Welcome Kindergarten 2015-2016

Student Arrival and Departure
Student arrival- Children
will be supervised outside of
our classroom from 8:258:45 a.m. Children may
come into the room at 8:45
Tardy bell rings at 8:50. If a
student is late he/she has to
get a pass to enter the
Departure from schoolStudents are dismissed at
If there are changes in your
child’s departure schedule
please send a note that
morning or email the night
before. This is a school
In case of an emergency (a
change during the school
hours) please contact the
office at 299-4411 ext. 5615,
and they will notify teachers
of dismissal changes.
Lobby Guard
Safety is very important to Jenks Public Schools.
Please sign in at any Lobby Guard any time that you are
leaving the main office areas. You can sign out at any
You can drop your child off at their child’s classroom in
the morning, but you do need to sign in at lobby guard.
After the tardy bell rings (@ 8:50) you will be asked to not
walk your child to the classroom. If needed, a staff
member may walk your child to the classroom.
Personal belongings: all
coats, jackets, lunch boxes
and school bags should be
clearly labeled with your
child’s name.
Backpacks: please send a
backpack with your child
each day. This provides a
place to put important notes
or items that must go home
with your child.
All school supplies such as
pencils, glue, crayons, etc.
are considered “community
property”. These items
should not be labeled.
Notes for Dress
Flip flops can be a hazard on the playground.
Please try to refrain from letting your child
wear them due to safety concerns.
Please make sure girls wear shorts under their
Friday- Show your school spirit. Wear spirit
wear, go Jenks Trojans!
You are welcome to bring
treats for your child’s
birthday. All treats must be
purchased not homemade.
Please send to school in the
morning with your child or
you may drop off treats at
the office.
Please do not pass out
birthday party invitations at
school unless you will be
inviting all students in our
class or if your child is a boy
all of the boys and vice versa
for the girls. In the past too
many children have had their
feelings hurt by not being
invited and seeing others
opening invitations.
Kindergarten families will
be asked to send either a
daily individual snack or a
monthly class snack.
Please send healthy
snacks. Individually
wrapped snacks are
Your child may also bring
a water bottle with a
sports lid to keep in their
Parents/grandparents are more than
welcome to eat with us! Lunch starts at
11:15 a.m. Meet us at building C (the
cafeteria) after getting a visitor tag from the
Weekly emails
Thursday Folder
Homeroom parents
Classroom Website
Facebook Group
If it is information we need
to know by the end of the
day please call the office at
extension 5615 to ensure that
we get the message.
We are in the process of
developing our web pages.
Please look for updates
Quiet Activity
“Quiet Activity” is a time for
our students to rest briefly.
The activities will vary from
quietly drawing, writing,
reading, math tubs, books on
tape and quiet play.
Please read with your
child daily!
Library Book
We will send home three
books in their take home
book bags (once students
have been assessed).
You can also go online to
Letter Cards/Sight Word
Optional Homework
Practicing skills at home is
important for
reinforcement and for
parent-school connections,
it is not ever intended to
be stressful or time
Just Right Reading is a term
that we use to refer to your
child’s independent reading
level. This means they can read
the book on their own. Your
child’s teacher will determine
their Just Right Reading level.
Library and/or classroom books
in backpacks are also part of the
Just Right Reading. You will
find your child’s Just Right
Reading level on RAZ.
Your child’s reading level is preset
by your child’s teacher. Your
teacher will send home your child’s
user name and password.
What do I do if I do not have
internet at home?
All Tulsa County Libraries have
computer access you can utilize a
RAZ for an hour.
Secret Stories
You will hear your student talking about
Secret Stories. These are stories that help
students learn sounds that groups of letters
make (phonics). This helps build our
balanced reading & writing program.
Report Cards
Report cards: these are sent out each quarter. In the 1st
and 2nd quarter there will be skills with an X that are
not assessed until 2nd semester. You can view our
kindergarten report card at www.jenksps.org.
Grading: in kindergarten we do not give letter grades.
On the report cards we will be using a number system.
Scoring System
The 3-2-1 scoring system shows
your child's learning progress
during a nine week period.
3-A child who attains a score of
three (3) is consistently successful,
85-100% of the time. Your child
works independently and
consistently demonstrates an
understanding of concepts taught.
2-A child who attains a score of
two (2) is showing progress. Your
child demonstrates an
understanding of concepts, 70-84%
of the time, yet still needs some
teacher direction and explanation.
1-A child who attains a score of
one (1) is unable to demonstrate an
understanding of concepts taught.
Your child needs consistent teacher
assistance and direction. This score
is an area of concern because your
child demonstrates success less
than 70% of the time.
The asterisk (*) denotes
modifications for students
receiving services i.e., identified
gifted, IEP, 504, Title I, RSA, ELL.
Please sign up tonight for a fall conference.
Spring conferences will be student-led and
sign-ups will be 2nd semester.
I would be happy to meet with you if you
have any questions or concerns at any time.
Just send an email or note and we will set
up a time to conference.
IB-International Baccalaureate
West Elementary is proud to share that we are in
our third year of candidacy to become an
International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years
Program (PYP).
This is a multi-year journey with some exciting
opportunities for our students and community.
So what does it mean for your child
in my classroom this year?
Organizing our work into 6 broad themes (Our first theme is
Who We Are.)
Engaging in and developing understanding of central ideas (For
this theme, we are going to be exploring that making balanced
choices about daily routines enables us to have a healthy
You will continue to see inquiry experiences just as you have
the past few years.
You can still expect to see intense work with reading and
writing workshop, EDM, our science units, social studies and
Our classroom and site newsletters will reflect our continued
work with IB.
At JWE, all of us strive to be:
★ Inquirers
★ Thinkers
★ Communicators
★ Risk Takers.
★ Knowledgeable
★ Principled
★ Caring
★ Open-minded
★ Balanced
★ Reflective
We have workbooks in handwriting and
These workbooks will not be completed at
the end of the year, but can be a great tool
for summer learning.
JWE Media Center
Available Resources
Over 10,000 age-appropriate
fiction and nonfiction print
materials in each library (Bldgs.
A & D)
Online database of the entire
collection and other available
accessible from home:
Bldg. A Media website—
Bldg. D Media website—
Additional media info:
K students check
out 1 book at a
1st & 2nd students
check out 2
books at a time—
1 ‘just right’
book on their
reading level and
1 free choice
Books are due back
every week
Students must
return overdue
books or replace
them before
checking out
additional books
Lost or damaged
books can be
replaced with a
new, hard cover
book of the same or
similar title
Jenks West Counseling Services
Bldg. A-Amy LaGere x5610
Bldg. D-Claire Domeck x5659
Bldg. B-Dana Darden x5628
Bldg. F-Julia Wood x6118
Classroom Guidance- addressing topics such as bullying,
friendship, and personal safety.
Small Group Counseling- offering support for children
dealing with a divorce, social skills, friendship skills, positive
behavior choices. (notes will go home to those referred.)
Support for needy families- helping with school supplies,
clothing, holidays, “food for kids backpack program”*
Support for School Success-working with principals,
teachers and parents to create plans for children to be
successful in school.
Positive Behavior Recognition- recognizing students who
make positive choices each quarter.
Jenks Public Schools Bullying Policy
“Bullying is when a more powerful person hurts
someone’s body, feelings or things or scares
someone on purpose, again and again.”
It is not bullying when two students with no perceived power imbalance
fight, have an argument, disagree or engage in conflict.
If you feel like your child is a victim of bullying, based on the definition
above, contact your building principal. Bullying is taken very seriously
at Jenks Public Schools and is handled confidentially.
Bldg. A- Jazzman Peaden x5651
Bldg. B-Suzanne Lair x5600
Bldg. D- Angela Hobson x5621
Bldg. F- Kim Kittleson x6100
Let us know if
your child is in
need of food for
the weekend!
Contact your
child’s building
counselor, or let
your teacher
know you would
like your child to
Snacks will go
home on
Project Westly Tree
Families in need during the December Holidays may
participate in the Project Westly Tree at West
Elementary. More information will come soon but families
may contact the school counselor in your building with
As we partner together to serve our children, a
requirement for the Project Westly Tree is
attendance at your child/children’s Fall Parent
Teacher Conference. Applications will be
available at Fall Conferences.
Volunteer training can be done online and must be
completed to volunteer in any way
We must log volunteer hours, forms can be found at:
jenksps.org under “Quick Links – Volunteer Information.”
This year K-4 students will attend recess
before lunch. Students will purchase lunch
with their Student ID numbers instead of
cards and we will supply bracelets with
those numbers on them to assist students.
We are excited about this change!
Building D Curbside Families,
We need your help! We have added five PK classrooms (132 cars) to our
campus this year, thus increasing traffic. As a reminder, PK arrive/dismiss
earlier than elementary. Please help us allow PK families access to our oval
before adding elementary traffic by adhering to the following:
1. Please help us by arriving no earlier than 3:20 p.m., if possible.
2. Please enter Adams Street off of Main Street and stage in West D Curbside
or Intermediate loading zone (from 8:00-8:15 a.m. and 2:40-3:15 p.m.)----NOT ON ADAMS STREET. We need PK families to have full access to
Adams Street during these time frames. This will also allow our buses
entering Adams Street from 91st Street to access the oval.
3. Please consider utilizing our kindergarten-second grade bus system. 
Thank you for your patience and keeping traffic flowing!
Homeroom Moms
Kalissa Stimson and Genny Gonzalez for
Mrs. Novotny
Melani Johnson and Stephanie Briggs for
Mrs. Hopkins
Parent Teacher Action Group - PTAG
PTAG is a volunteer organization of parents, teachers, and
administrators who work together to promote quality
education for our children.
JWE PTAG fundraisers include Box Top Collections,
Scholastic Book Fairs, Spirit Nights, Family Bingo Night,
Square 1 Art, and the JWE Jog-A-Thon!
Please Join Today! A $10 annual membership is
required per family. Look for the HOT PINK
membership form!
Jog A Thon – OCTOBER 1st
• Jog A Thon will be October 1st in the morning!
• Students will be soliciting donations beginning September 17th – October 1st
and donations are a flat donation, no “per lap” pledges.
• All students will receive a free Jog A Thon t-shirt to wear at the event!
• VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We will need 2 parents per class to help during
the class jog time. This is a short 1 hour commitment.
• We also need event volunteers. Event volunteers will set up before and
breakdown after the event, and will also work at the snack table, checkin/check-out, directing classes through the Jog-A-Thon activities, dotting hands
as kids run, etc. All-day volunteer jobs are outside. FREE T-shirt & Lunch!
• More information will be coming from the class Homeroom Parent.
District Policy On Classroom
To promote student health, student’s will not be provided
foods of minimal nutritional value with the exception of two
events per school year in which healthy options are also
available. -Nutritional Guidelines under Wellness policy 1.53
PK- 4th grade students will be celebrating two parties.
 Students could be offered a healthy and sweet option.
Winter Party
 Valentine Party
Principal Contact
Angela Hobson
 angela.hobson@jenksps.org
 918-299-4411 ext. 5621
Counselor Contact
Claire Domeck
918-299-4411 ext. 5659
Curriculum Resource Instructor
Tara Day
918-299-4411 ext. 5943
Thank You
We really appreciate
your time in attending
tonight. We are a team
in your child’s
education. Please let
us know if there is
anything we can
answer or do for you
and your student.