101 things to do besides drink…
☼ 2. Go shopping ☼ 3. Tell another person that you love them ☼ 4.
Go to Club Underground ☼ 5. Do your laundry ☼ 6. Daydream ☼ 7. Go on a picnic ☼ 8.
Treat yourself to ice cream ☼ 9. Learn a new sport ☼ 10. Have a movie night with friends ☼
11. Go fishing ☼ 12. Go to a museum ☼ 13. Go to an orchestra concert at the Arts and
Communications building ☼ 14. Get involved with a religious group on campus ☼ 15. Say hello
to someone you don’t know (or would like to know better) ☼ 16. Go to a movie ☼ 17. Learn
how to change a flat tire ☼ 18. Join a new club from the Student Leadership Involvement Center
☼ 19. Get your hair cut or a new hair style ☼ 20. STUDY! ☼ 21. Read a book ☼ 22.
Write a letter ☼ 23. Read poetry ☼ 24. Go bowling ☼ 25. Watch a sun set ☼ 26. Go to
Open Mic ☼ 27. Sky dive ☼ 28. Be a Big Brother or Big Sister ☼ 29. Check out Career
Services in Dempsey ☼ 30. Make a scrap book ☼ 31. Exercise at Fletcher ☼ 32. Take a
bubble bath ☼ 33. Make cookies ☼ 34. Draw, paint, or sketch ☼ 35. Attend a Titan sporting
event ☼ 36. Be a volunteer ☼ 37. Go swing dancing ☼ 38. Plan a road trip ☼ 39. Make
dinner with your friends ☼ 40. Daydream ☼ 41. Go to Local Band Night ☼ 42. Keep a diary
☼ 43. Visit the Senior Center ☼ 44. Bake a cake ☼ 45. Plant a garden ☼ 46. Start a
collection ☼ 47. Go for a bike ride ☼ 48. Play the piano ☼ 49. Tell jokes ☼ 50. Learn a
new card game ☼ 51. Give to a charity ☼ 52. Try a food that you’ve never had before ☼ 53.
Go to and get involved in Hall Government ☼ 54. Go swimming ☼ 55. Master the use of chop
sticks ☼ 56. Go the circus ☼ 57. Fall in love ☼ 58. Do some random acts of kindness ☼
59. Laugh ☼ 60. Play basketball ☼ 61. Take pictures ☼ 62. Start your Christmas shopping
☼ 63. Learn calligraphy ☼ 64. Learn what a carburetor does ☼ 65. Do needle work ☼ 66.
Order a pizza ☼ 67. Try a new recipe ☼ 68. Meditate ☼ 69. Get a job ☼ 70. Play darts
☼ 71. Play video games ☼ 72. Have a water balloon fight ☼ 73. Play freeze tag ☼ 74.
Climb a tree ☼ 75. Run through sprinklers ☼ 76. Call your parents ☼ 77. Invent something
☼ 78. Join Reeve Union Board (RUB) ☼ 79. Play capture the flag ☼ 80. Write poetry ☼
81. Go to Goodwill and find a Halloween costume ☼ 82. Sit in a chair for 5 minutes and don’t do
anything ☼ 83. Read a newspaper ☼ 84. Rollerblade ☼ 85. Tap a nap ☼ 86. Learn
something new ☼ 87. Go on a scavenger hunt ☼ 88. Rearrange or redecorate your room ☼
89. Play miniature golf ☼ 90. Play chess ☼ 91. Watch old movies ☼ 92. Learn to play a
new instrument ☼ 93. Visit the Art Gallery in Reeve ☼ 94. Be a mentor or a tutor ☼ 95. Get
into a “reality tv” show ☼ 96. Make jewelry ☼ 97. Call an old friend ☼ 98. Learn a foreign
language ☼ 99. Sew ☼ 100. Take a walk down by the river ☼ 101. Play an old fashion
board game ☼
1. Drink hot chocolate