Sept 14 2009 Double T Health Service Corps Leadership Meeting Minutes

Sept 14 2009
Double T Health Service Corps Leadership Meeting Minutes
 Welcome
 Introduction
o Loni
 Advisor
o Everyone Else in executive board
 Woo-Hoo, Fall begins
o Break down of organization
o We are the award winning Double T Health
o Leadership teams work closely with the boards
o General meetings are more informative
 Professional development
o Loni sends lots of e-mails
o Meetings are NEVER mandatory
 Sign up, membership forms
o $10 for entire year
 Cool shirt
o <Note> Even Executive Members have to pay dues
 Ice Breakers
o Toilet paper . . .
 Turned in paperwork on both campuses
 We have students in:
o Undergrad
o Nursing
o PT
o Medical
o Pharmacy
o Etc.
 Banner
o Sunday, September 27th 9 am
o Loni’s Crib: 2606 78th St. 79423
 Programs
o Willow Bend Elementary School Mentoring Programs
 Kids needing a role model for recess
 Touch a child’s life
 Three different times you can go
 Contact
 Once a week
 If you sign up, please go seriously
o Health sciences Learning Community Kickoff
 Sunday at 6:30
 Stangel/Murdough
o Team for Race for the CURE October 3rd!!!
 Contact Maxie Davie at
 FOOTBALL afterwards!
 1 mile walk or 5k run
 Free Food and Free drinks, BBQ
o Ronal McDonald House
 Parents in Hospital for free
 Really fun
 45 min – 1 hour
 Time
 October 19, Monday at six
o Habitat Build day
 Only 15 people can attend- only 7 spots left
 Sept 25 Friday 1-4pm
o South Plains Career Expo
 Pigs feet
 Oct 20, 8am-1pm
 Nov 12 – set up
 8 am - 4 pm
 Nov 13
 6:30 am - 5:30 pm
 Nov 14
 6:30 am - 4:00 pm
 Drop box online
 Break Up into groups and come up with service ideas
 Community Medical School
o Look at Brochure
o Very Informative
 Have great week