Fraser Sockeye 2010 Findings of a Scientists’ Think Tank Free Public Lecture

Fraser Sockeye 2010
Findings of a Scientists’ Think Tank
Free Public Lecture
December 6, 2010, 7:00 pm, 1420, Harbour Centre
Simon Fraser University, 515 W. Hastings, Vancouver
The Speaking for the Salmon Program at Simon Fraser University is pleased to present a panel of scientists who
will discuss the findings from an independent think tank on the Fraser sockeye 2010 returns. The think tank will
address the following questions:
• Why was the return so large in 2010?
• How can you go from the worst to the best returns in one year?
• How do you manage for this kind of uncertainty?
Reservations are recommended as seating is limited. To reserve a seat, visit:
Steering Committee:
Dr. Mark Angelo, Chair, Rivers Institute, BC Institute of Technololgy
Dr. Patricia Gallaugher, Director, Centre for Coastal Studies and Continuing Studies in Science, Simon Fraser University
Dr. Craig Orr, Executive Director, Watershed Watch Salmon Society
Dr. John Reynolds, Tom Buell Leadership Chair in Salmon Conservation, Simon Fraser University
Dr. Brian Riddell, CEO, Pacific Salmon Foundation
Mr. Ken Wilson, Member, Canadian Section of the Fraser Panel and Member, Integrated Harvest Planning Committee
Faculty of Environment
Faculty of Science
Continuing Studies
Centre for Coastal Studies