Second Semester Extra Credit Opportunity Description:

Second Semester Extra Credit Opportunity
Deadline: Look on Website (No extra credit will be
accepted after this date!!!!!)
RCN (Read and Cornell Note) any 10 pages from
your textbook that have not already been used for an
RCN this year.
Page numbers must be clearly stated at the top of the
RCN page.
Extra credit will only count if the quality of your
RCN meets the standards required to receive 3 points
worth of credit (a “check-plus” or an “upright”
stamp). Any extra credit submitted of lesser value
will not be considered valid.
You may take advantage of this extra credit
opportunity a maximum of 3 more times this
RCN’s obviously plagiarized from any other existing
source will not be considered valid. If source is an
existing RCN, the credit for that source will also not
be considered valid.