Course 12: (Capstone Course) Integrating the Learning... Mathematics

Course 12: (Capstone Course) Integrating the Learning and Teaching of
Graduate Credit Hours: 3
This course is cross listed as a mathematics course and as an education course. The listing
selected depends on the degree sought by the participant.
Usual Delivery Format: Two-week, on-site, summer course. Much of the time is allocated to
independent study/work.
Description: This course is the capstone experience of the M2 Institute. Considerable time is
devoted to discussing how the mathematics learned in M2 courses can enrich the middle level
classroom. This course is a fully integrated mathematics and pedagogy course with the goal of
enabling the teacher participant to be a better teacher of mathematics and leader in instructional
reform because of the mathematics and pedagogy which they have learned.
For those pursuing the MA degree in TLTE, participants write a scholarly paper based on their
action research project and the development of a portfolio that describes the teacher’s participation
in Math in the Middle. For those pursuing the MAT degree in Mathematics, participants complete a
take-home exam that includes two mathematics questions, one pedagogy question, and an
expository paper based on a mathematics topic researched by the participant. All participants have a
public oral exam that includes a 20-minute talk about the paper they have written and questions
about their exam and their participation in Math in the Middle.
Topics: Mathematics topics include trigonometry, an introduction to matrix theory, and the use of
technology (Geometer’s Sketchpad) in the classroom. Pedagogical topics include the analysis of
student achievement data for the teacher’s own school, leadership development, and the
development of personal and school-wide plans to increase student achievement in mathematics.
Considerable time is also allocated to individual work on the participant’s master’s exam.