Energy Statistics of Indonesia BPS. Statistics Indonesia Presented by:

BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Energy Statistics of Indonesia
Presented by:
Director of Industry Statistics
BPS Statistics Indonesia
Sixth Meeting of the Oslo Group . Canberra, Australia. 2-5 May 2011
Presentation Topics
• Brief introduction to BPS Statistics Indonesia
• Indonesia Practice: Energy Statistics
• Issues in collecting data of energy statistics
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
BPS Statistics Indonesia
 BPS (Central Board of Statistics) is a National Statistics
Office (NSO) of Indonesia. In the government structure,
BPS is directly under the President of the Republic of
Indonesia. This is to ensure that the statistical data
produced is independent of all influences.
 BPS has statistics branch offices in all 33 provinces, 497
districts, and one statistics officer in each of 6431 sub
districts ( a smallest government administrative region).
 Energy statistics is one of the statistics produced by BPS
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
 BPS Organizational Structure
Head of BPS
Deputy of
Metodology & IS
Deputy of
Production Stat
. .. .. .. .. . of
Sub Directorate of
Large & Medium
Manufacture Stat
Sub Directorate of
Small &Micro
Manufacture Stat
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Deputy of
Distributive Stat
Deputy of
Social Stat
. .. .. .. .. . of
Sub Directorate of
Mining, Quarrying,
and Energy Stat
. .. .. .. .. . of
Deputy of
National Account
. .. .. .. .. . of
Sub Directorate of
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
Energy Statistics of Indonesia
Energy statistics is one of many statistical activities conducted by
BPS, under the 1997 Statistics Acts No 16. The purpose of
conducting energy statistics is to provide data as the input for
constructing Indonesia GDP, for the government institutions
(ministries) need (certain purposes), and for other national and
international users’ need.
The enumeration unit of the energy statistics is a company
producing energy, i.e.: petroleum company, electricity company,
fresh water company, city gas company, and coal company. The
complete enumeration method is applied for collecting data and it is
implemented by direct interview, mail, e-mail, and/or fax.
The implementation of data enumeration is performed every year
and data publication is presented annualy.
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
Administrative information
 Official name of the statistics:
Official name of the statistics dealing with energy statistical
data is stated by Statistik Energi (Energy Statistics)
 Working unit and responsible authority:
The working unit name which performs energy statistics
matters (data collection, processing, publication) in the
BPS organization is Sub Directorate of Mining, Quarrying,
and Energy Statistics.
This working unit is under the responsibility of Directorate
of Industry Statistics, BPS Statistics Indonesia.
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
 Subject Area:
The energy statistics covers petroleum statistics, electricity statistics, fresh
water statistics, city gas statistics, and mining of non petroleum and gas
 Reference Period and Frequency:
The activities of the energy statistics is yearly (Jan to Dec) and it has been
conducted since 1980. BPS publishs energy statistics annually.
 Timelines
The interval time between the end of the reference period and publication is
less than 2 months. For example: 2009 data, surveyed in 2010 (until
December), and published in January/February 2011.
 Punctuality:
The time lag between the planned publication date and the actual publication
date is one month.
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
 Regional Level:
The lowest regional level of the availibility of the energy
statistics for public domain is at provincial level
(geographically, Indonesian administrative area is devided
into 33 provinces)
 Legal Authority:
All of statistical activities conducted by BPS Statistics
Indonesia are under the 1997 Statistics Acts No. 16.
Web address: http//
 International reporting
• Energy statistics data is annually submited to UNSD.
• Manufacturing industry data is monthly reported to IMF.
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
Background and purpose
 Purpose
The purpose of producing energy statistics is for:
• constructing Indonesia GDP,
• providing the data needed by Indonesian Government
Institutions (Ministry offices) and private companies,
• other users need, such as: international agencies,
researchers, university students, public, etc.
 Users and applications
• National Account Directorate and government institutions
• United Nation, Japan, etc.
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
Concepts, variables and classifications
 Definition of main concepts and variables
The definitions of variables used in energy statistics apply
the definition of UN Manual, which is adjusted to the local
 Classification scheme
Classification of energy statistics applies KBLI (Klasifikasi
Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia 2009) which is adopted
from ISIC Rev-4.
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
Statistics Production
 Population
The population is all companies producing energy, those
are: petroleum company, electricity company, fresh
water company, city gas company, and coal company.
Reporting unit is the enumerated company.
Observational unit is the enumerated company.
Analitical unit is the enumerated company
 Data sources
The source of energy statistics data is from the
company producing energy (petroleum, electricity,
water, gas, and coal), by carrying out direct data
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
 Sampling
The survey is implemented by using sampling frame
which is obtained from the energy company directory
constructed by BPS and updated annually. The data
collection method is complete enumeration.
 Collection of data
The data collection method is by direct interview, mail, email, and/or fax.
 Control and revision
In each data collection, the results of the field survey are
then examined and checked by enumeration supervisor.
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
Document Flow of Energy Statistics Surveys
Energy Statistics dBase
classified by ISIC Rev-4
Related Institutional
Input: Add/Drop
Field checking
+ / - Company
of Industry
BPS Prov
Energy Company
BPS Regency/
BPS Prov
BPS Regency/
Institutional Input :
Data Need
Processed Data
Raw data
Field Work
 Estimation
There is no estimation method applied, since the data
collection is carried out by complete enumeration
 Resource requirements
The activities of energy statistics conducted by BPS
Statistics Indonesia is fully funded by the government
budget, for the employes’ salary, equipments needed,
and operational cost.
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
Source of error and uncertainty
 Measurement and processing errors
In order to be able to minimize the measurement error, it is assigned an
enumerator supervisor for a group of enumerators in each implemented
survey for examamining and checking the survey results before being
processed. There is validation and revalidation steps to produce clean
data before the data is processed.
 Non-response errors
The survey results is catagorized non-response if:
• The enumerated company does not send back the survey
questionnaire. In this case, revisit is conducted to re-enumerate.
• The enumerated company can not or does not want to fill out some
data-items in the survey questionnaire. Data imputation is applied.
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
Comparabillity and Coherence
 Comparability
The energy statistics survey is conducted every year since 1980 and it covers
all 33 provinces, so there is relativelly no difference/change in the survey
implementation, in terms of geographycal coverage and the duration over year.
 Coherence
The energy statistics survey is implemented once in a year for every year by
using the same survey questionnaire form and complete enumeration method.
So. the coherence of this annual survey for the same enumerated sampling
units tends to give relatively similar results except for the volume of the dataitem questioned.
There is no coherence of the energy statistics survey conducted by BPS to
other institution/organization, because there is no other institutions conducting
energy statistics survey. The office of Ministry of Energy and Human
Resources obtains official reports from the energy companies, and it is also
used by BPS as the secondary data.
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
Publications and other links
The data and publications related to the energy statistics of
Indonesia can be obtained in the form:
• Hard copy (publication books)
• Soft copy (data and publication books)
• Homepage: http//
All statistics data are stored in the DW (computer data
warehouse). Any request of the data, certain condition applied,
can be address to the Director of Statistics Information System,
BPS Statistics Indonesia.
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
 Documentation
Metadata documentation of energy statistics is available for public,
which can be requested, certain condition applied, to Director of
Industry Statistics, BPS Statistics Indonesia.
 Confidentiality
• Individual company/establishment data is very confidential,
except for its name and address
• The published data in terms of aggregated data is for more than
2 (two) companies. If the data consist of less than 3 (three)
companies/establishments, then they are combined to other
establishments/companies having nearest ISIC code.
• Directory publication contains only name and address of the
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
Data Collection Issues
Given conditions:
The ultimate units or enumeration units of the energy
statistics survey are the companies which produce energy,
i.e: petroleum company, electricity company, city gas
company, fresh water company, and coal company.
Two main issues giving impact to the data resulted are:
 Response rate, which tends to be low.
 Timeliness, which tends to exceed the survey scheduled.
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
The issues
Company restriction
Extra burden
Refuse to respond
Time consuming
No Survey Training
Insufficient Wage
Education Quality
Moral Hazard
response rate
time schedule
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
 Distribution
 Lost in delivery
 Damage
 Job position replacement
 Less attention/priority
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
Given conditions:
 Energy Statistics of Indonesia which are conducted annualy consists
of petroleum statistics, electricity statistics, city gas statistics, fresh
water statistics, and mining of non petroleum and gas statistics.
 For several years collecting data of the energy statistics to the
companies, it is indicated that there are two main issues which can
give significant effect to the data resulted, they are low response rate
and exceeded time schedule determined.
 The occurrence of low response rate and exceeded time schedule are
caused by the perception of the companies to the survey, the quality
of survey enumerators, the problem of document delivery, and the
internal management .
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics
In order to be able to increase the response rate and
conduct the energy statistics survey more timely, it needs
to be considered to:
• train statistics officer in energy statistics knowledge
• begin developing and applying an e-energy statistics
• provide suitable budged for carrying out the survey
activities of the energy statistics, especially for
conducting statistics survey socialization to the survey
respondents (companies producing energy).
BPS. Statistics Indonesia
Mudjiandoko – Director of Industry Statistics