Publications for Min Chen 2016

Publications for Min Chen
Publications for Min Chen
Esteves Brazao, S., Chen, M., Murphy, R.,
Simpson, S., Coleman, R. (2016). A method for
growing a monospecific epilithic cyanobacterial
biofilm for use in marine ecological experiments.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and
Ecology, 480, 17-25. <a
013">[More Information]</a>
Li, Y., Lin, Y., Garvey, C., Birch, D., Corkery,
R., Loughlin, P., Scheer, H., Willows, R., Chen,
M. (2016). Characterization of red-shifted
phycobilisomes isolated from the chlorophyll
f-containing cyanobacterium Halomicronema
hongdechloris. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta,
1857 (1), 107-114. <a
.009">[More Information]</a>
Chen, M. (2016). Martin F. Homann-Marriott
(ed.): The structural basis
of biological energy generation. Photosynthesis
Research, in press. <a
0-0">[More Information]</a>
Loughlin, P., Duxbury, Z., Mukasa-Mugerwa, T.,
Smith, P., Willows, R., Chen, M. (2016).
Spectral properties of bacteriophytochrome
AM1_5894 in the chlorophyll d-containing
cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina. Scientific
Reports, 6, 1-12. <a
re Information]</a>
Akimoto, S., Shinoda, T., Chen, M.,
Allakhverdiev, S., Tomo, T. (2015). Energy
transfer in the chlorophyll f-containing
cyanobacterium, Halomicronema hongdechloris,
analyzed by time-resolved fluorescence
spectroscopies. Photosynthesis Research, 125,
115-122. <a
1-3">[More Information]</a>
Li, Y., Chen, M. (2015). Novel chlorophylls and
new directions in photosynthesis research.
Functional Plant Biology, 42(6), 493-501. <a
e Information]</a>
Chen, M. (2014). Chlorophyll Modifications and
Their Spectral Extension in Oxygenic
Photosynthesis. Annual Review of Biochemistry,
83, 317-340. <a
m-072711-162943">[More Information]</a>
Paul, R., Jinkerson, R., Buss, K., Steel, J., Mohr,
R., Hess, W., Chen, M., Fromme, P. (2014).
Draft Genome Sequence of the Filamentous
Cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya sp. Strain Heron
Island J, Exhibiting Chromatic Acclimation.
Genome Announcements, 2(1), 1-2. <a
-13">[More Information]</a>
Tomo, T., Shinoda, T., Chen, M., Allakhverdiev,
S., Akimoto, S. (2014). Energy transfer
processes in chlorophyll f-containing
cyanobacteria using time-resolved fluorescence
spectroscopy on intact cells. Biochimica et
Biophysica Acta, 1837 (9), 1484-1489. <a
.009">[More Information]</a>
Niedzwiedzki, D., Liu, H., Chen, M.,
Blankenship, R. (2014). Excited state properties
of chlorophyll f in organic solvents at ambient
and cryogenic temperatures. Photosynthesis
Research, 121(1), 25-34. <a
1-z">[More Information]</a>
Loughlin, P., Willows, R., Chen, M. (2014). In
vitro conversion of vinyl to formyl groups in
naturally occurring chlorophylls. Scientific
Reports, 4, 1-9. <a
re Information]</a>
Foster, C., Portman, N., Chen, M., Slapeta, J.
(2014). Increased growth and pigment content of
Chromera velia in mixotrophic culture. FEM
Microbiology Ecology, 88(1), 121-128. <a
5">[More Information]</a>
Li, Y., Lin, Y., Loughlin, P., Chen, M. (2014).
Optimization and effects of different culture
conditions on growth of Halomicronema
hongdechloris - a filamentous cyanobacterium
containing chlorophyll f. Frontiers in Plant
Science, 5(FEB), 1-12. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Loughlin, P., Lin, Y., Chen, M. (2013).
Chlorophyll d and Acaryochloris marina: current
status. Photosynthesis Research, 116(2-3),
277-293. <a
9-y">[More Information]</a>
Chen, M., Scheer, H. (2013). Extending the
limits of natural photosynthesis and implications
for technical light harvesting. Journal of
Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 17(1), 1-15. <a
0108">[More Information]</a>
Kiss, E., Kos, P., Chen, M., Vass, I. (2013).
Publications for Min Chen
Functioning of the Bidirectional Hydrogenase in
Different Unicellular Cyanobacteria. In
Tingyun Kuang, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang
(Eds.), <i>Photosynthesis Research for Food,
and the Future</i>, (pp. 733-736). Hangzhou and
Berlin: Zhejiang University Press.
Pan, H., Slapeta, J., Carter, D., Chen, M. (2013).
Isolation of complete chloroplasts from
Chromera velia-the photosynthetic relative of
parasitic Apicomplexa. In Tingyun Kuang,
Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang (Eds.),
<i>Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel
and the Future</i>, (pp. 436-439). Hangzhou and
Berlin: Zhejiang University Press.
Li, Y., Larkum, A., Schliep, M., Kuhl, M.,
Neilan, B., Chen, M. (2013). Newly Isolated Chl
d-Containing Cyanobacteria. In Tingyun
Kuang, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang (Eds.),
<i>Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel
and the Future</i>, (pp. 686-690). Hangzhou and
Berlin: Zhejiang University Press.
Blankenship, R., Chen, M. (2013). Spectral
expansion and antenna reduction can enhance
photosynthesis for energy production. Current
Opinion In Chemical Biology, 17(3), 457-461. <a
31">[More Information]</a>
Li, Y., Cai, Z., Chen, M. (2013). Spectroscopic
properties of chlorophyll f. The Journal of
Physical Chemistry Part B, 117(38),
11309-11317. <a
ore Information]</a>
Willows, R., Li, Y., Scheer, H., Chen, M. (2013).
Structure of Chlorophyll f. Organic Letters,
15(7), 1588-1590. <a
re Information]</a>
Duxbury, Z., Willows, R., Smith, P., Chen, M.
(2013). The Evolution of Far-Red Light
Perception in Acaryochloris Marina, a
Chlorophyll d-Containing Cyanobacterium. In
Tingyun Kuang, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang
(Eds.), <i>Photosynthesis Research for Food,
and the Future</i>, (pp. 638-641). Hangzhou and
Berlin: Zhejiang University Press.
Chen, M., Li, Y., Birch, D., Willows, R. (2012).
A cyanobacterium that contains chlorophyll f - A
red-absorbing photopigment. FEBS Letters,
586(19), 3249-3254. <a
045">[More Information]</a>
Larkum, A., Chen, M., Li, Y., Schliep, M.,
Trampe, E., West, J., Salih, A., Kuhl, M. (2012).
A Novel Epiphytic Chlorophyll d-containing
Cyanobacterium Isolated from a
Mangrove-associated Red Alga. Journal of
Phycology: an international journal of algal
research, 48(6), 1320-1327. <a
2.01233.x">[More Information]</a>
Kiss, E., Kos, P., Chen, M., Vass, I. (2012). A
unique regulation of the expression of the psbA,
psbD, and psbE genes, encoding the D1, D2 and
cytochrome b559 subunits of the Photosystem II
complex in the chlorophyll d containing
cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1817 (7),
1083-1094. <a
.010">[More Information]</a>
Li, Y., Scales, N., Blankenship, R., Willows, R.,
Chen, M. (2012). Extinction coefficient for
red-shifted chlorophylls: Chlorophyll d and
chlorophyll f. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta,
1817 (8), 1292-1298. <a
.026">[More Information]</a>
Pan, H., Slapeta, J., Carter, D., Chen, M. (2012).
Phylogenetic analysis of the light-harvesting
system in Chromera velia. Photosynthesis
Research, 111(1-2), 19-28. <a
0-9">[More Information]</a>
Zhang, X., Chen, M., Gillies, M. (2012). Two
Isoforms of Flk-1 Transcripts in Early Diabetic
Rat Retinas. Current Eye Research, 37(1), 73-79.
629766">[More Information]</a>
Chen, M., Blankenship, R. (2011). Expanding
the solar spectrum used by photosynthesis.
Trends in Plant Science, 16(8), 427-431. <a
011">[More Information]</a>
Schliep, M., Crossett, B., Willows, R., Chen, M.
(2010). 18O Labeling of Chlorophyll d in
Acaryochloris marina Reveals That Chlorophyll
a and Molecular Oxygen Are Precursors. Journal
of Biological Chemistry, 285(37), 28450-28456.
3">[More Information]</a>
Mohr, R., VoB, B., Schliep, M., Kurz, T.,
Maldener, I., Adams, D., Larkum, A., Chen, M.,
Hess, W. (2010). A new chlorophyll
d-containing cyanobacterium: evidence for niche
Publications for Min Chen
adaptation in the genus Acaryochloris. Microbial
Ecology: an international journal, , 1-14. <a
[More Information]</a>
Chen, M., Schliep, M., Willows, R., Cai, Z.,
Neilan, B., Scheer, H. (2010). A red-shifted
chlorophyll. Science, 329(5997), 1318-1319. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Behrendt, L., Larkum, A., Norman, A., Qvortrup,
K., Chen, M., Ralph, P., Sorensen, S., Trampe,
E., Kuhl, M. (2010). Endolithic chlorophyll
d-containing phototrophs. The ISME Journal, ,
1-5. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Neilan, B., Murray, S., Chen, M. (2010).
Genomic Contributions to Understanding the
Evolution of Red Algal Plastids and Pigment
Biosynthesis. In Joseph Seckbach and David J.
Chapman (Eds.), Red Algae in the Genomic Age,
(pp. 263-273). New York: Springer.
Yang, D., Yang, Q., Chen, M. (2010).
Incorporation of the chlorophyll d-binding
light-harvesting protein from Acaryochloris
marina and its localization within the
photosynthetic apparatus of Synechocystis sp.
PCC6803. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1797,
204-211. <a
.006">[More Information]</a>
Hoober, J., Eggink, L., Chen, M., Larkum, A.
(2010). The Chemistry and Biology of
Light-Harvesting Complex II and Thylakoid
Biogenesis: raison d'etre of Chlorophylls b and c.
In Constantin A. Rebeiz, C. Benning, H.J.
Bohnert, and more (Eds.), The Chloroplast Basics and Applications, (pp. 213-229). New
York: Springer.
Zhang, Y., Chen, M., Church, W., Lau, K.,
Larkum, A., Jermiin, L. (2010). The molecular
structure of the IsiA-Photosystem I
supercomplex, modelled from high-resolution,
crystal structures of Photosystem I and the CP43
protein. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1797 (4),
457-465. <a
.002">[More Information]</a>
Bibby, T., Zhang, Y., Chen, M. (2009).
Biogeography of Photosynthetic
Light-Harvesting Genes in Marine
Phytoplankton. PloS One, 4(2), 1-11. <a
4601">[More Information]</a>
Duxbury, Z., Schliep, M., Ritchie, R., Larkum,
A., Chen, M. (2009). Chromatic
photoacclimation extends utilisable
photosynthetically active radiation in the
chlorophyll d-containing cyanobacterium,
Acaryochloris marina. Photosynthesis Research,
101(1), 69-75. <a
6-7">[More Information]</a>
Chen, M., Floetenmeyer, M., Bibby, T. (2009).
Supramolecular organization of
phycobiliproteins in the chlorophyll d-containing
cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina. The
FEBS Journal, 583, 2535-2539. <a
012">[More Information]</a>
Swingley, W., Chen, M., Cheung, P., Conrad, A.,
Dejesa, L., Hao, J., Honchak, B., Karbach, L.,
Kurdoglu, A., Lahiri, S., et al (2008). Niche
adaptation and genome expansion in the
chlorophyll d-producing cyanobacterium
Acarylochloris marina. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America (PNAS), 105(6), 2005-2010.
5">[More Information]</a>
Chen, M., Zhang, Y., Blankenship, R. (2008).
Nomenclature for membrane-bound
light-harvesting complexes of cyanobacteria.
Photosynthesis Research, 95(2-3), 147-154. <a
5-0">[More Information]</a>
Schliep, M., Chen, M., Larkum, A., Quinnell, R.
(2008). The function of MgDVP in a chlorophyll
d-containing organism.
Sattley, W., Madigan, M., Swingley, W.,
Cheung, P., Clocksin, K., Conrad, A., Dejesa, L.,
Honchak, B., Jung, D., Karbach, L., Chen, M., et
al (2008). The Genome of Heliobacterium
modesticaldum, a Phototrophic Representative of
the Firmicutes Containing the Simplest
Photosynthetic Apparatus. Journal of
Bacteriology, 190(13), 4687-4696. <a
More Information]</a>
Chen, M., Zhang, Y. (2008). Tracking the
molecular evolution of photosynthesis through
characterization of atomic contents of the
photosynthetic units. Photosynthesis Research,
97, 255-261. <a
6-4">[More Information]</a>
Santabarbara, S., Chen, M., Larkum, A., Evans,
M. (2007). An electron paramagnetic resonance
investigation of the electron transfer reactions in
the chlorophyll d containing photosystem I of
Publications for Min Chen
Acaryochloris marina. FEBS Letters, 581(8),
1567-1571. <a
014">[More Information]</a>
Hoober, J., Eggink, L., Chen, M. (2007).
Chlorophylls, ligands and assembly of
light-harvesting complexes in chloroplasts.
Photosynthesis Research, 94(2-3), 387-400. <a
1-1">[More Information]</a>
Gloag, R., Ritchie, R., Chen, M., Larkum, A.,
Quinnell, R. (2007). Chromatic
photoacclimation, photosynthetic electron
transport and oxygen evolution in the
Chlorophyll d-containing oxyphotobacterium
Acaryochloris marina. Biochimica et Biophysica
Acta, 1767 (2), 127-135. <a
.014">[More Information]</a>
Zhang, Y., Chen, M., Zhou, B., Jermiin, L.,
Larkum, A. (2007). Evolution of the inner
light-harvesting antenna protein family of
Cyanobacteria, algae and plants. Journal of
Molecular Evolution, 64(3), 321-331. <a
8-2">[More Information]</a>
Chen, M., Donohoe, K., Crossett, B., Schliep,
M., Larkin, K. (2007). Molecular bases of
antenna systems adaptation in a Chl d-containing
organism. 14th International Congress of
Photosynthesis, Netherlands: Springer.
Larkum, A., Ip, C., Chen, M., Jermiin, L. (2007).
Phylogeny of Prochlorococcus marinus: how is
this species related to the rest of the
Cyanobacteria? Photosynthesis Research,
91(2-3), 272-273.
Chen, M., Cai, Z. (2007). Theoretical study on
the thermodynamic properties of chlorophyll
d-peptides coordinating ligand. Biochimica et
Biophysica Acta, 1767 (6), 603-609. <a
.006">[More Information]</a>
Kuhl, M., Chen, M., Ralph, P., Schreiber, U.,
Larkum, A. (2005). A niche for cyanobacteria
containing chlorophyll d. Nature, 433(7028),
Chen, M., Eggink, L., Hoober, J., Larkum, A.
(2005). Influence of structure on binding of
chlorophylls to peptide ligands. Journal of the
American Chemical Society, 127(7), 2052-2053.
Chen, M., Bibby, T., Nield, J., Larkum, A.,
Barber, J. (2005). Iron deficiency induces a
chlorophyll d-binding Pcb antenna system
around Photosystem I in Acaryochloris marina.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1708 (3),
367-374. <a
.007">[More Information]</a>
Chen, M., Bibby, T. (2005). Photosynthetic
apparatus of antenna-reaction centres
supercomplexes in oxyphotobacteria: Insight
through significance of Pcb/IsiA proteins.
Photosynthesis Research, 86(1-2), 165-173. <a
0-9">[More Information]</a>
Chen, M., Bibby, T., Nield, J., Larkum, A.,
Barber, J. (2005). Structure of a large
photosystem II supercomplex from
Acaryochloris marina. FEBS Letters, 579(5),
1306-1310. <a
023">[More Information]</a>
Chen, M., Telfer, A., Lin, S., Pascal, A., Larkum,
A., Barber, J., Blankenship, R. (2005). The
nature of the photosystem II reaction centre in
the chlorophyll d-containing prokaryote,
Acaryochloris marina. Photochemical and
Photobiological Sciences, 4(12), 1060-1064.
Chen, M., Hiller, R., Howe, C., Larkum, A.
(2005). Unique origin and lateral transfer of
prokaryotic chlorophyll-b and chlorophyll-d
light-harvesting systems. Molecular Biology and
Evolution, 22(1), 21-28.
Chen, M., Zeng, H., Larkum, A., Cai, Z. (2004).
Raman Properties Of Chlorophyll D, The Major
Pigment Of Acaryochloris Marina: Studies Using
Both Raman Spectroscopy And Density
Functional Theory. Spectrochimica Acta: Part A
Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,
60(3), 527-534.
Nieuwenburg, P., Clarke, R., Cai, Z., Chen, M.,
Larkum, A., Cabral, N., Ghiggino, K., Reimers,
J. (2003). Examination of the photophysical
processes of chlorophyll d leading to a
clarificaiton of proposed uphill energy transfer
processess in cells of Acaryochloris marina.
Photochemistry and Photobiology, 77(6),
Dehui, M., Chen, M., Lin, S., Lince, M.,
Larkum, A., Blankenship, R. (2003). Excitation
dynamics in the core antenna in the photosystem
I reaction center of the chlorophyll d-containing
photosynthetic prokaryote Acaryochloris marina.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part B,
107(6), 1452-1457.
Bibby, T., Nield, J., Chen, M., Larkum, A.,
Barber, J. (2003). Structure of a photosystem II
supercomplex isolated from Prochloron didemni
retaining its chlorophyll a/b light-harvesting
Publications for Min Chen
system. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS),
100(15), 9050-9054.
Chen, M., Quinnell, R., Larkum, A. (2002).
Chlorophyll d as the major photopigment in
Acaryochloris marina. Journal of Porphyrins and
Phthalocyanines, 6, 763-774.
Cai, Z., Zeng, H., Chen, M., Larkum, A. (2002).
Raman spectroscopy of chlorophyll d from
Acaryochloris marina. Biochimica et Biophysica
Acta, 1556 (2-3), 89-91.
Chen, M., Quinnell, R., Larkum, A. (2002). The
major light-harvesting pigment protein of
Acaryochloris marina. FEBS Letters, 514(2-3),