SWOT ANALYSIS Group 1 (GREEN) STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES 1. Members-Variety of 1. Time/Location backgrounds, leadership, 2. Geographic limitation organizations (pools of members) 2. Several past initiatives to 3. Too many focuses- broad use as continual basis focus 3. Ideas already identified to 4. Multiple representatives focus on – these are of organizations- lack of evidence-based communication 4. Access to data already completed/communication needs OPPORTUNITIES Opportunity-Strength (OS) Opportunity-Weakness 1. Local examples Strategies (OW) Strategies 2. Increased interest Use the strengths to take Overcome weaknesses by 3. Networking advantage of opportunities taking advantage of 4. Receptive to 1. Networking interest to opportunities Messages join 1. Rotate meeting sites 5. Statewide Focus 2. Community outreach/ across the state 6. Learn from others- community needs 2. Networking/membership get ideas/model to geographic regions assessment 7. Updated reputable - cross reference to find 3. Picking top focus areas/ info/recent events to common needs statewide narrow to 3 main messages base work from 3. Cross data and interest - Aim to make the most fields to create marketing impact strategies - Use current data to choose top relevant THREATS Threat-Strength (TS) Threat-Weakness (TW) 1. Trust/ not willing Strategies Strategies to share ideas Use strengths to avoid Minimize weaknesses and 2. Potential threats avoid threats competition amongst 1. Make MOCAN a benefit 1. Determine a better focus members to members 2. Education of elected 3. Political 2. Facilitate more officials environment collaboration/ work together - Ex. Farmer subsidy 4. (leg funding) - Eliminate competition - Ex. Need for RD’s and 5. Competing for - Added value prevent. Services time - Open/ honest 3. Education for/of food 6. Time management communication manufacturers 7. Mixed →communicate to local messaging/conflicting vendors info →local businesses →grocery suppliers →allows education from both angles to the consumer by dividing consumer demand through education Group 2 (BLUE) STRENGTHS 1. Professional diversity of group with common interests. 2. Members in all generations. 3. Statewide WEAKNESSES 1. New 2. Lack of cultural diversity 3. Overwhelming information 4. Lack of MU student involvement membership 5. Meeting in area - Go to meeting 6. Too many emails 7. Communication - Go to meeting 8. Website- private OPPORTUNITIES 1. Share Wifi 2. Nonactive members - Physicians - Business professionals 3. Investigate Inactive members and why 4. Grant opportunity Opportunity-Strength (OS) Strategies Use the strengths to take advantage of opportunities 1. Use existing partners to connect with Mizzou (and other universities) public health/ nutrition/ PA, students and programs → opportunity for free help for MOCAN and internship opportunity for students. 2. Student member group, recruiting volunteers (TIME) 3. Retired Member Group (TIME) 4. Getting member to network - Talk - Share Opportunity-Weakness (OW) Strategies Overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities 1. Share Wifi password at meetings 2. Invite on meetings 3. Learn what competition is doing, what can we own? 4. Apply for 501 c3 5. Grant funding could provide dedicated time and staff 6. Decrease # of emails and increase impact of newsletter 7. Website development with opportunities for members to share docs and info - Communicate on 1 project - How do you eat an elephant: FOCUSED approach 5. Big picture- what is our cause, identify long and short term goals 6. Recognition for volunteers 7. Grant funding via existing statewide MOCAN network DHSS and MO THREATS 1. Environment 2. Technology 3. Screen time 4. Sedentary lifestyle Threat-Strength (TS) Strategies Use strengths to avoid threats 1. Use technology to increase awareness of MOCAN 2. Existing low-health culture shows NEED for public awareness/education → get funding for MOCAN 3. Increase access to meetings (beyond quarterly) through regional events and technology options 4. Existing members report MOCAN info and meeting minutes back to home organizations Threat-Weakness (TW) Strategies Minimize weaknesses and avoid threats 1. Communicate what funding is currently supporting MOCAN/ transparency re: $ 2. Group 3 (RED) STRENGTHS 1. Passionate people 2. Statewide 3. Support MU and MOCAN 4. Member representing Missourian 5. Networking WEAKNESSES 1. Missing SE, NE, and NW quadrants 2. Missing partners 3. Limited diversity 4. Better communication among members and potential members 6. 7 Work Groups OPPORTUNITIES 1. Apply for other grants 2. Work together to take back to the local community 3. Develop an idea bank for local community change Opportunity-Strength (OS) Strategies Use the strengths to take advantage of opportunities 1. Strategic planning 2. Use Infographics to engage policy makers 3. Connectiveness between work groups Opportunity-Weakness (OW) Strategies Overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities 1. Educate about benefits of membership 2. Better recruitment tools 3. Improve reporting of accomplishments 4. Recognition from state govt. and politicians 5. Move some meetings around the state THREATS 1. Better use of technology 2. Financial sustainability 3. Time 4. Meeting location 5. Overreaching state legislatures 6. General political atmosphere Threat-Strength (TS) Strategies Use strengths to avoid threats 1.5013-C 2. Member resources for involvement 3. Be a positive for MOCAN and childhood obesity Threat-Weakness (TW) Strategies Minimize weaknesses and avoid threats 1. Move some meetings around the state 2. Work with state committees 3. Champion state politicians to help with the cause STRENGTHS 1. Diversity of membership 2. Ability to organize conferences Group 4 (ORANGE) OPPORTUNITIES 1. New member orientation 2. Use the membership talent to create a program for the target population. Eg… kid runs, bike safety, community gardens 3. 4. THREATS 1. Time commitment 2. 3. 4. WEAKNESSES 1. Member retention/engagement 2. Accountability 3. Too many emails Opportunity-Weakness (OW) Strategies Overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities 1. Consistent meeting agenda, with committee reports 2. Establish clear goals, year and report each quarter Opportunity-Strength (OS) Strategies Use the strengths to take advantage of opportunities 1. 2. Threat-Strength (TS) Strategies Use strengths to avoid threats 1.½ day meeting, condensed agenda 2. Threat-Weakness (TW) Strategies Minimize weaknesses and avoid threats 1. 2. Group 5 (BLACK) OPPORTUNITIES 1. Materials available 2. Nominal membership fee with waiver for nonprofit 3. Follow me success stories 4. More accessible meetings STRENGTHS 1. Networking with all types/agencies 2. Great connections to a variety of institutions 3. Newsletter 4. Working with macro and micro policies WEAKNESSES 1. Time factor 2. Funding 3. Lack of awareness 4. Frequency of newsletter Opportunity-Strength (OS) Strategies Use the strengths to take advantage of opportunities 1. Materials availabledo people know what we offer? Opportunity-Weakness (OW) Strategies Overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities 1. Lack of communication and coordination with regards to work groups 2. Determine who is missing from members’ work groups 5. Awareness of how to become a member 2. Membership drives 3. Benefits of what you can accomplish via a network 3. Target clinic managers for providers/docs 4. Wide knowledge base with partners to help focus messages THREATS 1. Lack of awareness 2. Time tables to make changes to policies/cultures 3. 4. Threat-Strength (TS) Threat-Weakness (TW) Strategies Strategies Use strengths to avoid Minimize weaknesses and threats avoid threats 1. 1. 2. 2. Group 6 (PURPLE) STRENGTHS 1. PASSION! WEAKNESSES 1. Single meeting location 2. Member diversity of sectors 2. Lack of member $ support to attend 3. Large # of organizations engaged in similar work 3. Lack of knowledge of parameters of advocacy by members/education 4. Consistency of core members 4. Focus on programs and interventions instead of policy 5. Shared list of accomplishments 5. MOCAN does not include representatives of the target audiences 6. Networking opportunities → sharing resources, create partnerships for funding 6. Workgroup structure (SILOS) 7. U of M backbone staff 7. Not a 501c3? Limit funding? 8. Anchor organization 8. Keeping partners engaged, especially those not attending Columbia meeting 9. MOCAN newsletter = resource, valued 10. Dedicated funders 11. Recognition of policy level change as tactic OPPORTUNITIES 1. Impact policy → member level Opportunity-Strength Opportunity-Weakness (OS) Strategies (OW) Strategies Use the strengths to take 2. Opportunity to showcase effectiveness advantage of of council to increase opportunities member engagement 1. 3. Invite new members: other geographic areas, 2. other types of Overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities 1. 2. stakeholders 4. Create unified message 5. MOCAN meetups → activity and meetings 6. More crosscollaboration between work groups 7. Track email open rates, etc. to gauge engagement 8. Incentivize leadership of MOCAN? Funding? 9. MFH Healthy Schools- Coalition Building – how can participation of MOCAN increase? 10. Identify organizations who are doing significant work regionally and invite to come to MOCAN 11. Review/Prioritize High Impact/ Low effort THREATS 1. Loss of networking opportunities if teleconference/webinars are used 2. Difficulty retaining engaged members 3. Funding → lack of 4. Lack of measureable outcomes 5. Constantly changing members and leadership (frequent Threat-Strength (TS) Strategies Use strengths to avoid threats 1.2 yr. commitment/ for workgroup leadership and engage those with more single-focused expertise 2. Threat-Weakness (TW) Strategies Minimize weaknesses and avoid threats 1. 2. restarts) 6. Lack of work groups working between meetings/ call attendance 7. MO cultural environment → attitudes 8. Mega marketing of unhealthy food/beverages, and a stronghold on schools Group 6 (GOLD) STRENGTHS 1. Institutional support WEAKNESSES 1. Providers/ Educator involvement 2. Focus message or project 3. 4. - DHSS, U of M, MFH 2. 3. 4. OPPORTUNITIES 1. LegislativeState*, Local, Federal – smaller 2. Policy development to make healthy easier 3. ConferenceRegular not annual 4. THREATS 1. Time 2. Distance to meeting 3. Money 4. Culture/ Nay Sayers - No Tax State - Food Industry Opportunity-Strength (OS) Strategies Use the strengths to take advantage of opportunities 1. Use wide range partners across state to educate legislators on policies to make healthy easier 2. Use partners’ support to plan and carry out conference Threat-Strength (TS) Strategies Use strengths to avoid threats 1. Use institutional support to host a meeting via technology once per year 2. Convert nay-sayers Opportunity-Weakness (OW) Strategies Overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities 1. 2. Threat-Weakness (TW) Strategies Minimize weaknesses and avoid threats 1. Use wide knowledge base of partners to focus message and leverage money 2.