Workshop on Census Evaluation for Countries in Asia EVALUATION OF

Workshop on Census Evaluation for
Countries in Asia
Presented by
Nguyen Van Hung and Phan Thi Minh Hien
General statistics office of Viet Nam
• Introduction of 2009 population and housing census
in Viet Nam
• Some major findings of the census
• Evaluation of the census data
Introduction of 2009 population and housing census
 Reference time of 0 hour on 1st April, 2009
 Time for field work: 10 days
 This is the fourth official population census since Viet Nam
got reunification in 1975
 The 2009 population and housing census enumerated all
Vietnamese regularly residing in the territory of Viet Nam
and Vietnamese citizens travel oversea “but still within
authorized time”
Introduction (cont)
 Method of enumeration is direct interview
 First time use scanning technology for data entry: the preliminary
results published on August 2009, completed results published on
July 2010
 A census sample survey was conducted at once in order to enlarge
the content of the census
 Size of the survey is 15% of total population of the country. This
ensures to be representative to district level about basic
Introduction (cont)
 The entire country was divided into 172,000 enumeration areas
(EA) with average size of one EA is about 100 households
 Mapping and listing conducted for all EAs, each EA has one sketch
map and one list of housholds
 One EA, one enumerator
 Two types of questionnaires were used in the 2009 Census: short
form was for the completed enumeration areas and long form was
for sample enumeration areas
 Data of the census used as official data source. Data of population
size used as official data for budget allocation of National
Some major findings of the 2009 census
 Population density is 259 persons/1km2. Vietnam is one of the
most densely populated countries in the region and in the world
 LE in 2009 for males is 70.2 years and for female is 75.6 years
Sex ratio
About 3.8 Vietnames
people died in the wars
from 1955 to 1975
Viet Nam is indeavouring to control the indicator. Some drafted
policies aim to encourage married couples give female birth
 Has reached replacement fertility level in 2006 and control fertility
 Family planning policy: from 1961 to 1993 each married couple should
have maximum of 3 children.
 From 1993 to now: each married couple should only have from 1 to 2 childs
Evaluation of census data
 Right after completion of the census, a post enumeration
survey (PES) was conducted to define completeness and
accuracy of the census data. 60 enumeration areas were
randomly selected for re-interview
 Purpose of this survey is to evaluate completeness of the
census (estimate coverage errors)
 Results of the post-enumeration survey indicated a net
error rate of -0.3%
Evaluation of age heaping
Two indice used to assess age heaping, namely Whipple’s index
and Myer blended index
The results indicated that almost no rounding to 0 or 5 is found in
age data
Evaluation of mortality data
 Information of fertility, mortality and migration is in long
form questionaire
 In general, fertility and mortality data collected in sample
surveys face problem of missing data, especially infant
 It is necessary to apply indirect estimation methods
Evaluation of mortality data (cont)
 Use Brass method to estimate mortality indicators with
support of QFIVE software
 Two methods of the General Growth Balance (GGB) and
Synthetic Extinct Generations (SEG) have been used to
evaluate coverage of death information of the entire
 The results showed that the adequacy of data on deaths
collected in the 2009 Census is relatively low. Adequacy for
the death of male population is 67% and that of female
population is 54%
Thank you for
your kind attention