Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Semi-Annual Technical Report Period: 4/01/2009 to 9/30/2009 Due Date: 10/15/2009 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Julie Hutt, Michelle Valderas, Trevor Brasel, Dana Pohlman, Mitch Magee, Kathryn Sykes, Stephen Johnston, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Justin Skoble Contract No. ADB Contract No. HHSN266200500040-C N01-AI-50040 Contract Title: Tularemia Vaccine Development Team Performance Period: 4/1/09 to 9/30/09 Contractor Name: University of New Mexico Health Science Center Contractor Address: Controller’s Office MSC-09-5220 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-0001 Authors: C. Rick Lyons, MD, PhD and Barbara B. Griffith, MS Date of submission: 10/14/2009 Semi-Annual Technical Report: Based on Contributions from ASU, Cerus/Aduro, LBERI, UNM and UTSA Page 1 of 11 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Semi-Annual Technical Report Period: 4/01/2009 to 9/30/2009 Due Date: 10/15/2009 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Julie Hutt, Michelle Valderas, Trevor Brasel, Dana Pohlman, Mitch Magee, Kathryn Sykes, Stephen Johnston, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Justin Skoble Contract No. HHSN266200500040-C ADB Contract No. N01-AI-50040 Section I: Purpose and Scope of Effort The Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract will lead to vaccine candidates, two animal models and cellular assays vital for testing vaccine efficacy. Sections II and III: Progress and Planning Presented by Institution Active milestones: 2, 8, 9, 10, 11(UNM/LBERI), 12/13(UNM/LBERI), 14, 17, 18, 19, 21(UNM/LBERI), 29 (UNM/LBERI), 35(ASU/UNM), 36, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 Completed milestones: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34 (UNM/ASU), 39, 40, 43 (UTSA), 48, 50, 51 Inactive milestones: 15, 20, 22, 23, 24, 30, 37, 38, 59 Milestones terminated after initiation: 41, 42, 44, 46, (MSCR will be written) Milestones terminated before initiated: 43 (Cerus), 45, 47, 58, (MSCR will not be written) See the attached 8 Powerpoint presentations annotated with minutes and 1 Word document for “Year 5: What to Finish? What Resources to Use?” 1. UNM: Terry Wu- Fischer 344 Rat Model 2. LBERI: Bob Sherwood, Trevor Brasel, Michelle Valderas, Julie Wilder, Julie HuttNHP Model: SCHU S4 Natural History and Vaccination/Challenge 3. ASU: Kathryn Sykes and Mitch Magee- Progress toward identification of Francisella tularensis subunit vaccine candidates using the proteome and transcriptome approaches 4. UTSA: Karl Klose and Bernard Arulanandam- F. tularensis attenuated vaccine strain construction and evaluation 5. Cerus/Aduro: Justin Skoble- Vaccine candidates: Ft antigens presented with Listeria platform 6. Cerus/Aduro/ASU/UTSA: Justin Skoble, Kathryn Sykes, Mitch Magee, Karl Klose-Selection of vaccine candidates from Proteome/Transcriptome/Genetic Mutant Approaches 7. UNM/LBERI: Terry Wu and Julie Wilder- Update on Immunoassays and Correlates of protection 8. UNM/LBERI: Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Hutt, Michelle Valderas, Rick Lyons, Julie Wilder- Models comparison: Mouse, Rat, NHP, Human-Protection, Immunology, Pathology 9. Annual meeting “Year 5: What to finish? What resources to use?: Rick Lyons Page 2 of 11 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Semi-Annual Technical Report Period: 4/01/2009 to 9/30/2009 Due Date: 10/15/2009 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Julie Hutt, Michelle Valderas, Trevor Brasel, Dana Pohlman, Mitch Magee, Kathryn Sykes, Stephen Johnston, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Justin Skoble Sections IV: Contract Expenditures and Subcontractor Billing 1. % work completed vs. %cumulative costs incurred to date with regard to planned effort and proposed budget The active Milestones over the past 6 months have been: 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11(UNM &LBERI), 12/13 (UNM &LBERI), 14, 17, 18, 19, 21 (UNM &LBERI), 29(UNM &LBERI), 35(UNM/ASU), 36, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57. One active milestone (UNM 12/13) currently is over budget, though the budgets for many Milestones have been adjusted as noted on the FRMs and/or notes below. The other five milestones that are over budget are either terminated or 100% work completed. To date, NIAID has been billed for scientific activity on Milestones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12/13 (UNM &LBERI), 14, 16, 17,18, 19, 21 (UNM &LBERI), 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34(UNM/ASU), 35(UNM/ASU), 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 (UTSA), 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57. Data associated with most current UNM invoice submitted to NIAID (parallels Financial Report by Milestone and lags behind current Technical Report) Milestone % invoiced 2-UNM 2-LBERI 3- LBERI 4-LBERI 5-UNM 7-LBERI 8-LBERI 9-LBERI 10-LBERI 10-UNM 11-UNM 11-LBERI 12/13-UNM 12/13-LBERI 14-UNM 16-UTSA 17-UNM 18-UNM 19-UNM 21-UNM 21-LBERI 25-ASU 26-ASU 27-UNM 28-ASU 29-LBERI 0 87.4 100.8 82.4 100 89.8 83.6 3 0 0.9 59.5 33.2 100.1 70.5 11.4 100 0 0.2 94.9 82.9 10.9 100 100 100.1 103.9 1.2 % work completed 77 76 100 100 100 100 70 45 2 3 66 50 80 91 5 100 0 5 27 74 8 100 100 100 100 16 Over budget? No No Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Discrepancy? See explanation below #4 See explanation below #3 See explanation below #3 See explanations below #3 NA See budget note below #3 See budget note below #3 See explanation below #3 See explanation below #3 NA See budget note below #4. See explanation & budget note below #3 See budget explanation below #4 See budget explanation below #3 See explanation below #4 See budget note below #5 See budget explanation #4 below See explanation below #4 See explanation below #4 See budget explanation #4 below NA NA See budget note below #1 See budget note below #4 See explanations below #1 See explanation below #3 Page 3 of 11 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Semi-Annual Technical Report Period: 4/01/2009 to 9/30/2009 Due Date: 10/15/2009 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Julie Hutt, Michelle Valderas, Trevor Brasel, Dana Pohlman, Mitch Magee, Kathryn Sykes, Stephen Johnston, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Justin Skoble 29-UNM 32-ASU 33-ASU 34-UNM 34-ASU 35-ASU 35-UNM 36-ASU 39-UTSA 40-Cerus 41-Cerus 42-Cerus 43-Cerus 43-UTSA 44-Cerus 45-Cerus 46-Cerus 47-Cerus 48-UTSA 49-UTSA 50-UTSA 51-UTSA 52-UTSA 53-UTSA 55-Cerus 56-Cerus 57-Cerus 58-Cerus 59-Cerus 27.3 100 100 100 100 96 27.8 0 100 100 104.2 110.9 0 100 144.3 0 100 0 100 90.8 96.7 94.6 55.1 28.2 77.2 58.2 33.7 0 0 25 100 100 100 100 90 35 15 100 100 85 25 0 100 5 0 53 0 100 96 100 100 68 23.5 65 45 25 0 0 No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No NA NA NA See budget note below #4 NA See budget note below#4 NA See explanation below #1 See budget below #5 NA See explanation below #2 See explanation below #2 See explanation below #2 See budget note below #5 See explanation below #2 See explanation below #2 See explanation below #2 See explanation below #2 See budget note below #5 NA See budget note below #5 See budget note below #5 NA NA See explanation below #2 See explanation below #2 See explanation below #2 See budget note below #2 See budget note below #2 Discrepancy Explanations 1. ASU MS 26: This milestone was going over budget as of 11/26/07, until ASU moved $3,000 from MS28 to MS26 on 11/26/07, $25,000 from MS35 to MS26 on 2/13/08 and $33,033 from MS38 to MS26 on 7/17/08 to increase the original budget for MS26 by $61,033 to a current total budget of $355,239. The original budget for MS26 was $294,206. This milestone is 100% scientifically completed. MS 28: This milestone was going over budget as of 2/13/08, partially due to ASU moving $3,000 from MS28 to MS26 on 11/26/07. Later ASU moved $25,000 from MS35 to MS28 on 2/13/08. This increased the original budget for MS28 by a net $22,000 to a current total budget of $771,572. The original budget for MS28 was $749,572. MS 28 is over budget at 103.9% invoiced but the work is 100% completed. MS 35: On 2/13/08, ASU retrospectively moved $50K from MS35 and put $25K into MS26 and $25K into MS28 budgets since MS26&28 were approaching fully expensed without being 100% work completed. $378,916 is the current budget for MS 35. MS 36: This milestone has no budget as it was to be a decision point/integration of data. MS 36 is 15% done and 0% invoiced. Page 4 of 11 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Semi-Annual Technical Report Period: 4/01/2009 to 9/30/2009 Due Date: 10/15/2009 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Julie Hutt, Michelle Valderas, Trevor Brasel, Dana Pohlman, Mitch Magee, Kathryn Sykes, Stephen Johnston, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Justin Skoble 2. CERUS MS 41, 42, 44, 46: These 4 Milestones were terminated for scientific reasons, outlined in subcontractor modification 4r2 in the revised statement of work. The residual funding was moved into Cerus’ new Milestones 55 through 59, which are developing the Listeria platform for Ft antigen vaccines. As of 9/10/09, as outlined in subcontractor modification 4r4 in the revised statement of work, funds were returned to MS 41, 42, 44, and 46 to cover the expenses associated with Milestone Completion Reports. With an upcoming adjustment to the budgets on these 4 milestones, they will no longer be over budget. MS 43, 45 and 47: These 3 Milestones were never initiated and were terminated for scientific reasons, outlined in subcontractor modification 4r2 in the revised statement of work. The residual funding was moved into Cerus’ new Milestones 55 through 59, which are developing the Listeria platform for Ft antigen vaccines. MS 55, 56, 57: Cerus started Milestones 55, 56 and 57 originally with Anza as a service provider and then continued with Aduro Biotech as the service provider. Anza Therapeutics ceased to exist due to the economic downturn and the team of scientists on the TVDC project moved to Aduro Biotech. UNM expects the % invoiced to reconcile with the % work completed, before the milestone technical work is completed. MS 58: This Milestone was never initiated and was terminated for scientific reasons, outlined in subcontractor modification 4r4 in the revised statement of work. The residual funding was moved into Cerus’ Milestones 55, 56, and 57 which are developing the Listeria platform for Ft antigen vaccines and also to Milestones 40-47 to cover expenses associated with Milestone Completion Reports. MS 59: This Milestone has not been opened but had the budget reduced for scientific reasons outlined in subcontractor modification 4r4 in the revised statement of work. The some funding was moved into Cerus’ Milestones 55, 56, and 57 which are developing the Listeria platform for Ft antigen vaccines and also to Milestones 40-47 to cover expenses associated with Milestone Completion Reports 3. LBERI MS 2: LBERI increased the MS 2 budget from $28,060 to $33060 in November 2008. The increase in budget decreased the % completed from the prior 99% to the current 87.4%. There is no discrepancy between the 87.4% invoiced and the 76% work completed. LBERI MS2 will reach 100% completed when up to 9 more UNM and LBERI staff are vaccinated in 2009 to 2010. MS 3: LBERI is slightly over budget by 0.8% on MS3. This milestone is completed and the milestone completion report is in progress. MS4 Bob Sherwood approved moving $50,000 from MS4 and into MS12/13 on 9/27/07. So the original budget of $422,939 dropped to $372,939 on MS4. On 7/23/08, Bob Sherwood/Dana Pohlman approved moving $50K from MS 7 and into MS4 so budget returned to the original budget of $422,939 On 8.28.08 Dana Pohlman approved moving $6K from MS11 and into MS4 so budget increased to $428,939. On 11/10/08 Dana Pohlman requested moving $150,000 from MS 8 to MS 4, increasing the budget of $428,939 to $578,939. MS 4 is completed and the MSCR is in progress. The though there is a slight discrepancy between the 82.4% invoiced and the 100% work completed, the milestone is done. MS 7: There is little discrepancy between the 89.8% invoiced and the 100% work completed, as the ED50 of SCHU S4 aerosols in NHP work is completed. On 12/21/08 Dana Pohlman authorized $14,379 to be moved from MS3 into MS7 and moving $75K from MS11 into MS7. The budget for MS7 increased Page 5 of 11 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Semi-Annual Technical Report Period: 4/01/2009 to 9/30/2009 Due Date: 10/15/2009 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Julie Hutt, Michelle Valderas, Trevor Brasel, Dana Pohlman, Mitch Magee, Kathryn Sykes, Stephen Johnston, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Justin Skoble by $89,379, increasing the MS 7 contract amount to $378,863 and leaving a balance of $59,138. Prior to the $89,379 increase, the MS 7 budget had been $289,484 on 12/2/08 and originally in 2005 the MS7 budget had been $324,484. On 03/24/09, the MS 7 budget $378863 was over spent ($134,999). Dr. Lyons approved a transfer of $170,000 from MS 10 to MS 7, as LBERI requested. The current budget with transfer is $548,863. MS 8: There is little discrepancy between the 83.6% invoiced and the 70% work completed. On 11/10/08 Dana Pohlman requested moving $260,000 from MS 8 to MS 2, 3, 4, and 12. This reduced the budget of $763,448 to $503,448. On 12/2/08, Bob and Dana authorized a $75,000 reduction in MS8 budget and increase in MS 7 budget. So MS8 budget dropped from 504,448 to 428,448. At NIAID’s request, the protective efficacy of 4 lots of LVS is being performed under MS8. The budget will be monitored through this additional study on MS8C. MS 9: LBERI appears under budget on MS 9 which is 3% invoiced and 45% work completed. Additional work to tighten the SCHU S4 presented dose is likely to increase the funding spent, before reaching 100% work completed. MS 10: LBERI started work on MS 10, with the understanding that testing other lots of LVS (e.g. USAMMDA IND 157 lot) would be performed under MS10. The current NIAID Project Officer required UNM to test the USAMMDA LVS under MS 8. So some work was reported on MS10 but then moved to MS 8. MS 11: LBERI’s natural history study under MS 11 has completed the non-telemetered arm and is nearly complete for the telemetered arm of the study. MS 11 is at 33.2% invoiced and 50% work completed. When the telemetered arm is completed, LBERI expects the % invoiced and % work completed to each reach 100%. On 8.28.08 Dana Pohlman approved moving $6K from MS11 and into MS4 so budget decreased to $831,752. On 12/21/08 Dana Pohlman approved moving $75K from MS11 to increase the budget for MS7. The MS11 budget decreased to $756,752. The prior MS 11 budget had been $831,752 MS 12&13: This milestone was going over budget as of 9/27/07, until LBERI moved $50,000 from MS4 to MS 12&13 on 9/27/07, $10,000 from MS 7 to MS12&13 on 6/6/08 and $50,000 from MS7 to MS 12&13 on 7/23/08 to increase the budget for MS 12&13 by $110,000 to a current total budget of $204,696. The original budget for MS12&13 was $94,696. On 11/10/08, Dana Pohlman requested moving $100K from MS8 to MS 12 increasing this budget of $204, 696 to $304,696. Please note that on the 10/14/08 semiannual report, 78.2% invoiced and 73% completed was reported for MS12&13. MS 12&13 are “assays for detecting relevant immune responses in animals and humans developed and compared to those in other species”. Dr. Lyons extended the duration of MS12&13 to 12/31/2009, due to the addition of the microagglutination assay by NIAID Project Officer. Dr. Lyons wants to keep Dr. Wilder’s immunoassay development under MS12&13. MS 29: LBERI’s role on MS 29 is to provide cells from vaccinated NHP to UNM for testing ASU polypeptides in an ELIspot assay. The discrepancy between 1.2% invoiced and 16% work completed will diminish when the second LVS vaccinated NHP is boosted and harvested for the next round of screening the ASU polypeptides in the T cell assay at UNM. Page 6 of 11 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Semi-Annual Technical Report Period: 4/01/2009 to 9/30/2009 Due Date: 10/15/2009 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Julie Hutt, Michelle Valderas, Trevor Brasel, Dana Pohlman, Mitch Magee, Kathryn Sykes, Stephen Johnston, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Justin Skoble 4. UNM MS 2- MS 2 has no budget and is 77% work completed. The expenses for MS 2 (LVS vaccinations for relevant personnel) consist of the UNM administrative oversight of the LVS vaccinations and also the travel and health screenings for the LVS vaccinees. The administrative costs are not covered under Milestone budgets. The travel and health screening costs are included under the “Occupational Health” expense category, which was not included in the Milestone budgets. In the past year, 33 LBERI and 4 UNM staff/scientists completed the one year post vaccination health screenings. Nine more potential vaccinees are preparing for LVS vaccinations in November 2009 and January 2010. MS 11: In April 2009, UNM moved $89,326 expense to MS 11 that had previously been charged to MS 17 incorrectly (charges added to Oct 08-March 09)-as per Dr. Lyons/Terry Wu 04/10/09. MS12/13: On 6/11/09, UNM moved $12,631 from completed MS5 into MS 12/13. MS12/13 budget increased to $149,163. So MS 12/13 is not over budget currently, but will go over budget with additional development for the microagglutination assay. MS 14: The discrepancy between the 11.4% invoiced and the 5% work completed is due to the developmental nature of this milestone. UNM will reassess whether some milestones should be consolidated. MS 17: In April 2009, UNM moved $89,326 expense to MS 11 that had previously been charged to MS 17 incorrectly (charges added to Oct 08-March 09)-as per Dr. Lyons/Terry Wu 04/10/09. In November 2008, MS 17 was listed as 16% invoiced and 10% completed. This was corrected in April 2009. MS 18: The discrepancy between the 0.2% invoiced and the 5% work completed is due to no additional work on this milestone in 2009. UNM will reassess whether some milestones should be consolidated. MS 19: UNM was developing assays with human alveolar macrophages from human donors. The expenses to date, included the salary for the bronchoscopy nurse, who was recruiting the normal human donors, and the pre-health screenings for potential bronchoscopy donors. The discrepancy between the 94.9% invoiced and 27% work completed was due to the developmental aspects of the assays as well as the low number of donors recruited to date. MS 19 is ended, unless while writing a manuscript, UNM and NIAID decide to perform more experiments. MS 21: On 6/11/09, UNM moved $12,632 from completed MS5, into MS21. MS21 budget was increased by $12,632 to reach $136,579. On 9/22/09 UNM moved $84,000 from MS20 to MS21 which brought MS21 budget to $220,579. The MS 21 budget had been overspent by $39,262 and Terry/Andrew expect 3 more months at approx. $15,000 per month, $39,626 +$45,000 =$84,262 was needed in the MS21 budget. MS 27: MS 27 was 100% work completed so UNM moved the residual $19,430 from MS27 and into MS19 which had been overspent as of 4/13/09. MS 34: MS 34 was 100% work completed so UNM moved the residual $14,254 from MS34 and into MS19 which had been overspent as of 4/13/09. Page 7 of 11 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Semi-Annual Technical Report Period: 4/01/2009 to 9/30/2009 Due Date: 10/15/2009 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Julie Hutt, Michelle Valderas, Trevor Brasel, Dana Pohlman, Mitch Magee, Kathryn Sykes, Stephen Johnston, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Justin Skoble 5. UTSA MS 16, MS 39, MS 43, MS 48, and MS 51: These 5 milestones show 100% invoiced and 100% work completed. After the technical work was 100% completed, residual budgeted funds were moved from these 5 milestones in the fall of 2007 and into MS50 to support work on the intragastric route of immunization. A combined total of $46,950 was moved from these 5 milestones and into the MS50 budget. The original budget for MS50 was $310,483 and the current MS50 budget is $357,433. MS 50: A combined total of $46,950 was moved from MS 16, 39, 43, 48, and 51 and into the MS50 budget. The original budget for MS50 was $310,483 and the current MS50 budget is $357,433. MS50 became 100% work completed in September 2009 and is expected to be 100% spent soon. To date, administrative costs have been billed to NIAID that are associated with Milestone 2 and with the management of the scientific milestones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12/13, 14, 16, 17,18, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57. 2. Estimates of subcontractors expenses from prior month if subcontractor did not submit a bill. List for each subcontractor. If subcontractors were not working or did not incur any cost in current or prior month, then include a statement to this effect. LBERI, Cerus, ASU and UTSA all submitted invoices to UNM in the prior month. The UNM invoice to NIAID, being submitted on 10/15/09, includes subcontractor invoices from ASU, Cerus, LBERI and UTSA. Page 8 of 11 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Semi-Annual Technical Report Period: 4/01/2009 to 9/30/2009 Due Date: 10/15/2009 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Julie Hutt, Michelle Valderas, Trevor Brasel, Dana Pohlman, Mitch Magee, Kathryn Sykes, Stephen Johnston, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Justin Skoble Acronyms for Tech Reports 10/12/09 ABSL3: Animal Biosafety Level 3 lab AM: alveolar macrophages ASU: Arizona State University BLD: below limit of detection BMDM: bone marrow derived macrophages BP: base pair BSL2: Biosafety Level 2 lab BSL3: Biosafety Level 3 lab C: centrigrade cDNA: complimentary deoxyribonucleic acid CDA: confidentiality and disclosure agreement CDM: Chamberlains defined media CFU: colony forming units COA: contract officers authorization CRDA: Cooperative research and development agreement C-term: Carboxy terminus DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid DVC: Dynport Vaccine Company ED50: Effective Dose, 50 % dead ELISA: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISpot: enzyme-linked immunospot assay EOH: Employee Occupational Health FDA: Federal Drug Administration FF: formalin fixed FSC: forward scatter, equivalent to cell size FT or Ft or F. tularensis: Francisella tularensis GDP: genome directed primers GI: gastrointestinal GLP: good laboratory practice KBMA: killed but metabolically active HK: heat killed HTP: high through put IAA: interagency agreement IACUC: Institutional animal care and use committee ICS: Intracellular staining Page 9 of 11 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Semi-Annual Technical Report Period: 4/01/2009 to 9/30/2009 Due Date: 10/15/2009 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Julie Hutt, Michelle Valderas, Trevor Brasel, Dana Pohlman, Mitch Magee, Kathryn Sykes, Stephen Johnston, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Justin Skoble ID: intradermal IFNγ: interferon gamma IL2: interleukin 2 IN: intranasal IND: investigational new drug IP: intraperitoneal IRB: institutional review board IRS: immune rat sera IT: intratracheal IVT: in vitro translation/transcription KB: kilobase L: liter LAPT: Linear Amplification of Procaryotic Transpcript LBERI: Lovelace Biomedical and Environmental Research Institute LD50: Lethal dose 50% dead LD99: lethal dose, 99% dead LN: lymph node LPS: lipopolysaccharide LRRI: Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute LVS: Live vaccine strain (tularemia) NHP: nonhuman primate MDM: monocyte derived macrophages mL: milliliter MLN: mesenteric lymph node mM: Milli molar MOI: multiplicity of infection MS: Milestone MSCR: Milestone Completion Report MTA: material transfer agreement MTS reagent: (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2Htetrazolium, inner salt N: number NIAID: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease NRS: normal rat sera N-term: amino- terminus OD: optical density ORF: open reading frame PBMC: peripheral blood mononuclear cells Page 10 of 11 Tularemia Vaccine Development Contract: Semi-Annual Technical Report Period: 4/01/2009 to 9/30/2009 Due Date: 10/15/2009 and Prepared by: C. Rick Lyons, Barbara Griffith, Terry Wu, Bob Sherwood, Julie Wilder, Julie Hutt, Michelle Valderas, Trevor Brasel, Dana Pohlman, Mitch Magee, Kathryn Sykes, Stephen Johnston, Karl Klose, Bernard Arulanandam, Justin Skoble PBS: phosphate buffered saline PFA: paraformaldehyde pM: pico Molar pmol: picomole PCR: polymerase chain reaction QA: quality assurance QC: quality control qPCR: quantitative polymerase chain reaction RNA: ribonucleic acid SC: subcutaneous SDS: sodium dodecyl sulfate SCHU S4: virulent strain of Francisella tularensis SIP: Special Immunizations Program at USAMRIID SOP: standard operating procedure SSC: side scatter, equivalent to cell density or granularity TBLN: tracheobronchial lymph node Tn: transposon TNFα: tumor necrosis factor alpha TVDC: Tularemia vaccine development contract uL: microliter UNM: University of New Mexico USAMMDA: United States Army Medical Materiel Development Activity USAMRIID: United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease UTSA: University of Texas at San Antonio WT: wild type Page 11 of 11