MoCAN Messaging Workgroup call with Worksite Workgroup – Summary of... Beth Richards and Pat Simmons attended the 2/17/12 Messaging Workgroup... obtain suggestions on how to better market the WorkWell Toolkit...

MoCAN Messaging Workgroup call with Worksite Workgroup – Summary of suggestions
Beth Richards and Pat Simmons attended the 2/17/12 Messaging Workgroup conference call to
obtain suggestions on how to better market the WorkWell Toolkit in general.
The following suggestions were made:
Contacting HR within targeted businesses
Messaging group asked specifically what types of businesses were being targeted and suggested
that “you need to know your audience” before putting together a strategy
Suggested trying to incorporate the toolkit into insurer wellness programs
Cautioned that many businesses’ wellness programs are imbedded within a third party
outsource which can be difficult to tap into
Messaging group would be happy to continue to provide guidance once the “types of
businesses” being targeted is determined.