University of Texas at Austin Department of Spanish and Portuguese Fall 2009

University of Texas at Austin
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
SPN 326L: Introduction to Spanish Literature since 1700
Fall 2009
Jane A. Johnson, Ph.D.
office Mezes 4.114
office phone 232-4543
office hours MWF 3-4, T Th 2-3
e mail
cell phone 771-8226
48025—T Th 11-12:30 —Benedict 1.104
48030—MWF 2-3 – Parlin 306
Voces de España: Antología literaria, Francisca Paredes Méndez et al.
Querida amiga, Marina Mayoral
a good dictionary (Larousse, Oxford)
a Spanish grammar reference (Butt and Benjamin)
This course has several goals: you will ...
• continue to develop your Spanish language skills.
• practice writing and speaking about literature.
• prepare a PowerPoint and give a presentation.
• become more familiar with the history and culture
of modern Spain.
The course will be taught primarily in Spanish, and if you are an English speaker, you
should make every effort to practice Spanish at all times. However, if you need to, feel
free to ask questions in English.
Preparation, attendance* and participation are extremely important in this course.
Please read the materials, come to class, and be ready to write or discuss every day.
*Special note regarding attendance: because of the highly contagious nature of “swine” flu,
students are urged to STAY HOME when they are sick. Please do not return to classes until you
have been free of fever for 24 hours.
To prepare for class, keep a folder or notebook where you take notes on each reading.
Your notes should include a basic summary of the material. As you read and take notes,
try to answer these questions: What are the main ideas? Why does the author consider
them important? Why does the author express them in this way? Who are the characters
and what are their motivations? What symbols or metaphors does the writer employ?
Additionally, develop a glossary: for each reading, keep a list of the words you have to
look up in order to understand the main ideas.
For most students, it would be very helpful to form study pairs or groups right away.
Having a partner or group can make it much easier to read and comprehend.
There will be seven exams, one after each major literary piece we read. Your
lowest test score will be dropped. (600 pts)
In-class work
Discussion, group work, short writing assignments, quizzes.
(200 pts)
Research project
Two parts: presentation and paper.
PowerPoint presentation: Biography of a writer and description of one or two
major works. 15-30 minutes, in Spanish. (100 pts)
Paper: Analysis of one of the same writer’s major works, or comparison with
another writer of the same period. Attempt to answer the question ¿Qué tiene
[escritor] de ilustrado / romántico / realista / etc? (100 pts)
Grading scale:
900 and above
below 600
Students with disabilities may request appropriate academic accommodations from the
Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with
Disabilities, 471-6259.
Additional important information will be posted on Blackboard.
semana 1
26 – 28 agosto
Introducción al curso
Recordando el Siglo de Oro
Cómo leer este calendario:
semanas x y x
fechas semana 1
Movimiento/ Tendencia (época)
Obra(s) que vamos a leer y comentar en clase
durante 2 semanas
fechas semana 2
4 o 5 escritores para presentaciones individuales
semanas 2 y 3
31 agosto – 4 septiembre
Neoclasicismo (siglo XVIII)
Leandro Fernández de Moratín (17601828)
VOCES: El sí de las niñas
Fray Benito Jerónimo Feijóo
José Cadalso
Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos
Tomás de Iriarte
semanas 4 y 5
14 – 18 septiembre
Romanticismo (temprano siglo XIX)
José Zorrilla (1817-1893)
VOCES: Don Juan Tenorio
semanas 6 y 7
8 – 11 septiembre
21 – 25 septiembre
José de Espronceda
Mariano José de Larra
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
Rosalía de Castro
Victor Hugo
28 septiembre – 2 octubre
5 – 9 octubre
Realismo y naturalismo (tarde siglo XIX)
Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920)
Fernán Caballero
Emilia Pardo Bazán
Leopoldo Alas <<Clarín>>
Charles Dickens
VOCES: Torquemada en la hoguera
semanas 8 y 9
12 – 16 octubre
19 – 23 octubre
Generación del 98, Generación del 27 (temprano siglo XX)
Federico García Lorca (1898-1936)
VOCES: La Casa de Bernarda Alba
selecciones de Romancero gitano
semanas 10 y 11
26 – 30 octubre
Bajo Franco (1939-1975)
Alfonso Sastre (n. 1926)
VOCES: Pleito de la muñeca
Otro drama de Sastre
semanas 12 y 13
9 – 13 noviembre
Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo
Ramón María del Valle-Inclán
Carmen de Burgos
Antonio Machado
Juan Ramón Jiménez
Vicente Aleixandre
2 – 6 noviembre
Camilo José Cela
Dámaso Alonso
Ana María Matute
Antonio Buero Vallejo
Carmen Martín Gaite
16 – 20 noviembre
Posdictadura (1975- presente)
Manuel Rivas (n. 1957)
VOCES: La lengua de las mariposas
(cuento y película)
semanas 14 y 15
más Posdictadura
23 – 25 noviembre
Marina Mayoral (n. 1942)
Querida amiga
Antonio Muñoz Molina
Ana Rossetti
Lourdes Ortiz
Angel González
Arturo Pérez Reverte
30 noviembre – 4 diciembre
(últimas presentaciones)