Publications for Yona Gilead
Gilead, Y. (2016). Teaching and learning on the convergence-divergence continuum. ACLL2016 ,
Kobe, Japan: The International Academic
Gilead, Y. (2015). Hashimoosh besfatam hareshona shel halomdim cekitat ha-Ivrit batfootzot: kria lereiya mehoodeshet. The
MOFET Institute on-line conference , Israel:
MOFET Institute.
Gilead, Y., Perlman, L. (2015). Lost in translation: Ida Fink’s Eugenia. Australian
Journal of Jewish Studies , 28, 59-86.
Gilead, Y. (2014). Developing communicative competence: The role of handover in scaffolding oral communication. The Sixth CLS International
Conference (CLaSIC 2014) , Singapore.
Gilead, Y. (2014). Emerging Usage and
Knowledge of L2 Modern Hebrew: Learners’
Perspectives. 2014 National Association of
Professors of Hebrew (2014 NAPH) .
Gilead, Y. (2013). Qualitative research methods for classroom teaching & learning. 2013
National Association of Professors of Hebrew
(NAPH 2013) .
Gilead, Y. (2012). Writing in Modern Hebrew at the text level. The 8th Biennial Australian Jewish
Educators’ Conference 2013 .
Gilead, Y. (2006). Beyond the classroom:
WebCT and learning Modern Hebrew.
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
(Online) , 22(3), 416-438.
Gilead, Y. (2006). WebCT: Resource for Modern
Hebrew learning and teaching (in Hebrew,
Pitua'h atar WebCT ke'emtza'i ezer lelimud Ivrit
Modernit)". Hed Haulpan Hahadash , 90, Online journal.
Gilead, Y. (2004). Revival Strategies: Modern
Hebrew, The University Of Sydney. Marking
Our Difference Conference 2003 , Melbourne:
School of Languages, University of Melbourne.
Gilead, Y. (2002). Creating a positive Jewish
Identity: The case of Hebrew Teacher Education.
The Fourth International Conference on Teacher
Education , Israel: Achra Academy.