Publications for Mark Findlay 2016

Publications for Mark Findlay
Publications for Mark Findlay
Findlay, M. (2016). Escaping the Gallows:
Mandatory death sentencing - a Singapore
case-study (Forthcoming). Crime, Law and
Social Change: an interdisciplinary journal.
Findlay, M. (2016). Harmonising Global
Criminal Justice for Peacebuilding. In Kerry
Clamp (Eds.), Restorative Justice in Transitional
Settings, (pp. 152-172). United Kingdom:
meets South. Cheltenham, United Kingdom:
Edward Elgar Publishing.
Findlay, M., Lim, S. (2014). Relevance of the
regulatory state in North/South intersections.
International Journal of Social Economics,
41(7), 542-555. <a
41">[More Information]</a>
Findlay, M. (2014). Sign Up or Sign Off - Asia's
Reluctant Engagement with the International
Criminal Court. Cambodia Law and Policy
Journal, 2014 (1), 75-95.
Findlay, M. (2015). Contemporary Challenges
for the Delivery of International Criminal
Justice: Where to the ICC? In Thomas Crofts,
Arlie Loughnan (Eds.), Criminalisation and
Criminal Responsibility in Australia, (pp.
292-311). Melbourne, Australia: Oxford
University Press.
Findlay, M. (2013). Contemporary Challenges in
Regulating Global Crises. Basingstoke, United
Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Findlay, M. (2015). Property, Labour and Legal
Regulation: Dignity or Dependence?.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Findlay, M., Odgers, S., Yeo, S. (2014).
Australian Criminal Justice - Fifth Edition.
Australia: Oxford University Press.
Findlay, M. (2014). Corporate Sociability:
Analyzing Motivations for Collaborative
Regulation. Administration and Society, 46(4),
339-370. <a
115">[More Information]</a>
Findlay, M. (2014). Counterblast: Escaping the
gallows Singapore style. The Howard Journal of
Criminal Justice, 53(1), 101-103. <a
ore Information]</a>
Findlay, M. (2014). Crime, Development and
Corruption: Cultural Dynamic - Global
Challenge? In Stefano Caneppele, Francesco
Calderoni (Eds.), Organized Crime, Corruption
and Crime Prevention: Essays in Honor of
Ernesto U. Savona, (pp. 179-186). Cham,
Switzerland: Springer.
Findlay, M. (2014). Escaping the gallows:
Mandatory death sentencing - A Singapore
case-study. Australian and New Zealand Society
of Criminology (ANZSOC) 2014 - Testing the
Edges: Challenging Criminology, Sydney, NSW:
Findlay, M., Lim, S. (2014). Regulatory Worlds:
Cultural and Social Perspectives when North
Findlay, M. (2013). Culture of corruption
pervades NSW Inc. The Sydney Morning Herald.
Findlay, M. (2013). Enunciating Genocide:
Crime, Rights and the Impact of Judicial
Intervention. International Criminal Law
Review, 13(1), 297-317. <a
010">[More Information]</a>
Findlay, M., Boon-Kuo, L., Lim, S. (2013).
International and Comparative Criminal Justice:
A Critical Introduction. United Kingdom:
Findlay, M., Hanif, N. (2013). International
Conventions and the Failure of a Transnational
Approach to Controlling Crime Business.
International Criminal Law Review, 13(3),
697-724. <a
005">[More Information]</a>
Findlay, M. (2012). Book Review: Travels of the
Criminal Question: Cultural Embeddedness and
Diffusion by Dario Melossi, Maximo Sozzo and
Richard Sparks, eds. Singapore Journal of Legal
Studies, July 2012, 196-198.
Findlay, M. (2012). Paradox in preventing and
promoting torture: marginalising 'harm' for the
sake of global ordering. Reflections on a decade
of risk/security globalisation. The International
Journal of Human Rights, 16(7), 1040-1058. <a
658510">[More Information]</a>
Findlay, M. (2012). Policing, Popular Culture
and Political Economy: Towards a Social
Democratic Criminology by Robert Reiner.
Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 23(3).
Findlay, M., Ngane, S. (2012). Sham of the
Moral Court? Testimony Sold as the Spoils of
War. Global Journal of Comparative Law, 1(1),
Publications for Mark Findlay
73-101. <a
1003">[More Information]</a>
Ashgate Publishing.
Findlay, M. (2012). State Hierarchy and
Governance: Of Shadows or Equivalence in
Regulating Global Crisis. In E. Wilson (Eds.),
The Dual State: Parapolitics, Carl Schmitt and
the National Security Complex, (pp. 153-170).
Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate.
Findlay, M., Henham, R. (2010). Beyond
Punishment: Achieving International Criminal
Justice. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Findlay, M., Hanif, N. (2012). Taking crime out
of crime business. International Journal of Law
Crime and Justice, 40(4), 338-368. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Findlay, M., Henham, R. (2012). Transforming
International Criminal Justice: Retributive and
restorative justice in the trial process. United
Kingdom: Routledge imprint of Taylor &
Findlay, M. (2011). Collective Responsibility for
Global Crime: Limitations with the Liability
Paradigm. In R Henham and M Findlay (Eds.),
Exploring the Boundaries of International
Criminal Justice, (pp. 47-74). Farnham, Surrey,
UK: Ashgate.
Findlay, M., Henham, R. (2011). Exploring the
Boundaries of International Criminal Justice.
Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate.
Findlay, M. (2011). Governing through
Globalised Crime: Thoughts on the Transition
from Terror. In R Henham and M Findlay
(Eds.), Exploring the Boundaries of International
Criminal Justice, (pp. 207-226). Farnham,
Surrey, UK: Ashgate.
Henham, R., Findlay, M. (2011). Introduction:
Rethinking International Criminal Justice? In R
Henham and M Findlay (Eds.), Exploring the
Boundaries of International Criminal Justice,
(pp. 1-23). Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate.
Findlay, M. (2011). Locating victim
communities within global justice and
governance. In A Crawford (Eds.),
International and Comparative Criminal Justice
and Urban Governance: Convergence and
Divergence in Global, National and Local
Settings, (pp. 109-139). New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Findlay, M. (2011). Principled Criminal Law
Reform: Could Macaulay Survive the Age of
Governing through Crime? Reflections from the
Floor. In Wing-Cheong Chan, Barry Wright,
Stanley Yeo (Eds.), Codification, Macaulay and
the Indian Penal Code: The Legacies and
Modern Challenges of Criminal Law Reform,
(pp. 365-369). Farnham, United Kingdom:
Findlay, M. (2010). Disturbing the Rice Pot:
Market and regulatory cross over in criminal
enterprise. British Society of Criminology
Conference 2010, Leicester, England:
Findlay, M. (2010). Stanley Cohen. In Keith
Hayward, Shadd Maruna, Jayne Mooney (Eds.),
Fifty Key Thinkers in Criminology, (pp.
242-249). United Kingdom: Routledge imprint of
Taylor & Francis.
Findlay, M. (2010). The Challenge for Asian
Jurisdictions in the Development of International
Criminal Justice. Sydney Law Review, 32(2),
Findlay, M., Bohlander, M. (2010). The Use of
Domestic Sources as a Basis of International
Criminal Law Principles. In Michael Bohlander
(Eds.), The Globalization of Criminal Justice,
(pp. 69-92). Aldershot: Ashgate.
Findlay, M. (2009). Activating a Victim
Constituency in International Criminal Justice.
International Journal of Transitional Justice,
3(2), 183-206. <a
re Information]</a>
Findlay, M., Odgers, S., Yeo, S. (2009).
Australian Criminal Justice (4th Edition).
Australia: Oxford University Press.
Findlay, M. (2009). Conversations with a Crime
Boss: Researching criminal enterprise. British
Society of Criminology Conference 2009,
Cardiff, Wales: Presentation.
Findlay, M. (2009). Expanding Crime
Investigation. In Mark Findlay, Stephen
Odgers, Stanley Yeo (Eds.), Australian Criminal
Justice (Fourth Edition), (pp. 74-109). South
Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
Findlay, M. (2009). Governing Through
Globalised Crime. In Wilson, Eric (Eds.),
Government of the Shadows: Parapolitics and
Criminal Sovereignty, (pp. 73-89). London and
New York: Pluto Press.
Findlay, M. (2009). Policing Business
Confidence? Controlling Crime Victimization in
Papua New Guinea. In Grabosky, Peter (Eds.),
Community Policing and Peacekeeping, (pp.
287-306). Boca Raton USA: CRC Press.
Findlay, M. (2009). Pre-trial. In Mark Findlay,
Publications for Mark Findlay
Stephen Odgers, Stanley Yeo (Eds.), Australian
Criminal Justice (Fourth Edition), (pp. 110-151).
South Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University
Findlay, M. (2009). Punishment and Penalty. In
Mark Findlay, Stephen Odgers, Stanley Yeo
(Eds.), Australian Criminal Justice (Fourth
Edition), (pp. 233-255). South Melbourne,
Australia: Oxford University Press.
Findlay, M. (2008). Activating victim
Constituency in International criminal justice.
International and Comparative criminal Justice
and Urban governance: Policy Convergence,
Divergence and New Justice Paradigms,
Worldwide Universities Network Colloquium
2008, Leeds, England: Presentation.
Findlay, M. (2008). Global Terror and Organised
Crime: Symbiotic or Synonymous? Asian
Journal of Criminology, 3(1), 75-89. <a
2-5">[More Information]</a>
Findlay, M. (2008). Globalised Crime and
Governance: the outcomes for understanding
International Criminal Justice. In Thalia
Anthony and Chris Cunneen (Eds.), The Critical
Criminology Companion, (pp. 315-329). Sydney,
Australia: Hawkins Press.
Findlay, M. (2008). Governing through
Globalised Crime: Futures for international
criminal justice. UK: Willan Publishing.
Findlay, M. (2008). Juror Comprehension and
the Hard Case - Making Forensic Evidence
Simpler. International Journal of Law Crime and
Justice, 36(1), 15-53. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Findlay, M. (2008). Legitimating Criminal
Justice through Community Engagement:
Lessons from the Jury Experience. Current
Issues in Criminal Justice, 20(2), 303-306.
Findlay, M. (2007). China's Place in international
Criminal Justice? Crime and Justice in Chinese
Societies: Global challenges and local responses
2007 - Law School and Department of Sociology,
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong:
Findlay, M. (2007). Economics of Punishment.
In David S. Clark (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law
and Society: American and Global Perspectives.
(pp. 129-152). United States: Sage Publications.
Findlay, M., McLean, C. (2007). Emerging
International Criminal Justice. Current Issues in
Criminal Justice, 18(3), 457-480.
Findlay, M. (2007). Global Terror and Organised
Crime: Symbiotic or synonymous? Organised
Crime in Asia: Governance and accountability
2007 - National University of Singapore,
Singapore: Presentation.
Findlay, M. (2007). Global Terror as Organised
Crime: Reflections on the Australian Experience.
In K. Ueda (Eds.), The Present State of
International Organised Crimes: The World and
Japan - Human Security and Transnational
Organised Crime Series Volume 2, (pp. 35-54).
Japan: The Ritsumeikan University Law
Findlay, M. (2007). Governing through
Globalised Crime. British Society of Criminology
Conference 2007, London, England:
Findlay, M., Henham, R. (2007). Integrating
Theory and Method in the Comparative
Contextual Analysis of Trial Process. In Mike
McConville, Wing Hong Chui (Eds.), Research
Methods for Law, (pp. 104-132). UK: Edinburgh
University Press.
Findlay, M. (2007). Juries Reborn. Reform,
Winter (2007) 90, 9-11.
Findlay, M. (2007). Misunderstanding
Corruption and Community: Comparative
Cultural Politics of Corruption Regulation in the
Pacific. Asian Journal of Criminology, 2(1),
47-56. <a
3-2">[More Information]</a>
Findlay, M. (2007). Terrorism and relative
justice. Crime, Law and Social Change: an
interdisciplinary journal, 47(1), 57-68. <a
4-8">[More Information]</a>
Findlay, M. (2006). Criminal Law: Problems in
Context. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Findlay, M. (2006). Governing through
Globalised Crime. Government of the Shadows:
Global Governance, Para-politics and
Organised Crime 2006 - Asian Law Centre,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic:
Findlay, M. (2006). Justice for the Vulnerable? Debating the Relationship between Aboriginal
People and Australian Criminal Justice. Current
Issues in Criminal Justice, 18(2), 373-375.
Findlay, M. (2006). Law and Justice Sector
Business Crime Victimisation Survey in Port
Moresby, 2006.
Findlay, M. (2006), Review Online: Immunity
and International Criminal Law. By Yitiha
Simbeye. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004. Pp. vi-173.
Publications for Mark Findlay
Findlay, M., Guthrie, G., Hukula, F., Laki, J.
(2005). Bougainville Community Crime Trends,
Findlay, M. (2005). Globalisation and Urban
Crime: Mean streets or lost suburbs? Current
Issues in Criminal Justice, 17(2), 291-304.
Findlay, M. (2005). Globalisation of Crime:
Terror in a contracting globe. 11th United
Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and
Criminal Justice 2005, Bangkok, Thailand:
Findlay, M., Guthrie, G., Hukula, F., Laki, J.
(2005). Port Moresby Community Crime Survey.
Findlay, M. (2005). Pre-Trial. In Mark Findlay,
Stephen Odgers & Stanley Yeo (Eds.),
Australian Criminal Justice (3rd ed), (pp.
110-147). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Findlay, M. (2005). Problem Centered Learning
in the Teaching of Criminal Law. International
Review of Management.
Findlay, M. (2005). Punishment and Penalty. In
Mark Findlay, Stephen Odgers & Stanley Yeo
(Eds.), Australian Criminal Justice (3rd ed), (pp.
219-251). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Findlay, M. (2005). Some Brief Observations on
the Significance of Deterrence in Braithwaite's
'Pre-empting Terrorism'. Current Issues in
Criminal Justice, 17(1), 120-121.
Findlay, M., Odgers, S., Yeo, S. (2005). The
Australian Criminal Justice System (3rd edition).
UK: Oxford University Press.
Findlay, M. (2005). The New Investigators. In
Mark Findlay, Stephen Odgers & Stanley Yeo
(Eds.), Australian Criminal Justice (3rd ed), (pp.
73-109). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Findlay, M. (2005). To transform in the
international criminal trial: merging restorative
and retributive justice. Amicus Curiae, 60, 12-16.
Findlay, M., Henham, R. (2005). Transforming
International Criminal Justice: Retributive and
restorative justice in the trial process. Devon,
UK: Willan Publishing.
Findlay, M. (2004). Globalzation Of Crime:
Terror In A Contracting Globe. In Vic George
& Robert M. Page (Eds.), Global Social
Problems, (pp. 81-101). Cambridge: Polity Press.
Findlay, M. (2004). Introducing Policing:
Challenges For Police And Australian
Communities. Australia: Oxford University
Findlay, M. (2004). Law and Justice Sector NCD
& Bougainville Community Crime Surveys,
Findlay, M. (2004). Misunderstanding
Corruption and Community: comparative
cultural politics of corruption regulation.
Conference on Corruption: the Way Forward
2004, Canberra, ACT: Presentation.
Findlay, M. (2004). Prisons As Progressive
Punishment? The State Of Corrective Services.
The State of the States, 2004, 43-52.
Findlay, M. (2004). The Demise Of Corrections
Fifteen Years On: Any Hope For The
Progressive Punishment? Current Issues in
Criminal Justice, 16(1), 57-70.
Findlay, M., Grix, J. (2003). Challenging
Forensic Evidence? Observations on the use of
DNA in certain criminal trials. Current Issues in
Criminal Justice, 14(3), 269-282.
Findlay, M. (2003). Crime, terror and transitional
cultures in a contracting globe. In Catherine
Dauvergne (Eds.), Jurisprudence for an
Interconnected Globe, (pp. 231-247). UK:
Henham, R., Findlay, M. (2003). Criminal justice
modeling and the comparative contextual
analysis of trial process. International Journal of
Comparative Criminology, 2(2), 162-186.
Findlay, M. (2003). Global Terror as Organised
Crime? Reflections on the Australian experience.
Transnational Crime and Human Security
Conference 2003: Faculty of Law, Ritsumeikan
University, Kyoto, Japan: Presentation.
Findlay, M., Henham, R. (2003). Integrating
Theory and Method in the Comparative
Contextual Analysis of Trial Process. Workshop
on Socio-Legal Research Methods: International
Institute for the Sociology of Law 2003, Onati,
Spain: Presentation.
Findlay, M. (2003). Review of the Crimes
(Forensic Procedures) Act NSW.
Findlay, M. (2003). The Pacific. In R. Hodess,
T. Inowlocki T. Wolfe (Eds.), Global Corruption
Report 2003: Transparency International, (pp.
115-127). UK: Profile Books.
Bohlander, M., Findlay, M. (2003). The use of
domestic sources as a basis for international
criminal law principles. In Giuliana Ziccardi
Capaldo (Eds.), The Global Community:
Yearbook of International law and jurisprudence
2002 - volume 1, (pp. 3-26). USA: Oceana
Publications for Mark Findlay
Findlay, M. (2002). Beware of the 'Dog':
Assaults in prison and cultures of secrecy.
Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 14(1),
Findlay, M. (2002). Challenging Forensic
Evidence? Observations on the use of DNA in
criminal trials. 8th International Criminal Law
Congress of the Australian and New Zealand
Criminal Law Association 2002: A Matter of
Human Rights, Melbourne, Vic: Presentation.
Findlay, M., Yeo, S. (2002). Criminology. In
Michael Coper, Tony Blackshield, and George
Williams (Eds.), The Oxford Companion to the
High Court of Australia. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Findlay, M. (2000). Crime and Transitional
Cultures in a Contracting Globe. Symposium on
Globalisation and the Universalisation of Legal
Norms 2000, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Findlay, M. (2000). Criminal Laws of the South
Pacific (2nd edition). Suva, Fiji: Institute of
Justice and Applied Legal Studies.
Findlay, M. (2000). Decolonising restoration and
justice in transitional cultures. In Heather
Strang, John Braithwaite (Eds.), Restorative
Justice: Philosophy to Practice, (pp. 185-202).
United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing.
Findlay, M. (2002). Internationalised criminal
trial and access to justice. International Criminal
Law Review, 2(3), 237-259.
Findlay, M. (2000). Decolonising Restoration
and Justice: Restoration in Transitional Cultures.
The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 39(4),
Findlay, M. (2002). The Cost of Globalised
Crime: New Levels of Control. International
Journal of Comparative Criminology, 1(2),
Anker, K., Dauvergne, C., Findlay, M.,
Millbank, J. (2000). Teaching Note: Evaluating a
Change to Seminar-Style Teaching. Legal
Education Review, 11(1), 97-144.
Findlay, M. (2002). The International and
Comparative Criminal Trial Project.
International Criminal Law Review, 2(1), 47-78.
Findlay, M. (2000). The Essence of the Jury.
LegalDate, 14(2).
Findlay, M. (1999). Views from the Drugs
Summit. Current Issues in Criminal Justice,
11(1), 88-90.
Findlay, M. (2001). Community Participation
and the Integration within Legal Formalism in
the South Pacific. International Review of Penal
Law (Revue Internationale de Droit Penal), 72,
Findlay, M. (2001). Globalisation and Crime:
Planning for Solutions. 15th Annual Australian
and New Zealand Society of Criminology
(ANZSOC) Conference 2001 - Criminology in
the Twenty-First Century: Public Good or
Private Interest?, Melbourne, Vic: Presentation.
Findlay, M. (2001). Juror Comprehension and
Complexity: Strategies to enhance
understanding. The British Journal of
Criminology, 41(1), 56-76.
Findlay, M. (2001). Problems for the Criminal
Law. Melbourne: OUP.
Findlay, M. (2001). Review Essay - Whose
News About Justice?: Nicholas Cowdery (2001),
Getting Justice Wrong, Allen & Unwin, Sydney,
ISBN 1865083224 & Jock Collins, Greg Noble,
Scott Poynting & Paul Tabar (2001), Kebabs,
Kids, Cops and Crime, Pluto Press, Sydney,
ISBN 1864031131. Current Issues in Criminal
Justice, 13(1), 114-117.
Findlay, M. (2001). Synthesis in Trial
Procedures? The experience of International
Criminal Tribunals. International and
Comparative Law Quarterly, 50, 26-53.