Mrs. Stanley's Classroom News April

Mrs. Stanley's
Classroom News
What we’re doing:
Who's Who:
4/3 Continue Plants and Animals
4/20 Earth Day
29 - Maddison
Trojans of the Week:
4/4 Michael 4/11 Iniyah Q. 4/18 Nang 4/25 Baylor 5/2 Virgil
**April 22 Family Picnic and Open House. Watch for the invitation.
*We will be painting t-shirts for our picnic & zoo trip. Each child needs a plain, white t-shirt. Watch for more info.
April 25-29 STEM week. We will be partnering with American Airlines to engineer kites and learn about flight.
Watch for information
**Transition to First Grade parent meeting is May 3rdth, 6:00-6:45 in Media F.
**We are going to the zoo May 5. I need parents be with a group of children at the zoo (it will cost $5.00 for
adults. Students are free. And you will be meeting us there. Let me know if you are interested).
Curriculum and Objectives:
Phonological Awareness
Hearing middle sounds
Hearing sounds in sequence (first to last) (d-o-g)
Letter Knowledge
Forming letters accurately and legibly
Letter Sound Relationship
Recognizing beginning/ending consonant sounds
Sight words: all, but, they, has, your
Word solving actions
Using parts of words to solve new words
Changing first and last letters to make new words
Using known words in simple texts to read
Word Structure
Learning simple and plural words (adding s)
Monitor: thinking as they respond to words and
Activate & Connect: build knowledge by connecting
known to unknown
Ask questions: use questions to deepen thinking
Write first/last name with upper/lowercase letters
Writing ideas in sentence form.
Writing numbers 0-20
Exploring punctuation
Putting ideas in story form
Plants and Animals
Positions/ Location (beside, between, by,)
Classification (color, shape, and size)
Sorting by one or more attributes
Count forward 0 to 100; Count back from 20
Read the numbers 0 to 100
Count to answer: “how many more?”
Match one-to-one
Recognizing shapes (2D and 3D) and their
attributes (number of sides, corners, etc.)
Making sets 0-20
Addition and Subtraction with manipulatives
Working with numbers using 10s and 1s
Decomposes numbers less than or equal to 10
(ex. the number 8 can be 2+6 or 4+4 or 3+5