McCloud Messenger October 2015

McCloud Messenger
October 2015
October 2015
Dear Families:
It is hard to believe that our first 9 week quarter
is almost over! We have shared a very
productive quarter and we are in “full-speed
ahead” mode!
Language Arts:
Our reading rotations are in full swing! We have
found the right level for each student and I am
already seeing progress being made with decoding
and “chunking” words. Our Word Work studies are
helping us find vowel patterns within words. We are
becoming expert word detectives, and we are
always on the look for vowel patterns we are
Tuesdays and Wednesdays in our Written
Expression lab, we are hard at work developing our
personal narrative pieces. We are finishing up
great leads and closings. We hope to have a
published narrative by Fall Break. Again, this is
both a journey and a challenge, but well worth it.
We are finishing Unit 2; Using Numbers and
Organizing Data. We will test by the end of this
week. We will begin Unit 3; Multiplication/Division;
Number Sentences & Algebra next week. I can’t
tell you how important it is to the success of
your child, to work on memorizing math facts:
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
Especially this year, multiplication facts are the
foundation for almost every skill we are learning.
There are many ways to accomplish this goal: website is just one way. I have
several links on my website that will take you
directly to the site. There are also many apps that
are available to help reinforce multiplication/division
We use MathWrap Ups in class. The kids love
them! They are available online or at MarDels.
All this week: Bookfair!! 8:30-9:00AM AND 3:304:00PM
Friday, Oct. 2, 2015- Dynamic Dads
October 12-14- Parent/Teacher Conferences.
October 14-15- Fall Break
We are having a great year. Your children have
already captured my heart. I want to give them the
very best of me, in hopes that we will achieve the
very best in them.
Email me anytime with questions or concerns. I am
here to help!
RayeLynn McCloud (918) 299–4415 x 5893
Classroom 127