~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ World report on disability national launches

World report on disability national launches
The World report on disability was launched globally on 9 June 2011 in New York. The global launch has
been followed up with national launches or policy dialogues in many countries including Argentina,
Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Finland, Ghana, Ireland, Netherlands, Myanmar, Philippines, Slovakia, Togo,
Turkmenistan, and the United States of America as well as in the European Parliament. The goal of
national launches and policy dialogues is to help WHO member states to use the report as a tool to
strengthen their domestic policy and provision and/or international development work.
Read more about national launches in 2011
and 2012
The Lancet: adults with disabilities are at much greater risk of violence
Adults with disabilities are at much greater risk of violence than adults without disabilities, according to
a new meta-analysis conducted by Liverpool John Moores University and WHO's Department of Violence
and Injury Prevention and Disability published in The Lancet. Disabled adults are 1.5 times more likely to
be a victim of violence than those without a disability, while those with mental health conditions
are at nearly four times the risk of experiencing violence. The study found that the prevalence of any
recent violence (physical, sexual, or intimate partner) was high in both adults with mental health
conditions (24.3%) and in those with intellectual impairments (6.1%). This is the first study to confirm
the magnitude of this risk and the relationship with different types of disability. About 15% of adults
worldwide have a disability and this is predicted to rise because of the impact of an aging population
and a global increase in chronic diseases.
Read more
WHO issues a call for papers: roundtable on violence against people with disabilities
In the context of the Disability Studies Association annual conference in Lancaster, United Kingdom, to
be held from 11-13 September 2012, WHO will host a roundtable presenting the evidence from
systematic reviews on violence against adults and children with disabilities, together with papers on risk
and protective factors and on the evidence for the effectiveness of violence prevention interventions.
In this regard, WHO is issuing a call for papers based on empirical data, whether from quantitative or
qualitative social research. Papers which discuss the situation in low-income or middle-income countries
will be prioritized. If you are a researcher, policy-maker or practitioner working in this area, and you
would like to present a paper on violence or interventions to prevent violence, please contact
Joint position paper addresses the provision of wheelchairs and other mobility devices
A billion people in the world experience disability and 19% of those have significant difficulties in
mobility. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) highlights the responsibility of
states to ensure personal mobility and to promote the availability and access to mobility devices such as
wheelchairs, tricycles, walkers, orthoses and prostheses. WHO, the United States Agency for
International Development and other stakeholders have developed a Joint position paper on the
provision of mobility devices in less-resourced settings. The paper outlines what needs to be done in the
areas of policy, service provision, capacity development and technology to improve access to mobility
devices for people with disabilities and older people.
Download the position paper
International perspectives on spinal cord injury coming soon
International perspectives on spinal cord injury is a major new publication from WHO, in association
with the International Spinal Cord Injury Society and developed with support from the Swiss Paraplegia
Research. The report summarizes global information on prevalence, prevention, health and
rehabilitation, self-esteem and social relationships, environmental barriers, and access to education and
employment. The aim is to make recommendations which are relevant to different settings, and which
can be implemented by governments and other stakeholders. The report is now in the final stages of
preparation, with the target of launching in 2012.
Invitation to contribute artwork for the International perspectives on spinal cord injury
Can you create an image which reflects the global needs and rights of people with spinal cord injury?
WHO is presently seeking an image for the cover of the report. This image could be a drawing, painting,
photograph or other image, either abstract or representational, which draws attention to people living
with spinal cord injury. The call is open to people with personal experience with spinal cord injuru or
other disabilities.
More information
Developing a national community-based rehabilitation (CBR) program in Malawi
WHO in partnership with the Norwegian Association of the Disabled (NAD) the Government of Malawi
and disability and development organizations are working together to develop a national CBR program.
On 6 - 7 March, Ms Reen Kachere, Minister of Gender, Children and Community Development (MoGCCD)
inaugurated a national workshop in Malawi to promote CBR. The workshop was attended by 44
participants from a range of government departments and non-government organizations including the
Federation of Disability Organizations in Malawi (FEDOMA), Norwegian Association of the Disabled (NAD)
and CBM. Workshop participants outlined a number of actions needed to develop a national CBR
Read more
Addressing the research gaps
The World report on disability highlighted the need to strengthen statistics on disability and to fill
research gaps. In 2012, the Disability and Rehabilitation Journal will publish a special issue which will
concentrate on how to improve access to health and rehabilitation services. Two symposia, in London
and Sydney, offered researchers the chance to share their findings and gain feedback from the wider
community of disability and development practitioners, with the aim of contributing finished papers to
the journal.
Read more
A unique partnership to advance the rights of people with disabilities
To help support the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
six UN entities - the Department of Social and Economic Affairs, the International Labour Organization,
the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations Development Programme,
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization - have joined hands in a
unique partnership: the UN Partnership to Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD).
Read more
"What's disability to me?" video viewed more than 13,000 times on YouTube Hearing directly from
people with disabilities about their lives is vital to good research and effective policy. In the run-up to
the launch of the World report of disability WHO created four videos in which people with disabilities
tell their own story. In her video, Rachel, a nurse with disability, talks about the obstacles she had to
overcome in her career - at more than 13,000 viewers to date, this is one of the most popular WHO
See all four videos
Advocacy materials available on DAR website
Downloadable posters, videos, fact sheets, podcasts and personal testimonies are some of the resources
available on our website and free to use.
Advocacy materials
"Relatório mundial sobre a deficiencia" - World report on disability is now available
in Portuguese. It can be downloaded from WHO's website free of charge.
Download the report
Status of the Convention
111 ratifications of the Convention
153 signatories to the Convention
Optional Protocol to the Convention
63 ratifications of the Optional Protocol
90 signatories to the Optional Protocol