Suicide in Japanese Fiction (ANS 361; #30960) Spring 2010, Fridays 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. (JES A307A) Instructor: Kirsten Cather (WCH 5.104B), Office Hours: Friday 12-1:30 p.m. or by appointment This course will examine works of Japanese literature and visual culture (including poetry, novels, plays, films, and manga) to analyze how artists grappled with themes of suicide in their works, and sometimes in their lives, in response to both personal and national tragedies. We will discuss the ethics and politics of artistic representations of suicide when it is precipitated by such diverse contexts as failed romances, military honor, and disillusionment and depression. We will also consider how these works provoke questions about the responsibilities of the artist and audience in society. This class requires no background in Japanese language or culture; all readings are in English translation. Expectations: As a writing-intensive upper-division seminar, this class will require your active and full-fledged preparation, participation, and engagement to succeed. Because we meet only once a week, it will also require that you manage your time well, spreading out reading and writing assignments over the course of the week so you don’t find yourself at a loss on Thursday evenings. Each week, we will start promptly at 9 a.m. with a short quiz in the first 5-10 minutes of class to check attendance and that you have done the readings (absolutely no make-ups or late takes) and we’ll take a short break sometime during the middle. Classes will be a mixture of class and small group discussion and in-class assignments and writing exercises. It is essential that you bring with you to class each week a hard copy of all your readings that should be heavily marked up with your notes, questions, opinions, thoughts, etc. In addition, you will need a packet of 3”X5” index cards for quizzes and in-class exercises, which will only be graded if turned in on an index card. Grading Breakdown: In-class quizzes, exercises, and homework: 10% TOTAL The quizzes will be simple checks to see if you have completed the readings (and made it to class on time). You will need to use your 3”X5” index cards or the quiz will not be graded. The in-class exercises and homework will be graded based on your degree of effort and engagement. Absolutely no make-ups allowed, but your lowest grade will be automatically dropped. Personal Response Essays* (3 total X 5% each) = 15% TOTAL 2-page personal responses to assigned texts based on a set of guiding questions. Analytical Essays* (2 total x 15% each) = 30% TOTAL 3-4 page formal analytical papers covering Units One and Two respectively. Final Paper* = 30% TOTAL 1-2 paragraph abstract and 1st draft (4-5 pages) = 10% Final expanded and revised version (7-8 pages) = 20% Final Project = 10% A chance to draw connections across units to synthesize the material we have covered in class in a creative way of your choice. (details TBA) Participation/Contribution: 5% Note that this is based on both your participation (active engagement in all classes) and contribution (quality of your participation) rather than merely on attending classes, although one percentage point will be automatically deducted for each unexcused absence. *For detailed instructions on all papers, see Guidelines for ANS 361 Papers on BB under Assignments Grading Policy Grades will be assigned according to the UT +/- system. As a rule, I do not grade on a curve or round up grades. If you receive an 89, you will receive a B+. One exception to this rule is that a grade that is very 1 close to the next grade level, such as an 89.8 or 79.9, may be rounded up to the higher grade if the student has consistently attended class and participated fully in class discussions. No extra credit assignments. Standards and Expectations: Careful and thorough reading and viewing of the assigned texts by the date indicated on the schedule. Reading texts and viewing films require your active engagement with the text. Merely highlighting or skimming these will not be sufficient for close analysis. Detailed note-taking is essential and you must bring your readings and notes with you to class. Attendance at all classes and active and considerate participation in class and group discussions. Common courtesy is expected. Sleepers and disruptive students will be asked to leave. No one will be allowed to monopolize the class discussion or to shrink into the background. Timely completion of quizzes, assignments, and papers. No make-up quizzes will be given without exception. For assignments and papers, extensions will be granted in only very rare cases for legitimate reasons (i.e. religious holidays), but even in these cases, arrangements must be made with the instructor one week prior to the examination date. Last-minute family or medical emergencies will be considered, but no guarantees and will require a note as well as e-mail or telephone notification prior to the class period. Official UT Policies Academic integrity: You are expected to adhere to university requirements on academic honesty and integrity. Behaviors, such as plagiarism, copying of another student’s work, or cheating on an exam, are serious offenses that will result in the grade of an “F” for the course and will be reported to the office of Student Judicial Services, where further disciplinary action may be taken. Please refer to the following website for information on how to avoid plagiarism in your work and/or discuss this with the instructor: University Electronic Notification Mail Policy: In this course, e-mail will be used as a means of communication with students. You will be responsible for checking your e-mail regularly for class announcements and assignments. As per the University Electronic Notification Policy (please see, it is your responsibility to update your email address and to check your e-mail regularly. Accommodations for Students with Documented Disabilities: Students who require special accommodations need to get a letter that documents the disability from the Services for Students with Disabilities area of the Office of the Dean of Students (471-6529 voice or 471-4641 TTY). This letter should be presented to the instructor at the beginning of the semester so that appropriate accommodations can be made at that time. For more information, see: Use of Blackboard in Class: Many of our readings will be available on blackboard. You should always print these out and bring with you to class. Please allow yourself enough time before an assignment is due. As with all computer systems, there are occasional scheduled downtimes as well as unanticipated disruptions. Blackboard is available at Support is provided by the ITS Help Desk at 475-9400 during business hours on weekdays. Religious Holidays: If you will need to miss class, tests, or other assignments due to the observance of a religious holy day, you will be given an opportunity to complete the work you have missed provided you notify me at least one week prior to the absence. Required Texts/Materials to Purchase: **Chūshingura: The Treasury of Loyal Retainers (Takeda Izumo et al., 1748) **Kokoro (Natsume Sōseki, 1914) --Reader available for purchase (as of Fri. 1/29) at Jenn’s Copy Shop NORTH (2518 Guadalupe) 482-0779 --Supplementary Readings on Blackboard (TBA) --Packet of 3”X5” index cards 2 Schedule as of January 19, 2010 (subject to change; updated version posted on blackboard): Notes: 1) All Japanese authors are listed with last name first following the Japanese practice; for cases where an author goes by their penname (first name), that name is underlined. 2) Numbered readings available in Reader (or on Blackboard). Books marked with ** available at the Co-Op for purchase. Videos available for viewing at the Fine Arts Library marked with ~. Unit One: Love Suicides Week One (Jan. 22) Introduction In-class assignment: Freewrite on Suicide & Japan [In-class reading: Romeo and Juliet (William Shakespeare, ca. 1595)] ~In-class screening: Double Suicide (Shinjū Ten no Amijima, dir. Shinoda Masahiro, 1969, 105 min.) Week Two (Jan. 29th): Premodern and Early Modern Love Suicides 1) Kojiki (ca. 712) excerpt 2) Manyōshū (ca. 759), Maiden of Unai poems # 574-76; #837-38, p. 317-21; 469-71 3) “The Love Suicides at Amijima” (Chikamatsu Monzaemon, 1721), p. 170-208 Personal Response Essay #1 Due (5% of grade) Week Three (Feb. 5): Love Suicides, Modern Style 4) Oba, “Double Suicide, A Japanese Phenomenon” (1975), p. 344-50 5) Takahashi, “Cultural Dynamics and the Unconscious in Suicide in Japan” (1996), p. 1-9 6) “Love Suicide at Kamaara” (Yoshida Sueko, 1984), p. 213-33 7) “Landscape with Flatiron” (Murakami Haruki, 1999), p. 1-16 Personal Response Essay #2 Due (5% of grade) [In-class exercise: “Love Suicides” (Kawabata Yasunari, 1926), p. 53-54] Unit Two: Warrior Suicides Week Four (Feb. 12): Premodern and Early Modern Warrior Suicide 8) The Tale of the Heike (1185) excerpts 9) The Great Mirror of Male Love (Iharu Saikaku, 1687), “Introduction” and excerpts (1-5; 27-34) **Chūshingura: The Treasury of Loyal Retainers (Takeda Izumo et al., 1748) Week Five (Feb. 19) ~In-class screening of Hara-Kiri (dir. Kobayashi Masaki, 1963) (133 min.) Analytical Paper #1 on Unit One Due (15% of grade) Week Six (Feb. 26): Warrior Suicide, Modern Style – His and Hers 10) Lifton, “Nogi Maresuke: The Emperor’s Samurai” (1979), p. 29-66 (you can skim p. 35-56) 11) Kamikaze letters excerpts 12) “Iron Fish” (Kōno Taeko, 1976), p. 362-74 13) “February 26th Incident,” Japan: An Illustrated Encyclopedia, p. 359-60 14) “Patriotism” (Mishima Yukio, 1966) (p. 93-118) Week Seven (March 5): Mishima Yukio 15) Secondary readings on Mishima (TBA) ~In-class screening of Patriotism (dir. Mishima Yukio, 1967) Analytical Paper #2 on Unit Two Due (15% of grade) Week Eight (March 19): OFF SPRING BREAK 3 Unit Three: Writing, Writers, and Suicide – Scripting Suicide Week Nine (March 26) **Kokoro (Natsume Sōseki, 1914) 16) Orbaugh, “General Nogi’s Wife” (1996) Week Ten (April 2): Akutagawa Ryūnosuke 17) “A Fool’s Life” (Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, 1927), p. 177-203 18) “Cogwheels” (Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, 1927), p. 141-75 19) “A Note to an Old Friend” (Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, 1927), 1-3 20) Secondary readings on Akutagawa (TBA) Week Eleven (April 9) - Dazai Osamu 21) “Leaves” (Dazai Osamu, 1938), p. 31-41 22) “Female” (Dazai Osamu, 1936), p. 43-52 23) “Putting Granny Out to Die” (Dazai Osamu, 1938), p. 97-113 24) "Metamorphosis," (Dazai Osamu, 1933), p. 285-88 25) Keene, “Dazai Osamu,” p. 1027-28 26) Secondary readings on Dazai (TBA) Paper Abstract Due Week Twelve (April 16): – The Ethics of Literal, Literary Suicides 27) Alvarez, The Savage God excerpts 28) Berman, Surviving Literary Suicide excerpts In-class: View clips of The Bridge (dir. Eric Steel, 2006) Personal Response Essay #3 Due (5% of grade) Week Thirteen (April 23): Youth Suicide in Contemporary Japanese Pop Culture 29) Suicide Circle manga (Furuya Usumaru, 2001) 30) Samuels, “Let’s Die Together: Why is Anonymous Group Suicide So Popular in Japan” (May 2007), p. 1-9 31) Japan Today, “Suicide Rate Soars in Japan” (Nov. 29, 2005), p. 1-8 [In-class clips from Suicide Circle film (dir. Sono Sion, 2002) and Noriko’s Dinner Table (Sono Sion, 2005] Week Fourteen (April 30): To be determined First Draft Paper Due (10% of grade with abstract) Week Fifteen (May 7) LAST CLASS DAY Final Project Presentations Final Paper (20% of grade) due during Final Exam Period on Wednesday May 12th by noon 4