Health Care Research Conference GP
& PHC 2009, Australia: Primary Health Care
Research and Information Service.
Saravanan, S., Johnson, H., Turrell, G., Fraser, J.
(2009). Social roles and birthing practices of
traditional birth attendants in India with
reference to other developing countries. Asian
Journal of Women's Studies, 15(4), 57-89.
Tones, M., Fraser, J., Elder, R., White, K.
(2009). Supporting mature-aged students from a
socioeconomic background. Higher Education:
the international journal of higher education
research, 58(4), 505-529. <a
8-y">[More Information]</a>
Fraser, J. (2009). The University of South
Australia Bachelor of Midwifery Curriculum
Review Report.
Scott, D., Tonmyr, L., Fraser, J., Walker, S.,
McKenzie, K. (2009). The utility and challenges
of using ICD codes in child maltreatment
research: A review of existing literature. Child
Abuse and Neglect, 33(11), 791-808. <a
005">[More Information]</a>
Walsh, A., Edwards, H., Fraser, J. (2008).
Parents' childhood fever management:
community survey and instrument development.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 63(4), 376-388. <a
8.04721.x">[More Information]</a>
Fraser, J. (2008). Practice integrity: advocacy,
ethics and legal issues. In Margaret Barnes,
Jennifer Rowe (Eds.), Child, Youth and Family
Health: Strengthening Communities, (pp. 59-73).
Australia: Churchill Livingstone.
Mathews, B., Fraser, J., Walsh, K., Dunne, M.,
Kilby, S., Chen, L. (2008). Queensland nurses'
attitudes towards and knowledge of the
legislative duty to report child abuse and neglect:
results of a state-wide survey. Journal of Law
and Medicine, 16(2), 288-304.
Crowe, L., Chang, A., Fraser, J., Gaskill, D.,
Nash, R., Wallace, K. (2008). Systematic review
of the effectiveness of nursing interventions in
reducing or relieving post-operative pain.
International Journal of Evidence-Based
Healthcare, 6(4), 396-430. <a
8.00113.x">[More Information]</a>
Scott, D., McKenzie, K., Walker, S., Fraser, J.,
Dunne, M. (2008). Using Hospital Data for Child
Abuse Surveillance. 17th International Society
for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
International Congress on Child Abuse and
Neglect ISPCAN 2008, United States:
International Society for Prevention of Child
Abuse and Neglect.
Fraser, J., Barnes, M., Biggs, H., Kain, V.
(2007). Caring, chaos and the vulnerable family:
Experiences in caring for newborns of
drug-dependent parents. International Journal of
Nursing Studies, 44(8), 1363-1370. <a
6.004">[More Information]</a>
Walsh, A., Edwards, H., Fraser, J. (2007).
Influences on parents' fever management: beliefs,
experiences and information sources. Journal of
Clinical Nursing, 16(12), 2331-2340.
Lee, P., Fraser, J., Chou, F. (2007). Nurse
Reporting of Known and Suspected Child Abuse
and Neglect Cases in Taiwan. Kaohsiung
Journal of Medical Sciences, 23(3), 128-137.
Walsh, A., Edwards, H., Fraser, J. (2007).
Over-the-counter medication use for childhood
fever: A cross-sectional study of Australian
parents. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health,
43(9), 601-606. <a
7.01161.x">[More Information]</a>
Walsh, A., Edwards, H., Fraser, J. (2007).
Over-the-counter medication use in childhood
fever management: health professionals working
with parents. General Practice and Primary
Health Care Research Conference GP & PHC
2007, Australia: Primary Health Care Research
and Information Service.
Fraser, J., Walsh, K., Mathews, B., Dunne, M.,
Kilby, S., Farrell, M., Butler, D. (2007).
Professional Responses to Changes in Mandatory
Reporting Legislation: Cross-disciplinary Studies
of Queensland Nurses and Teachers. Australian
Communications Consumer Action Network
Publications for Jennifer Fraser
Conference ACCAN 2007, Australia: Australian
Communications Consumer Action Network.
Fraser, J., Elder, R., White, K., Tones, M.
(2007). The retention of mature-age students in
the faculty of health project.
Forster, E., Fraser, J. (2007). Turning Around
Talipes: Nursing Considerations. Neonatal,
Paediatric and Child Health Nursing, 10(1),
Dadds, M., Fraser, J. (2006). Fire interest, fire
setting and psychopathology in Australian
children: a normative study. Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40(6-7), 581-583.
6.01842.x">[More Information]</a>
Mathews, B., Walsh, K., Fraser, J. (2006).
Mandatory reporting by nurses of child abuse
and neglect. Journal of Law and Medicine, 13(4),
Fraser, J., Walsh, K., Dunne, M. (2006). Nurses
Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect:
The Case for Empirical Research. 16th
International Society for Prevention of Child
Abuse and Neglect International Congress on
Child Abuse and Neglect ISPCAN 2006, United
States: International Society for Prevention of
Child Abuse and Neglect.
Walsh, A., Edwards, H., Fraser, J. (2006).
Predictors of parents' intentions to reduce
childhood fevers. International Journal of
Behavioral Medicine, 13(Supplement), 124.
Schweitzer, R., Walsh, K., Fraser, J., Farrell, A.
(2006). Psychological Adjustment and Caregiver
Attributes in Children Referred to Contact
House: QUT Abused Child Trust Collaborative
Dadds, M., Fraser, J., Frost, A., Hawes, D.
(2005). Disentangling the underlying dimensions
of psychopathy and conduct problems in
childhood: A community study. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 73(3),
400-410. <a
400">[More Information]</a>
Creedy, D., Collis, D., Ludlow, T., Cosgrove, S.,
Houston, K., Irvine, D., Fraser, J., Moloney, S.
(2004). Development and Evaluation of an
Intensive Intervention Program for Children
With a Chronic Health Condition: A Pilot Study.
Contemporary Nurse, 18(1-2), 46-56.
Dadds, M., Whiting, C., Bunn, P., Fraser, J.,
Charlson, J., Pirola-Merlo, A. (2004).
Measurement of Cruelty in Children: The
to Animals Inventory. Journal of Abnormal
Child Psychology, 32(3), 321-334. <a
6145.69556.d9">[More Information]</a>
Fraser, J. (2004). Meeting Family Needs during
Treatment for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.
ACMI - The Australian College of Midwives.
Dadds, M., Maujean, A., Fraser, J. (2003).
Parenting and Conduct Problems in Children:
Australian Data and Psychometric Properties of
the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire. Australian
Psychologist, 38(3), 238-241. <a
1707267">[More Information]</a>
Dadds, M., Fraser, J. (2003). Prevention
Programs. In Cecilia Essau (Eds.), Conduct and
Oppositional Defiant Disorders: Epidemiology,
Risk Factors, and Treatment, (pp. 193-224).
United States: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,