New gas - Old sources Jean-Marc Casandjian Isabelle Grenier Régis Terrier AIM, Service d’Astrophysique, CEA Saclay APC GANIL ~60% of g from MW diffuse emission ~30% from extragalactic ~10% g from sources p0 Bremsstrahlung Inverse Compton N g _ diffus qHI N ( HI ) qH 2W(CO ) qIC I IC I bkg SA T convolve with PSF Modele HI+CO+IC • CO: CfA, Dame et al.,2001 • HI: New LAB survey (Kalberla et al. astro-ph/0504140) Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia Survey (Bajaja et al. 2005) TS=120K p0 Bremsstrahlung Inverse Compton N g _ diffus qHI N ( HI ) qH 2W(CO ) qIC I IC I bkg SA T convolve with PSF N g _ diffus qHI N ( HI ) qH 2W(CO ) qdust I dust qIC I IC I bkg SA T " Maps of Dust Infrared Emission for Use in Estimation of Reddening and Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Foregrounds", Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (SFD), 1998 model 1 model 2 data Pij ( N n | q ij ) Proba to get n counts when q predicted: Likelihood: Lq Pij ij q ijn e q ij nij ! ln Lq nij log( q ij ) q ij ij ij TS 2(max ln( Lq ) max ln( Lqrest )) Wilks theorem: TS is distributed as a c2 with k degrees of freedom PTS 9 0.001 TS=9 confidence interval = 99.7% TS(with/without cold dust) = 1556 !! P = 10-340 or 39s HI+CO+EBV 39 HI+CO+I94GHz EBV I94GHz ~s HI+CO+I100µ HI+CO 116 I100µ N g _ diffus qHI N ( HI ) qH 2W(CO ) qdust I dust qIC I IC I bkg SA T [ ] Hydrogen ? HI, H2 ? Log(NHdark) (atome cm-2) How much ? 0.7:1:1 5:1:5 0.2:1:0.5 2:1:2.7 0.6:1:3 MH2 ~ 6 105 M MHI ~ 7 105 M Mdark ~ 2 105 M CO:dark:HI Mdark/MH2 ~ 30-35 % Mdark/MHI ~ 26-30 % 0.7:1:3 6:1:6 0.4 M dark M CO If clumps gas … … -1.6 -1.8 -1.9 -2.0 Mdark/MH2 0.6 1.2 0.9 1.8 1.1 2.2 1.4 2.8 Heyer ‘01 dN M CO 1.9 1.6 dM CO Phase transition Is there an effect on sources detection ? First test: use the sources catalog positions and just ajust the sources flux: (“lm”-no position) All the sources with sqrt(TS1234)>3, E>100MeV: steady sources with sqrt(TS1234)>4-5 transient sources with sqrt(TS1234)>3 missing steady 3<sqrt(TS1234)<4-5 COSSC data (counts or exposure maps, 2001) probably differ from the ones used for the catalog 18 regions fit crab (2.1) , Geminga(1.5), Vela (1.7) by hand, for the rest SI=2.0 Loop till ~10% sources with sqrt(TS)<3 • TS map ("ms"). • take max TS, likelihood ("le") with centroide at 50% . • add this source to “other PSF map”. • set ROI around the last source found (20o square). • adjust position and flux for each source in ROI ("LPO“ and "lm"-noposition). • Flux maximisation iteration on all sources("lm"-centroide at 50%). • Remove sources with sqrt(TS)<3. • Flux maximisation iteration on all sources ("lm"-centroide at 95%). • Flux maximisation iteration on all sources ("lm"-centroide at 95%) again. • Add together all the sources found in the regions. • Flux maximisation iteration on all sources ("lm"-centroide at 95%). • Flux maximisation iteration on all sources ("lm"-centroide at 95%). • Check result with TS map ("ms") to see if still sqrt(TS)>3. • Repeat for 3 energies: >100Mev, 300MeV-1GeV, >1GeV and use the more accurately determined position and reoptimize the flux at 100MeV. • Do the same in equatorial (one energy) and replace sources with b>60. Catalog EGRET diffuse emission TS45 |b|>10, 4s |b|<10, 5s source significant but without a match or with a non significant match No match with TS45 source significant without a match No match 4.5s 5.5s New LIKE results EGRET diffuse emission HI+CO+Dark diffuse emission Conclusions: • modele with dark gas fits data for |b|>5 • strong influence of dark gas on sources detection Finish source detection and search for counterpart. 3d map of dark gaz / cold dust for the disk influence of local electron density fluctuations (408 MHz), H+, new CO J.R. Mattox, D.J. Macomb, D.L.Bertsch, J.A. Esposito