Publications for Salvatore Babones 2014 2016

Publications for Salvatore Babones
Publications for Salvatore Babones
Journal of Asian Affairs, 2(1), 42-49.
Babones, S., Simona Moussa, J., Suter, C.
(2016). A Poisson-Based Framework for Setting
Babones, S. (2014). From Monitory Democracy
to Monitory Empire: Social Movements after
Capitalism. Oriental Institute Journal, 24(2),
Thresholds Using Indicator Lists. Social
Indicators Research, 126, 711-726. <a
9-4">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S. (2016). Economic Zones in a
Global(ized) Economy. In Matthias Middell
(Eds.), Handbook of Transregional Studies.
London: Routledge.
Babones, S. (2016). From World-Market to
World-Empire: The Political Economy of the
Third Millennium [forthcoming]. Journal of
World-Systems Research.
Babones, S. (2016). Global Sociology
[Forthcoming]. In Kathleen Korgen (Eds.), The
Cambridge Handbook of Sociology. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Babones, S. (2016). Interpretive Quantitative
Methods for the Social Sciences. Sociology,
50(3), 453-469. <a
637">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S. (2016). The Global Diffusion of
Inequality since 1970 [Forthcoming]. In Axel
Franzen, Ben Jann, Christian Joppke, and Eric
Widmer (Eds.), Inequality and Integration in
Times of Crisis. Zurich: Seismo.
Babones, S. (2015). Latent Variables and Factor
Analysis. London: Sage Publications.
Babones, S. (2015). Latent Variables and Factor
Analysis. In Salvatore Babones (Eds.), Latent
Variables and Factor Analysis, (pp. 1-23).
London: Sage Publications.
Babones, S. (2015). Russia's Eastern Gambit.
Russia in Global Affairs, 3, 1-5.
Babones, S. (2015). Sixteen for '16: A
progressive Agenda for a Better America.
Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Babones, S. (2015). The Once and Future
Hegemon. The National Interest, 138, 54-62.
Babones, S. (2015). What is world-systems
analysis? Distinguishing theory from
perspective. Thesis Eleven, 127(1), 3-20. <a
324">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S. (2015). Will Taipei Be the Next
Hong Kong? Democratic Institutions and
Taipei's Future as a Global City. Georgetown
Babones, S. (2014). Investigating the Degree of
Structure in the World-Economy Using Concepts
from Entropy Theory. In Christian Suter,
Christopher Chase-Dunn (Eds.), Structures of the
World Political Economy and the Future of
Global Conflict and Cooperation, (pp. 13-32).
Zurich: LIT Verlag.
Babones, S. (2014). Methods for Quantitative
Macro-Comparative Research. Los Angeles:
Sage Publications.
Babones, S. (2013). A Structuralist Approach to
the Economic Trajectories of Russia and the
Countries of East-Central Europe since 1900.
Geopolitics, 18(3), 514-535. <a
748657">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S. (2013). An Orientation to Applied
Statistical Modeling in the Social Sciences. In
Salvatore J. Babones (Eds.), Applied Statistical
Modeling, (pp. 1-24). London: Sage
Babones, S. (2013). Applied Statistical
Modeling. London: Sage Publications.
Babones, S. (2013). Austerity Economics and the
Threat to Human Infrastructure. Peace Review: A
Journal of Social Justice, 25(4), 576-583. <a
846661">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S., Babcicky, P., Guillen, P. (2013).
Fairness in the Social Regulation of Labor
Markets: Reasons for Hope? Comparative
Sociology, 12(2), 139-159. <a
257">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S. (2013). Fundamentals of Regression
Modeling. London: Sage Publications.
Babones, S. (2013). Regression Fundamentals
for the Social Sciences. In Salvatore Babones
(Eds.), Fundamentals of Regression Modeling,
(pp. 1-19). London: Sage Publications.
Esteva, G., Babones, S., Babcicky, P. (2013).
The Future of Development: A radical manifesto.
Bristol, United Kingdom: Policy Press.
Babones, S. (2013). The Global Diffusion of
Inequality since 1970. Conference on Power and
Justice in the Contemporary World-Economy,
New York: American Sociological Association.
Publications for Salvatore Babones
Babones, S. (2012). A structuralist perspective
on economic growth in China and India:
anticipating the end game. International Journal
of Sociology and Social Policy, 32(1), 29-41. <a
1743">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S. (2012). Deglobalization. In George
Ritzer (Eds.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of
Globalization. (pp. 384-385). Wiley-Blackwell
Babones, S., Farabee-Siers, R. (2012). Indices of
Trade Partner Concentration for 183 Countries,
1980-2008. Journal of World-Systems Research,
18(2), 266-277.
Babones, S. (2012). Measurement of
Globalization. In Mark Juergensmeyer and
Helmut K. Anheier (Eds.), Encyclopedia of
Global Studies. (pp. 757-761). Thousand Oaks:
Sage Publications.
Babones, S. (2012). Methods in the Study of
Globalization. In George Ritzer (Eds.),
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization.
Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Babones, S. (2012). Position and Mobility in the
Contemporary World-Economy: A Structuralist
Perspective. In Salvatore J. Babones,
Christopher Chase-Dunn (Eds.), Routledge
Handbook of World-Systems Analysis, (pp.
327-335). Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Babones, S., Chase-Dunn, C. (2012). Routledge
Handbook of World-Systems Analysis. Oxon,
United Kingdom: Routledge.
Babones, S. (2012). The Revival of Militarist
Language in the United States. Peace Review: A
Journal of Social Justice, 24(1), 84-91. <a
651030">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S., Farabee-Siers, R., Morales, F.
(2011). Dependency Trends in the Globalization
Era: Evidence from Export Partner
Concentration. Population Review, 50(2),
134-149. <a
[More Information]</a>
Babones, S. (2011). Globalisation as Regression
Residual: A Theory-Based Approach to
Measuring Globalisation. Annual Conference of
the Australian Sociological Association 2011:
Local Lives/Global Networks (TASA 2011),
Newcastle, Australia: University of Newcastle.
Babones, S. (2011). Perspectives on median
income stagnation in America, 1973 to today.
10th Australian Society of Heterodox Economists
Conference SHE 2011, Sydney: Society of
Heterodox Economists.
Babones, S., Babcicky, P. (2011). Russia and
East-Central Europe in the Modern
World-System: A Structuralist Perspective. 10th
Biennial Conference of the Australasian
Association for Communist and Post-communist
Studies (AACaPS-X 2011), Canberra: Australian
National University (ANU).
Harley, K., Babones, S., Quah, E., Leontini, R.
(2011). Teaching Sociology in Australia:
methods. Newsletter of the Australian
Sociological association.
Babones, S. (2011). The Middling Kingdom: The
Hype and the Reality of China's Rise. Foreign
Affairs, 90(5), 79-88.
Babones, S. (2010). Global Development
Studies. In Robert A. Denemark (Eds.), The
International Studies Encyclopedia, (pp.
lxiii-lxxxi). West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell
Babones, S. (2010). Global Export Partner
Concentration since 1980: Trends in Dependency
and Globalisation. The annual conference of the
Australian Sociological Association TASA 2010,
Australia: The Australian Sociological Society.
Babones, S. (2010). Income, education, and class
gradients in health in global perspective. Health
Sociology Review, 19(1), 130-143. <a
30">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S., Babcicky, P. (2010). The
Globalization Challenge to Population Health.
International Review of Modern Sociology,
36(2), 101-120.
Babones, S. (2010). Trade globalization,
economic development and the importance of
education-as-knowledge. Journal of Sociology,
46(1), 45-61. <a
674">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S. (2009). Inequality and Health:
Models for Moving from Science to Policy. In
Salvatore J Babones (Eds.), Social Inequality and
Public Health, (pp. 185-197). Bristol, UK: Policy
Babones, S. (2009). Modeling Error in
Quantitative Macro-Comparative Research.
Journal of World-Systems Research, 15(1),
Babones, S. (2009). Progressive Taxation, Class
Warfare, and the Lucky 400. Economy &
Publications for Salvatore Babones
Babones, S. (2009). Social Inequality and Public
Health. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Babones, S. (2009). The Consistency of
Self-Rated Health in Comparative Perspective.
Public Health, 123(2), 199-201. <a
16">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S. (2009). The International Structure
of Income: Its Implications for Economic
Growth. Saarbruecken: VDM Verlag Dr Muller.
Babones, S., Vonada, D. (2009). Trade
Globalization and National Income Inequality Are They Related? Journal of Sociology, 45(1),
5-30. <a
984">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S. (2009). What Makes a Society?
Lessons from the Antipodes. Cl!q, 1.
Babones, S. (2009). What the Public Needs to
Know about Social Inequality and Public Health.
In Salvatore J Babones (Eds.), Social Inequality
and Public Health, (pp. 231-235). Bristol, UK:
Policy Press.
Babones, S. (2008). Bailout Creates Real
Opportunities for Next President. US Election
Watch 08.
Babones, S., Zhang, X. (2008). Heterogeneity in
the Global South in the Relationship between
Income Inequality and Foreign Trade.
International Review of Modern Sociology, 36,
Babones, S. (2008). Income Inequality and
Population Health: Correlation and Causality.
Social Science and Medicine, 66(7), 1614-1626.
.12.012">[More Information]</a>
Babones, S. (2008). Social Equity and
Population Health: Cross-National Evidence and
Policy Implications. The Annual Conference of
The Australian Sociological Association,
Melbourne: The Australian Sociological
Association (TASA).
Babones, S., Felmet, K., Hwang, J. (2007). A
Research Note: Investigating the Lag Structure
of the Education-Income Inequality Relationship.
Michigan Sociological Review, 21, 179-191.
Babones, S. (2007). Financial Services. In
David S. Clark (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and
Society: American and Global Perspectives,
Volume 2. (pp. 586-588). Thousand Oaks,
California, USA: Sage Publications.
Babones, S., Alvarez-Rivdulla, M. (2007).
Standardized Income Inequality Data for Use in
Cross-National Research. Sociological Inquiry,
77(1), 3-22.
Babones, S. (2007). Studying Globalization:
Methodological Issues. In George Ritzer (Eds.),
The Blackwell Companion to Globalization, (pp.
144-161). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
Pelizzo, R., Babones, S. (2007). The political
economy of polarized pluralism. Party Politics:
the international journal for the study of political
parties and political organizations, 13(1), 53-67.
Babones, S. (2007). Trade Globalization,
Economic Development, and Income
Stratification. International Sociological
Association RC28 Montreal Interim Conference
on Cumulative Advantage: Education, Health,
Wealth and Institutional Contexts, Montreal:
McGill University, Department of Sociology.
Babones, S. (2006). Conducting Global Social
Research. In Christopher K. Chase Dunn,
Salvatore J. Babones (Eds.), Global Social
Change: Historical and Comparative
Perspectives, (pp. 8-30). Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press.
Turner, J., Babones, S. (2006). Global Inequality:
An Introduction. In Christopher K. Chase
Dunn, Salvatore J. Babones (Eds.), Global Social
Change: Historical and Comparative
Perspectives, (pp. 109-134). Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press.
Chase-Dunn, C., Babones, S. (2006). Global
Social Change: Historical and Comparative
Perspectives. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press.
Babones, S. (2005). The Country-Level Income
Structure of the World-Economy. Journal of
World-Systems Research, 11(1), 29-55.
Babones, S., Turner, J. (2003). Global Inequality.
In George Ritzer (Eds.), Handbook of Social
Problems: A Comparative International
Perspective, (pp. 101-120). Thousand Oaks,
California, USA: Sage Publications.
Pelizzo, R., Babones, S. (2003). The Political
Economy of Polarization: The Italian Case,
1963-1987. Politics and Policy, 31(1), 54-78.
Babones, S. (2002). Population and Sample
Selection Effects in Measuring International
Income Inequality. Journal of World-Systems
Research, 8(1), 7-28.