START RCN Celebration Video Montage Instructions Winter/Spring 2016

START RCN Celebration
Video Montage Instructions
Winter/Spring 2016
Thank you for pulling together a
video montage for your RCN!
We are very excited to showcase the
amazing work of the RCN.
Instructions: Due Date
• Submit by Feb 19th
RCN submit what they have developed to START via their RCN
Dropbox or mail a flash drive to the START office. Please send
an email to Melissa Kurek ( to let her
know the materials have been submitted.
Grand Valley State University
Autism Education Center
401 W. Fulton St.
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
• Final celebration video will be shared at the May 3rd
Spring RCN Leadership Day
Instructions: Format
• Submit in PowerPoint format with all materials embedded. This may
include pictures, video, example materials, data, graphics, and stories.
Background music or recorded audio may also be included.
• Maximum 3 minutes (if not timed, then maximum 20 slides)
• Make sure that any text on the slides is readable by the audience. If you
include materials for reference (e.g. form or manual) that is too small to
read, provide a link to access the material or we can post them on the
START website.
• If you want to record audio to accompany a slide, you can use the sound
recorder accessory in your computer’s program files and save the audio as
a wmv file.
* Submitted materials may be edited by START and Gud marketing.
Instructions: Format
• Provide a separate folder with photos, videos and
audio even though they are embedded in the
PowerPoint. It would be helpful to have a table of
contents/list of attached files and what slide they
are associated with.
– Photos: High resolution jpeg files (300dpi or higher)
– Videos: High definition 1080p M4V or MP4 files
– Audio: wmv or mp3 format
Instructions: Content
• Content should follow what was submitted to
START through the Google form checklist. This
was 3-5 concepts to showcase your RCN.
• The focus should be on the RCN Priorities as
defined by START and the ways RCN
collaboration has benefitted work with
*Make sure you have student photo or video
permission (or at least opt out permission
through the school) if you are submitting
pictures or video as part of your RCN montage.
A permission form is available through START.