ANTHROPOLOGY 391. Spring 2010 CITIES AND CITIZENSHIP Wednesday 2-5 pm. Kamran Asdar Ali EPS 1-116 471-7531 Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-2 pm or by appointment. Requirements: I would expect you to come to class regularly and participate equally in the discussion. There would be presentations of the material and we will decide the modalities in class. Please come on time and attend all classes. 1. Each student will hand in a paragraph on the readings for every session. These response papers will not be returned. 2. A research paper on a topic of your choice due at the end of the semester. The paper should reflect your engagement with the texts and discussions in the class. We can discuss the exact topics during the course of the semester. The following texts have been ordered at the COOP. Javier Auyero: Poor People’s Politics. Duke University Press, 2000. Ananya Roy: City Requiem, Calcutta: Gender and the Politics of Poverty. University of Minnesota Press, 2002. Partha Chatterjee: The Politics of the Governed. Columbia University Press, 2004 Giorgio Agamben: State of Exception. University of Chicago Press, 2005. Michael Taussig: Law in a Lawless Land. University of Chicago Press, 2005. There is also a course-pack at Speedway Copies (Dobie Mall), this has most of the readings. Week 1: Introduction and Overview. January 20 Week 2: Cities and Citizenship January 27 James Holston and Arjun Appadurai, “Cities and Citizenship” (Public Culture 8(2), 1996), 187-204. Saskia Sassen, “Whose City is it? Globalization and the Formation of New Claims” (Public Culture 8(2), 1996), 205-223. Jean and John Comaroff. Occult Economies and the Violence of Abstraction (AE 26(2), 1999), 279-303. AbdouMaliq Simone, For the City Yet to Come. Chapters, Introduction, 2, 3, 6 and 7. Week 3: The Historical Construction of Space and Spatiality February 3 Frederick Jameson. Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, 1-54 Frederick Jameson. Future City. New Left Review 21 May-June 2003. David Harvey. The Urban Experience, chapter 9. Kamran Asdar Ali and Martina Rieker: Urban Margins. Social Text, 2008. Susan Buck-Morris, The Dialectics of Seeing, Chapter 8. Week 4: The Postmodernist City February 10 Nigel Thrift. But Malice Afterthought: Cities and the Natural History of Hatred Nigel Thrift. Intensities of Feeling: Toward a Spatial Politics of Affect Achille Mbembe and Janet Roitman. Figures of the Subject in Times of Crisis. In the Geographies of Identities. Arjun Appadurai. “Deep Democracy: Urban Governmentality and the Horizon of Politic” (Public Culture 14(1), 2002), 21-47. Week 5: February 10 Film: The Blade Runner. David Harvey. The Condition of Postmodernity, chapter 18. Simon Cole. “Do Androids Pulverize Tiger Bones to Use as Aphrodisiacs”, (Social Text 42, Spring 1995), 173-193. Week 6: The City Modern or Postmodern February 17 D. Massey. “Flexible Sexism”. ((Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 9, 1991). 31-57. Mike Davis. Planet of Slums. New Left Review 26 March-April 2004. David Scott. Refashioning Futures. Chapter 8. Mathew Gandi. Learning from Lagos New Left Review 33 May-June, 2005 Rem Koolhas. Fragments of a Lecture on Lagos. In Under Siege Four African Cities Week 7: Citizenship Debates February 24 Wendy Brown. States of Injury. Chapters 5. Karl Marx. On the Jewish Question Carole Pateman. The Disorder of Women, 71-89, 118-140, 179-209. Uday Mehta. The Anxiety of Freedom, Chapters 3-4. Week 8: Citizenship Debates Continued March 3 Chantal Mouffe. The Return of the Political, Chapters 2-4 and 9. Charles Taylor. “Modern Social Imaginaries” (Public Culture 14(1), 2002) 91-124. Partha Chaterjee. “Community in the East” (Economic and Political Weekly, Feb. 7, 1998) 277-282. Uday Mehta. Liberalism and Empire. Chapters 2-3. John and Jean Comaroff. Criminal Justice. Cultural Justice (American Ethnologist 31(2), 2004), 188-204. Week 9: The State of Exception. March 10 Giorgio Agamben. State of Exception. Georgio Agamben. Mean Without End. Foucault, Michel. Society Must be Defended. 238-263. Achille Mbembe. Necropolitics (Public Culture 15(1), 2003) 11-40 SPRING BREAK Week 10: Remapping the City and Rethinking Citizens. March 24 Humphrey Caroline. Rethinking Infrastructure. Siberian Cities and the Great Freeze of January 2001. Thomas Blom Hansen. Race, Security and Urban Anxieties in the Post-Apartheid City. Gendering Urban Space in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. AbdouMaliq Simone. Remaking Urban Socialities. Gendering Urban Space in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. Jean and John Comaroff. Criminal Obsessions After Foucault. Week 11: March 30 Partha Chatterjee. The Politics of the Governed. Week 12: April 7 Javier Auyero: Poor People’s Politics. Week 13: April 14 Ananya Roy. City Requiem. Calcutta. Week 14: April 21. Michael Taussig: Law in a Lawless Land Week 15: Review April 29 Week 16. May 5 Last Day of Class. Paper due on May 5th before 5 pm in my office. Papers Due on May 4th before 5 pm.