Publications for Belinda Reeve
Reeve, B., Hougendobler, D., Gostin, L. (2016).
Road Safety, Health and Human Rights:
Strengthening Global Governance of Road
Safety beyond The Decade of Action
(Forthcoming). In Michael P. Ftizharris, Diana
M. Bowman, Saul Billingsley (Eds.), The
International Handbook of Road Safety . United
Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Reeve, B., Jones, A. (2016). Time to commit to good food policy. MJA Insight . <a href=" me-commit-good-food-policy?0=ip_login_no_ca che%3D89a1579157b3be2cc8f336e687bfed0b">
[More Information]</a>
Reeve, B. (2015). Australia's Progress in
Regulating Food Advertising to Children.
Emerging Health Policy Research Conference
2015: Menzies Centre for Health Policy , Sydney,
NSW: Presentation.
Reeve, B., Gostin, L. (2015). Creating the
Conditions for People to Lead Healthy, Fulfilling
Lives: Law Reform to Prevent and Control
NCDs. In Grant Blashki, Helen Sykes (Eds.),
Dancing in the Rain: Living with NCDs
(Non-Communicable Diseases) , (pp. 163-178).
Sydney, Australia: Future Leaders.
Reeve, B., Magnusson, R. (2015). Food reformulation and the (neo)-liberal state: new strategies for strengthening voluntary salt reduction programs in the UK and USA. Public
Health , 129(8), 1061-1073. <a href="
21">[More Information]</a>
Magnusson, R., Reeve, B. (2015). Food
Reformulation, Responsive Regulation, and
"Regulatory Scaffolding": Strengthening
Performance of Salt Reduction Programs in
Australia and the United Kingdom. Nutrients ,
7(7), 5281-5308. <a href="">[M ore Information]</a>
Reeve, B. (2015). Making Public Health Law
More Palatable: Inclusive Design and the 'Nanny
State' Critique of Legislative Prevention
Measures. Australasian Association of Bioethics
Health Law Conference 2015: Working with
Diversity , Wellington NZ: Presentation.
Reeve, B. (2015). Regulating Food Marketing to
Children: Industry Self-Regulation or a
Rights-Based Approach? Rights of the Child
Consumer Conference 2015: Australian Human
Rights Commission; Australian Council on
Children and the Media; Flinders University ,
Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Reeve, B., Ashe, M., Farias, R., Gostin, L.
(2015). State and Municipal Innovations in
Obesity Policy: Why Localities Remain a
Necessary Laboratory for Innovation. American
Journal of Public Health , 105(3), 442-450. <a href="
37">[More Information]</a>
Magnusson, R., Reeve, B. (2014). 'Steering'
Private Regulation? A New Strategy for
Reducing Population Salt Intake in Australia.
Sydney Law Review , 36(2), 255-289.
Schofield, T., Reeve, B., McCallum, R. (2014).
Australian workplace health and safety regulatory approaches to prosecution:
Hegemonising compliance. Journal of Industrial
Relations , 56(5), 709-729. <a href="
625">[More Information]</a>
Reeve, B. (2014). Legislative Scaffolds for
Salt-Reduction Programs: A New Way of
Regulating Business in the 'Nanny State' Era.
'Who's Afraid of the Nanny State?' Conference
2014: University of Sydney , Sydney, NSW:
Gostin, L., Reeve, B., Ashe, M. (2014). The
Historic Role of Boards of Health in Local
Innovation: New York City's Soda Portion Case.
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical
Association , 312(15), 1511-1512. <a href="
">[More Information]</a>
Reeve, B. (2014). The use of law as an instrument in prevention. EU Summit on Chronic
Diseases 2014: European Commission , Brussels,
Belgium: Presentation.
Reeve, B., Magnusson, R. (2013). 'Legislative scaffolding': a new approach to prevention.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public
Health , 37(5), 494-496. <a href="
4">[More Information]</a>
Reeve, B. (2013). Law and Obesity Prevention.
Auckland Area District Health Board 2013:
Auckland City Hospital , Auckland, New
Zealand: Presentation.
Reeve, B. (2013). Private Governance, Public
Purpose? Assessing Transparency and
Accountability in Self-Regulation of Food
Advertising to Children. Journal of Bioethical
Inquiry , 10(2), 149-163. <a href="
1-z">[More Information]</a>
Magnusson, R., Reeve, B. (2013). Regulation and the prevention agenda: Laws should scaffold food and alcohol industry self-regulation to improve unhealthy environments and prevent disease. Medical Journal of Australia , 199(2),
89-89. <a href="">[
More Information]</a>
Reeve, B. (2012). Can Responsive Regulation
Reduce Unhealthy Food Advertising to
Children? Sydney Health Policy Network Forum
2012: Strengthening Prevention Policy -
University of Sydney , Sydney, NSW:
Reeve, B., Broom, D., Strazdins, L., Shipley, M.
(2012). Regulation, managerial discretion and family-friendliness in Australia's changing industrial relations environment. Journal of
Industrial Relations , 54(1), 57-74. <a href="
385">[More Information]</a>
Reeve, B. (2012). Self-Regulation of Food and
Alcohol Advertising: Can Companies Be
Responsible for Public Health? Australasian
Association of Bioethics & Health Law
Conference 2012: Harm, Health and
Responsibility , Auckland, New Zealand:
McCallum, R., Schofield, T., Reeve, B. (2012).
The Role of the Judiciary in Occupational Health and Safety Prosecutions: Institutional Processes and the Production of Deterrence. Journal of
Industrial Relations , 54(5), 688-706. <a href="
956">[More Information]</a>
Reeve, B. (2012). The Role of the Judiciary in
OHS Prosecutions: Institutional Processes and the Production of Deterrence. Socio-Legal
Studies Association Conference 2012:
DeMontfort University , Leicester, England:
Reeve, B., Schofield, T., McCallum, R. (2012).
Workplace Death and Injury: Revisiting the
Regulatory Impact of Prosecution and
Deterrence. Criminalisation of Corporate and
White Collar Misconduct Workshop 2014:
Monash university , Melbourne, Vic:
Reeve, B. (2011). OHS prosecutions under the
Work Health and Safety Act: A Better Deal for
New South Wales Employers? Navigating Work
Health and Safety 2011: CCH Event , Sydney,
NSW: Presentation.
Reeve, B. (2011). Promoting Compliance: Can
Advertising Self-Regulation Reduce Unhealthy
Food Advertising to Children? Emerging Health
Policy Research Conference 2011: From
Research to Politics - University of Sydney ,
Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Reeve, B. (2011). The regulatory pyramid meets the food pyramid: Can regulatory theory improve controls on television food advertising to
Australian children? Journal of Law and
Medicine , 19(1), 128-146.
Reeve, B., McCallum, R. (2011). The Scope of
Employers' Responsibilities under Australian
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation.
Australian Journal of Labour Law , 24(3),
Jamieson, S., Reeve, B., Schofield, T.,
McCallum, R. (2010). OHS prosecutions: Do they deter other companies from offending?
Journal of Health, Safety and Environment ,
26(3), 213-231.
McCallum, R., Reeve, B. (2010). The National
Review into Model OHS Laws: Offences
Relating to Breaches of the Duties of Care,
Defences, and Related Matters. OHS Regulatory
Research Colloquium 2010: Australian National
University , Canberra, ACT: Presentation.
Reeve, B., McCallum, R. (2010). The Scope of
Employers' Responsibilities under Australian
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation.
Australian Labour Law Association National
Conference 2010 , Adelaide, SA: Presentation.
Schofield, T., Reeve, B., McCallum, R. (2009).
Deterrence and OHS Prosecutions: Prosecuted
Employers' Responses. Journal of Health, Safety and Environment , 25(4), 263-276.
McCallum, R., Reeve, B. (2009). The National
Review into Model OHS Laws: Offences Relating to Breaches of the Duties of Care, Defences and
Related Matters .
Reeve, B. (2006). Causal Frameworks in Child
Unintentional-Injury Prevention Policy in New
Zealand. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand: te puna whakaaro , 27, 38-56.
Reeve, B. (2005). Sustainable Management and
Public Health in the New Zealand Context.
Resource Management Bulletin , 6(7), 73-77.