Publications for Anika Gauja 2016

Publications for Anika Gauja
Publications for Anika Gauja
Gauja, A., Jackson, S. (2016). Australian Greens
party members and supporters: their profiles and
activities. Environmental Politics, 25(2),
359-379. <a
1104803">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2016). Policy Transfer, Contagion
Effects and Intra-Party Reform. Policy Studies,
37(5), 471-485. <a
1188913">[More Information]</a>
Van Haute, E., Gauja, A. (2015). Introduction:
Party membership and activism. In Emilie van
Hatue, Anika Gauja (Eds.), Party Members and
Activists, (pp. 1-16). Abingdon, Oxon:
Gauja, A. (2015). Parties and Candidate
Selection. In Narelle Miragliotta, Anika Gauja,
Rodney Smith (Eds.), Contemporary Australian
Political Party Organisations, (pp. 76-88).
Clayton: Monash University Publishing.
Van Haute, E., Gauja, A. (2015). Party Members
and Activists. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2016). Special Issue of Election Law
Journal on 'Electoral Integrity and the Legal
Regulation of Political Parties'. Election Law
Journal: rules, politics, and policy, 15(1).
Gauja, A. (2015). Policy development in political
parties. In Brian Head, Kate Crowley (Eds.),
Policy Analysis in Australia, (pp. 201-216).
Bristol: Policy Press.
Gauja, A. (2016). The Legal Regulation of
Political Parties: Is there a Global Normative
Standard? Election Law Journal: rules, politics,
and policy, 15(1), 4-19.
Gauja, A., Orr, G. (2015). Regulating "third
parties" as electoral actors: Comparative insights
and questions for democracy. Interest Groups
and Advocacy, 4(3), 249-271. <a
re Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2016). The Legal Regulation of
Political Parties: Promoting Integrity? Election
Law Journal: rules, politics, and policy, 15(1),
Vromen, A., Gauja, A. (2016). The study of
Australian politics in the 21st century:
a comment on Melleuish. Australian Journal of
Political Science. <a
1174056">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A., Van Haute, E. (2015). Conclusion:
Members and activists of political parties in
comparative perspective. In Emilie van Hatue,
Anika Gauja (Eds.), Party Members and
Activists, (pp. 186-201). Abingdon, Oxon:
Miragliotta, N., Gauja, A., Smith, R. (2015).
Contemporary Australian Political Party
Organisations. Clayton: Monash University
Chiru, M., Gauja, A., Gherghina, S.,
Rodriguez-Teruel, J. (2015). Explaining Change
in Party Leadership Selection Rules. In William
Cross and Jean-Benoit Pilet (Eds.), The Politics
of Party Leadership: A Cross-National
Perspective, (pp. 31-49). Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Gauja, A., Miragliotta, N., Smith, R. (2015).
Introduction: Australian Party Organisation: The
State of the Field. In Narelle Miragliotta, Anika
Gauja, Rodney Smith (Eds.), Contemporary
Australian Political Party Organisations, (pp.
xi-xx). Clayton: Monash University Publishing.
Gauja, A., Cross, W. (2015). Research Note: The
Influence of Candidate Selection Methods on
Candidate Diversity. Representation, 51(3),
287-298. <a
1108359">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2015). The Construction of Party
Membership. European Journal of Political
Research, 54(2), 232-248. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A., Gelber, K. (2015). The French Court.
In Rosalind Dixon, George Williams (Eds.), The
High Court, the Constitution and Australian
Politics, (pp. 311-326). Melbourne, Australia:
Cambridge University Press.
Gauja, A. (2015). The Individualisation of Party
Politics: The Impact of Changing Internal
Decision Making Processes on Policy
Development and Citizen Engagement. The
British Journal of Politics & International
Relations, 17(1), 89-105. <a
5">[More Information]</a>
Bolleyer, N., Gauja, A. (2015). The Limits of
Regulation: Indirect Party Access to State
Resources in Australia and the United Kingdom.
Governance: An International Journal of Policy,
Administration and Institutions, 28(3), 321-340.
ore Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2015). The Presidentialization of
Publications for Anika Gauja
Parties in Australia. In Gianluca Passarelli
(Eds.), The Presidentialization of Political
Parties: Organizations, Institutions and Leaders,
(pp. 160-177). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave
Macmillan. <a
0015">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2015). The State of Democracy and
Representation in Australia. Representation,
51(1), 23-34. <a
1023098">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2014). 'Building Competition and
Breaking Cartels? The Legislative and Judicial
Regulation of Political Parties in Common Law
Democracies'. International Political Science
Review, 35(3), 339-354. <a
461">[More Information]</a>
Cross, W., Gauja, A. (2014). Designing
Candidate Selection Methods: Explaining
Diversity in Australian Political Parties.
Australian Journal of Political Science, 49(1),
22-39. <a
873769">[More Information]</a>
Cross, W., Gauja, A. (2014). Evolving
Membership Strategies in Australian Political
Parties. Australian Journal of Political Science,
49(4), 611-625. <a
958979">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2014). Leadership selection in
Australia. In Jean-Benoit Pilet, William P.
Cross (Eds.), The Selection of Political Party
Leaders in Contemporary Parliamentary
Democracies: A Comparative Study, (pp.
189-205). Abingdon: Routledge.
Orr, G., Gauja, A. (2014). Third Party
Campaigning and Issue Advertising in Australia.
Australian Journal of Politics and History, 60(1),
73-92. <a
ore Information]</a>
Bolleyer, N., Gauja, A. (2013). Parliamentary
salaries as a party resource: Party organizational
power in Westminster democracies. Party
Politics: the international journal for the study of
political parties and political organizations,
19(5), 778-797. <a
363">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2013). Policy Development and
Intra-Party Democracy. In William P. Cross,
Richard S. Katz (Eds.), The Challenges of
Intra-Party Democracy, (pp. 116-135). Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Gauja, A. (2013). The Politics of Party Policy:
From Members to Legislators. Basingstoke,
United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gauja, A. (2012). Election Rules, Public Funding
and Private Donations. In David Clune, Rodney
Smith (Eds.), From Carr to Keneally: Labor in
office in NSW 1995-2011, (pp. 233-247). Sydney
Australia: Allen and Unwin.
Gauja, A. (2012). Participation and
representation through political parties. In
Rodney Smith, Ariadne Vromen, Ian Cook
(Eds.), Contemporary Politics in Australia:
Theories, Practices and Issues, (pp. 166-176).
Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University
Gauja, A. (2012). Party Dimensions of
Representation in Westminster Parliaments:
Australia, New Zealand and the United
Kingdom. In M. Blomgren and O. Rozenberg
(Eds.), Parliamentary Roles in Modern
Legislatures, (pp. 121-144). Abingdon, Oxon:
Gauja, A. (2012). The 'Push' for Primaries: What
Drives Party Organisational Reform in Australia
and the United Kingdom? Australian Journal of
Political Science, 47(4), 641-658. <a
731490">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A., Gelber, K. (2011). High Court Review
2010: The Resurgence of Rights. Australian
Journal of Political Science, 46(4), 683-698. <a
623664">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2010). Evaluating the Success and
Contribution of a Minor Party: the Case of the
Australian Democrats. Parliamentary Affairs: a
journal of representative politics, 63(3),
486-503. <a
re Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2010). High Court Review 2009: Exit
Kirby, Enter Consensus? Australian Journal of
Political Science, 45(4), 681-692. <a
517182">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2010). Political Parties and
Elections: Legislating for Representative
Democracy. Farnham: Ashgate.
Smith, R., Gauja, A. (2010). Understanding Party
Publications for Anika Gauja
Constitutions as Responses to Specific
Challenges. Party Politics: the international
journal for the study of political parties and
political organizations, 1(21), 1-20. <a
076">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2009). High Court Review 2007-08:
A Changing Bench, But Business as Usual?
Australian Journal of Political Science, 44(4),
697-712. <a
8137">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2009). Political Parties and Election
Law: Australia in Comparative Perspective.
Australian Political Science Association Annual
Conference 2009, Sydney, Australia: Australian
Political Studies Association.
Vromen, A., Gelber, K., Gauja, A. (2009).
Powerscape: Contemporary Australian politics 2nd Edition. Australia: Allen and Unwin.
Vromen, A., Gauja, A. (2009). Protesters,
Parliamentarians, Policymakers: The
Experiences of Australian Green MPs. Journal of
Legislative Studies, 15(1), 90-112. <a
6851">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2008). How to Rein in the Rebels:
Holding Party MPs to Account. Australasian
Political Science Association 2008 Conference:
APSA 2008, Australia: University of Queensland.
McConnell, A., Gauja, A., Botterill, L. (2008).
Policy Fiascos, Blame Management and AWB
Limited: The Howard Government's Escape from
the Iraq Wheat Scandal. Australian Journal of
Political Science, 43(4), 599-616. <a
9239">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2008). State Regulation and the
Internal Organisation of Political Parties: The
Impact of Party Law in Australia, Canada, New
Zealand and the United Kingdom.
Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 46(2),
244-261. <a
0264">[More Information]</a>
Gauja, A. (2006). An Assessment of the Impact
of Party Law on Intra-Party Democracy in
Common Law Nations. 20th International
Political Science Association (IPSA) World
Congress, Fukuoka, Japan: Fukuoka
International Congress Center.
Gauja, A. (2006). Enforcing democracy?
Towards a regulatory regime for the
implementation of intra-party democracy.
Democratic Audit of Australia, Online, 1-9.
Gauja, A. (2006). From Hogan to Hanson: The
regulation and changing legal status of
Australian political parties. Public Law Review,
17(4), 282-299.
Vromen, A., Gauja, A., Smith, R. (2006).
Transforming Parliament? Independent and
Minor Party Women In NSW Politics. In
D.Brennan, L.Chappell (Eds.), "No Fit Place for
Women"? Women in New South Wales Politics
1856-2006, (pp. 131-153). Sydney: University of
New South Wales (UNSW) Press.
Gauja, A. (2005). The Pitfalls of Participatory
Democracy: A Study of the Australian
Democrats' GST. Australian Journal of Political
Science, 40(1), 71-85.
Gauja, A. (2004). The Internal Organisation Of
The Australian Democrats: Lessons For
Participatory Parties. Australasian Political
Studies Association Conference (APSA 2004),
Online: University of Adelaide.