Data processing of 2000 population and housing census of Mongolia

National Statistical Committee of
Data processing of 2000
population and housing
census of Mongolia
Munkhbadar Jugder,
Senior officer of
Population and housing census bureau,
NSC of Mongolia
• Population censuses have a relatively short
• The interest in population size has been present
as long as socially organized human
• Population counts throughout history, usually
associated with the demand for taxes or the
need to estimate potential military strength.
• It is only in the past 200 years or so that periodic
censuses were taken and the results factually
• The first census in the 20th century was
conducted in 1918. Further censuses being
conducted in 1935, 1944, 1956, 1963, 1969,
1979, 1989 and 2000.
• The latest 4 censuses were organized along
with the housing census.
• Since Mongolia became a member of
COMECON in 1962, the censuses in 1969,
1979, and 1989 followed the common principles
of population census in COMECON countries.
• The 2000 census was the first census that
was organized in transition economy. In
addition, 2000 census followed UN
principles and guidelines in organizing
population census.
• In 2000, the main legislative environment
for the census was a provision of the
Statistical Law to carry out Population
census every 10 years.
• We have developed our application which
was used for data entry in-house.
• Coding – manually. But computer assisted
coding was used for purpose of testing in
some part of questionnaire
• Editing – both manually and automatically
• Entry or typing – manually
The processing system
• National Statistical Office (NSO) was not in a position
to begin the basic design of the processing system in
later of 1997.
• However, with the assistance of UNFPA and UNSD,
from the first quarter of 1998 NSO was provided with
new equipment, components and software.
• It was thus able to establish the basis for
strengthening the technical capacity required for the
2000 census.
• The NSO purchased a range of equipment including
38 Compaq computers, two ACER server computers
and other equipment.
• On the software side, the NSO decided to
process the census using IMPS (Integrated
Microcomputer Processing System)
• Four programmers of the NSO participated
training in Japan, Kazakhstan and at the
Bureau’s headquarters in Washington D.C.
• Apart from the use of IMPS, the NSO
developed other census applications, for
example, using the CLIPPER and VISUAL
BASIC languages.
• Data entry was designed for LAN using a
Windows NT Server V4.0 as the control center.
• The center-server computer was a Pentium II, 366
Mhz, 128 MB, and 9 GB SCSI HDD and the
operators’ computers were Pentium 133-166 Mhz
CPU, 16MB RAM, 1.2-2.1 GB HDD.
• A new server was purchased from Dell and
installed at the beginning of September 2000,
thanks to the generous support of the Australian
Coding and data entry
• Most of the coding was done manually and
were used CSPro 3.3
• But some variables for example,
classification of occupation and class. of
all industrial activity was coded with
assistance of computer.
• A special application to speed coding
named SEARCH was also developed.
• Automatically coding was very time saving
and coding had finished within 44 days.
• For data entry, computer editing and
tabulation, modules of the IMPS package
were used
• Apart from the use of IMPS, the NSO
developed other census applications, for
example, using the CLIPPER and VISUAL
BASIC languages.
• Thirty-six computers (workstations) were
available for data entry
• Two servers were operating and
connected to the network.
• Editing was completed in two stages.
• In the first stage records were edited
• In the second they were automatically
edited by using the editing module of the
IMPS package, Concor
Issues raised
• Many issues were raised during the 2000
census. Attempts to tackle the problems
encountered have certainly resulted in a
more streamline data processing service
within the NSO.
• The question of geographic distribution of
processing also needs pursuing.
• Given the advances in automatic data
transmission that can be expected
Data processing 2010 census
• NSC is aiming to utilize modern technology for data
• NSC is establishing GIS to utilize in enumeration and
intends to use for data analyzing and dissemination
• GPS will be used for taking household waypoint also
• Data processing will be done in local networking
• NSC is planning to utilize CSPro for data entry
• OCR/ICR will be utilized for small percent data
capturing of the questionnaire
• And detailed plan for data processing is under
Thank you for your attention
Address: Government Building-III,
Bagatoiruu-44, Ulaanbaatar-11,
Phone: (976-51)-262325
Fax: 976-11-324518, 976-11-329125