Document 16908306

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WHO co-sponsors 1st CBR World Congress
The 1st CBR World Congress, co-sponsored by WHO, the Governments of
Australia and the United States, and two international NGOs: CBM
International and Sightsavers, took place in Agra, India from 26-28 November.
This historic event brought together 1300 people from over 86 predominantly
low- and middle-income countries. The theme was using CBR as a means for
implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
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First consultations held to prepare High Level Meeting on Disability
On 10-14 September, consultations were held to prepare a one-day HMD
involving Heads of State and Government. The HMD was called for in UN
General Assembly resolution 66/124, and is scheduled for 23 September 2013
under the theme: "The way forward: a disability inclusive development agenda
towards 2015 and beyond". The HMD will result in a concise, action-oriented
Outcome Document in support of the aims of the Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and other internationally agreed development
goals. The preparations for the HMD are led by two co-facilitators from the
Philippines and Spain who are appointed by the President of the General
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Conference of States Parties (COSP) to the Convention on the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) seeks to improve the lives of
women and children with disabilities
From 12-14 September, the fifth session of the COSP to the CRPD was held in
New York. 153 countries or regional organizations (such as the European
Union) have signed the CRPD and 119 have ratified it. There was a general
debate on progress with implementing the CRPD, with a specific focus on the
conference theme - "Making the CRPD count for women and children".
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Inaugural Forum on the Global Partnership on Children with
Disabilities (GPCwD) hosted in New York
From 14-15 September UNICEF hosted the first major forum of the
GPCwD. The Forum included a high-level panel discussion on how to realize
equity and inclusion for children with disabilities in the post-2015 development
agenda. During the Forum partners identified concrete strategies to include
disability on global agendas, in areas such as education, nutrition, and
humanitarian action.
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WHO hosts global expert consultation on disability statistics
On 5-6 December, in Geneva, Switzerland, an expert consultation was held on
the Model Disability Survey questionnaire developed by WHO and the World
Bank. A rigorous process is being undertaken to develop the questionnaire. 179
national surveys were reviewed to identity good practice examples for further
analysis. Micro data from 10 surveys were reviewed in depth before drafting the
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Pacific Disability Ministers Meeting hosted in Papua New Guinea
On 3-4 October the 2nd Pacific Disability Ministers Meeting took place in Port
Moresby, Papua New Guinea, under the theme "Progressing Disability-Inclusive
Development in the Pacific." Ministers from Australia, the Cook Islands,
Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, and Republic of the Marshall
Islands, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, and senior officials from
Micronesia, Tonga, and Vanuatu attended this regional meeting. The ministers
reviewed progress towards an inclusive Pacific region and discussed
partnerships between government and Disabled People's Organizations, as well
as emerging issues such as non-communicable disease- related disability.
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Regional Training workshop on Wheelchair Service Training
Package (WSTP) - Basic level
From 24-28 September, the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, a WHO
Collaborating Centre, and the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific,
trained 24 individuals from 8 countries in wheelchair service provision.
Delivery of the WSTP was the first step in the process of developing both a
national and regional training capacity. The addition of country presentations
and discussion about roles in the future was important to focus participants'
thoughts beyond the training. There is a strong follow-up plan in place to
continue to build capacity of the trainees as they start to use and transfer their
knowledge and skills in wheelchair service provision.
Updates on publications and other resources
WHO begins work on first-ever international Guidelines on healthrelated rehabilitation
On 7-8 November 2012, ten international experts from the Guideline
Development Group met for the first time in Geneva to commence work to
develop the Guidelines on health-related rehabilitation. The Guidelines will
provide evidence-informed recommendations and guidance to governments and
other relevant actors on how to develop, expand and improve the quality of
rehabilitation services, particularly in less resourced settings, in line with the
recommendations from the World report on disability.
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WHO statement on involuntary sterilization in progress
WHO is developing a Statement on involuntary sterilization, an issue which is
particularly relevant to people with disabilities. In recent months, WHO led a
broad and inclusive consultation process. Other UN agencies are now reviewing
the Statement and assessing how they may be able to support its
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WHO and UNICEF encourage discussion and action on early
childhood development and disability
Despite being more vulnerable to risks which could harm their development,
young children with disabilities are often overlooked in mainstream
programmes and services designed to ensure child development. Early
Childhood Development and Disability: A discussion paper, jointly produced by
WHO and UNICEF, aims to stimulate discussion, planning and action on issues
related to disability, early childhood development and related interventions.
Download the discussion paper
WHO launches an innovative Toolkit on Disability for WHO offices
in countries, areas and territories
The Toolkit enables WHO staff to understand disability as a health, human
rights and development issue. It contains a simple tool for assessing the
accessibility of the WHO office and information products as well as the
disability awareness of staff. The toolkit gives advice to WHO staff on how to
recruit and retain suitably qualified people with disabilities and how to ensure
that people with disabilities benefit on an equal basis with others.
Community-based support for children with spina bifida and
hydrocephalus in Uganda
World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day was celebrated on 25 October this
year for the first time. In cooperation with the International Federation for
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, WHO organized a photo exhibition
documenting the inspiring work of 29-year old Ambrose Ganshanga, a
community rehabilitation worker who cares for children with these congenital
See the exhibition
Updates related to the World report on disability
World report on disability launched regionally in Pacific Islands,
nationally in Romania and locally in Kosovo
On 3 October WHO and the World Bank hosted a sub-regional launch of the
World report on disability at the Pacific Disability Ministers Meeting in Port
Moresby, Papua New Guinea, providing ministers and government officials with
an overview of important findings and recommendations from the report. On 9
October, in Bucharest, Romania, the Government of Romania, WHO and both
the Romanian and International Societies for Physical and Rehabilitation
Medicine launched the Romanian translation of the World report on disability
and held a policy dialogue with diverse stakeholders . A set of concrete activities
were identified with a focus on achievable actions for the Government. On 31
October the World report on disability was launched in Kosovo, in association
with the Government; Handikos - a leading Disabled People's Organization; and
development partners including UN agencies and the governments of Finland
and the United States. 70 participants debated ways forward for overcoming
barriers such as access to health, rehabilitation, education and employment.
World report on disability - new languages
The World report on disability is now available in French, Spanish, Portuguese
and Korean, with more languages in translation. The summary of the report is
also available in International Sign Language, the first WHO publication to be
offered in this format.
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Upcoming events
Executive Board of World Health Assembly set to discuss disability
at its next meeting
At the request of Member States, the Executive Board will discuss disability at
its next meeting in January 2013. Prior to this the most recent discussion and
resolution on disability date from 2005. Since then, there have been several
important developments in the area of disability.
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Status of the Convention
116 ratifications of the Convention
155 signatories to the Convention
Optional Protocol to the Convention
76 ratifications of the Optional Protocol
90 signatories to the Optional Protocol