2015 - 2016
Please consider completing the exit interview questions below. Your responses will assist us in analyzing our employee recruiting, retention, training and turnover. This interview will not become part of your personnel file. Please know the interview is voluntary and you may choose to answer only the questions of your choice.
The interview can be done in person with Megan Martin, MU Extension HR Specialist III, or another person of your choice in HR; or you may complete the interview and send it to Megan Martin, martinme@missouri.edu
Thank you!
Race Gender
I have worked for MU Extension for: (check one)
Less than 1 year
1 - 2 years
2 - 5 years
5 - 10 years
15 – 20 years
20 – 25 years
25 – 30 years
30 – 35 years
10 – 15 years More than 35 years
I work primarily: (check one)
On campus
Off campus
Program Area:
My job duties were primarily: (check one)
My reason(s) for leaving MU Extension are:
Accepted Another Position
Job Duties and Job Description Accuracy
When you were hired, were you duties and responsibilities clearly explained to you?
Was your workload usually
Too light About right Too great Varied but was manageable
How would you rate your physical work environment (equipment, supplies, working conditions, etc.)
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Supervision - Support and Guidance
How do you feel about the guidance and support you received from your supervisor?
Was your supervisor available to talk about your concerns? Yes No
Other than your performance evaluation, were you kept informed of your job performance by your supervisor? Yes No
The quality of supervision is important to most people at work. How was your relationship with your supervisor?
Colleague - Support and Guidance
How do you feel about support and guidance you received from other co-workers?
How do you feel about the office environment and colleagues in which you shared those environments?
Do you feel you received enough training to do your job effectively? Yes No
What training did you not receive that would have been helpful to you in performing your job more effectively?
Reason for Leaving
What main factor(s) contributed to your decision to leave MU Extension?
Could anything have been done to prevent your departure?
MU Extension and Department Management and Function
Is there anything you could suggest to the MU Extension Director to improve the management, organization and functioning of the department?
Did you clearly understand and feel a part of the accomplishments of extension objectives and goals?
Yes No
What did you like the most about working with Extension?
What did you like least about working with Extension?
Would you recommend this organization as a place to work?
Yes No
Diversity/Respectful Work Environment
Did you ever experience discrimination, harassment, or a non-welcoming environment while on the job either directly towards yourself or to a fellow co-worker?
If yes, do you have any thoughts on how problems of this nature could be handled more effectively at
Are you aware of the grievance process?
Yes No
Are you aware of the Civil Rights and Title IX office where complaints can be reported?
Yes No
Are you aware of the Employee Assistance Program?
Yes No
Overall Satisfaction
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your employment in the department and/or the
University? 1 being horrible – 10 being great.
Other comments:
Follow Up
If we have follow up questions after you have left, are you okay with MU Extension getting in touch with you?
Yes ____ No____
If yes, please leave a phone number or e-mail where we can reach you.
Information in this exit interview will remain confidential and shared ONLY with Extension HR personnel; unless you specify that the information is shared with someone:
______Information should remain only within HR which will become part of a summarized end-of-theyear report; OR
______Information can be shared with: