2010 World Population and Housing Census Evaluation and Post Enumeration Surveys Bangkok,10-14 May 2010 Marlar Aung Director Central Statistical Organization Census Background Under the British administration -The first census -1891 -Every 10 years regularly up to 1941 After independence - The first nation wide census- 1973 - The second – 1983 (last census) The Post Enumeration Check ( PEC or PES ) -Conducted 1 year after 1983 census -Coverage 99.6% for household and 99.1% for persons Objective of the PEC (PES) (a) to estimate the non-sampling errors for census enumeration (b) to gain experience in conducting a sample survey (c) the specify problem areas in conducting the PEC and to indicate improved procedures for future data collection activities Areas covered in PEC Area Union Urban Rural 1983 Census 100 100 100 1984 PEC 87.7% 93.1% 85.6% Sample design for PEC -Consisted 450 census blocks -The first phase – 412 census blocks *used replicated systematic sampling method to 256 rural blocks and 156 urban blocks (among urban blocks 38 were from Yangon and 118 from urban) -The second phase – 39 blocks from Yangon to estimate the completeness Sample design for PEC Strata No.of Sample replicates Yangon City 6 Other Urban 6 Rural areas 8 Total Census blocks 77 117 256 450 Supervisors and Enumerators Enumerators – high school and university students school teachers Supervisors - university students and other government employees Training period – enumerators for 5 days and supervisors for 7 days Matching System - household matching and person matching - the information obtained from PEC was subsequently matched with the information obtained from the Census - the number of unmatched households and persons were enumerated in the PEC but not in the census - the matching were done at the immigration and manpower department head quarters Finding from PEC - It cover - 98.7% for Union urban - 99.2% for Union rural It show - no significant differences between Census and PEC - no adjustment of the Census data - 95.6% have the same age of 97569 matched person - 94.8% of 26894 for urban areas - 96.0% of 48378 for rural areas Other Population Surveys -Population changes and fertility survey in 1991 -Fertility and reproductive health survey in 1997, 2001,2007 -It covers - ever married women aged 15-49 on levels, - trends of fertility infant and child mortality, - reproductive health, maternal and child health, - knowledge of sexually transmitted disease and trafficking Conclusion - Now conducted townships regular population surveys -3 townships in 2006 -6 townships in 2007 -12 townships in 2008 -26 townships in 2009 -Registration system for population projection -vital registration (responsible our department) -population registers -internal migration statistics Department of population Thank You For Your Attention