Task Force on Harmonization of Public Sector Accounting Chapter on Government and

Task Force on
Harmonization of Public
Sector Accounting
Chapter on Government and
Public Sectors
SNA Advisory Expert Group
Bangkok, July 2005
Why a chapter on government
and public sectors
As is the case for the ROW, government
presents special problems that are only
alluded to in the sequence of accounts.
– govt engaging in nonmonetary transactions
– govt ownership of units in another sector
(one way is to provide for the public sector)
Need to link with ESA Manual on Government
Deficit and Debt (EMGDD) and GFSM 2001
Plan for the chapter
Purpose and SNA institutional units and
General government (composition, accounts,
specific activities)
Public sector (composition, accounts, relations
with both public and private corporations)
Relations between government and
The general government sector
Composition of the general government
The accounts of the general government (public
finance presentation)
Expenditure, of which expense and net acquisition of non-financial assets
Financial account
Other changes in assets account
Balance sheets
Accounting for specific activities of general
The public sector
Composition of the public sector
The accounts of the public sector
– Revenue
– Expenditure, of which expense and net acquisition of non-financial
– Balances
– Financial account
– Other changes in assets account
– Balance sheets
Relations between
government and corporations
Transactions between government and
public corporations
Earnings from equity investment
Taxes versus withdrawal of equity
Dividends versus withdrawal of equity
Other transactions with corporations
Public/private partnership
Licenses and concessions
How do the chapter relate to
the five topics of the TFHPSA
Delineation (institutional units)
Taxes (accounts of government)
Earnings and capital (relations with public
Restructuration (relations with public and
private corporations)
Guarantees (relations with corporations)
Possibility of an annex for
links with related datasets
Provide detailed correspondence between
SNA sequence of accounts and public
finance accounts
GFSM 2001, ESA95 Manual of government
debt and deficit, OECD Revenue Statistics,
and possibly IPSAS.
Points for confirmation by the AEG
General plan to include a chapter on
Overall scope and organization of topics to
be included.
Plans for completing the work.
Possibility of an annex to show the links
with GFSM 2001, ESA 95 MGDD, OECD
Revenue Statistics, and IPSAS.