Media Advisory Template - University of Missouri Extension

Headline: Media invited to observe something interesting
WHAT: Name or brief description of event.
WHEN: Date and time.
WHERE: Include full street address.
WHO: Who is the event for? Who is involved?
CONTACT: Name, title and phone number and/or email.
Here you can provide a more detailed but still brief description. Why is it important?
Why should people care? What makes it interesting enough for reporters to cover it? (It is
interesting, right?) What’s going on besides people talking? Demonstrations, activities or
other photo/video opportunities? Will there be food? Reporters like food.
Note any special instructions for media: If reporters need to make arrangements in
advance for shooting video or conducting interviews, make sure you note that. Include
contact information, even though it’s also listed above.
If your event is not at an MU Extension facility, you may want to tell the people in
charge of the venue that you are inviting media. If the venue is out of the way or hard to
find, include driving directions.
Consider including some brief background information or links providing context that
highlight why the event is important or interesting. Try to keep the advisory to one page.
Email or fax it to media contacts one or two days before the event. You may want to
follow up by phone to determine interest.
And always
Be sure to check the facts in your advisory before sending it.
Follow MU Extension house style and Associated Press (AP) style:
Be willing to work with a reporter if they call you for more information.