CURRICULUM VITAE RONALD A. CARSON, Ph.D. 4100 Triple Crown Austin, TX 78746 EDUCATION May 1962 B.A., Franklin College of Indiana, Franklin, IN Major: Philosophy. Minors: Psychology and German; University of Mainz, Germany (1960-61). May 1965 B.D., Colgate Rochester Divinity School, Rochester, NY. Major: Systematic Theology. May 1968 Ph.D., University of Glasgow, Scotland, Faculty of Divinity. Dissertation on Nietzsche's critique of religion and morality. APPOINTMENTS 1968-69 Faculty Member, Mark Hopkins College, Brattleboro, VT. 1969-75 Assistant Professor of Religion, New College, Sarasota, FL. 1975-81 Associate Professor, Department of Community Health and Family Medicine, and Department of Religion, and Chief, Division of Social Sciences and Humanities, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; 1976-78 Acting Director, Center for Studies in the Humanities, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 1982-2005 Director, Institute for the Medical Humanities, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1982-96 Harris L. Kempner Professor in the Humanities in Medicine, Institute for the Medical Humanities, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1982-2008 Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1982-2008 Member Graduate Faculty, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, UTMB. 1982-2005 Member, Executive Committee, Faculty of Medicine, UTMB. 1996-2008 Harris L. Kempner Distinguished Professor in the Humanities in Medicine, Institute for the Medical Humanities, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1997-2005 Dean’s Advisory Council, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, UTMB. 1997-2008 Senior Fellow, Sealy Center on Aging, UTMB. 1999-2005 Dean’s Advisory Council, School of Medicine, UTMB. 1999-2006 UTMB President's Council, UTMB. 2000-2008 Center Investigator, Sealy Center for Environmental Health and Medicine, UTMB. 2001-2008 Scientific Associate, Texas/World Health Organization Collaborating Center for CrossCultural Research and Training on Mental Health and Psychosocial Factors in Health, Austin, TX. 2002-2008 Core Faculty, “Health Services Research in Under-Served Populations,” Sealy Center on Aging grant, UTMB. 2003-2008 Committee Member, Public Policy Committee for the Texas Partnership for End-of-Life Care (TxPec), Dallas, TX. 2009- Professor Emeritus, Institute for the Medical Humanities and Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, University of Texas Medical Branch 2009 Adjunct Professor, Plan II Honors Program, University of Texas at Austin FUNDED PROJECTS Research at the Nietzsche Archives, National Research Institute, Weimar, German Democratic Republic, Fall Semester 1966. Co-Director, “Florida: A Changing Paradise,” Florida Endowment for the Humanities, 1976. Project Director, “Issues Shaping Florida's Future Health Care II: Physician Obligations and Patient Wishes,” Florida Endowment for the Humanities, 1976. Project Director, Lilly Post-Doctoral Teaching Awards Program, 1977-80, $150,000. Project Director, Humanities in Medical Education, Macy Foundation Grant Program, 1979-82, $150,000. Project Director, Humanities in Medical Education. Sid W. Richardson Foundation grant, 1983-85, $150,000. Project Director, Residency Program in the Humanities, The Rockefeller Foundation, 1987-91, $225,000. Project Director, National Endowment for the Humanities Challenge Grant, 1989, $500,000. Project Director, Health Care Reform in America: From Public Opinion to Public Judgement, Texas Committee for the Humanities, 1994-95, $27,850. Project Director, Dialogue on Culture and Biology, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 1996, $50,000. Project Director, National Endowment for the Humanities Challenge Grant, 1997-98, $500,000. Co-director, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Community Partnerships to Improve End-of-Life Care grant, 1998-99, $75,000. Project Director, Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund, Partnership to Improve End-of-Life Care, 1999-2000, $20,000. Project Director, Hogg Foundation, Improving End-of-Life Care, 1999-2002, $44,926. Project Director, Hogg Foundation, Bi-national Collaboration on Post-NAFTA Borders Health Challenges, 2001-2002, $6,593. Carson 2 PUBLICATIONS Carson, R.A. Nietzsche's Jesus. Cross Currents. 21: 39-52, 1971. Carson, R.A. Kurt Vonnegut: Matter-of-fact Moralist. Listening, 6: 182-196, 1971. Carson, R.A. Who is Nietzsche's Dionysus? Listening, 7: 168-176, 1972. Carson, R.A. A review of The Abstract Society. Zidjerveld, Anton. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 40: 549-555, 1972. Carson, R.A. Taking the Gods Lightly. A review of The New Polytheism. Miller, David L. The Christian Century, 91: 480-482, 1974. Carson, R.A. Amidst Children and Witnesses: Reflections on Death from a Theological Perspective. Humanitas, 10: 9-19, 1974. Carson, R.A. Contempt for No One: Sartre on Authenticity. Studies in the Humanities, 4: 15-21, 1974. Carson, R.A. Jean-Paul Sartre. Makers of Modern Thought Series. Great Britain, Lutterworth Press, 1974. Carson, R.A. The Motifs of Kenosis and Imitatio in the Work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 43: 542-553, 1975. Carson, R.A., Gross, R.M. Theologizing and Historicizing in the Academic Study of Religion. Bulletin of the Council on the Study of Religion, 6: 3-6, 1975. Carson, R.A. Harry and Tonto: A Close Look at a Gentle Journey. a film review article. The Gerontologist. 15: 379-380, 1975. Carson, R.A. Tragic Bravado. A review of Thomas Merton on Mysticism. Bailey, R. The Christian Century, 93: 156-157, 1976. Carson, R.A. Cogs in the Wheel: A review of The Cunning of History: Mass Death and the American Future. Rubenstein, R.L. The Christian Century. 93: 314-316, 1976. Carson, R.A., Reynolds, R.C. The Place of the Humanities in Medical Education. Journal of Medical Education, 51: 142-143, 1976. Carson, R.A. The Division of Social Sciences and Humanities in the University of Florida College of Medicine. in McElhinney, T.K. (ed): Human Values Teaching Programs for Health Professionals. Philadelphia, Society for Health and Human Values, 1976, pp. 59-71. Carson, R.A. Report of the Panel on Health. Havard, W.C. (ed): The Peoples of the South: Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Humanities and Public Policy. Nashville, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1976, pp. 161-164. Carson, R.A. Stereotyping, Segregating and Stigmatizing the Old, Self, D.J. (ed.): Social Issues in Health Care, Teagle & Little, Inc., Norfolk, Virginia, 1977. Carson, R.A. A review of Gramp by Jury M. and Jury D. Death Education, 1: 138-141, 1977. Carson, R.A. Mortal Lessons. a review of Mortal Lessons: Notes on the Art of Surgery by Selzer, R. The Pharos, 40: 39, 1977. Carson 3 Carson, R.A. Old Age: Only a Way Station? Virginia Medical. 104: 578-579, 1977. Carson, R.A. Ethics in Everyday Medical Practice. Journal of the Florida Medical Association, 64: 170-172, 1977. Carson, R. Coping as `bearing up' and `bearing down'--A note on James Agee's A Death in the Family. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 8: 64-65, 1978. Carson, R.A., Reynolds, R.C., Moss, H.G. (eds.). Patient Wishes and Physician Obligations. Gainesville, Florida, University Presses of Florida, 1978. Carson, R.A. Humanities and Medicine: The Beginning of a Conversation. in Carson, R.A., Reynolds, R.C., Moss, H.G. (eds.): Patient Wishes and Physician Obligations. Gainesville, Florida, University Presses of Florida, 1978, pp. 108-117. Carson, R.A. Medical Ethics. Taylor, R.B. (ed): Family Medicine: Principles and Practice, Springer-Verlag, 1978, pp. 1272-1275. Carson, R.A. Religion and Medical Education. in Self, D.J. (ed): The Role of the Humanities in Medical Education. Norfolk, Virginia, Teagle & Little, Inc., 1978, pp. 62-71. Carson, R.A. The Race for Medical School: An Rx for Speed. Hastings Report. 8: 18-19, 1978. Reprinted in Cases in Bioethics from the Hastings Center Report, Carol Levine and Robert M. Veatch, (eds.), 1982, pp. 4647. Carson, R.A. Euthanasia or the Right to Die. In Wass, H. (ed): Dying: Facing the Facts. Washington, D.C., Hemisphere, 1979, pp. 360-374. Carson, R.A. Ethical Aspirations and the Regulation of the Professions. in Blair, R.D., Rubin, S. (eds.): Regulating the Professions. Lexington, Massachusetts, Lexington Books/D.C. Heath, 1979, pp. 97-104. Carson, R.A. A Death of One's Own. Postgraduate Medicine, 65: 197-203, 1979. Carson, R.A. A review of The Time of Their Dying. Rosenfeld, Stephen. Death Education, 3: 78-80, 1979. Carson, R. A. Ethics and Child Health. Children in Health Care: Ethical Perspectives, Dallas, Association for the Care of Children's Health, 1980, pp. 8-10. Carson, R.A. Proxy Consent for a Medical Gamble. Hastings Report. 10: 22-23, 1980. Reprinted in Cases in Bioethics from the Hastings Center Report, Carol Levine and Robert M. Veatch, (eds.), 1982, pp. 28-30. Carson, R.A., Curry, R.W. Ethics Teaching on Ward Rounds. Journal of Family Practice, 11: 59-63, 1980. Carson, R.A. Selzer's Surgeon as Seer. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 24: 284-289, 1981. Carson, R.A., Frias, J.L., Melker, R.G. Research with Brain-Dead Children. IRB: A Review of Human Subjects Research, 3: 5-6, 1981. Reprinted in Bioethics Quarterly. 3(1), Spring 1981. Carson, R.A. Unmasking Medicine: A Critique of the Reith Lectures. Journal of Medical Ethics, 7(4): 184186, 1981. Carson, R.A. Dying. Medley, E.S. (ed): Common Health Problems in Medical Practice. Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Co., 1982, pp. 326-328. Carson, R.A. Ethical Issues. Taylor, R.B. (ed): Fundamentals of Family Medicine, Second Edition. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1982. Carson 4 Carson, R.A. On Some "Uses" of the Humanities. Perspectives. 12(2), Spring 1982. Carson, R.A. A review of A Theory of Medical Ethics. Veatch, Robert M. Journal of Medical Education, 57: 885-886, 1982. Carson, R.A. A review of Dictionary of Medical Ethics, New Revised, Duncan, A. S., Dunstan, G. R., and Wellbourn, R. B. (eds.). Journal of Medical Education, 57: 886, 1982. Carson, R.A. Literature and Medicine. Literature and Medicine, 1: 44-46, 1982. Reprinted in JAMA, 261: 1329, 1400, 1989. Carson, R.A., Siegler, M. Does "Doing Everything" Include CPR? Case Commentary. Hastings Center Report, 12(5): 27-29, 1982. Carson, R.A. A Case of Misplaced Loyalty. Case Commentary. Journal of Medical Ethics, 8: 154, 1982. Carson, R.A. Institute for the Medical Humanities: Plans and Prospects. Texas Medicine, 79, 61-62, May 1983. Carson, R.A. Ethics Issues. Taylor, R.B., et al (eds.): Family Medicine, Second Edition, Spring Verlag, 4856, 1983. Carson, R.A. Is Medical Education Dehumanizing? Association of American Medical Colleges, Research in Medical Education, Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Research Medical Education, Twenty-Second Annual Conference, 22: 246-53, 1983. Carson, R.A. Medical Humanities: Toward a Broad View. Federal Reports, 6(6): 7-8, Nov/Dec, 1983. Carson, R.A. A review of Health/Medicine and the Faith Traditions: An Inquiry into Religion and Medicine by Martin E. Marty and Kenneth L. Vaux. ISIS., 75(2): 277, 1984. Carson, R.A. A review of Darwin, Marx, and Freud: Their Influence on Moral Theory, Caplan, Arthur and Jennings, Bruce (eds.). NEJM, 311(26): 1706-1707, 1984. Carson, R.A. A review of Medicine as a Human Experience by Reiser, David E. and Rosen, David H.. NEJM, 311(26): 1707, 1984. Carson, R.A. On Rescuing and Abiding. Texas Humanist, May/June, 1984. Carson, R.A. Morality and Public Policy. Death Education, 8(2/3): 191-194, 1984. Carson, R.A. Literature in the Medical School Classroom. Humanities Education, 2(2): 47-49, 1985. Carson, R.A. A review of A Leg to Stand On. Sacks, Oliver. Literature and Medicine. 4: 163-164, 1985. Carson, R.A. Case Method. Journal of Medical Ethics. 12(1): 36-39, 1986. Carson, R.A. Fairness in the Development and Distribution of Medical Innovations. American College of Surgeons Bulletin, 71(7): 13-14, 28, 1986. Carson, R.A. The Symbolic Significance of Giving to Eat and Drink. Lynn, Joanne (ed): By No Extraordinary Means, the Choice to Forgo Life-Sustaining Food and Water. Bloomington, Indiana, Indiana University Press, 1986, pp. 84-88. Carson, R.A. Foreword. Cole, T. R. and Gadow, S. (eds.): What Does it Mean to Grow Old? Perspectives from the Humanities. Durham, North Carolina, Duke University Press, 1986. Carson 5 Carson, R.A. Care and Research: Antinomy or Complement? in van Eys, Jan and Bowen, James M. (eds.): The Common Bond. Springfield, Illinois, Charles C. Thomas, 1986, pp. 47-55. Carson, R.A. A review of Doctors' Dilemmas: Medical Ethics and Contemporary Science. Phillips, Melanie and Dawson, John. NEJM, 314(2): 126, 1986. Carson, R.A. A review of The Physician's Covenant: Images of the Healers in Medical Ethics. May, William F. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 59(4): 569-570, 1986. Carson, R.A. A review of Redefining Death. Grandstrand Gervais, Karen. NEJM, 316 (17): 1101, April 1987. Carson, R.A. Is Psychiatrist-Patient Sex a Deadly Sin? A Letter. American Journal of Psychiatry, 144: 5, May 1987. Carson, R.A. Enough Medical Services to Go Around. American College of Surgeons Bulletin, 72(9): 12-14, September 1987. Carson, R.A. Paul Ramsey, Principled Protestant Casuist: A Retrospective. Medical Humanities Review, 2(1): 24-35, 1988. Carson, R.A. Bidding for Donors. Case Commentary. Hastings Center Report, 18(5): 26-27, 1988. Carson, R.A. Contagion, Stigma, and the Epidemic of Death. in Humber, James and Almeder, Robert F. (eds.): Biomedical Ethics Reviews: 1988. Clifton, NJ, Humana Press, Inc., 1988, pp. 1-12. Carson, R.A. A review of Life and Death Decision Making by Baruch A. Brody. NEJM, 319(11): 730, September 1988. Carson, R.A. Caring for Congenitally Handicapped Newborns. in Winslade, W. J. (ed.): Personal Choices and Public Commitments. Galveston, TX, Institute for the Medical Humanities, 1989, pp. 47-60. Carson, R.A. Interpretive Bioethics: The Way of Discernment. Theoretical Medicine, 11: 51-59, 1990. (Chinese translation) Medicine and Philosophy (16)4: 1995. Carson, R. A. Who Ought to Get Decent Health Care? Archives of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, 117:496-497, May 1991. Carson, R.A. Medical Practice as a Public Trust. Texas Medicine, 87(l): January 1991. Carson, R.A. Foreword. in Bruhn, John G. and Henderson, George (eds.) Values in Health Care. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, 1991. Carson, R.A. A review of Drawing the Line. Gorovitz, S. Hastings Center Report, 21(6): 42, NovemberDecember 1991. Carson, R.A. Interpreting the Patient’s Ordeal. A review of The Patient’s Ordeal. May, W.F. Medical Humanities Review 6 (1), January 1992, 50-52. Carson, R.A. A review of The Healer’s Power. Brody, H. Literature and Medicine, 11(2): 319-321, Fall 1992. Carson, R.A. Be Gentle about Death. . . and Leave the Balcony Open. Second Opinion, 17(3): 122-125, January 1992. Carson, R.A. Free to Die: Afterthoughts on "Primary Care." Thomas R. Cole (ed.): Voices and Visions of Aging, 235-37, Spring 1992. Carson 6 Carson, R.A. (with Martha Holstein) Reflections on Health Care. Texas Journal of Ideas, History, and Culture, 15(2): 4-7, Spring/Summer 1993. Carson, R.A. Reconfiguring Health Care. Tikkun, 15-18, 96, November-December 1993. Carson, R.A. Sensibility and Rationality in Bioethics. Hastings Center Report, 24(3): 23-24, May-June 1994. Carson, R.A. Dr. Holm's Animadversions on American Bioethics. European Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care, 2(2): 24-26, 1994. Carson, R.A. A review of A Quest for the Post-Historical Jesus. Hamilton, William. Christian Century 111(32): November 1994. Carson, R.A. On the Fear of Death. A review of The Troubled Dream of Life. Callahan, Daniel Medical Humanities Review, 8(1): 68-71, Spring 1994. Carson, R.A. Thinking About Cases as Stories. Journal of Clinical Ethics, 5(4): 347-348, Winter 1994. Carson, R.A. Teaching Ethics in the Context of the Medical Humanities. Journal of Medical Ethics, 20(4): 235-238, December 1994. Carson, R.A. Beyond Respect to Recognition and Due Regard. In Toombs, S. Kay, Barnard, David, and Carson, Ronald A. (eds.): Chronic Illness and Disability: From Experience to Policy. Indiana University Press, 1995. Carson, R.A. Interpretation. Encyclopedia of Bioethics, Revised Edition, 1995. Carson, R.A. A review of Self-interest and Universal Health Care: Why Well-insured Americans Should Support Coverage for Everyone. Churchill, Larry. Academic Medicine, 70(9): 842, September 1995. Carson, R.A. Reading Texts of Illness. European Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care, Bulletin of the ESPMH, First World Congress, Medicine & Philosophy, Paris, 30 May - 4 June 1994. Vol. 3:3, 1995. Carson, R.A. Medical Ethics as Reflective Practice. (Italian translation) KOS, Rivista di medicina, cultura e scienze umane. Nuova serie n. 128 maggio 1996. Carson, R.A. "Pulp Fiction" as Morality Tale. Humanity & Society, 20(3):143-148, August, 1996. Carson, R.A. Why Physicians Should Not Assist in Suicide. Texas Medicine, 93(2):53-56, February 1997. Carson, R.A. Introduction, and Medical Ethics as Reflective Practice. In Carson, R.A. and Chester R. Burns (eds.): Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics. The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997. Carson, R.A. The Moral of the Story. In Nelson, Hilde Lindemann (ed.): Stories and Their Limits. New York, Routledge, 1997. Carson, R.A. Writing an Unsolicited Book Review. In Publishing Without Perishing: A Handbook for Graduate and Professional Students on Publishing in Bioethics and the Medical Humanities. Society for Health and Human Values, 1997. Carson, R.A. Der Paradigmenwechsel in der Medizinethik: Die Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung aus amerikanischer Sicht. In Ulrich Tröhler und Stella Reiter-Theil (eds.): Ethik und Medizin 1947-1997: Was leistet die Kodifizierung von Ethik? Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen:Wallstein, 1997. English translation in Ethical Codes in Medicine, Hants,England:Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1998. Russian translation in BECTH MOCK. YH-TA. CEP. 7. 1998, No. 5. C. 34-41. Carson 7 Carson, R.A. Pain Relief for dying patients not Congress’ decision. Houston Chronicle, Outlook, July 28, 1998. Carson, R.A. Drugs and Pain. Washington Post, August 31, 1998. Carson, R.A. Providing Pain Relief Without Fear of Sanctions: Why the Lethal Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 1998 Will Limit Pain Control, ABCD Exchange, 1:11, September 1998, reprinted in newspapers throughout the U.S. Carson, R.A. Introduction and The Fate of the Self in a Genetic Age. In Carson, R.A. & Rothstein, M.A. (eds.): Behavioral Genetics: The Clash of Culture and Biology, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. Carson, R.A. Interpreting Strange Practices. In Ruiping, Fan (ed.): Confucian Bioethics. The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 61,1999. Carson, R.A. Focusing on the Human Scene: Thoughts on Problematic Theology. In Zoloth-Dorfman, Laurie and Davis, Dena (eds.) Notes from a Narrow Ridge: Religion and Bioethics. Hagerstown, Maryland, University Publishing Group, 1999. Carson, R.A. A review of Enhancing Human Traits: Ethical and Social Implications. Parens, Erik. (ed.) Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 21: 613-616, 2000. Carson, R.A. The Formation of Medical Imagination. Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica/Brazilian Journal of Medical Education, 24(1):31-35, January 2001. Carson, R.A. Balancing loyalties or splitting the difference? Academic Medicine, 75(5):443-44, May 2000. Italian translation in Janus Medicina: cultura, culture, Numero 1, Primavera 2001. Carson, R.A. In Memoriam: Samuel Alston Banks. Literature and Medicine 20(1):1-2, Spring 2001. Carson, R.A. A review of Caring Well: Religion, Narrative and Health Care Ethics. Smith, David H. (ed.). Second Opinion, No. 7, July 2001. Carson, R.A. Emergency. Annals of Internal Medicine, 136:250, 2002. Reprint in On Being a Doctor 3, 2007. Carson, R.A. The Hyphenated Space: Liminality in the Doctor-Patient Relationship. Charon, Rita and Montello, Martha (eds.): Stories Matter: The Role of Narrative in Medical Ethics. Routledge, New York, 2002. Carson, R.A. Paul Ramsey’s Ethic of Covenant Fidelity. Vaux, Kenneth L., Vaux, Sara and Stenberg, Mark (eds.): Covenants of Life: Contemporary Medical Ethics in Light of the Thought of Paul Ramsey. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. Book Series: Philosophy and Medicine, Vol. 77. Carson, R.A. Introduction, and Educating the Moral Imagination. Carson, Ronald A., Burns, Chester R., and Cole, Thomas R. (eds.): Practicing the Medical Humanities: Engaging Physicians and Patients. Hagerstown, MD, University Publishing Group, 2003. Jones, Anne Hudson and Carson, R.A.. Medical Humanities at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Academic Medicine, 78(10):1006-09, October 2003. Carson, R.A. Ethics in Surgery. In Townsend, Courtney M., Beauchamp, R. Daniel, Evers, B. Mark and Mattox, Kenneth L. (eds.): Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th Edition. Philadelphia, Elsevier Saunders, 2004. Carson, R.A. Death’s Irreducible Unruliness. A review of Death Is That Man Taking Names. Burt, Robert. Hastings Center Report, 34(2): 6, March-April 2004. Carson 8 Carson, R.A. Bioethics at the Dawn of the 21st Century. In Ortega, Graciela Rodriguez (ed): Bioética, legislación, políticas públicas y derechos humanos. Mexico: Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, 2004 . Carson, R.A. A review of Public Expectations and Physicians' Responsibilities: Voices of Medical Humanities. Crellin, J.K.. Annals of Internal Medicine. 144(7):539, 4 April 2006. Carson, R.A. Ethics of Surgery (revised and expanded). In Townsend, Courtney M., Beauchamp, R Daniel, Evers, B. Mark, and Mattox, Kenneth L. (eds.) Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 18th Edition. Philadelphia, Elsevier Saunders, 2007. Winslade, W.J. and Carson, R.A. Foreword: The Role of Religion in Health Law and Policy, Houston Journal of Health Law & Policy, 6(2), Symposium 2006. Carson, R.A. On Making Compassion Tangible. A review of A Palliative Ethic of Care. Fins, Joseph, J. Hastings Center Report 37(5): 46, September-October 2007. Carson, R.A. Engaged Humanities: Moral Work in the Precincts of Medicine, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 50(3) (Summer 2007): 321-333. Carson, R.A. On Metaphorical Concentration: Language and Meaning in Patient-Physician Relations, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (forthcoming). SELECTED NAMED LECTURES "Medical Ethics and Bioethics," The First Annual Frank Fitts, Jr. Memorial Lecture, College of Community Health Sciences, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, June 18-19, 1982. "Rites in Medical Care." The Vince Moseley Lecture in Medical Humanities, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, May 23, 1985. "Who Is Minding the Medical Commons?" New Jersey Academy of Medicine Lecture, Rutgers Medical School, June 26, 1985. "Ethical Issues in the Care of the Elderly," George R. Dunlop Lecture, The Medical Center of Central Massachusetts, Worcester, MA, May 10, 1989. "The Place and Purposes of the Humanities in Medical Education," Inaugural Lecture, Center for Medical Ethics, University of Oslo, Norway, October 1-4, 1989. "Does It Make Sense to Speak of Physicianly Character?" Norwegian Academy of Medicine, May 9, 1990. "The Moral Vocation of a Surgeon," John J. Conley Lecture, American Association of Head and Neck Surgery, Los Angeles, April 21, 1993. "Medicine as a Moral Practice," Governor Winthrop Rockefeller Distinguished Lecture, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, December 8, 1993. "Words Lead to Deeds," Commencement Address, Franklin College of Indiana, May 18, 1996. “Medicine Rediscovers the Humanities,” Inaugural Annual Lecture in Medical Humanities, Baylor University, October 10, 2006. Carson 9 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (selected) "The Ethics of Allowing to Die," New College, Summer 1973. "Philosophical and Ethical Dimensions of Health Care," University of Florida College of Medicine, March 1975. "Behavior Control and the Rights of Patients," Medicine and Morality II series, Florida Technological University, Orlando, April 1975. Consultant and Participant, Florida Studio Theatre (Sarasota) project to take thought-provoking live theatre performances and discussions to nontraditional audiences in the state, January-June 1975. "Imitation in William Gaddis's The Recognitions," American Academy of Religion meeting, Chicago, October 1975. "The Sanctity of Life and Abortion Ethics," Medical College of Pennsylvania, February 19, 1976. "Aging and Public Policy," Symposium on Health Care for the Aged, Eastern Virginia Medical School, April 28, 1976. "Ethics in Everyday Medical Practice," Florida Medical Association, Hollywood, Florida, May 7, 1976. Participant, Panel on Health, "The People of the South: A Regional Conference on the Humanities and Public Policy," Nashville, May 27-31, 1976. "Aging and Dying in Paradise," Town Meeting of the Minds, Sarasota, Florida, June 1976. Contributor, Symposium on "Polytheism: Dialogues for Closing Times," American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, St. Louis, October 28-31, 1976. "Human Values Programs in Medical Schools," Group on Medical Education, and "Planning and Implementing Human Values Teaching Programs," Society for Health and Human Values, American Association of Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 11-14, 1976. Participant, "The Humanities Speak to the Lifelong Process of Aging," Chapel Hill, North Carolina, November 14-16, 1976. "The Ethics of Allowing to Die," University of Florida Continuing Education Conference, "Death and Dying: Education, Counseling, and Care," Orlando, December 2-3, 1976. Consultant, Institute on Human Values in Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1977-79. Conference Consultant, "Energy and Human Values: The Quality of Our Future," Gainesville, Florida, February 8-9, 1977. Lecturer and Consultant, American Association of Higher Education Conference, "New Directions in the Humanities," St. Petersburg, February 27 - March 4, 1977. "On Refusing Treatment," American Medical Student Association, Chicago, April 3, 1977. "Religious Studies in Medical Education," Eastern Virginia Medical School, April 30, 1977. "A Death of One's Own," Interstate Postgraduate Medical Association, Miami, October 1977. Lecturer and Consultant, Association of American Colleges Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, December 1-2, 1977. Carson 10 "The Quality of Life," Ethics in the Education of Allied Health and Nursing Personnel Conference, Orlando, Florida, March 8-10, 1978. Lecturer, Humanistic Values and Social Change Conference, Palm Beach, Florida, May 13, 1978. Lecturer, Midwest Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Education, Earlham College, August 28, 1978. Contributor, "A Humanistic Perspective on the Professions," Report on Teaching, 6, Change, August 1978. Lecturer, Association of American Colleges Federal Grants Workshop, Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida, October 12, 1978. "Integrating Humanities into Professional Education," Institute of Higher Education Conference on Postsecondary Curricula, Tampa, Florida, October 19, 1978. "Ethics Teaching on Ward Rounds," Association of American Medical Colleges Meeting, New Orleans, October 21, 1978. "Truthtelling and Confidentiality in the Therapeutic Relationship," Florida Academy of Physician Assistants, Fourth Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, October 27, 1978. Lecturer and Consultant, American Association of State Colleges and Universities Conference, "Challenges in Humanities Education," Savannah, January 16-19, 1979. Lecturer and Consultant, National University Extension Service, "Workshops in Humanities Education," Memphis, February 14-17; San Antonio, May 13-16, 1979, Birmingham, October 27-29, 1979. "The Physician as Seer in the Works of Richard Selzer," American Academy of Religion/Southeast, Atlanta, March 1979. "Ethics in Medical Education," Duval County Medical Society, Jacksonville, March 30, 1979. "Ethical Aspirations, Codes, and the Regulation of the Professions," Symposium on Regulating the Professions, Public Policy Research Center, Gainesville, Florida, April 5, 1979. "Newman's Idea of a University," President's Scholars Lecture Series, University of Florida, April 24, 1979. Lecturer and Consultant, Annual Faculty Conference on Teaching, University of Wisconsin/Green Bay, May 7-8, 1979. "An Approach to General Education," Society for Values in Higher Education Conference, Kenosha, Wisconsin, May 28, 1979. Consultant, Southern Studies Program, Center for the Study of Southern Culture, University of Mississippi, 1979-1982. Panelist, Role of the Professions in Undergraduate Education Conference, UCLA, October 26, 1979. "Clinical Ethics in Acute Pulmonary Care," Quarterly Medical Staff Meeting, Memorial Hospital, Hollywood, Florida, December 4, 1979. "What Should Florida's Policy for Children Be?" Toward a Public Policy for Children Conference, Orlando, February 7-8, 1980. "Some New Roles for Graduate Education in the Humanities," American Association of Higher Education, Washington, D.C., March 7, 1980. Carson 11 "Ethical Considerations at the Frontiers of Fetal and Perinatal Medicine," University of Florida College of Medicine Scientific Session, March 8, 1980. "On Some Uses of the Humanities," National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education, New Orleans, March 12, 1980. "Medical Ethics and Primary Care," Jacksonville Naval Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida, March 11, 1980. "An Ethics of Intensive Care," Department of General Practice, Aberdeen University Medical School, Scotland, March 26, 1980. "The Contemporary Task of a Theological Ethic," Third International Bonhoeffer Research Symposium, Oxford University, England, March 28, 1980. "Children, Families, and the Right to Medical Care," Association for the Care of Children in Hospitals, Dallas, July 2, 1980. "Humanities Teaching in Medical Education," Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, October 30-31, 1980. "Vision and the Gift Relationship in Medicine," American Academy of Religion, Dallas, November 7-8, 1980. "Ethical Considerations in the Ambulatory Care of the Chronically Ill," Twelfth Family Practice Review, Gainesville, Florida, November 17, 1980. "Ethics and Clinical Judgment," Santa Fe Community College Conference on Ethics in Health Related Professions, Gainesville, Florida, November 22, 1980. Contributor, Wingspread National Conference on the Humanities in Higher Education, Association of American Colleges, Racine, Wisconsin, March 30-April 1, 1981. Lecturer and Consultant, American Association of Community and Junior Colleges Conference, "Strengthening Humanities in Occupational Curricula," Memphis, April 1-3, 1981. Visiting Professor, University of Wisconsin System Faculty College, "The Humanities in Educating for the Professions," June 11-14, 1981. "Ethical Questions in Perinatology in the High-Risk Environment," March of Dimes Symposium, Houston, November 13-14, 1981. "The Ascetic Style in Medical Education," Southern Regional Meeting, Society for Health and Human Values, Charleston, SC, March 25, 1982. "Current Issues in Medical Ethics." Central Texas Chapter of the American Academy of Family Physicians, Waco, Texas, November 30, 1982. Participant in "Faith, Science, and Technology," a conference sponsored by the National Council of Churches, New York, NY, December 9, 1982. "Literature and the Problem of Morality a la After Virtue." American Academy of Religion, New York, NY, December 20, 1982. "Problems of Conscience in Patient Care," University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas, February 11, 1983. "Medical Ethics," District 1 Medical Society, Alpine, Texas, February 12, 1983. Carson 12 Panelist, "Critical Care Babies: An Ethical Dilemma." Student Medical Section, Texas Medical Association, Houston, Texas, May 21, 1983. Panelist, "Human Values and Responsibility in Health Communication." International Communication Association, Dallas, Texas, May 27, 1983. Panelist, "Applied Bioethics for Health Care Professionals." Co-sponsored by Stetson University Law School and the Hastings Center, St. Petersburg, Florida, November 10-13, 1983. "The Formation of Medical Character," University Scholars Program, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, November 26, 1983. Panelist, "Is Medical Education Dehumanizing?" American Association of Medical Colleges, Washington, D.C., November 9, 1983. Co-Editor, "Department of Law and Ethics," column in Death Studies, 1983-1985. "The Symbolic Significance of Food and Water," Society for Health and Human Values Workshop, Philadelphia, PA, March 23, 1984. "Care and Research: Antinomy or Complement," M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, Houston, TX, April 26, 1984. "The Benefits and Costs of a Rescue Ethic of Health Care," Unitarian Universalist Church and New College, Sarasota, FL, May 11, 1984. "Leavening Medical Education," American Medical Writers Association, San Antonio, TX, October 10, 1984. "How to Care for Handicapped Newborns: A Moral Dilemma," State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY, October 18, 1984. Symposium Co-Director, "Making Sense of Survival," University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, November 15-16, 1984. "Euthanasia," Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX, November 29-30, 1984. "Ethical Implications of AIDS," and "HHS's Final Baby Doe Rule," New Mexico Medical Society, Albuquerque, NM, May 1-3, 1985. Director, Faculty Development Workshop on Medical Ethics, Texas A&M Medical School faculty, Scott and White Hospital, Temple, TX, June 18, 1985. "Poetry and Parable: Close Readings," East Carolina Medical School, Greenville, NC, June 20, 1985. "On Suicide," The Institute of Religion, Houston, TX, September 26, 1985. Panelist, "Justice and Ethical Concerns," American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL, October 14, 1985. Symposium Co-Director, "Bioethics as an Intellectual Field," University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, November 14-15, 1985. "How to Care for Handicapped Newborns: A Moral Dilemma," Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, November 19,1985. Member of the Board of Advisors, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Galveston Chapter. "Hebraism and Hellenism: Theoretical Foundations of Contemporary Bioethics," Society of Christian Ethics, Chicago, IL, January 18, 1986. Carson 13 "Effects of IRB on the Welfare of Subjects," The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, February 6, 1986. "Medicine and Morality: Conflict or Confluence?" Lamar University, Beaumont, TX, February 26, 1986. "Funding Health Care Fairly: The End Stage Renal Disease Experience," Symposium for Texans Active in Renal Therapy, Austin, TX, March 21, 1986. "Smoking: An Issue of Public vs. Private Rights?" Houston/Galveston Health Promotion Consortium, Houston, TX, May 14, 1986. "Ethics and Psychiatry," Law and Psychiatry Conference, Douglas Hospital, Montreal, Canada, November 21, 1986. "Contagion, Stigma, and the Epidemic of Death," American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, GA, November 23, 1986. "Integrating Medical Ethics and Clinical Instruction," Southern GME Annual Meeting, Galveston, TX, April 8, 1987. "Educating for Human Values in Medicine," Human Values in Residency Training Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, May 15, 1987. Lecturer, Summer Seminar in Medical Ethics and Humanities, San Francisco, CA, July 28-August 8, 1987. "Technology and Patient Care," Northland College, Ashland, Wisconsin, September 28, 1987. "The Cinema of the Playwright: Horton Foote's 1918," West Virginia University's Twelfth Annual Colloquium, Morgantown, West Virginia, October 23, 1987. "DNR Orders in Pediatrics," Brownsville, TX, January 21, 1988. "Brute Force: The Limits of Legitimate Authority in the Doctor-Patient Relationship," Twentieth-Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, February 27, 1988. "For the Time Being," Institute for the Humanities, Salado, TX, April 11, 1988. "AIDS as Metaphor," Western Social Science Association, Denver, Colorado, April 27, 1988. "Medicine and Technology: Marriage or Mismatch," Summit County Medical Society, Akron, Ohio, May 3, 1988. "Medicine's Contributions to the Development of Contemporary Bioethics," Hastings Fellows Meeting, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, June 11, 1988. "Ethics in Maternal Child Health Care," Southeast Texas NAACOG Chapter, Port Arthur, TX, October 21, 1988. "Caring as a Practice in Medicine," Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, January 19, 1989. "Interpreting Bioethics: The Method of Discernment," McGill Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, January 20, 1989. "Narrative Ethics: The Case of Medicine," International Conference on Narrative Literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, April 8, 1989. Carson 14 "What are Ethics Committees For?" El Camino Hospital, Mountainview, CA, April 25, 1989. "Introduction to Medical Humanities," National Library Association, Boston MA, May 20, 1989. "Narrative and Morality: The Ethics of Discernment," Theological Faculty, University of Oslo, October 5, 1989. "`Do the Best I Can' -- Reflections on a William Carlos Williams Story," Family Practice Residency Alumni Reunion, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October 14, 1989. "Cases and Narratives in the Care of the Sick," Ersta Medical Ethics Institute, Stockholm, May 16, 1990. "Interpretation in Medicine and Medical Ethics," Research Forum, Tromso University, May 21, 1990. "Principles and Practice in Human Subjects Research," Bergen University, June 7, 1990. "Interpreting the Patient's Ordeal," Society for Health and Human Values, St. Louis, October, 11, 1991. "Humanities in Medicine," American Medical Student Association, Region IX meeting, Galveston, November 2, 1991. "Making Sense of Malady," Center for the Study of Bioethics, Medical College of Wisconsin, November 15, 1 1991. "Decent Health Care for Everyone," The Philosophical Society of Texas, Galveston, December 7, 1991. "Need and Scarcity as Moral Concepts in Health Care Policy," VI European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care, Budapest, Hungary, August 13, 1992. "Taking the Flesh Seriously: Movement of the Spirit in Richard Selzer's Stories," Sixth Conference on Literature and Religion, University of Glasgow, Scotland, September 25, 1992. "Teaching Medical Ethics: What Are We Trying to Accomplish," Sixth International Congress on Medical Ethics, London, September 3, 1993. "Interpretation and the Case Method," Society for Bioethics Consultation, Cleveland, September 9, 1993. "Ethics and the Humanities in Health Sciences Curricula," University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, November 8, 1993. "Assessing the `Futility Debate,'" Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, November 21, 1993. "Social and Moral Values in the Health Professions," University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, March 4, 1994. "Is Active Euthanasia Really Necessary?" American Geriatric Society, Los Angeles, May 19, 1994. "Narrative Ethics" and "Reading Texts of Illness," First World Congress on Medicine and Philosophy, Paris, May 30-June 2, 1994. "Sensibility and Rationality in Bioethics," Hastings Center 25th Anniversary Meeting, New York, June 3-4, 1994. "Teaching Medical Humanities," Newcastle Medical Group, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, June 28, 1994. "The Emergence and Evolution of Medical Humanities in the U.S.," Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine, and Hunan Medical University, Changsha, October 1994. Carson 15 "Ethical Reflections on the Baby K Case," Health Law Seminar for Federal Judges, University of Houston Health Law and Policy Center, Houston, Texas, Spring 1995. "Living Wills and Resuscitation Decisions," 1995 Annual Session of the Texas Medical Association, Dallas, Texas, May 1995. "Narratives: Good Ethics or Only Good Stories?" Seventh Annual Bioethics Retreat, Winthrop, Washington, June 1995. "What is Health Care, and What Is It For?" Franklin College, Indiana, September 1995. "Ethics of Research in Science and Medicine," International Neuroscience Symposium, Elba, Italy, September 1995. "The Moral of the Story," Society for Health and Human Values Spring Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee, April 1996. "The Paradigm Shift in Health Care and the Patient/Health Professional Relationship," The Freiburg Project, Freiburg, Germany, April, 1996. "Should Physicians Assist in Suicide?" St. Patrick Hospital, Missoula, September, 1996. "Spiritual Dimensions of Illness and Healing," Annual Conference, St. Patrick Hospital, Missoula, November 1996. "How to Make Health Care Decisions Responsibly," Bradley University, Peoria, March 4, 1997. "The Managed Care Experiment," CEO Forum, Price Waterhouse, Peoria, March 5, 1997. "The Poetic Imagination of Hope," American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Chicago, June 28, 1997. "Clinical Ethics Teaching in American Medical Schools," Qingdao Medical College Hospital, China, August 11, 1997. "Medical Humanities Teaching and Research in America," Social and Humanistic Medicine: Facing the 21st Century," National Congress, Dalain, China, August 13, 1997. "Encouraging Dialogue between Doctors and Patients," First World Conference on Ethics Codes in Medicine and Biotechnology, Freiburg, Germany, October 13, 1997. "Health Care Reform: From Public Opinion to Public Judgment," American Public Health Association annual meeting, Indianapolis, November 10, 1997. "Humanities and the Study of Aging," Gerontological Society of America annual meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 16, 1997. "Pro and Con on Physician-Assisted Suicide," (with Drs. William J. Winslade and Harold Vanderpool, KUHT-TV (PBS-Houston), Weeknight Edition, November 24, 1997. “The Moral Work of Medical Practice,” at an international conference, “Bioethics in Medical Training” held at the National University of Argentina, La Plata, Argentina, June 12, 1998. “Interpretive Bioethics,” at an international conference, “Bioethics in Medical Training” held at the National University of Argentina, La Plata, Argentina, June 12, 1998. Carson 16 "Ethical Questions Facing Pathologists," Young Pathologists Conference, San Antonio, Texas, August 8, 1998. "Isaiah Berlin and the Education of Physicians," The Willard Gaylin Seminar on Isaiah Berlin and Bioethics. Hastings Center, December 4, 1998. "Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics," Center for Medical Ethics, University of Oslo, Norway, December 14, 1998. "Multiple Births: Ethical and Legal Perspectives," (with Mary Ann Bobinski) KUHT-TV (PBS Houston), Weeknight Edition, February 8, 1999. "Humanities and the Art of Health Care" Remarks to the Executive Committee, the Chancellor's Council, the University of Texas System, February 20, 1999. "What Should Americans Expect from their Health Care System?," syndicated radio program, Medi-Politics, TalkAmerica Network, August 22, 1999. "Ethical Issues in the Genome Revolution," University of Texas Medical Branch Mini Medical School, October 20, 1999. "The Formation of Medical Imagination," National School of Public Health, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 9, 1999. “End-of-Life Issues,” University Presbyterian Church Lenten Lecture Series, Faith and Healing, Austin, Texas, April 2, 2000. “Health Care in the New Millennium: Rising to the Ethical Challenges,” Texas Woman’s University, Third Annual Student Research and Creative Arts Symposium, Denton, Texas, April 5, 2000. “Access to Decent Health Care: Rights and Needs,” Harrington Regional Medical Center, Amarillo, Texas, April 11-12, 2000. “Search for Meaning Across the Religious Spectrum,” University Presbyterian Church Lenten Lecture Series, Faith and Healing, Austin, TX, April 16, 2000. “Genome Ethics,” Bayou City Breakfast Club, River Oaks Country Club, Houston, TX, August 9, 2000 “Dying with Dignity: Does your family know what you want? Does your doctor? Do you?,” Texas Department of Health, Austin, TX, September 18, 2000. “Improving End-of-Life Care,” Texas Association of Hospital Auxiliaries, Moody Convention Center, Galveston, TX, September 22, 2000. “Searching for Meaning in Poetry & Prose,” First Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX, November 5, 2000. “The Humanities Look at Health Care,” Autonomous National University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, March 25, 2001. “Wisdom as Discernment in Health Care Practice,” XVth European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care, Lisbon, Portugal, August 17, 2001. “Genomics and Ethics,” 5th Biennial Course, The Advanced School of Neurochemistry, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 25, 2001. Carson 17 “Setting a Research Agenda for Health and the Humanities,” the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the National Endowment for the Humanities, Potomac, MD, March 14-15, 2002. “Bioethics and Humanities Research: Genetics and Worldviews,” National Human Genome Research Institute, Bethesda, MD, July 2, 2002. “Nurse Writers/Nurse Poets,” Panel Moderator, Nurses and Narrative Conference, Airlie, VA, October 4, 2003. “Genetic Prospects: Ethics and Policy,” Association for Practical and Professional Ethics 13 th Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH, February 28, 2004 “Poetry of Aging,” Abundant Aging-Mind, Body, and Spirit Conference, Navasota, TX, March 10, 2004. “Bioethics and/or Medical Humanities,” Visiting Scholar, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, April 2004. “Altering Human Nature: Are There Limits?” 6th Biennial Advanced School of Neurochemistry, Avignon, France, May 12, 2004. “Forms of Engagement in the Medical Humanities,” Keynote Lecture, 2 nd Annual Conference, Association for Medical Humanities (UK), University of Wales, Swansea, July 19-21, 2004. “Ethics of Stem Cell Research,” Texas State Senate Education Conference, Austin, January 26, 2005. “Humanities at the Health Frontier,” Association for Practical and Professional Ethics Annual Meeting, San Antonio, February 25, 2005. University of Minnesota, Center for Bioethics and Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment & the Life Sciences, May 5, 2005. Conference on the future of the field of bioethics. “Clinical Ethics: State of the Art”, Neurodegenerative Diseases Meeting, Austin, May 21, 2005. “Medical and Narrative Horizons of the Human Body,” 6th Annual Quandaries in Health Care conference, Aspen, Colorado, September 14-16, 2006. “What the Humanities Offer Medicine,” 22nd European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care,” Helsinki, Finland, August 23-26, 2006. “’When Are They Going to Let Me Out?’ Moral Reflections on Living With Alzheimer’s Disease,” The Patient: An International Symposium, Bucknell University/Gersinger Medical Center, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, October 20-21 2006. “Promotion and Tenure in Academic Medical Centers’ Defining Standards of Scholarship in Biomedical Ethics and Medical Humanities,” American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Meeting, Denver, October 26-20, 2006. “Medical Humanities: A View from the U.S.” The Wellcome Trust, London, December 11, 2006. “On Metaphorical Concentration: Language and Meaning in Patient-Physician Relations,” Symposium on the Philosophy of Charles Taylor, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, October 26-27, 2007. Carson 18 SELECTED OFFICES, ADVISORY BOARDS, AND REVIEW PANELS Editorial Boards 1982- Contributing Editor, Literature and Medicine 1987 -2008 Founding Co-Editor, Medical Humanities Review 1999-2002 Contributing Editor, Second Opinion 1999-2008 Editorial Board, Medical Humanities (UK) 2004- Editorial Board, Medicine and Philosophy (China) Advisory Boards 1977-2009 Member of the Board of Consultants, and numerous review panels, National Endowment for the Humanities. 1983 President, Society for Health and Human Values. 1985-92 National Advisory Board, National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University. 1986-95 National Advisory Committee, Study to Understand Prognoses and Preferences for Outcomes and Risks of Treatment (SUPPORT), George Washington University/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 1997-2008 Member, International Council of Advisers of the Institute for the Humanities at Salado, Texas. 2002-2008 Public Policy Committee, Texas Partnership for End-of-Life Care, Austin, TX. 2007-2008 Medical Humanities Major Program, Baylor University, Waco, TX TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES School of Medicine Ethics Case Conferences Practice of Medicine Courses 1 and 2 Clinical Medical Humanities – Basic Science and Humanities Selective Clinical Teaching Clinical Ethics Consultations Ethics Rounds (UTMB Galveston and UTMB/Brackenridge, Austin) Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Ethics of Health Policy Humanism and the Medical Humanities Ethics of Scientific Research Religious Perspectives in Medical Ethics Interpretive Methods Qualifying Examination Committees Ph.D. dissertation supervision Carson 19 TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES AT OTHER UNIVERSITIES Teaching, Undergraduate students: Illness and Meaning - Plan II course at the University of Texas at Austin Doctor-Writers: Voices from the Practice of Modern Medicine HONORS 1960 President's Scholarship, Franklin College 1965-68 University of Glasgow Post-Graduate Fellowship in Divinity 1974 Institute on Human Values in Medicine Fellowship 1974 Rockefeller Fellow, Council for Philosophical Studies, Institute on Moral Problems in Medicine, Haverford College 1978 Honorary Physician's Assistant Award, University of Florida 1984 Fellow, Hastings Center, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 1988 National Endowment for the Humanities Interpretation Institute, University of California, Santa Cruz 1990 Annual Award, Society for Health and Human Values 1990 Visiting Scholar, Center for Medical Ethics, University of Oslo, Norway 1994 Visiting Scholar, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh, Scotland 1996 Honorary Doctor of Humanities, Franklin College of Indiana 1996 Visiting Professor, Institute of Medicine and Humanities, St. Patrick Hospital/University of Montana 2002 William Evans Visiting Fellow, University of Otago, New Zealand 2004 Visiting Scholar, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, April 2004 CONSULTATIONS AND VISITING PROFESSORSHIPS College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Northwestern State University of Louisiana The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Allegheny College California School of Professional Psychology University of Mississippi University of Alabama at Birmingham Eastern Virginia Medical School University of Michigan at Dearborn Emory University New Hampshire University Northern Arizona University University of Delaware Carson 20 Albany Medical College James Madison University Texas Tech University University of Missouri at Columbia Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine Northern Essex Community College Portland State University/Oregon Health Sciences University East Carolina University Pennsylvania State University University of California at Los Angeles University of Iowa George Washington University University of Kansas Medical Center University of Arkansas University of Colorado Health Sciences Center University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio McGill University University of North Carolina University of Montana MANUSCRIPT REVIEWER Academic Medicine Annals of Internal Medicine Archives of Internal Medicine Hastings Center Report Health Affairs Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Journal of the American Medical Association Journal of Medical Ethics Journal of Clinical Ethics Literature and Medicine Medical Humanities (UK) New England Journal of Medicine Carson 21