No. 30 Form rule 111] [See

Form No. 30
[See rule 111]
[Heading as in form no 16]
LLP Petition No……… of 20……..
LLP Application No…….. of…..20…..
Before the Hon’ble Member Mr. …………
Order appointing Provisional Liquidator
Upon the application of ………….., and upon hearing Shri………., authorized
representative for the applicant, and Shri……….. authorized representative for the LLP
and upon reading the petition and affidavit filed the ………. day of ………20…. and the
affidavit of the applicant herein filed the …….day of…….20…...
The NCLT______Bench doth appoint the …………………………. (State the name and
address ) to be Provisional Liquidator of the above named LLP.
And the NCLT_______Bench doth hereby limit and restrict the powers of the said
Provisional Liquidator to the following acts, that is to say,
[here describe the acts which the Provisional Liquidator is authorized to do.]
And the NCLT_____Bench doth order that the Provisional Liquidator do forthwith take
charge of all the property and effects of the LLP;
And that the costs of this application shall be costs in the petition.
(By the NCLT ________Bench )
Registrar of Tribunal
It will be the duty of such of the persons named in rule 37 of the rules to attend on the
Provisional Liquidator at such time and place as he may appoint and to give him all
information he may require.
Where the NCLT_______Bench directs that the Provisional Liquidator is to take
possession of any specific properties, the clause should be suitably modified, and the
particulars of such properties should be set out in a schedule to the order.