Chapter 7: The Distribution of Income Accounts

Chapter 7: The Distribution
of Income Accounts
Fifth meeting of the Advisory Expert
Group on National Accounts
United Nations, New York
19-23 March 2007
Investment income
7.16 Property incomes receivable from the
ownership of financial assets or natural
resources listed under resources in the
allocation of primary income account are:
• Investment income receivable by the owners
of financial assets from either resident or nonresident units
• Rents receivable by owners of natural
resources leased to other units.
Question to the AEG
1. The editor has proposed to introduce a
heading, Investment income, under
property income (equal to property
income less rent) to facilitate
consistency with the BPM. Do you
think that the introduction of
Investment income is appropriate for
the SNA?
Employer’s social contributions
7.37 and 7.56 to 7.58 on compensation of
Social insurance contributions payable by
employers may be further divided into:
i. contributions to social security schemes;
ii. actual social contributions to employmentrelated social insurance schemes; and
iii. imputed social contributions to employmentrelated social insurance schemes.)
This means creating a split of actual
contributions between social security and
other schemes.
Question to the AEG
2. Do think it is appropriate to create a
new entry for social security, under
compensation of employees, or do you
think, that the entries of the current
SNA: actual social contributions (D121)
and imputed social contributions
(D122) are sufficient?
Recording of taxes and social
contributions ulikely to be collected
7.76 In some countries, and for some taxes, the
amounts of taxes eventually paid may diverge
substantially and systematically from the
amounts due to be paid……
Proposal by Eurostat:
"In practice, taxes (and social contributions)
evidenced by declarations and assessments
but unlikely to be collected should be
neutralized in the same accounting period by
subtracting their amounts from the total
amounts of taxes (and social contributions) or
by a capital transfer from general government
to the relevant sectors".
Question to the AEG
3. Do you think that more emphasis
should be given to treatment of taxes
unlikely to be collected? Is the
sentence proposed by Eurostat
Accrual basis recording of
interest by financial instruments
• The paragraphs 7.94 to 7.111 of the current version of
SNA explaining the recording of interest on accrual
basis by various financial instruments have been
removed from chapter 7.
• Some of the detail on interest on individual securities
will be moved to chapter 17.
Question to the AEG
4. Do you think that chapter 7 should
contain a description of the recording of
accrued interest by various financial
instruments as in the current version of