International Recommendations for Water Statistics (IRWS) – Chapter IV Data items

International Recommendations for
Water Statistics (IRWS) –
Chapter IV Data items
Expert Group Meeting on the IRWS
United Nations
New York,
4-6 November 2008
Location in IRWS
Chapter 1: Introduction.
Chapter 2: Main concepts and the SEEAW
Chapter 3: Economic units
Chapter 4: Data items
Chapter 5: Data collection strategy
Chapter 6: Data sources compilation methods
Chapter 7: Metadata and data quality
Chapter 8: Dissemination
Chapter 9: Indicators
Annex 1: Supplementary data items
Annex 2: Link between data items and the SEEAW
Annex 3: Link between data items and indicators of WWDR and MDG
Annex 4: Link between data items and indicators of FAO
Outline of Chapter
• Section A – Introduction
• Section B – Collection and compilation of
data items
• Section C – Physical water data items
• Section D – Monetary water data items
• Section E – Social-Demographic data items
Question 1 – Should each data item make
reference to the need for spatial and industry
• It was not clear to some that the data items where,
for example, meant to include a disaggregation by
• However, others noted that it was good to have
this detail separated from the data items.
• Also note the proposal to identify and use standard
boundaries for the worlds river basins (if done
should probably be include in Chapter II)
Question 2 – Should more on the units of
measurement be included (e.g. m3)
• Internationally there is some confusion, e.g.
between Gm3 and km3)
• It is suggested to have a page near the glossary (or
elsewhere) showing the conversion of
measurement units (e.g. m3 to km3, m3 to acre-feet,
Section C – Physical water data items
A. Inland water resources
B. Inflow of water to a territory's inland water resources
C. Outflow of water from a territory's inland water resources
D. Natural transfers with other resources in the territory
E. Abstraction of water
F. Supply of water (CPC 1800) to other economic units
G. Water received (CPC 1800) from other economic units
H. Discharge of wastewater to other economic units
I. Wastewater received from other economic units
J. Water and wastewater imported from rest of world
K. Water and wastewater exported
L. Discharges of water to the environment by economic units
M. Losses of water and wastewater
N. Waterborne emissions to other economic units
O. Waterborne emissions to the environment
Question 3 – Can the list of data items be
shortened or can the items be prioritised?
• At present the list is long and many
countries do not have data for all data items
• If the data items are prioritised, how could
this be done?
Question 4 – Is the definition of renewable and
non-renewable groundwater (Data items A.2.1
and A.2.2 and E.1.2.1 and E.1.2.2) appropriate?
This definition is based on the receipt of natural
recharge. If any natural recharge is received then it is
renewable. Artificial recharge and saltwater intrusion are
excluded from the definition of natural recharge.
Because recharge rates are highly variable in some areas,
a time limit within which natural recharge is received is
used. At present this is a human life span.
What are the definitions used by countries and
international organisations?
Should aquifers be classified according to “sustainable
rates of extraction” as over exploited. That is rates of
extraction are greater than rates of recharge
Question 5 – Should wetlands be added to the list
of water resources under Data item A?
Should wetlands be included as a water
This is a fundamental question that needs to
be addressed in Chapters II, III and IV
They are in the SEEA asset classification but
under heading major water bodies (EA
24), as EA 243, and not under the heading
water resources (EA131).
Question 6 – Is the level of detail in Data
item E (Abstraction) necessary?
A reviewer has indicated that this is not
needed and that disaggregation by
industry is more important.
Question 7 – Can the definition of
wastewater be clarified?
At present wastewater is defined as:
The wastewater delivered to other institutional
units (H.) is volume of water sent from an
institutional unit to another institutional unit as the
water which has no further immediate use or value
because of its quality, quantity or time of
occurrence. This excludes water discharged
directly to the environment by institutional units,
which is included in data item L. Wastewater may
be delivered via sewers, open drains, trucks or
other means.
Question 8 – Should the supply of treated or
untreated wastewater (or re-use water in
SEEAW) be shown in an elaboration of data
items G and F?
Currently this disaggregation is explained
in the text (paragraph 4.58) for the supply
side but not in the use side.
The text in paragraphs 4.62 to 4.64 could
be expanded to include this
Question 9 – Which presentation of data
items for flows within the domestic
economy is preferred?
At present two classifications of the flows
within the domestic economy are
presented (F – I or XA – XB).
This is also related to the presentation of
imports and exports, data items J and K.
Flows within the economy
– 1st option
• F. Supply of water to other institutional units
• G. Water received from other institutional units
• H. Wastewater delivered to other institutional units
• H.1. For treatment or disposal
• H.2. Not for treatment or disposal (for further use)
• I. Wastewater received from other institutional units
• I.1. For treatment or disposal
• I.2. Not for treatment or disposal (for further use)
Flows within the economy
– 2nd option
XA. Supply of water or discharge of wastewater to other
institutional units
XA.1. Supply of water
XA.2. Wastewater delivered
XA.2.1. For treatment or disposal
XA.2.2. Not for treatment or disposal (for further use)
XB. Water and wastewater received from other institutional units
XB.1. Water received
XB.2. Wastewater received
XB.2.1. For treatment or disposal
XB.2.2. Not for treatment or disposal (for further use)
Question 10 – Should the presentation of
data items for imports and exports be
consistent with the presentation of flows?
At present only one option is shown in the
draft IRWS and this is consistent with the
XA – XB presentation.
Imports and exports – 1st option
(consistent with the “F – I” presentation
but not shown in the current draft)
J. Water imported and exported
J.1. Water (CPC Ver.2, 1800) imported
J.2. Water (CPC Ver.2, 1800) exported
K. Wastewater imported and exported
K.1. Wastewater imported
K.1.1. For treatment or disposal (CPC Ver.2, 9410)
K.1.2. Not for treatment or disposal
K.2. Wastewater and sewage exported
K.2.1. For treatment or disposal (CPC Ver.2, 9410)
K.2.2. Not for treatment or disposal
Imports and exports – 2nd option
(as in current draft and consistent with the
“XA – XB presentation”)
J. Water and wastewater imported
J.1. Water (CPC Ver.2, 1800) imported
J.2. Wastewater and sewage imported
J.3.1. For treatment or disposal (CPC Ver.2, 9410)
J.3.2. Not for treatment or disposal (for further use)
K. Water and wastewater exported
K.1. Water (CPC Ver.2, 1800) exported
K.2. Wastewater and sewage exported
K.2.1. For treatment or disposal (CPC Ver.2, 9410)
K.2.2. Not for treatment or disposal (for further use)
Question 11 – Should the physical supply
and use of bottled water be included in the
list of physical data items?
• If included what should the definition of
bottled water be elaborated? (i.e. in terms of
size of the bottle, e.g. less than 20 litres)
Bottled water (CPC Ver. 2, 2441)
Definition: Waters (including mineral waters and
aerated waters), not sweetened nor flavoured
(except natural water, ice and snow)
• This is a small volume but may be of policy
interest to some countries or agencies
• It would provide a matching counter part to the
monetary data item on the value of bottled water
(Data item Q.1)
Question 12 – How much detail needs to
be shown in the losses for distribution?
• At present data item M.1. is divided into six
• This level of disaggregation is not possible
for many countries
• It is proposed by some countries to remove
this level of detail from the list, but to keep
it the text and in the supplementary list.
Losses of water (Data items M.1.)
– current
M. Losses of water and wastewater
M.1. Losses of water in distribution
M.1.1. Due to theft
M.1.2. Due to leakage
M.1.3. Due to burst mains
M.1.4. Due to evaporation
M.1.5. Due to meter errors
M.1.6. Unaccounted losses
M.2. Losses of water from wastewater collection
Losses of water (Data items M.1.)
– proposed
M. Losses of water and wastewater
M.1. Losses of water in distribution
M.2. Losses of water from wastewater
Question 13 – Is this level of sub-division
needed for waterborne emissions to the
environment (Data item 0)
• Emissions are shown according to the water
resources that receive them.
• For the inland water resources these are
sub-divided into surface water, groundwater
and soil water
Waterborne emissions to the
environment – current
O. Waterborne emissions to the environment
O.1. From point sources to the environment
O.1.1. To inland water resources
O.1.1.1. To surface water
O.1.1.2. To groundwater
O.1.1.3. To soil water
O.1.1.a. After on-site treatment
O.1.1.b. Without on-site treatment
O.1.2. To the sea
O.1.2.a. After on-site treatment
O.1.2.b. Without on-site treatment
O.2. From diffuse sources to the environment
O.2.1. To inland water resources
O.2.1.1. To surface water
O.2.1.2. To groundwater
O.2.1.3. To soil water
O.2.2. To the sea
Section D – Monetary data items
P. Economic flows related to water supply
Q. Sales of bottled water
R. Economic flows related to sewerage services
S. Water supply and sewerage infrastructure
Question 14 – Should the value of bottled
water be included?
• Bottled water (Q.1) may be a small physical
volume of water but may account for a
significantly higher volume in monetary
• Note this is related to the question on
whether to include in the physical data
items and to the definition of bottled water
Question 15 – Should the costs for water
supply and sewerage be further elaborated?
It has been suggested to add in explicitly:
• Capital costs
• Depreciation
• Cost of water licenses
• Water trading
Question 16 – Should economic losses in
the form of “lost revenue” be included?
Lost revenue are the unpaid invoices or bills
of water users.
This is a concern for some countries.
Section E – Social-demographic
data items
• V. Type of water supply
• W. Type of toilet and sewerage disposal
Others questions
Question 17
Should ecological flows be added to the list of data items? If
so what are the countries practices for defining these?
Question 18
Should water rights be added to the list of data items? If so
what are the countries practices for defining these?
Question 19
Should we add in the number of connections to the
distribution network that have a meter?
Questions to the EGM on Chapter IV:
Question 1 – Should each data item make reference
to the need for spatial and industry
Question 2 – Should more on the units of
measurement be included (e.g. m3)
Question 3 – Can the list of data items be shortened
or can the items be prioritised?
Question 4 – Is the definition of renewable and nonrenewable groundwater (Data items A.2.1 and
A.2.2 and E.1.2.1 and E.1.2.2) appropriate?
Question 5 – Should wetlands be added to the list of
water resources under Data item A?
Questions to the EGM on Chapter IV:
Question 6 – Is the level of detail in Data item E
(Abstraction) necessary?
Question 7 – Can the definition of wastewater be clarified?
Question 8 – Should the supply of treated or
untreated wastewater (or re-use water in
SEEAW) be shown in an elaboration of data
items G and F?
Question 9 – Which presentation of data items for
flows within the domestic economy is preferred?
Question 10 – Should the presentation of data items
for imports and exports be consistent with the
presentation of flows?
Questions to the EGM on Chapter IV:
Question 11 – Should the physical supply and use of
bottled water be included in the list of physical
data items?
Question 12 – How much detail needs to be shown
in the losses for distribution?
Question 13 – Is this level of sub-division needed for waterborne
emissions to the environment (Data item 0)
Question 14 – Should the value of bottled water be
Question 15 – Should the costs for water supply and
sewerage be further elaborated?
Questions to the EGM on Chapter IV:
Question 16 – Should economic losses in the form of
“lost revenue” be included?
Question 17 – Should ecological flows be added to
the list of data items? If so what are the
countries practices for defining these? Question
17 – Should economic losses in the form of “lost
revenue” be included?
Question 18 –Should water rights be added to the list
of data items? If so what are the countries
practices for defining these?
Question 19 –– Should we add in the number of
connections to the distribution network that have
a meter?