National Accounts Practices in the Caribbean Countries as of 2011

National Accounts Practices in the
Caribbean Countries as of 2011
An update of the assessment carried out in the
ICP context, based on the UNSD questionnaire.
January 2013,
Hernán Epstein
This Presentation…
This is a presentation that was done by Jan
Redeby in September 2011 in Port of Spain.
 He is a consultant in the ICP and worked
with the countries to determine whether
the countries met the requirements in terms
of National Accounts.
 We have also received 7 questionnaires from
the region and have updated the information
 These questionnaires still need to be
CARICOM Member & Associate
Anguilla *
Antigua and Barbuda
The Bahamas
Bermuda *
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
Grenada *
First Hand Information
Second Hand Information
No Information
Jamaica *
Montserrat *
Saint Lucia
St. Kitts & Nevis *
St.Vincent & the Grenadines *
Trinidad & Tobago
Turks & Caicos Islands
The presentation is based on
info from 18 countries, from
* Countries that have submitted their Questionnaires, by early this week
GDP by activity
 Expenditure on GDP
 Current and Constant Prices
 Supply and use tables
 Quarterly GDP-estimates
 Conclusion
GDP by Activity 1
GDP by activity is compiled in all countries
at current and constant prices
GDP is decided from the production side with one
exception – Bahamas
 Mostly of better quality compared to the expenditure
side – source data more readily available
 16 countries use ISIC, rev 3.1 for classification of
industries or compatible national classification, while 2
use ISIC, rev 4.
Of the 7 countries that responded to the Questionnaire, 6 reported
using the 3.1 and one the 3.
GDP by Activity 2
Department of Agriculture / Forestry / Fisheries
 Enterprise (business) surveys – often handled by
national accounts section
 Business data (such as annual reports), often for
electricity, water, telecommunications, others
 Commodity flow technique – construction
 Central bank / regulatory authorities – financial
intermediation and insurance
 Government accounts
 Benchmarks projected with indicators – e.g., owner
occupied dwellings
 Lack of price data for deflation
GDP by Activity 3
Underestimation of GDP
Many countries indicate that the informal
sector is not well estimated, if at all
NPISH often underestimated
Illegal activities / products not included
Dwelling services may be underestimated
Consumption of fixed capital not estimated
for government
Expenditure on GDP 1
17 countries compile expenditure on GDP at
current prices
Of the 7 countries that responded to the Questionnaire, all
report compiling it at current prices at some level.
3 countries also compile constant prices
Of the 7 countries that responded to the Questionnaire, none
compiles it at constant prices, but all except one plan to.
9 countries estimate private consumption as a
8 countries (at least) do not estimate changes
in inventories  residual includes CI
Of the 7 countries that responded to the Questionnaire, 3
estimate changes in inventories, and 3 plan to.
Expenditure on GDP 2
Private consumption (where estimated): Benchmark
(HBS) and commodity flows
Government consumption: Government accounts
Gross fixed capital formation: Commodity flows
Changes in inventories (where estimated): Enterprise
surveys and business data
Exports and imports of goods: Customs data;
ASYCUDA (or similar) and EUROTRACE
Exports and imports of services:
Balance of payments
Constant prices
Base year
Base year 2001
Base year 2006
Base year 2003
Base year 2000
Earlier base year
1 country
13 countries
1 country
1 country
2 countries
Detailed and adequate price indices are often
Supply and use table
8 countries have compiled SUT
 Bahamas
2002, 2005, 2007
 Barbados
 Bermuda
2004, 2008
 British Virgin Islands
 Guyana
 Jamaica
 St Vincent and
the Grenadines
Of the 7 countries that responded to the Questionnaire, 3 reported
compiling annual SUT and one plans to.
Quarterly GDP-estimates
GDP by activity at current and constant prices
GDP by activity at constant prices
Expenditure on GDP at current prices
Compound quarterly indicator – Close to GDP by
Of the 7 Questionnaires, 2 countries compile Quarterly GDP-estimates of
some sort, while one plans to.
Final Remarks
We do not have very up to date
information on the countries’ current
National Accounts situation
to obtain an accurate diagnostics
It is important that we receive the
Questionnaire from the countries and
that this data is validated.
Thank you!