Government of COUNTRY National Statistical Office STRATEGY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 2008 SYSTEM OF NATIONAL ACCOUNTS AND SUPPORTING ECONOMIC STATISTICS, 2013-< year> First Draft <month,year> National Statistical Office in collaboration with <other national agencies> COUNTRY i|Page TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF ANNEXES .................................................................................................................... iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... v FOREWORD................................................................................................................................ vi INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 Mandate ............................................................................................................................. 2 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.1 [NAME OF LAW] ............................................................................................................................2 1.2 International Standards .....................................................................................................................2 Mission Statement ............................................................................................................. 2 Values ................................................................................................................................. 3 3.1 Statistical professionalism .................................................................................................................3 3.2 Independence and integrity ...............................................................................................................3 3.3 Excellent service to our customers ....................................................................................................3 3.4 Respect and understanding of our data suppliers ..............................................................................3 3.5 Value for money ...............................................................................................................................3 High-Level Goals ............................................................................................................... 3 4.1 Improving scope, quality and timeliness of National Accounts statistics in accordance with 2008 SNA. .................................................................................................................................................4 5.0 4.2 Minimizing response burden to data suppliers. .................................................................................4 4.3 Increasing use of administrative data for statistical purposes. ..........................................................4 4.4 Achieving cost effectiveness using best practices. ............................................................................4 4.5 Raising public awareness and use of National Accounts and economic statistics. ...........................4 Specific Goals .................................................................................................................... 4 5.1 Improving scope, quality and timeliness of National Accounts and supporting economic statistics in accordance with 2008 SNA......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.2 Minimizing response burden to data suppliers ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.3 Increasing use of administrative data for statistical purposes ......... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.4 Achieving cost effectiveness using best practices ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.5 Raising public awareness and use of National Accounts and economic statisticsError! Bookmark not defined. 6.0 Required Actions ............................................................................................................... 4 6.1 Improving scope, quality and timeliness of National Accounts and supporting economic statistics in accordance with 2008 SNA......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.2 Minimizing response burden to data suppliers ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.3 Increasing use of administrative data for statistical purposes ......... Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.4 Achieving cost effectiveness using best practices ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined. ii | P a g e 6.5 Raising public awareness and use of National Accounts and economic statisticsError! Bookmark not defined. iii | P a g e LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Costed Activity Implementation Plan, 2013 – 2017 .................................................. 10 Table 2: Activity Implementation Plan by Source of Funding, 2013 – 2017 ......................... 12 iv | P a g e LIST OF ANNEXES Annex 1: [NAME OF LAW]. ..................................................................................................... 13 Annex 2: United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics ................................ 14 v|Page LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 2008 SNA BOP EC ECE ESCSC GCF GDDS GDP GFS GNDI GNI GNS IIP IMF I-O IOT ISA IT MFS MRDS NA NSO OECD QNA ROW SDS SLAs SUT UN UNFPOS WB System of National Accounts, 2008 Balance of Payments European Commission Economic Commission for Europe Economic Social Council for Statistical Commission Gross Capital Formation General Data Dissemination System Gross Domestic Product Government Finance Statistics Gross National Disposable Income Gross National Income Gross National Savings International Investment Position International Monetary Fund Input-Output Input and Output Tables Institutional Sector Accounts Information Technology Monetary and Financial Statistics Minimum Required Data Set National Accounts National Statistical Office Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Quarterly National Accounts Rest of the World Statistical Dissemination Strategy Service Level Agreements Supply and Use Tables United Nations United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics World Bank vi | P a g e FOREWORD National Accounts are the key indicators for describing the national economy and its interactions with the international economy. They are used a great deal by national, regional and international agencies, among other reasons, for designing and assessing policies and for making comparisons of growth and development at an international level. Consequently, there have been recent recommendations calling for international standards in economic statistics, one of these being the adoption of the new version of National Accounts, the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) that was adopted at the 40th Session of the United Nations Statistics Commission in 2009. The drafting of the Statement of Strategy for the Implementation of the 2008 SNA and Supporting Economic Statistics, its outline and the timeline for drafting are the recommendations that were made at a Sub-Regional Seminar for selected countries on Developing a Program for the Implementation of the 2008 SNA and Supporting Economic Statistics that was held in <city, country> in date. As part of the scaling up of the development process of the Implementation Program for the 2008 SNA and Supporting Economic Statistics at the country level, participants committed to developing and submitting the first draft of the Statement of Strategy by <month, 2013/14>. This commitment was made in recognition of the fact that the Statement of Strategy is a necessary step in formulating a multi-year statistical programs for economic statistics aimed at moving over to the 2008 SNA. This Statement of Strategy is intended to be a useful tool for the the various department of the [COUNTRY] National Statistical Office in their analysis of needs and their formulation of actions and outputs in adapting and improving the institutional arrangements and statistical infrastructure and operations to change over to the 2008 SNA and improve the existing situation. The [COUNTRY] National Statistical Office has undertaken the drafting of this report in consultation with <national agencies> and would like to express their sincere appreciation for their contributions. While this report draws on this collective institutional strength and knowledge of the national statistical system, the National Statistical Office assumes ownership of what is contained in the Strategy for the Implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts (2008 SNA) and Supporting Economic Statistics. The drafting team consisting of <names> worked extremely hard to meet the timelines agreed at the seminar, but now seeks further comments and suggestions to further improve the statement of strategy as a basis or the formulation of a more detailed programme of work. [HEAD OF NSO] [TITLE] National Statistical Office vii | P a g e INTRODUCTION The United Nations Statistical Commission has identified two main challenges that developing countries have to face in the implementation of the 2008 SNA. The first refers to the political motivation to mobilize financial and human resources for the implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics. The second is to undertake a strategic assessment to adapt the institutional arrangements and statistical infrastructure and operations for the change over to the 2008 SNA to the country’s specific situation and determine the allocation of resources (data sources, human resources and financial support). This Statement of Strategy is prepared to seek the political motivation and undertake the strategic assessment through a broad consultation process. The Statement of Strategy contains the following elements: Mandate: determined by policy objectives and underpinned by the regulatory and institutional framework in [COUNTRY], Mission statement: describing the purpose, users, outputs and philosophy, Values: reflecting the values and principles portrayed by the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics to produce useful high-quality data, High-level goals: representing the overall accomplishments to be achieved, Specific goals: describing the ultimate results that need to be accomplished and Required actions: describing the actions for the improvement of the institutional arrangements and statistical infrastructure and operations to be carried out to ultimately implement the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics. On an operational level, the National Accounts Section has developed a five-year plan of action (2013-2017), which will comprise activities to be undertaken. This Statement of Strategy provides for monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of the activities, according to the adopted timelines, to ensure successful implementation. Hence, the total cost for the Strategy for the fiveyear period is estimated at Millions of [CURRENCY]] (Table 1). The part on the funding plan and sources of funding for the period 2013-20.. is indicated for every activity in the Strategy. This is a co-funding arrangement between [COUNTRY] Government and the Development Partners (Table 2). 1|Page 1.0 Mandate 1.1 1.2 Policy needs 1.1.1 National policy needs 1.1.2 Regional policy needs Legal Mandate [NAME OF LAW] 1.3 International Standards 1.3.1 United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics In the process of implementing the 2008 SNA Strategy, NSO shall ensure adherence to the ten United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (UNFPOS) as published by the Economic and Social Council for Statistical Commission (ESCSC) (Annex 2). The following are the principles:Principle 1: Relevance, Impartiality and Equal Access. Principle 2: Professional Standards and Ethics. Principle 3: Accountability and Transparency. Principle 4: Prevention of Misuse. Principle 5: Cost-Effectiveness. Principle 6: Confidentiality. Principle 7: Legislation. Principle 8: National Coordination. Principle 9: International Standards. Principle 10: International Cooperation. 1.2.2 International Guidelines and Classifications In the process of implementing the 2008 SNA Strategy, NSO shall ensure adherence to International Guidelines and Classifications as recommended by the United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB), European Commission (EC), and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as stipulated in the 2008 SNA Handbook. The 2008 SNA provides an overarching framework for standards in other domains of economic statistics, facilitating the integration of these statistical systems to achieve consistency with National Accounts. 2.0 Mission Statement 2|Page To provide high quality and timely National Accounts and supporting economic statistics in response to policy needs; conforming to international standards; and promoting its dissemination and use. 3.0 Values The <Agency> shall observe the following values portrayed by the United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics in the implementation of the 2008 SNA Strategy to produce relevant high-quality data:3.1 Statistical professionalism The <Agency> shall endeavour to improve capacity needs to ensure professionalism in the compilation of National Accounts and supporting economic statistics. 3.2 Independence and integrity The <Agency> shall endeavour to produce National Accounts and supporting economic statistics in an objective, professional and transparent manner. 3.3 Excellent service to our customers The <Agency> shall endeavour to engage stakeholders in identifying their statistical needs and ensure that they are timely met. 3.4 Respect and understanding of our data suppliers The <Agency> shall endeavour to reduce data suppliers’ response burden through sensitising them on the importance of the data they provide, its timeliness and frequency and consequently providing them with appropriate feedback. 3.5 Value for money The <Agency> shall ensure that National Accounts and supporting economic statistics are demand-driven and are produced in a timely, effective and efficient manner. 4.0 High-Level Goals The <Agency> identified five high-level goals representing overall accomplishments to be achieved by [YEAR] as follows:- 3|Page 4.1 Improving scope, quality and timeliness of National Accounts statistics in accordance with the SNA. 4.2 Minimizing response burden to data suppliers. 4.3 Increasing use of administrative data for statistical purposes. 4.4 Achieving cost effectiveness using best practices. 4.5 Raising public awareness and use of National Accounts and economic statistics. 5.0 6.0 Specific Goals 5.1 To compile national accounts according to milestone two of the SNA implementation, comprising the minimum required data set. 5.2 To develop a national central data hub for short term economic statistics to facilitate the early detection of changes in economic activity as reflected by the national accounts. Required Actions The required actions to be carried out are determined by mapping the results from an assessment of the national statistical system to determine the adequacy of the national statistical production process to support implementation of the SNA and the source data needed to compile the national accounts statistics which fully meets the needs to inform policy makers as well as complies with the international standards. These activities can be grouped in three categories: 6.1 Regulatory and institutional framework 6.1.1 Modernise and strengthen the national regulatory and institutional framework for national accounts and support statistics. 6.1.2 Formulate a statement of strategy by [DATE] with deliverables by [YEARS]. The first draft of the statement of strategy to be prepared by [DATE] and the final draft by [DATE]. Formulate the implementation programme based on the statement of strategy for the change over to the 2008 SNA by [DATE]. 4|Page 6.1.3 Reflect the implementation programme in the annual and medium-term work programme of the NSO. Include the programme for the change over to the 2008 SNA in the annual and medium-term work programme of the NSO. 6.1.4 Establish a national technical coordination board/working group for statistical standards that include data producers, data providers, policy users and academia to: Guide the process of change over to the 2008 SNA in a transparent manner. Deal with the treatment of specific technical issues. 6.1.5 Update existing and establish new Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) with data providers. The MOU should include each party’s requirements and responsibilities to make cooperation with supplier organisations more predictable and consolidating all information about all decisions and processes. The MOU can deal with the following issues: - Conditions for the supply of administrative data; - Timetable for the supply of data; - Confidentiality, integrity, and security of data; - Consultation about new uses of administrative data; - Resolution of disputes; - Consultation before making changes that will affect the variables supplied; - Understanding statistical needs before making changes; and - Consultation before changing administrative forms. 6.1.6 Commitment by senior management and statistical training – human development. Senior managers to mobilize agency-wide support for the new and highpriority tasks of integration and ensuring contributions of the stakeholders. As part of building a strong system of management culture of values, norms and shared beliefs, senior management should manage labour relations, human resources, issues of recruitment of professionals, provision of training to all classes of staff, development of training material and related issues. Develop an understanding of the importance of statistical integration in all relevant training activities. Staff responsible for compiling national accounts need to develop a sound understanding of issues regarding classifications, population coverage, and business registers that affect their ability to integrate statistics from different sources. Staff responsible for the operation of statistical surveys need to understand how their data are used in the compilation of national accounts. Training courses should provide an understanding of how data issues affect the use of statistical outputs in the SNA. 5|Page 6.1.7 Establish a common vision with National Central Bank. Establish a common vision with the national central bank on the respective roles of the NSO and central bank in the production of economic statistics to address the financial resource issues for the implementation of the national accounts and supporting statistics. National Statistical Office and the central bank to collectively make the case to Ministry of Finance/Treasury based on a common strategic approach. 6.1.8 6.2 Other actions as relevant. Statistical infrastructure 6.2.1 Upgrade the infrastructure Collect the required basic data, including the requisite quantity and price statistics for valuation and recording of transactions for an exhaustive coverage of the contribution of all economic activities to the economy. Compile the national accounts in accordance with the minimum required data sets as endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission (see Table 2 of the ISWGNA report to the 42nd session of the of the United Nations Statistical Commission, available at Compile the balance of payment statistics in accordance with the 6th edition of the balance of payments manual (BPM6) of the IMF. Develop national classifications of economics activities and products to accommodate national requirements in accordance with ISIC Rev. 4 and CPC 2 to ensure the collection, compilation and dissemination of economic statistics on an internationally comparable basis. Establish a comprehensive and up-to-date business register to facilitate the full co-ordination of source data that use the same basic information about business units. Use modern information and communication technology (ICT) to facilitate the efficient functioning of the statistical production process. Obtain longterm management support and commitment for the development of information technology resources, including an ICT infrastructure and ICT strategies for the statistical system as part of the integrated statistical production process. Other actions as relevant 6|Page 6.2.2 Statistical compilation issues Quarterly GDP by production and expenditure approaches should be compiled both at current and constant prices with a time lag of one quarter. Compile the sequence of accounts until net lending/borrowing for all institutional sectors on an annual basis. Establish national central data hubs with a single access point in the national statistical system to enhance the accessibility of the nationally available short-term statistics and indicators based on a system-wide needs assessment. Compile annual supply and use tables. Compile chain volume measures. Establish an agreed set of minimum short-term statistics and align the selection of the indicators and its scope and coverage to the internationally agreed data template of short-term indicators available at 3-S51Bk1.PDF. 6.3 Statistical operations 6.3.1 Upgrade the statistical operations Review the design and the content of the survey questionnaires of business and household surveys with a view to collect data in compliance with the concepts and definitions of new macro economic accounting standards and classifications Compile supply and use tables to validate the source data in a consistent manner. Benchmark of the national accounts statistics using supply and use framework and harmonise benchmarking with neighboring countries. Compile a detailed set of sources and methods that describe processes that collect, process and produce statistical data and indicate the data sources and tools that are instrumental in statistical production like statistical standards and classifications, business registers and frames, statistical methods, procedures and software. Due to the range of internal and external users, the metadata will include elements of management of quality related to the institutional environment, system, statistical production process and statistical outputs. 7|Page Compile the estimates of the expenditure components of the GDP independently using survey and/or administrative data sources rather than deriving them residually. Estimate the production of housing services for own final consumption by owner occupiers, valued at the estimated rental that a tenant would pay for the same accommodation, taking into account factors such as location, neighbourhood amenities, etc. as well as the size and quality of the dwelling itself. Calculate estimates of capital stock and consumption of fixed capital by type of asset, economic activity and institutional sector. For this purpose, the basic data required are - the time series on capital formation, asset life by type of assets and the depreciation patterns of the assets in the economy. Account for the contribution of all economic activities within the 2008 SNA production boundary to the GDP. Collect monthly and quarterly production and turnover surveys for compilation of short-term indicators of economic activity. Integrate the BPM6 and 2008 SNA-related surveys for collecting the requisite data for compiling the national accounts and the balance of payments to achieve efficiency gains. Backcasting data for several years to yield consistent time series when data are revised as a result of, (a) revisions arising from “normal” statistical procedures (for instance, availability of new information, change in the methodology, change in data source, change of base year); and (b) revisions in the form of the correction of errors that may occur in source data or in processing. Document details of revisions and make them available to users. The basic documentation should include identification in the statistical publications of data that are preliminary (or provisional) and revised data, identification of the sources of the revisions, and explanations of breaks in series when consistent series cannot be constructed. Harmonise the prices methodology and surveys for the CPI, PPI Export and Import Price Indices. Harmonise household and enterprise surveys with a view to optimize resources and to minimise the response burden by integrating these surveys. For the integrated surveys the sample size should be sufficient 8|Page enough to yield statistically efficient estimates of all characteristics under study Harmonise labour force surveys using household-based surveys that include a labour force component, generically called labour force surveys (LFS). The aim is to identify and measure the size and characteristics of the labour force, particularly employment and unemployment. Harmonise questionnaire design, including the content, validation procedures of data collected and the software used for the compilation of data with that of neighbouring countries. Harmonise informal sector surveys by conducting a separate dedicated survey on the topic using a module in the LFS taking into account questionnaire design, including, content timing and placement of questions that need to be considered to ensure proper measurement of the topic. Establish service level agreements covering the conditions for exchange of data between administrative units and the business statistics units or the national accounts unit to ensure a smooth exchange of data. Review each service level agreement periodically to ensure that quality standards and timetables are appropriate. This shall include a formal change management procedure to ensure that both parties agree with any proposed changes before they are implemented. Special consideration should be given to suppliers of administrative data, such as the tax authorities. Where appropriate, more formal agreements, or enabling legislation, may need to be established to formalise data delivery to the statistical office. Ensure to capture exhaustively all services within the production boundary of the 2008 SNA including the international trade in services. Compile the sequence of institutional sector accounts based on the available information on a trial basis. This exercise would broadly be helpful in two ways: (i) it will help to identify the additional data required for the compilation on a more comprehensive basis, and (ii) it will help to understand the possible treatment of the conceptual issues. Disseminate advance release calendar, revision policy, communication strategy to ensure the dissemination of statistics to all users at the same time. The advance release calendar will be given sufficient publicity and will also be posted on the national statistical office website in the beginning of each year. Other actions as relevant. 9|Page Table 1: Costed Activity Implementation Plan, 2013 – 2017 COST (Millions of [CURRENCY]) ACTIVITY OUTPUT 6.1.1 Compiling NA and supporting economic statistics according to MRDS. SUT updated. BOP & IIP updated. ISA compiled. QNA compiled. IOT analysis. 6.1.3 Building institutional capacity. Training Report. Study Tour Report. 2013 Statistical Infrastructure Reports. IT Procurement Report. 6.2.1 Minimizing data suppliers’ response burden. Sensitisation Workshop Report. Report uploaded on NSO website. Dissemination Workshop Report. Integrated survey questionnaires. 10 | P a g e 2014 2015 2016 2017 TOTAL COST (Millions of [CURREN CY]) COST (Millions of [CURRENCY]) ACTIVITY OUTPUT 6.3.1 Improving demand for administrative data. Administrative Data Sources Inventory in place. 2013 Administrative Data Requirements Consultation Report. Guidebook on using administrative data in National Accounts published. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) implemented. ALL ACTIVITIES 11 | P a g e 2014 2015 2016 2017 TOTAL COST (Millions of [CURREN CY]) Table 2: Activity Implementation Plan by Source of Funding, 2013 – 2017 AMOUNT (Millions of [CURRENCY]) ACTIVITY 6.1.1 Compiling NA and supporting economic statistics according to MRDS. [COUNTRY] GOVERNMENT OUTPUT SUT updated. BOP & IIP updated. ISA compiled. QNA compiled. IOT analysis. 6.1.3 Building institutional Training Report. capacity. Study Tour Report. Statistical Infrastructure Reports. IT Procurement Report. 6.2.1 Minimizing data suppliers’ response burden. Sensitisation Workshop Report. Report uploaded NSO website. Dissemination Workshop Report. Integrated survey questionnaires. 6.3.1 Improving demand for administrative data. Administrative Data Sources Inventory in place. Administrative Data Requirements Consultation Report. Guidebook on using administrative data in National Accounts published. SLAs implemented. ALL ACTIVITIES 12 | P a g e DONORS TOTAL Annex 1: [NAME OF LAW]. LAWS OF [COUNTRY] [NAME OF LAW] STATISTICS ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS SECTION 1. Short title 2. Interpretation 3. Employment of assistants 4. Duties of Director 5. Power to obtain particulars 6. Power of entry 7. Restriction on publication 8. Offenses 9. Oath of office and secrecy 10. Special reports and investigations 11. Regulations 13 | P a g e Annex 2: United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics Preamble The Statistical Commission, Bearing in mind that official statistical information is an essential basis for development in the economic, demographic, social and environmental fields and for mutual knowledge and trade among the States and peoples of the world, Bearing in mind that the essential trust of the public in official statistical information depends to a large extent on respect for the fundamental values and principles which are the basis of any society which seeks to understand itself and to respect the rights of its members, Bearing in mind that the quality of official statistics, and thus the quality of the information available to the Government, the economy and the public depends largely on the cooperation of citizens, enterprises, and other respondents in providing appropriate and reliable data needed for necessary statistical compilations and on the cooperation between users and producers of statistics in order to meet users' needs, Recalling the efforts of governmental and non-governmental organizations active in statistics to establish standards and concepts to allow comparisons among countries, Recalling also the International Statistical Institute Declaration of Professional Ethics, Having expressed the opinion that resolution C (47), adopted by the Economic Commission for Europe on 15 April 1992, is of universal significance, Noting that, at its eighth session, held in Bangkok in November 1993, the Working Group of Statistical Experts, assigned by the Committee on Statistics of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific to examine the Fundamental Principles, had agreed in principle to the ECE version and had emphasized that those principles were applicable to all nations, Noting also that, at its eighth session, held at Addis Ababa in March 1994, the Joint Conference of African Planners, Statisticians and Demographers, considered that the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics are of universal significance, 14 | P a g e Adopts the present principles of official statistics: Principle 1: Relevance, Impartiality, and Equal Access Official statistics provide an indispensable element in the information system of a democratic society, serving the Government, the economy and the public with data about the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation. To this end, official statistics that meet the test of practical utility are to be compiled and made available on an impartial basis by official statistical agencies to honour citizens' entitlement to public information. Principle 2: Professional Standards and Ethics To retain trust in official statistics, the statistical agencies need to decide according to strictly professional considerations, including scientific principles and professional ethics, on the methods and procedures for the collection, processing, storage and presentation of statistical data. Principle 3: Accountability and Transparency To facilitate a correct interpretation of the data, the statistical agencies are to present information according to scientific standards on the sources, methods and procedures of the statistics. Principle 4: Prevention of Misuse The statistical agencies are entitled to comment on erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics. Principle 5: Cost-Effectiveness Data for statistical purposes may be drawn from all types of sources, be they statistical surveys or administrative records. Statistical agencies are to choose the source with regard to quality, timeliness, costs and the burden on respondents. Principle 6: Confidentiality Individual data collected by statistical agencies for statistical compilation, whether they refer to natural or legal persons, are to be strictly confidential and used exclusively for statistical purposes. 15 | P a g e Principle 7: Legislation The laws, regulations and measures under which the statistical systems operate are to be made public. Principle 8: National Coordination Coordination among statistical agencies within countries is essential to achieve consistency and efficiency in the statistical system. Principle 9: International Standards The use by statistical agencies in each country of international concepts, classifications and methods promotes the consistency and efficiency of statistical systems at all official levels. Principle 10: International Cooperation Bilateral and multilateral cooperation in statistics contributes to the improvement of systems of official statistics in all countries. 16 | P a g e